% Downsamples a structure of patient data as well as all of the ROI masks % that reside in the structure. The structures must be the type created % with roireadin from Pinnacle patient data files. infile = 'plan/HN003/HN003.mat'; outfile = 'plan/HN003/HN003fine.mat'; % downsamples patient Geometry files, including their tissue masks % crop ranges (if empty, no cropping is done) xCrop = [-10.695 12.289]; yCrop = [-66.202 -39.682]; zCrop = [-6.801 8.669]; % resolution after resampling (if empty, resolution is unchanged dxNew = 0.0938; dyNew = 0.0938; dzNew = 0.442; x0New = -10.695; y0New = -66.202; z0New = -6.801; load(infile); % get dimensions of original data [M,N,Q] = size(Geometry.data); dx = Geometry.voxel_size(1); dy = Geometry.voxel_size(2); dz = Geometry.voxel_size(3); x0 = Geometry.start(1); y0 = Geometry.start(2); z0 = Geometry.start(3); % x,y,z coordinates of original data x = single([0:M-1]*dx + x0); y = single([0:N-1]*dy + y0); z = single([0:Q-1]*dz + z0); % If no cropping is desired, the resampling will be performed such that the % bounding planes of the 3D grid data are unchanged. % bounding plane coordinates: xp1 = x(1) - dx/2; xpM = x(end) + dx/2; yp1 = y(1) - dy/2; ypN = y(end) + dy/2; zp1 = z(1) - dz/2; zpQ = z(end) + dz/2; % create the new coordinate system if ~isempty(xCrop) xp1 = xCrop(1); xpM = xCrop(2); end if ~isempty(yCrop) yp1 = yCrop(1); ypN = yCrop(2); end if ~isempty(zCrop) zp1 = zCrop(1); zpQ = zCrop(2); end if isempty(dxNew) dxNew = dx; end if isempty(dyNew) dyNew = dy; end if isempty(dzNew) dzNew = dz; end % create new coordinate systems if isempty(x0New) xNew = single(xp1+dxNew/2:dxNew:xpM-dxNew/2); else xNew = x0New:dxNew:xpM; xNew = xNew(xNew >= xp1 & xNew <= xpM); end if isempty(y0New) yNew = single(yp1+dyNew/2:dyNew:ypN-dyNew/2); else yNew = y0New:dyNew:ypN; yNew = yNew(yNew >= yp1 & yNew <= ypN); end if isempty(z0New) zNew = single(zp1+dzNew/2:dzNew:zpQ-dzNew/2); else zNew = z0New:dzNew:zpQ; zNew = zNew(zNew >= zp1 & zNew <= zpQ); end clear Geometry_ds; Geometry_ds.voxel_size = [dxNew dyNew dzNew]; Geometry_ds.start = [xNew(1) yNew(1) zNew(1)]; fprintf('Resampling CT data:\n'); Geometry_ds.data = gridResample3D(x,y,z,Geometry.data,xNew,yNew,zNew,'linear'); fprintf('Finished resampling CT data.\n'); Geometry_ds.ROIS = Geometry.ROIS; % resample the ROIs for k=1:length(Geometry.ROIS) % expand the original ROI mask roimask = zeros(M,N,Q,'int8'); % create the original mask roimask(Geometry.ROIS{k}.ind) = 1; % resample the ROI mask fprintf('Resampling ROI mask: %s',Geometry.ROIS{k}.name); roimaskNew = gridResample3D(x,y,z,roimask,xNew,yNew,zNew,'nearest'); fprintf(' Finished resampling %s.\n',Geometry.ROIS{k}.name); % save the new roi mask data Geometry_ds.ROIS{k}.ind = int32(find(roimaskNew)); Geometry_ds.ROIS{k}.dim = size(Geometry_ds.data); Geometry_ds.ROIS{k}.pixdim = [dxNew dyNew dzNew]; Geometry_ds.ROIS{k}.start = [xNew(1) yNew(1) zNew(1)]; clear roimask roimaskNew; end if isfield(Geometry,'Trial'); Geometry_ds.Trial = Geometry.Trial; end Geometry = Geometry_ds; save(outfile,'Geometry');