function figNormal(x1, y1, y2, y3, y4, y5, y6, y7, y8, y9, y10, y11, y12) %CREATEFIGURE(X1,Y1,Y2,Y3,Y4,Y5,Y6,Y7,Y8,Y9,Y10,Y11,Y12) % X1: vector of x data % Y1: vector of y data % Y2: vector of y data % Y3: vector of y data % Y4: vector of y data % Y5: vector of y data % Y6: vector of y data % Y7: vector of y data % Y8: vector of y data % Y9: vector of y data % Y10: vector of y data % Y11: vector of y data % Y12: vector of y data % Auto-generated by MATLAB on 02-Jul-2008 09:49:12 %% Create figure figure1 = figure('Color',[1 1 1],'FileName','C:\Documents and Settings\Steve\My Documents\Research\Human\HeadAndNeck\HN003\optResults\doseRedistribution\oarNormDVH.fig'); %% Create axes axes1 = axes(... 'FontName','Times New Roman',... 'FontSize',36,... 'XGrid','on',... 'XMinorTick','on',... 'XTick',[0 10 20 30 40 50],... 'YGrid','on',... 'YMinorTick','on',... 'YTick',[0 20 40 60 80 100],... 'Parent',figure1); axis(axes1,[0 50 0 100]); xlabel(axes1,'Dose [Gy]'); ylabel(axes1,'Percent Volume'); hold(axes1,'all'); %% Create plot plot1 = plot(... x1,y1,... 'LineWidth',3,... 'Parent',axes1,... 'DisplayName','Linear'); %% Create plot plot2 = plot(... x1,y2,... 'LineWidth',3,... 'Parent',axes1,... 'DisplayName','Square Root'); %% Create plot plot3 = plot(... x1,y3,... 'LineWidth',3,... 'Parent',axes1,... 'DisplayName','Quadratic'); %% Create plot plot4 = plot(... x1,y4,... 'LineWidth',3,... 'Parent',axes1,... 'DisplayName','cord linear'); %% Create plot plot5 = plot(... x1,y5,... 'LineStyle','--',... 'LineWidth',3,... 'Parent',axes1,... 'DisplayName','cord square root'); %% Create plot plot6 = plot(... x1,y6,... 'LineWidth',3,... 'Parent',axes1,... 'DisplayName','cord quadratic'); %% Create plot plot7 = plot(... x1,y7,... 'LineWidth',3,... 'Parent',axes1,... 'DisplayName','larynx linear'); %% Create plot plot8 = plot(... x1,y8,... 'LineWidth',3,... 'Parent',axes1,... 'DisplayName','larynx square root'); %% Create plot plot9 = plot(... x1,y9,... 'LineStyle','-.',... 'LineWidth',3,... 'Parent',axes1,... 'DisplayName','larynx quadratic'); %% Create plot plot10 = plot(... x1,y10,... 'LineWidth',3,... 'Parent',axes1,... 'DisplayName','normal linear'); %% Create plot plot11 = plot(... x1,y11,... 'LineWidth',3,... 'Parent',axes1,... 'DisplayName','normal square root'); %% Create plot plot12 = plot(... x1,y12,... 'LineWidth',3,... 'Parent',axes1); %% Create legend legend1 = legend(... axes1,{'Linear','Square Root','Quadratic'},... 'FontName','Times New Roman',... 'FontSize',36); %% Create textarrow annotation1 = annotation(... figure1,'textarrow',... [0.3594 0.2117],[0.8347 0.796],... 'LineWidth',3,... 'HeadWidth',20,... 'HeadLength',20,... 'String',{'CNS Cord'},... 'FontName','Times New Roman',... 'FontSize',36,... 'TextLineWidth',3); %% Create textarrow annotation2 = annotation(... figure1,'textarrow',... [0.3242 0.1914],[0.6952 0.696],... 'LineWidth',3,... 'HeadWidth',20,... 'HeadLength',20,... 'String',{'Larynx'},... 'FontName','Times New Roman',... 'FontSize',36,... 'TextLineWidth',3); %% Create textarrow annotation3 = annotation(... figure1,'textarrow',... [0.2891 0.1813],[0.5333 0.602],... 'LineWidth',3,... 'HeadWidth',20,... 'HeadLength',20,... 'String',{'Ipsilateral Parotid'},... 'FontName','Times New Roman',... 'FontSize',36,... 'TextLineWidth',3); %% Create textarrow annotation4 = annotation(... figure1,'textarrow',... [0.3211 0.1547],[0.3612 0.257],... 'LineWidth',3,... 'HeadWidth',20,... 'HeadLength',20,... 'String',{'Normal Tissue'},... 'FontName','Times New Roman',... 'FontSize',36,... 'TextLineWidth',3);