function RDXTPS_exportPinnGrid4Tomo (Geometry, optResults) %RDXTPS_EXPORTPINNGRID4TOMO Export CT or dose grid to Pinnacle format for Tomo import % RDXTPS_exportPinnGrid4Tomo write the *.header and *.img pair in Pinnacle % format which can be imported into research version of Tomo TPS. % % Example: % RDXTPS_exportPinnGrid4Tomo(Geometry, optResults) % % See also N/A % % Copyright Nobody [filename, pathname] = uifile('put', '*', 'Save the export CT image as (without extension)'); ct_filebase = fullfile(pathname, filename); % Write CT grid fid = fopen([ct_filebase '.img'], 'w'); fwrite(fid, apply_transformation(, 'short'); fclose(fid); % Write CT header fid = fopen([ct_filebase '.header'], 'w'); fprintf(fid, 'read_conversion : \n'); fprintf(fid, 'write_conversion : \n'); fprintf(fid, 'data_type : short\n'); fprintf(fid, 'byte_order = 0\n'); fprintf(fid, 'bytes_pix = 2\n'); fprintf(fid, 'vol_min = \n'); fprintf(fid, 'vol_max = \n'); fprintf(fid, 'x_dim = %d\n', size(Geometry.rhomw, 1)); fprintf(fid, 'y_dim = %d\n', size(Geometry.rhomw, 2)); fprintf(fid, 'z_dim = %d\n', size(Geometry.rhomw, 3)); fprintf(fid, 'dim_units : \n'); fprintf(fid, 'x_pixdim = %f\n', Geometry.voxel_size(1)); fprintf(fid, 'y_pixdim = %f\n', Geometry.voxel_size(2)); fprintf(fid, 'z_pixdim = %f\n', Geometry.voxel_size(3)); fprintf(fid, 'x_start = %f\n', Geometry.start(1)); fprintf(fid, 'y_start = %f\n', Geometry.start(2)); fprintf(fid, 'z_start = %f\n', Geometry.start(3)); fprintf(fid, 'date : \n'); fprintf(fid, 'db_name : \n'); fclose(fid); % Repeat for dose [filename, pathname] = uifile('put', '*', 'Save the export dose image as (without extension)'); dose_filebase = fullfile(pathname, filename); % Write dose grid fid = fopen([dose_filebase '.img'], 'w'); fwrite(fid, apply_transformation(optResults.dose{end}), 'single'); fclose(fid); % Write dose header fid = fopen([dose_filebase '.header'], 'w'); fprintf(fid, 'read_conversion : \n'); fprintf(fid, 'write_conversion : \n'); fprintf(fid, 'data_type : float\n'); fprintf(fid, 'byte_order = 0\n'); fprintf(fid, 'bytes_pix = 4\n'); fprintf(fid, 'vol_min = \n'); fprintf(fid, 'vol_max = \n'); fprintf(fid, 'x_dim = %d\n', size(Geometry.rhomw, 1)); fprintf(fid, 'y_dim = %d\n', size(Geometry.rhomw, 2)); fprintf(fid, 'z_dim = %d\n', size(Geometry.rhomw, 3)); fprintf(fid, 'dim_units : \n'); fprintf(fid, 'x_pixdim = %f\n', Geometry.voxel_size(1)); fprintf(fid, 'y_pixdim = %f\n', Geometry.voxel_size(2)); fprintf(fid, 'z_pixdim = %f\n', Geometry.voxel_size(3)); fprintf(fid, 'x_start = %f\n', Geometry.start(1)); fprintf(fid, 'y_start = %f\n', Geometry.start(2)); fprintf(fid, 'z_start = %f\n', Geometry.start(3)); fprintf(fid, 'date : \n'); fprintf(fid, 'db_name : \n'); fclose(fid); % Apply appropriate transformation to fit Pinnacle format to input matrix M function M = apply_transformation(M) for i = 1:size(M, 3) M(:,:,i) = rot90(M(:,:,i), 1); end M = flipdim(M, 3); end end