function [filelistAXIAL,xlocationAXIAL,ylocationAXIAL,zlocationAXIAL,change,user_option] = dicomrt_loadctlist(filename) % dicomrt_loadctlist(filename) % % Parse CT data set specified in filename. If more than one study are found within the CT data set % the user can select a study and dicomrt_loadctlist return a filelist and x,y,z coordinates of the % selected CT subset % % filename contains a list of CT slices to import % % change is 1 if any change to the filelist have been done, 0 otherwise % user_option is 1 if the user select not to continue with the program, 0 otherwise % % Example: % [list,x,y,z,change,user_option]=dicomrt_loadctlist(filename) % % with filename containint the following: % ct1 (group1) % ct2 (group2) % ct3 (group1) % ct4 (group2) % % if the user select one of them (e.g. group1): % list= contain only ct1 and ct3, % x= xlocation of ct1 and ct3 , % y= ylocation of ct1 and ct3 , % z= zlocation of ct1 and ct3 , % change= 1, % user_option= 0 % % See also dicomrt_loaddose dicomrt_loadct dicomrt_sortct % % Copyright (C) 2002 Emiliano Spezi ( % Retrieve the number of images nlines=dicomrt_nASCIIlines(filename); % Get CT images and create 3D Volume fid=fopen(filename); nct=0; counter=0; % Initialize variable filelist=' '; studyUIDlist=' '; listUID=' '; imagetype=' '; user_option=0; % Progress bar h = waitbar(0,['Loading progress:']); set(h,'Name','dicomrt_loadctlist: loading CT objects tags'); %loop until the end-of-file is reached and build 3D CT matrix while (feof(fid)~=1); nct=nct+1; % counting nctcheck=nct; % check for eof ct_file_location{1,nct}=fgetl(fid); if isnumeric(ct_file_location{1,nct}), nct=nct-1, break, end %end of line reached dictFlg = checkDictUse; if dictFlg info_temp=dicominfo(ct_file_location{1,nct}, 'dictionary', 'ES - IPT4.1CompatibleDictionary.mat'); else info_temp=dicominfo(ct_file_location{1,nct}); end xlocation(nct)=info_temp.ImagePositionPatient(1); ylocation(nct)=info_temp.ImagePositionPatient(2); zlocation(nct)=info_temp.ImagePositionPatient(3); xlocation=xlocation'; ylocation=ylocation'; zlocation=zlocation'; filelist=char(filelist,info_temp.Filename); if isfield(info_temp,'ImageType')~=1 warning('dicomrt_loadctlist: no DICOM ImageType was found. Assuming AXIAL CT Images'); imagetype='AXIAL'; else imagetype=char(imagetype,info_temp.ImageType); end listUID=char(listUID,info_temp.StudyInstanceUID); studyUID=info_temp.StudyInstanceUID; if isequal(studyUID, studyUIDlist(size(studyUIDlist,1),:))==0 studyUIDlist=char(studyUIDlist,studyUID); end waitbar(nct/nlines,h); end filelist(1,:)=[]; studyUIDlist(1,:)=[]; listUID(1,:)=[]; imagetype(1,:)=[]; if size(studyUIDlist,1)>=2 change=1; disp(' '); warning([int2str(size(studyUIDlist,1)),' studies was found among the ct slices you want to import']); disp(' '); leave = input('Do you want to leave (Y/N) ? [N] ','s'); if leave == 'Y' | leave == 'y'; user_option=1; return else disp('Available studies:'); for j=1:size(studyUIDlist,1) disp([int2str(j), ' - ', studyUIDlist(j,:)]); end chooseUID = input(['Select a study to be imported from 1 to ',int2str(size(studyUIDlist,1)),': ']); if isempty(chooseUID)==1 | isnumeric(chooseUID)~=1 | chooseUID>size(studyUIDlist,1) error('dicomrt_loadctlist: There is no default to this answer or the number to entered is invalid. Exit now !'); user_option=1; else filelistUID=' '; imagetypeUID=' '; for k=1:size(filelist,1) if listUID(k,:)==studyUIDlist(chooseUID,:); counter=counter+1; filelistUID=char(filelistUID,filelist(k,:)); imagetypeUID=char(imagetypeUID,imagetype(k,:)); xlocationUID(counter)=xlocation(k); ylocationUID(counter)=ylocation(k); zlocationUID(counter)=zlocation(k); end end filelistUID(1,:)=[]; imagetypeUID(1,:)=[]; counter=0; % reset counter end end else filelistUID=filelist; imagetypeUID=imagetype; xlocationUID=xlocation; ylocationUID=ylocation; zlocationUID=zlocation; end % Check for scout images (not AXIAL) imagetypeAXIAL=' '; filelistAXIAL=' '; for i=1:size(filelistUID,1) if isempty(findstr('AXIAL',imagetypeUID(i,:)))==1 % Scout image found disp(['The following image :',filelistUID(i,:),' is not AXIAL. Skipped ...']); change=1; % just make sure we return alterations to the filelist else counter=counter+1; imagetypeAXIAL=char(imagetypeAXIAL,imagetypeUID(i,:)); filelistAXIAL=char(filelistAXIAL,filelistUID(i,:)); xlocationAXIAL(counter)=xlocationUID(i); ylocationAXIAL(counter)=ylocationUID(i); zlocationAXIAL(counter)=zlocationUID(i); end end if exist('change')~=1 change=0; end filelistAXIAL(1,:)=[]; imagetypeAXIAL(1,:)=[]; if change ==1 % export changes to file newfilename=[filename,'.sort.txt']; newfile=fopen(newfilename,'w'); for i=1:size(filelistAXIAL,1) fprintf(newfile,'%c',deblank(filelistAXIAL(i,:))); fprintf(newfile,'\n'); end disp(['A new file list has been written by dicomrt_loadctlist with name: ',newfilename]); disp('This file will be used to import ct data instead'); fclose(newfile); end % Close progress bar close(h); clear info_temp