Bläddra i källkod

Did a large part of full RO beamcalc, but it's still not working. Exploring folder issues

MEDPHYSICS\pferjancic 4 år sedan

+ 59 - 49

@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ else
     [Goal_path,Goal_file,ext] = fileparts(path2goal);
-dialogue_box = 'yes'
+dialogue_box = 'no'
 switch dialogue_box
     case 'yes'
         str = inputdlg({'N of iterations for initial calc', 'N of iterations for full calc', ...
@@ -98,60 +98,69 @@ for i_goal = 1:size(OptGoals.goals,1)
     optGoal{i_goal}.optFuncNum = OptGoals.optFuncNum;
     % modulation
-    switch SupVox_num
-        case 0
-        % if not supervoxel, just select provided ROI_idx
-        optGoal{i_goal}.beamlets_pruned = sparse(beamlets(optGoal{i_goal}.ROI_idx, :));
-        otherwise
-        % -- if supervoxel, merge given columns
-        % - make supervoxel map
-        switch OptGoals.goals{i_goal, 3}
-            case 'Fixed dose'
-                mask = zeros({i_goal}.imgDim);
-                mask({i_goal}.ROI_idx) = 1;
-                % group superpixels
-                superMask = superpix_group(mask, SupVox_num, 'no'); 
-            case 'Dose map'
-                mask = zeros({i_goal}.imgDim);
-                mask({i_goal}.ROI_idx) ={i_goal}.D_final;
-                mask2 = round(mask/3)*3;
-                superMask = superpix_group(mask, SupVox_num, 'no'); 
-                orthoslice(superMask)
-        end
-        superVoxList = unique(superMask);
-        superVoxList = superVoxList(superVoxList>0);
-        optGoal{i_goal}.ROI_idx_old = optGoal{i_goal}.ROI_idx; % copy old index data
-        optGoal{i_goal}.ROI_idx = zeros(numel(superVoxList), 1);
+    if strcmp( '-||-' , optGoal{i_goal}.ROI_name)
+        optGoal{i_goal}.ROI_idx_old = optGoal{i_goal-1}.ROI_idx_old; % copy old index data
+        optGoal{i_goal}.ROI_idx = optGoal{i_goal-1}.ROI_idx;
         optGoal{i_goal}.opt_weight = optGoal{i_goal}.opt_weight * numel(optGoal{i_goal}.ROI_idx_old)/numel(optGoal{i_goal}.ROI_idx);
+        optGoal{i_goal}.ROI_idx = optGoal{i_goal-1}.ROI_idx
         if isfield({i_goal}, 'wgt_map')
-            tabula_wgtmap = zeros(size(superMask));
-            tabula_wgtmap({i_goal}.ROI_idx) ={i_goal}.wgt_map;
+            optGoal{i_goal}.vox_wgt = optGoal{i_goal-1}.vox_wgt;
-        h_w1 = waitbar(0, 'merging superboxels');
-        for i_supVox = 1:numel(superVoxList)
-            waitbar(i_supVox/numel(superVoxList), h_w1)
-            supVox_idx = superVoxList(i_supVox);
-            idxList = find(superMask == supVox_idx);
-            optGoal{i_goal}.beamlets_pruned(i_supVox,:) = sparse(mean(beamlets(idxList, :),1));
+        optGoal{i_goal}.beamlets_pruned = optGoal{i_goal-1}.beamlets_pruned;
+    else
+        switch SupVox_num
+            case 0
+            % if not supervoxel, just select provided ROI_idx
+            optGoal{i_goal}.beamlets_pruned = sparse(beamlets(optGoal{i_goal}.ROI_idx, :));
+            otherwise
+            % -- if supervoxel, merge given columns
+            % - make supervoxel map
+            switch OptGoals.goals{i_goal, 3}
+                case 'Fixed dose'
+                    mask = zeros({i_goal}.imgDim);
+                    mask({i_goal}.ROI_idx) = 1;
+                    % group superpixels
+                    superMask = superpix_group(mask, SupVox_num, 'no'); 
+                case 'Dose map'
+                    mask = zeros({i_goal}.imgDim);
+                    mask({i_goal}.ROI_idx) ={i_goal}.D_final;
+                    mask2 = round(mask/3)*3;
+                    superMask = superpix_group(mask, SupVox_num, 'no'); 
+                    orthoslice(superMask)
+            end
+            superVoxList = unique(superMask);
+            superVoxList = superVoxList(superVoxList>0);
+            optGoal{i_goal}.ROI_idx_old = optGoal{i_goal}.ROI_idx; % copy old index data
+            optGoal{i_goal}.ROI_idx = zeros(numel(superVoxList), 1);
+            optGoal{i_goal}.opt_weight = optGoal{i_goal}.opt_weight * numel(optGoal{i_goal}.ROI_idx_old)/numel(optGoal{i_goal}.ROI_idx);
             if isfield({i_goal}, 'wgt_map')
-                optGoal{i_goal}.vox_wgt(i_supVox) = sum(tabula_wgtmap(idxList));
+                tabula_wgtmap = zeros(size(superMask));
+                tabula_wgtmap({i_goal}.ROI_idx) ={i_goal}.wgt_map;
+            end
+            h_w1 = waitbar(0, 'merging superboxels');
+            for i_supVox = 1:numel(superVoxList)
+                waitbar(i_supVox/numel(superVoxList), h_w1)
+                supVox_idx = superVoxList(i_supVox);
+                idxList = find(superMask == supVox_idx);
+                optGoal{i_goal}.beamlets_pruned(i_supVox,:) = sparse(mean(beamlets(idxList, :),1));
+                if isfield({i_goal}, 'wgt_map')
+                    optGoal{i_goal}.vox_wgt(i_supVox) = sum(tabula_wgtmap(idxList));
+                end
+                % -- make new indeces
+                optGoal{i_goal}.ROI_idx(i_supVox) = idxList(1);
-            % -- make new indeces
-            optGoal{i_goal}.ROI_idx(i_supVox) = idxList(1);
+            close(h_w1)
-        close(h_w1)
@@ -250,7 +259,8 @@ NLP_result.BeamSmoothMax = OptGoals.BeamSmoothMax;
 save([Pat_path, '\matlab_files\NLP_result_' Goal_file '.mat'], 'NLP_result');
-plot_DVH(Geometry, D_full)
+% plot_DVH(Geometry, D_full)
+DQM_DVH(Geometry, D_full)
 colorwash(, D_full, [500, 1500], [0, 90]);


+ 34 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+function fullRO_beamCalc(Geometry)
+% this function will ask for an OptGoal file, and an exit folder, and will
+% then create a beamlet set for each of the scenarios specified in the
+% OptGoals.
+% It will also append the path to the OptGoal file
+% choose the OptGoal file
+[Obj_file,Obj_path,indx] = uigetfile([Geometry.patient_dir '\matlab_files\*.mat'], 'Select OptGoal file' );
+if Obj_file == 0
+   disp('no file selected, aborting')
+   return
+path2goal = [Obj_path, Obj_file];
+% choose the folder for new beamlets
+beamlet_dir = uigetdir([Geometry.patient_dir ], 'Make and select new beamlet folder' );
+if beamlet_dir == 0
+   disp('no file selected, aborting')
+   return
+OptGoals.fullRO_beamlet_dir = beamlet_dir;
+%% start the modified beamlet calc
+helicalDosecalcSetup7_fullRO(Geometry.patient_dir, OptGoals, beamlet_dir)
+% save the appended optGoal file
+save(path2goal, 'OptGoals');

+ 12 - 0

@@ -70,6 +70,7 @@ end
 for i = 1: numel(Geometry.ROIS)
     handles.uitable1.ColumnFormat{2}{i} = Geometry.ROIS{i}.name;
+handles.uitable1.ColumnFormat{2}{numel(Geometry.ROIS)} = '-||-';
 % == populate function options ==
 handles.uitable1.ColumnFormat{5}{1} = 'min';
 handles.uitable1.ColumnFormat{5}{2} = 'max';
@@ -186,6 +187,10 @@ for i = 1 : size(handles.uitable1.Data, 1)
             goal_i.ROI_idx = Geometry.ROIS{j}.ind;
+        if strcmp('-||-', handles.uitable1.Data{i,2})
+            goal_i.ROI_idx ={end}.ROI_idx;
+            break
+        end
         if j == size(Geometry.ROIS,2)
             error(['Invalid ROI name selected in goal ' num2str(i)])
@@ -233,6 +238,9 @@ for i = 1 : size(handles.uitable1.Data, 1)
     goal_i.optionalParam = handles.uitable1.Data{i,7};
     % == Number of supervoxels
     goal_i.SupVox_num = handles.uitable1.Data{i,9};
+    if strcmp('-||-', handles.uitable1.Data{i,2})
+        goal_i.SupVox_num = handles.uitable1.Data{i-1,9};
+    end
     % assign target
@@ -355,6 +363,10 @@ if eventdata.Indices(2) == 2;
             ROI_idx_num = numel(handles.Data.Geometry.ROIS{i}.ind);
+        if strcmp('-||-', handles.uitable1.Data{eventdata.Indices(1),2})
+            ROI_idx_num = 0;
+            break
+        end
         if i == size(handles.Data.Geometry.ROIS,2)
             error(['Invalid ROI name selected in goal ' num2str(i)])

+ 0 - 483

@@ -1,483 +0,0 @@
-% This file has been modified by Surendra Prajapati especially to run
-% WiscPlan for KV beams. Works for running locally as well as in Server.
-% RTF 11/4/05
-% Sets up the run files needed for running a Condor convolution
-% superposition dose calculation with photon beams.
-% Versions of the convolution code that run in both Windows XP, Condor, and
-% directly through Matlab can all be created here.  The only real
-% differences between the files are in the access conventions, which just%
-% This has to do with switching forward slashes with backslashes.
-% Surendra edits: num_batches, SAD, pitch, xpmin/max, ypmin/max, Mxp, Nphi 
-% Also edit: 
-% Kernel should always be named Kernels.mat 
-% SAD < 20 was edited from SAD < 50 for clinical system (error message)
-% specify where kernel and geometry files are located
-patient_dir = 'C:\localGit\wiscPlanv2\WiscPlanPhotonkV125\PatientData';
-num_batches = 2; % number of cores you want to run the beam calculation
-iso = [0 0 0]; % Point about which gantry rotations begin
-SAD = 35;  % source-axis distance for the x-ray source
-pitch = 0.86; % fraction of beam with couch translates per rotation
-% define the overall beam field size for each beam angle
-xpmin = -0.5;     % -field width / 2
-xpmax = 0.5;      % +field width / 2
-ypmin = -0.5;   % -jaw width / 2
-ypmax = 0.5;    % +jaw width / 2
-% y-prime points in the z-direction in the CT coordinate system
-% Number of beamlets in the BEV for each direction
-Mxp = 20;        % number of leaves; leaf size is 1/20cm= 0.5mm
-Nyp = 1;        % always 1 for Tomo due to binary mlc
-% ============================================= End of user-supplied inputs
-executable_path = 'C:\localGit\wiscPlanv2\WiscPlanPhotonkV125\WiscPlanEXE\RyanCsphoton.x86.exe';
-kernel_file = 'Kernels.mat';
-geometry_file = fullfile(patient_dir, 'matlab_files\Geometry.mat');
-% tumor bow and stern locations
-ROI_names = cellfun(@(c), Geometry.ROIS, 'UniformOutput', false);
-[target_idx okay] = listdlg('ListString', ROI_names, ...
-    'SelectionMode', 'single', 'Name', 'Target Selection', ...
-    'PromptString', 'Please select the target ROI. ');
-if okay ~= 1
-    msgbox('Plan creation aborted');
-    return;
-targetMask = zeros(size(;
-targetMask(Geometry.ROIS{target_idx}.ind) = 1;
-targetMaskZ = sum(sum(targetMask,1),2);
-zBow = find(targetMaskZ>0, 1, 'first')*Geometry.voxel_size(3) + Geometry.start(3) + ypmin;
-zStern = find(targetMaskZ>0, 1, 'last')*Geometry.voxel_size(3) + Geometry.start(3) + ypmax;
-[subi, subj, subk] = ind2sub(size(, Geometry.ROIS{target_idx}.ind);
-iso = [Geometry.start(1)+Geometry.voxel_size(1)*mean(subi) ...
-    Geometry.start(2)+Geometry.voxel_size(2)*mean(subj) 0];
-% flags used to select which calculations will be set up
-Condor_flag = 1;
-ptvInd = target_idx;  % PTV index in Geometry.ROIS
-fieldWidth = ypmax - ypmin;
-% total number of rotations required for treatment
-Nrot = ceil(abs(zBow - zStern)/(pitch*fieldWidth));
-Nphi = Nrot*51;  % number of angles used in the calculation
-% define the limits of the angles that will be used for the calculation
-phimin = 0;  % starting angle in radians
-phimax = 2*pi*Nphi;
-phi = [0:Nphi-1]/Nphi*2*pi*Nrot;
-condor_folder = patient_dir;
-winxp_folder = 'winxp';
-% create names for condor input and output folders
-input_folder = '.';
-output_folder = '.';
-% name of the convolution/superposition executable, which will be in the
-% 'code' folder of each respective run type folder
-condor_exectuable_name = 'convolutionCondor';  % relative path on the cluster where code will be
-winxp_executable_name = 'convolution.exe';
-matlab_executable_name = 'convolution_mex';  % name of the Matlab version of the dose calculation code
-% set the beam parameters, assuming a helical beam trajectory
-% folders that will be inside the 'input' folder
-beamspec_folder = 'beamspecfiles';    % directory where beam files will be stored
-beamspec_batches_folder = 'beamspecbatches';
-beamspec_batch_base_name = 'beamspecbatch';  % base name for a beamlet batch file
-kernel_folder = 'kernelfiles';  % folder where kernel information will be saved
-kernel_filenames_condor = 'kernelFilenamesCondor.txt';
-kernel_filenames_winxp = 'kernelFilenamesWinXP.txt';
-% output folders
-beamlet_batch_base_name = 'beamletbatch';  % base name for a dose batch file
-geometry_header_filename = 'geometryHeader.txt';
-geometry_density_filename = 'density.bin';  % save the density, not the Hounsfield units!
-% end of user-defined parameters
-% check the validity of the user-defined variables
-if xpmin >= xpmax
-    error('xpmin must be less than xpmax.');
-if ypmin >= ypmax
-    error('ypmin must be less than ypmax.');b
-if phimin > phimax
-    error('phimin must be less than or equal to phimax.');
-if Mxp <= 0 || Nyp <= 0 || Nphi <= 0
-    error('Mxp, Nyp, and Nphi must be greater than zero.');
-if SAD < 20
-    error('It is recommended that the SAD be greater than 20 cm.');
-% the xy plane is perpendicular to the isocenter axis of the linac gantry
-% size of each beam aperture, making them vectors so extension to
-% non-uniform aperture sizes becomes obvious
-del_xp = (xpmax - xpmin)/Mxp;
-del_yp = (ypmax - ypmin)/Nyp;
-% Calculate the xp and yp offsets, which lie at the centers of the
-% apertures.
-xp = [xpmin:del_xp:xpmax-del_xp] + del_xp/2;
-yp = [ypmin:del_yp:ypmax-del_yp] + del_yp/2;
-[M,N,Q] = size(Geometry.rhomw);
-START = single(Geometry.start - iso);
-INC = single(Geometry.voxel_size);
-% define the tumor mask
-tumorMask = zeros(size(Geometry.rhomw),'single');
-tumorMask(Geometry.ROIS{ptvInd}.ind) = 1;
-BW = bwdist(tumorMask);
-tumorMaskExp = tumorMask;
-tumorMaskExp(BW <= 4) = 1;
-P = zeros(Mxp,Nphi);
-fprintf('Checking beam''s eye view ...\n');
-for p=1:Nphi
-    % ir and jr form the beam's eye view (BEV)
-    ir = [-sin(phi(p)); cos(phi(p)); 0];
-    jr = [0 0 1]';
-    % kr denotes the beam direction
-    kr = [cos(phi(p)); sin(phi(p)); 0];
-    for m=1:Mxp
-        point1 = single(-kr*SAD + [0 0 zBow + pitch*fieldWidth*phi(p)/(2*pi)]');  % source point
-        point2 = single(point1 + (SAD*kr + ir*xp(m))*10);
-        [indVisited,deffVisited] = singleRaytraceClean(tumorMaskExp,START,INC,point1,point2);
-        if ~isempty(indVisited)
-            P(m,p) = max(deffVisited);
-        end
-    end
-fprintf('Finished checking BEV\n');
-% load data required for the dose calculator
-Geometry.rhomw(Geometry.rhomw < 0) = 0;
-Geometry.rhomw(Geometry.rhomw < 0.0013) = 0.0013;  % fill blank voxels with air
-% convert Geometry and kernels to single
-f = fieldnames(Kernels);
-for k=1:length(f)
-    if isnumeric(getfield(Kernels,f{k}))
-        Kernels = setfield(Kernels,f{k},single(getfield(Kernels,f{k})));    
-    end
-f = fieldnames(Geometry);
-for k=1:length(f)
-    if isnumeric(getfield(Geometry,f{k}))
-        Geometry = setfield(Geometry,f{k},single(getfield(Geometry,f{k})));    
-    end
-% account for isocenter
-Geometry.start = single(Geometry.start - iso);
-% find the total number of beams
-Nbeam = Nphi*Mxp*Nyp;
-batch_num = 0;  % start the count for the number of total batches
-% fill up a cell array of beam structures, grouped by batch
-clear batches;
-batch_num = 0;
-batches = cell(1,Nrot);  % start the batches cell array (cell array of beam batches)
-rotNum = 0;
-% calculate beams for all source directions and apertures
-for k=1:Nphi  % loop through all gantry angles
-    % calculate the source location for a helical trajectory
-    beam.SAD = single(SAD);
-    % the kp vector is the beam direction, ip and jp span the beam's eye view
-    beam.ip = single([-sin(phi(k)) cos(phi(k)) 0]);
- = single([0 0 1]);
- = single([cos(phi(k)) sin(phi(k)) 0]);
-    beam.y_vec = single(*SAD + [0 0 zBow + pitch*fieldWidth*phi(k)/(2*pi)]);
-    rotNumOld = rotNum;
-    rotNum = floor(k/51) + 1;  % current rotation number
-    if rotNum - rotNumOld > 0
-        beam_num = 0; % if the rotation number has changed, start the beam count over
-    end
-    for m=1:Mxp  % loop through all apertures in the xp-direction
-        % calculate the beam if the tomotherapy fluence value is non-zero
-        if P(m,k) > 0
-            num = m + (k-1)*Mxp - 1;         % beamlet number (overall)
-            beam_num = beam_num + 1;
-            % set the beam aperture parameters
-            beam.del_xp = single(del_xp);
-            beam.del_yp = single(del_yp);
-            beam.xp = single(xp(m));
-            beam.yp = single(0);
-            beam.num = single(num);  % record the beam number to avoid any later ambiguity
-            batches{rotNum}{beam_num} = beam;
-        end
-    end
-% merge/split batches
-all_beams = horzcat(batches{:});
-num_beams_per_batch = ceil(numel(all_beams)/num_batches);
-batches = cell(num_batches,1);
-for k = 1:(num_batches-1)
-    batches{k} = all_beams(1+num_beams_per_batch*(k-1):num_beams_per_batch*k);
-batches{num_batches} = all_beams(1+num_beams_per_batch*(k):end);
-% Everything else in this file is related to saving the batches in a
-% useable form.
-if Condor_flag == 1
-    % delete the old submission file
-    err = rmdir(fullfile(condor_folder,beamspec_batches_folder),'s');
-    err = rmdir(fullfile(condor_folder,kernel_folder),'s');
-    % create folders where batch information will be sent
-    mkdir([condor_folder '/' input_folder '/' beamspec_batches_folder]);
-    % save the kernels
-    save_kernels(Kernels,[condor_folder '/' input_folder '/' kernel_folder]);
-    fprintf(['Successfully saved Condor kernels to ' input_folder '/' kernel_folder '\n']);
-    % create kernel filenames files
-    kernel_filenames_CHTC = 'kernelFilenamesCHTC.txt';
-    kernel_filenames_condor = 'kernelFilenamesCondor.txt';
-    fid = fopen([condor_folder '/' input_folder '/' kernel_filenames_condor],'w');
-    fid2 = fopen([condor_folder '/' input_folder '/' kernel_filenames_CHTC],'w');
-    fprintf(fid,'kernel_header\n');
-    % fprintf(fid,['./' input_folder '/' kernel_folder '/kernel_header.txt\n']);
-    fprintf(fid,'%s\n',fullfile(patient_dir,input_folder,kernel_folder,'kernel_header.txt'));
-    fprintf(fid2,'kernel_header\n');
-    fprintf(fid2, '%s/%s\n', kernel_folder,'kernel_header.txt');
-    fprintf(fid,'kernel_radii\n');
-    % fprintf(fid,['./' input_folder '/' kernel_folder '/radii.bin\n']);
-    fprintf(fid,'%s\n',fullfile(patient_dir,input_folder,kernel_folder,'radii.bin'));
-    fprintf(fid2,'kernel_radii\n');
-    fprintf(fid2, '%s/%s\n', kernel_folder,'radii.bin');
-    fprintf(fid,'kernel_angles\n');
-    % fprintf(fid,['./' input_folder '/' kernel_folder '/angles.bin\n']);
-    fprintf(fid,'%s\n',fullfile(patient_dir,input_folder,kernel_folder,'angles.bin'));
-    fprintf(fid2,'kernel_angles\n');
-    fprintf(fid2, '%s/%s\n', kernel_folder,'angles.bin');
-    fprintf(fid,'kernel_energies\n');
-    % fprintf(fid,['./' input_folder '/' kernel_folder '/energies.bin\n']);
-    fprintf(fid,'%s\n',fullfile(patient_dir,input_folder,kernel_folder,'energies.bin'));
-    fprintf(fid2,'kernel_energies\n');
-    fprintf(fid2, '%s/%s\n', kernel_folder,'energies.bin');
-    fprintf(fid,'kernel_primary\n');
-    % fprintf(fid,['./' input_folder '/' kernel_folder '/primary.bin\n']);
-    fprintf(fid,'%s\n',fullfile(patient_dir,input_folder,kernel_folder,'primary.bin'));
-    fprintf(fid2,'kernel_primary\n');
-    fprintf(fid2, '%s/%s\n', kernel_folder,'primary.bin');  
-    fprintf(fid,'kernel_first_scatter\n');
-    % fprintf(fid,['./' input_folder '/' kernel_folder '/first_scatter.bin\n']);
-    fprintf(fid,'%s\n',fullfile(patient_dir,input_folder,kernel_folder,'first_scatter.bin'));
-    fprintf(fid2,'kernel_first_scatter\n');
-    fprintf(fid2, '%s/%s\n', kernel_folder,'first_scatter.bin');
-    fprintf(fid,'kernel_second_scatter\n');
-    % fprintf(fid,['./' input_folder '/' kernel_folder '/second_scatter.bin\n']);
-    fprintf(fid,'%s\n',fullfile(patient_dir,input_folder,kernel_folder,'second_scatter.bin'));
-    fprintf(fid2,'kernel_second_scatter\n');
-    fprintf(fid2, '%s/%s\n', kernel_folder,'second_scatter.bin');
-    fprintf(fid,'kernel_multiple_scatter\n');
-    % fprintf(fid,['./' input_folder '/' kernel_folder '/multiple_scatter.bin\n']);
-    fprintf(fid,'%s\n',fullfile(patient_dir,input_folder,kernel_folder,'multiple_scatter.bin'));
-    fprintf(fid2,'kernel_multiple_scatter\n');
-    fprintf(fid2, '%s/%s\n', kernel_folder,'multiple_scatter.bin');
-    fprintf(fid,'kernel_brem_annih\n');
-    % fprintf(fid,['./' input_folder '/' kernel_folder '/brem_annih.bin\n']);
-    fprintf(fid,'%s\n',fullfile(patient_dir,input_folder,kernel_folder,'brem_annih.bin'));
-    fprintf(fid2,'kernel_brem_annih\n');
-    fprintf(fid2, '%s/%s\n', kernel_folder,'brem_annih.bin');
-    fprintf(fid,'kernel_total\n');
-    % fprintf(fid,['./' input_folder '/' kernel_folder '/total.bin\n']);
-    fprintf(fid,'%s\n',fullfile(patient_dir,input_folder,kernel_folder,'total.bin'));
-    fprintf(fid2,'kernel_total\n');
-    fprintf(fid2, '%s/%s\n', kernel_folder,'total.bin');
-    fprintf(fid,'kernel_fluence\n');
-    % fprintf(fid,['./' input_folder '/' kernel_folder '/fluence.bin\n']);
-    fprintf(fid,'%s\n',fullfile(patient_dir,input_folder,kernel_folder,'fluence.bin'));
-    fprintf(fid2,'kernel_fluence\n');
-    fprintf(fid2, '%s/%s\n', kernel_folder,'fluence.bin');
-    fprintf(fid,'kernel_mu\n');
-    % fprintf(fid,['./' input_folder '/' kernel_folder '/mu.bin\n']);
-    fprintf(fid,'%s\n',fullfile(patient_dir,input_folder,kernel_folder,'mu.bin'));
-    fprintf(fid2,'kernel_mu\n');
-    fprintf(fid2, '%s/%s\n', kernel_folder,'mu.bin');
-    fprintf(fid,'kernel_mu_en\n');
-    % fprintf(fid,['./' input_folder '/' kernel_folder '/mu_en.bin\n']);
-    fprintf(fid,'%s\n',fullfile(patient_dir,input_folder,kernel_folder,'mu_en.bin'));
-    fprintf(fid2,'kernel_mu_en\n');
-    fprintf(fid2, '%s/%s\n', kernel_folder,'mu_en.bin');
-    fclose(fid);
-% name for the condor submit file that will be used
-condor_submit_file = 'convolutionSubmit.txt';
-geometry_filenames_condor = 'geometryFilenamesCondor.txt';
-geometry_filenames_CHTC = 'geometryFilenamesCHTC.txt';
-% check the geometry file to ensure that it's not in Hounsfield units
-if length(find(Geometry.rhomw > 20)) || length(find(Geometry.rhomw < 0))
-    error('Double check the Geometry structure, it may still be in Hounsfield units!');
-geometry_folder = 'geometryfiles';
-batch_output_folder = 'batchoutput';  % folder to which stdout will be printed
-beamlet_batches_folder = 'beamletbatches';  % folder where resulting beamlet batches will be stored
-if Condor_flag == 1
-    mkdir([condor_folder '/' output_folder '/' beamlet_batches_folder]);
-    mkdir([condor_folder '/' output_folder '/' batch_output_folder]);
-    save_geometry(Geometry,[condor_folder '/' input_folder '/' geometry_folder],geometry_header_filename,geometry_density_filename);
-    fprintf(['Successfully saved Condor geometry to ' input_folder '/' geometry_folder '\n']);
-    % create geometry filenames files
-    fid = fopen([condor_folder '/' input_folder '/' geometry_filenames_condor],'w');
-    fid2 = fopen([condor_folder '/' input_folder '/' geometry_filenames_CHTC],'w');
-    fprintf(fid,'geometry_header\n');
-    % fprintf(fid,['./' input_folder '/' geometry_folder '/' geometry_header_filename '\n']);
-    fprintf(fid,'%s\n',fullfile(patient_dir,input_folder,geometry_folder,geometry_header_filename));
-    fprintf(fid2,'geometry_header\n');
-    fprintf(fid2, '%s/%s\n', geometry_folder,'geometryHeader.txt');
-    fprintf(fid,'geometry_density\n');
-    % fprintf(fid,['./' input_folder '/' geometry_folder '/' geometry_density_filename '\n']);
-    fprintf(fid,'%s\n',fullfile(patient_dir,input_folder,geometry_folder,geometry_density_filename));
-    fprintf(fid2,'geometry_density\n');
-    fprintf(fid2, '%s/%s\n', geometry_folder,'density.bin');
-    fclose(fid);
-    % write command file
-    % TODO consistent naming throughout script
-    for k = 1:numel(batches)
-        fid = fopen(fullfile(patient_dir,sprintf('run%d.cmd',k-1)), 'w');
-        fprintf(fid, '"%s" "%s" "%s" "%s" "%s"', executable_path,...
-            fullfile(patient_dir, kernel_filenames_condor),...
-            fullfile(patient_dir, geometry_filenames_condor),...
-            fullfile(patient_dir, 'beamspecbatches', sprintf('beamspecbatch%d.txt',k-1)),...
-            fullfile(patient_dir, sprintf('batch_dose%d.bin',k-1)));
-        fclose(fid);
-    end
-    % write the condor submit file
-%     beamspec_batch_filename = ['./' input_folder '/' beamspec_batches_folder '/' beamspec_batch_base_name '$(Process).txt'];
-%     beamlet_batch_filename = ['./' output_folder '/' beamlet_batches_folder '/' beamlet_batch_base_name '$(Process).bin'];
-%     fid = fopen([condor_folder '/' condor_submit_file],'w');
-%     fprintf(fid,'###############################################################\n');
-%     fprintf(fid,'# Condor submission script for convolution/superposition code\n');
-%     fprintf(fid,'###############################################################\n\n');
-%     fprintf(fid,'copy_to_spool = false\n');
-%     fprintf(fid,['Executable   = ' code_folder '/' condor_exectuable_name '\n']);
-%     fprintf(fid,['arguments    = ' input_folder '/' kernel_filenames_condor ' ' input_folder '/' geometry_filenames_condor ' ' beamspec_batch_filename ' ' beamlet_batch_filename '\n']);
-%     fprintf(fid,['Output       = ./' output_folder '/' batch_output_folder '/batchout$(Process).txt\n']);
-%     fprintf(fid,['Log          = ./' output_folder '/' batch_output_folder '/log.txt\n']);
-%     fprintf(fid,['Queue  ' num2str(Nrot)]);
-%     fclose(fid);
-% % write the condor submit file
-%      beamspec_batch_filename = ['./' input_folder '/' beamspec_batches_folder '/' beamspec_batch_base_name '$(Process).txt'];
-%      beamlet_batch_filename = ['./' output_folder '/' beamlet_batches_folder '/' beamlet_batch_base_name '$(Process).bin'];
-     fid = fopen([condor_folder '/' condor_submit_file],'w');
-     fprintf(fid,'###############################################################\n');
-     fprintf(fid,'# Condor submission script for convolution/superposition code\n');
-     fprintf(fid,'###############################################################\n\n');
-     fprintf(fid,'copy_to_spool = false\n');
-     fprintf(fid,['Executable   = ' condor_exectuable_name '\n']);
-     fprintf(fid,['Arguments    = ' kernel_filenames_CHTC ' ' geometry_filenames_CHTC ' ' beamspec_batch_base_name '$(Process).txt ' 'batch_dose$(Process).bin\n']);
-     fprintf(fid,['Transfer_input_files = ' kernel_folder ',' geometry_folder ',' beamspec_batches_folder '/' beamspec_batch_base_name '$(Process).txt' ',' kernel_filenames_CHTC ',' geometry_filenames_CHTC '\n']);
-     fprintf(fid,['Request_memory = 1000' '\n']);
-     fprintf(fid,['Request_disk = 500000' '\n']);
-     fprintf(fid,['Output       = $(Cluster).out' '\n']);
-     fprintf(fid,['Log          = $(Cluster).log' '\n']);
-     fprintf(fid,['Error          = $(Cluster).err' '\n']);
-     fprintf(fid,['Queue  ' num2str(num_batches) '\n']);
-%      fclose(fid);
-% write the batches to files
-for n=1:numel(batches)
-    batch = batches{n};  % current batch
-    if Condor_flag == 1
-        save_beamspec_batch(batch,[condor_folder '/' input_folder '/' beamspec_batches_folder],[beamspec_batch_base_name num2str(n-1) '.txt']);
-    end
-% for k = 1:numel(batches)
-%         system([fullfile(patient_dir,sprintf('run%d.cmd',k-1)) ' &']);
-%     end 
-% Ask for User option to run the dose calculation locally on the computer 
-% or just to get necessary files for CHTC server
-% 'y' means run locally, 'n' means not to run locally on the computer
-strBeamlet = '';
-    if strcmpi('y',strBeamlet)
-        break;
-    elseif strcmpi('n',strBeamlet)
-        break;
-    end
-    strBeamlet = input('Run beamlet batches dose calculation locally? y/n \n','s');
-    for k = 1:numel(batches)
-        system([fullfile(patient_dir,sprintf('run%d.cmd',k-1)) ' &']);
-    end 

+ 0 - 523

@@ -1,523 +0,0 @@
-% This version was modified by Peter Ferjancic to accept .nrrd file format
-% for target.
-% This file has been modified by Surendra Prajapati especially to run
-% WiscPlan for KV beams. Works for running locally as well as in Server.
-% RTF 11/4/05
-% Sets up the run files needed for running a Condor convolution
-% superposition dose calculation with photon beams.
-% Versions of the convolution code that run in both Windows XP, Condor, and
-% directly through Matlab can all be created here.  The only real
-% differences between the files are in the access conventions, which just%
-% This has to do with switching forward slashes with backslashes.
-% Surendra edits: num_batches, SAD, pitch, xpmin/max, ypmin/max, Mxp, Nphi 
-% Also edit: 
-% Kernel should always be named Kernels.mat 
-% SAD < 20 was edited from SAD < 50 for clinical system (error message)
-function helicalDosecalcSetup6()
-% specify where kernel and [geometry] files are located
-patient_dir = 'C:\010-work\003_localGit\WiscPlan_v2\WiscPlanPhotonkV125\PatientData';
-num_batches = 4; % number of cores you want to run the beam calculation
-iso = [0 0 0]; % Point about which gantry rotations begin
-% SAD = 35;  % source-axis distance for the x-ray source
-SAD = 60;  % source-axis distance for the x-ray source ##
-pitch = 0.86; % fraction of beam with couch translates per rotation
-% define the overall beam field size for each beam angle
-xpmin = -0.5;     % -field width / 2
-xpmax = 0.5;      % +field width / 2
-ypmin = -0.5;   % -jaw width / 2
-ypmax = 0.5;    % +jaw width / 2
-% ##
-xpmin = -5.0;     % -field width / 2
-xpmax = 5.0;      % +field width / 2
-ypmin = -1.0;   % -jaw width / 2
-ypmax = 1.0;    % +jaw width / 2
-% y-prime points in the z-direction in the CT coordinate system
-% Number of beamlets in the BEV for each direction
-Mxp = 20;        % number of leaves; leaf size is 1/20cm= 0.5mm
-Nyp = 1;        % always 1 for Tomo due to binary mlc
-% Mxp = 20;        % ## Grozomah
-% ============================================= End of user-supplied inputs
-executable_path = 'C:\010-work\003_localGit\WiscPlan_v2\WiscPlanPhotonkV125\WiscPlanEXE\RyanCsphoton.x86.exe';
-kernel_file = 'Kernels.mat';
-geometry_file = fullfile(patient_dir, 'matlab_files\Geometry.mat');
-ROI_names = cellfun(@(c), Geometry.ROIS, 'UniformOutput', false);
-[target_idx, okay] = listdlg('ListString', ROI_names, ...
-    'SelectionMode', 'single', 'Name', 'Target Selection', ...
-    'PromptString', 'Please select the target ROI. ');
-if okay ~= 1
-    msgbox('Plan creation aborted');
-    return;
-targetMask = zeros(size(;
-targetMask(Geometry.ROIS{target_idx}.ind) = 1;
-% Grozomah - targetMask needs to get a 'double' matrix with the location of
-% the target
-targetMaskZ = sum(sum(targetMask,1),2);
-zBow = find(targetMaskZ>0, 1, 'first')*Geometry.voxel_size(3) + Geometry.start(3) + ypmin;
-zStern = find(targetMaskZ>0, 1, 'last')*Geometry.voxel_size(3) + Geometry.start(3) + ypmax;
-[subi, subj, subk] = ind2sub(size(, Geometry.ROIS{target_idx}.ind);
-iso = [Geometry.start(1)+Geometry.voxel_size(1)*mean(subi) ...
-    Geometry.start(2)+Geometry.voxel_size(2)*mean(subj) 0];
-% flags used to select which calculations will be set up
-Condor_flag = 1;
-ptvInd = target_idx;  % PTV index in Geometry.ROIS
-fieldWidth = ypmax - ypmin;
-% total number of rotations required for treatment
-Nrot = ceil(abs(zBow - zStern)/(pitch*fieldWidth));
-Nphi = Nrot*51;  % number of angles used in the calculation
-% Nphi = Nrot*21;  % Grozomah
-% load(geometry_file);
-% define the limits of the angles that will be used for the calculation
-% ##phimin = 0;  % starting angle in radians
-% ##phimax = 2*pi*Nphi;
-phi = [0:Nphi-1]/Nphi *2*pi*Nrot;
-condor_folder = patient_dir;
-winxp_folder = 'winxp';
-% create names for condor input and output folders
-input_folder = '.';
-output_folder = '.';
-% name of the convolution/superposition executable, which will be in the
-% 'code' folder of each respective run type folder
-condor_exectuable_name = 'convolutionCondor';  % relative path on the cluster where code will be
-winxp_executable_name = 'convolution.exe';
-matlab_executable_name = 'convolution_mex';  % name of the Matlab version of the dose calculation code
-% set the beam parameters, assuming a helical beam trajectory
-% folders that will be inside the 'input' folder
-beamspec_folder = 'beamspecfiles';    % directory where beam files will be stored
-beamspec_batches_folder = 'beamspecbatches';
-beamspec_batch_base_name = 'beamspecbatch';  % base name for a beamlet batch file
-kernel_folder = 'kernelfiles';  % folder where kernel information will be saved
-kernel_filenames_condor = 'kernelFilenamesCondor.txt';
-kernel_filenames_winxp = 'kernelFilenamesWinXP.txt';
-% output folders
-beamlet_batch_base_name = 'beamletbatch';  % base name for a dose batch file
-geometry_header_filename = 'geometryHeader.txt';
-geometry_density_filename = 'density.bin';  % save the density, not the Hounsfield units!
-% end of user-defined parameters
-% check the validity of the user-defined variables
-if xpmin >= xpmax
-    error('xpmin must be less than xpmax.');
-if ypmin >= ypmax
-    error('ypmin must be less than ypmax.');b
-% if phimin > phimax
-%     error('phimin must be less than or equal to phimax.');
-% end
-if Mxp <= 0 || Nyp <= 0 || Nphi <= 0
-    error('Mxp, Nyp, and Nphi must be greater than zero.');
-if SAD < 20
-    error('It is recommended that the SAD be greater than 20 cm.');
-% the xy plane is perpendicular to the isocenter axis of the linac gantry
-% size of each beam aperture, making them vectors so extension to
-% non-uniform aperture sizes becomes obvious
-del_xp = (xpmax - xpmin)/Mxp;
-del_yp = (ypmax - ypmin)/Nyp;
-% Calculate the xp and yp offsets, which lie at the centers of the
-% apertures.
-xp = [xpmin:del_xp:xpmax-del_xp] + del_xp/2;
-yp = [ypmin:del_yp:ypmax-del_yp] + del_yp/2;
-[M,N,Q] = size(Geometry.rhomw);
-START = single(Geometry.start - iso);
-INC = single(Geometry.voxel_size);
-% Grozomah ## 
-% START(1) = START(1)/10;
-% START(2) = START(2)/10;
-% INC(1) = INC(1)/10;
-% INC(2) = INC(2)/10;
-% END= START+[32,32,40].*INC
-% define the tumor mask
-tumorMask = zeros(size(Geometry.rhomw),'single');
-tumorMask(Geometry.ROIS{ptvInd}.ind) = 1;
-BW = bwdist(tumorMask);
-tumorMaskExp = tumorMask;
-tumorMaskExp(BW <= 4) = 1;
-P = zeros(Mxp,Nphi);
-fprintf('Checking beam''s eye view ...\n');
-for p=1:Nphi
-    % ir and jr form the beam's eye view (BEV)
-    ir = [-sin(phi(p)); cos(phi(p)); 0];
-    jr = [0 0 1]';
-    % kr denotes the beam direction
-    kr = [cos(phi(p)); sin(phi(p)); 0];
-    for m=1:Mxp
-        point1 = single(-kr*SAD + [0 0 zBow + pitch*fieldWidth*phi(p)/(2*pi)]');  % source point
-        point2 = single(point1 + (SAD*kr + ir*xp(m))*10);
-        [indVisited,deffVisited] = singleRaytraceClean(tumorMaskExp,START,INC,point1,point2);
-        if ~isempty(indVisited)
-            P(m,p) = max(deffVisited);
-        end
-    end
-fprintf('Finished checking BEV\n');
-% load data required for the dose calculator
-Geometry.rhomw(Geometry.rhomw < 0) = 0;
-Geometry.rhomw(Geometry.rhomw < 0.0013) = 0.0013;  % fill blank voxels with air
-% convert Geometry and kernels to single
-f = fieldnames(Kernels);
-for k=1:length(f)
-    if isnumeric(getfield(Kernels,f{k}))
-        Kernels = setfield(Kernels,f{k},single(getfield(Kernels,f{k})));    
-    end
-f = fieldnames(Geometry);
-for k=1:length(f)
-    if isnumeric(getfield(Geometry,f{k}))
-        Geometry = setfield(Geometry,f{k},single(getfield(Geometry,f{k})));    
-    end
-% account for isocenter
-Geometry.start = single(Geometry.start - iso);
-% find the total number of beams
-Nbeam = Nphi*Mxp*Nyp;
-batch_num = 0;  % start the count for the number of total batches
-% fill up a cell array of beam structures, grouped by batch
-clear batches;
-batch_num = 0;
-batches = cell(1,Nrot);  % start the batches cell array (cell array of beam batches)
-rotNum = 0;
-% calculate beams for all source directions and apertures
-for k=1:Nphi  % loop through all gantry angles
-    % calculate the source location for a helical trajectory
-    beam.SAD = single(SAD);
-    % the kp vector is the beam direction, ip and jp span the beam's eye view
-    beam.ip = single([-sin(phi(k)) cos(phi(k)) 0]);
- = single([0 0 1]);
- = single([cos(phi(k)) sin(phi(k)) 0]);
-    beam.y_vec = single(*SAD + [0 0 zBow + pitch*fieldWidth*phi(k)/(2*pi)]);
-    rotNumOld = rotNum;
-    rotNum = floor(k/51) + 1;  % current rotation number
-    if rotNum - rotNumOld > 0
-        beam_num = 0; % if the rotation number has changed, start the beam count over
-    end
-    for m=1:Mxp  % loop through all apertures in the xp-direction
-        % calculate the beam if the tomotherapy fluence value is non-zero
-        if P(m,k) > 0
-            num = m + (k-1)*Mxp - 1;         % beamlet number (overall)
-            beam_num = beam_num + 1;
-            % set the beam aperture parameters
-            beam.del_xp = single(del_xp);
-            beam.del_yp = single(del_yp);
-            beam.xp = single(xp(m));
-            beam.yp = single(0);
-            beam.num = single(num);  % record the beam number to avoid any later ambiguity
-            batches{rotNum}{beam_num} = beam;
-        end
-    end
-% merge/split batches
-all_beams = horzcat(batches{:});
-num_beams_per_batch = ceil(numel(all_beams)/num_batches);
-batches = cell(num_batches,1);
-for k = 1:(num_batches-1)
-    batches{k} = all_beams(1+num_beams_per_batch*(k-1):num_beams_per_batch*k);
-batches{num_batches} = all_beams(1+num_beams_per_batch*(k):end);
-% Everything else in this file is related to saving the batches in a
-% useable form.
-if Condor_flag == 1
-    % delete the old submission file
-    err = rmdir(fullfile(condor_folder,beamspec_batches_folder),'s');
-    err = rmdir(fullfile(condor_folder,kernel_folder),'s');
-    % create folders where batch information will be sent
-    mkdir([condor_folder '/' input_folder '/' beamspec_batches_folder]);
-    % save the kernels
-    save_kernels(Kernels,[condor_folder '/' input_folder '/' kernel_folder]);
-    fprintf(['Successfully saved Condor kernels to ' input_folder '/' kernel_folder '\n']);
-    % create kernel filenames files
-    kernel_filenames_CHTC = 'kernelFilenamesCHTC.txt';
-    kernel_filenames_condor = 'kernelFilenamesCondor.txt';
-    fid = fopen([condor_folder '/' input_folder '/' kernel_filenames_condor],'w');
-    fid2 = fopen([condor_folder '/' input_folder '/' kernel_filenames_CHTC],'w');
-    fprintf(fid,'kernel_header\n');
-    % fprintf(fid,['./' input_folder '/' kernel_folder '/kernel_header.txt\n']);
-    fprintf(fid,'%s\n',fullfile(patient_dir,input_folder,kernel_folder,'kernel_header.txt'));
-    fprintf(fid2,'kernel_header\n');
-    fprintf(fid2, '%s/%s\n', kernel_folder,'kernel_header.txt');
-    fprintf(fid,'kernel_radii\n');
-    % fprintf(fid,['./' input_folder '/' kernel_folder '/radii.bin\n']);
-    fprintf(fid,'%s\n',fullfile(patient_dir,input_folder,kernel_folder,'radii.bin'));
-    fprintf(fid2,'kernel_radii\n');
-    fprintf(fid2, '%s/%s\n', kernel_folder,'radii.bin');
-    fprintf(fid,'kernel_angles\n');
-    % fprintf(fid,['./' input_folder '/' kernel_folder '/angles.bin\n']);
-    fprintf(fid,'%s\n',fullfile(patient_dir,input_folder,kernel_folder,'angles.bin'));
-    fprintf(fid2,'kernel_angles\n');
-    fprintf(fid2, '%s/%s\n', kernel_folder,'angles.bin');
-    fprintf(fid,'kernel_energies\n');
-    % fprintf(fid,['./' input_folder '/' kernel_folder '/energies.bin\n']);
-    fprintf(fid,'%s\n',fullfile(patient_dir,input_folder,kernel_folder,'energies.bin'));
-    fprintf(fid2,'kernel_energies\n');
-    fprintf(fid2, '%s/%s\n', kernel_folder,'energies.bin');
-    fprintf(fid,'kernel_primary\n');
-    % fprintf(fid,['./' input_folder '/' kernel_folder '/primary.bin\n']);
-    fprintf(fid,'%s\n',fullfile(patient_dir,input_folder,kernel_folder,'primary.bin'));
-    fprintf(fid2,'kernel_primary\n');
-    fprintf(fid2, '%s/%s\n', kernel_folder,'primary.bin');  
-    fprintf(fid,'kernel_first_scatter\n');
-    % fprintf(fid,['./' input_folder '/' kernel_folder '/first_scatter.bin\n']);
-    fprintf(fid,'%s\n',fullfile(patient_dir,input_folder,kernel_folder,'first_scatter.bin'));
-    fprintf(fid2,'kernel_first_scatter\n');
-    fprintf(fid2, '%s/%s\n', kernel_folder,'first_scatter.bin');
-    fprintf(fid,'kernel_second_scatter\n');
-    % fprintf(fid,['./' input_folder '/' kernel_folder '/second_scatter.bin\n']);
-    fprintf(fid,'%s\n',fullfile(patient_dir,input_folder,kernel_folder,'second_scatter.bin'));
-    fprintf(fid2,'kernel_second_scatter\n');
-    fprintf(fid2, '%s/%s\n', kernel_folder,'second_scatter.bin');
-    fprintf(fid,'kernel_multiple_scatter\n');
-    % fprintf(fid,['./' input_folder '/' kernel_folder '/multiple_scatter.bin\n']);
-    fprintf(fid,'%s\n',fullfile(patient_dir,input_folder,kernel_folder,'multiple_scatter.bin'));
-    fprintf(fid2,'kernel_multiple_scatter\n');
-    fprintf(fid2, '%s/%s\n', kernel_folder,'multiple_scatter.bin');
-    fprintf(fid,'kernel_brem_annih\n');
-    % fprintf(fid,['./' input_folder '/' kernel_folder '/brem_annih.bin\n']);
-    fprintf(fid,'%s\n',fullfile(patient_dir,input_folder,kernel_folder,'brem_annih.bin'));
-    fprintf(fid2,'kernel_brem_annih\n');
-    fprintf(fid2, '%s/%s\n', kernel_folder,'brem_annih.bin');
-    fprintf(fid,'kernel_total\n');
-    % fprintf(fid,['./' input_folder '/' kernel_folder '/total.bin\n']);
-    fprintf(fid,'%s\n',fullfile(patient_dir,input_folder,kernel_folder,'total.bin'));
-    fprintf(fid2,'kernel_total\n');
-    fprintf(fid2, '%s/%s\n', kernel_folder,'total.bin');
-    fprintf(fid,'kernel_fluence\n');
-    % fprintf(fid,['./' input_folder '/' kernel_folder '/fluence.bin\n']);
-    fprintf(fid,'%s\n',fullfile(patient_dir,input_folder,kernel_folder,'fluence.bin'));
-    fprintf(fid2,'kernel_fluence\n');
-    fprintf(fid2, '%s/%s\n', kernel_folder,'fluence.bin');
-    fprintf(fid,'kernel_mu\n');
-    % fprintf(fid,['./' input_folder '/' kernel_folder '/mu.bin\n']);
-    fprintf(fid,'%s\n',fullfile(patient_dir,input_folder,kernel_folder,'mu.bin'));
-    fprintf(fid2,'kernel_mu\n');
-    fprintf(fid2, '%s/%s\n', kernel_folder,'mu.bin');
-    fprintf(fid,'kernel_mu_en\n');
-    % fprintf(fid,['./' input_folder '/' kernel_folder '/mu_en.bin\n']);
-    fprintf(fid,'%s\n',fullfile(patient_dir,input_folder,kernel_folder,'mu_en.bin'));
-    fprintf(fid2,'kernel_mu_en\n');
-    fprintf(fid2, '%s/%s\n', kernel_folder,'mu_en.bin');
-    fclose(fid);
-% name for the condor submit file that will be used
-condor_submit_file = 'convolutionSubmit.txt';
-geometry_filenames_condor = 'geometryFilenamesCondor.txt';
-geometry_filenames_CHTC = 'geometryFilenamesCHTC.txt';
-% check the geometry file to ensure that it's not in Hounsfield units
-if length(find(Geometry.rhomw > 20)) || length(find(Geometry.rhomw < 0))
-    error('Double check the Geometry structure, it may still be in Hounsfield units!');
-geometry_folder = 'geometryfiles';
-batch_output_folder = 'batchoutput';  % folder to which stdout will be printed
-beamlet_batches_folder = 'beamletbatches';  % folder where resulting beamlet batches will be stored
-if Condor_flag == 1
-    mkdir([condor_folder '/' output_folder '/' beamlet_batches_folder]);
-    mkdir([condor_folder '/' output_folder '/' batch_output_folder]);
-    save_geometry(Geometry,[condor_folder '/' input_folder '/' geometry_folder],geometry_header_filename,geometry_density_filename);
-    fprintf(['Successfully saved Condor geometry to ' input_folder '/' geometry_folder '\n']);
-    % create geometry filenames files
-    fid = fopen([condor_folder '/' input_folder '/' geometry_filenames_condor],'w');
-    fid2 = fopen([condor_folder '/' input_folder '/' geometry_filenames_CHTC],'w');
-    fprintf(fid,'geometry_header\n');
-    % fprintf(fid,['./' input_folder '/' geometry_folder '/' geometry_header_filename '\n']);
-    fprintf(fid,'%s\n',fullfile(patient_dir,input_folder,geometry_folder,geometry_header_filename));
-    fprintf(fid2,'geometry_header\n');
-    fprintf(fid2, '%s/%s\n', geometry_folder,'geometryHeader.txt');
-    fprintf(fid,'geometry_density\n');
-    % fprintf(fid,['./' input_folder '/' geometry_folder '/' geometry_density_filename '\n']);
-    fprintf(fid,'%s\n',fullfile(patient_dir,input_folder,geometry_folder,geometry_density_filename));
-    fprintf(fid2,'geometry_density\n');
-    fprintf(fid2, '%s/%s\n', geometry_folder,'density.bin');
-    fclose(fid);
-    % write command file
-    % TODO consistent naming throughout script
-    for k = 1:numel(batches)
-        fid = fopen(fullfile(patient_dir,sprintf('run%d.cmd',k-1)), 'w');
-        fprintf(fid, '"%s" "%s" "%s" "%s" "%s"', executable_path,...
-            fullfile(patient_dir, kernel_filenames_condor),...
-            fullfile(patient_dir, geometry_filenames_condor),...
-            fullfile(patient_dir, 'beamspecbatches', sprintf('beamspecbatch%d.txt',k-1)),...
-            fullfile(patient_dir, sprintf('batch_dose%d.bin',k-1)));
-        fclose(fid);
-    end
-    % write the condor submit file
-%     beamspec_batch_filename = ['./' input_folder '/' beamspec_batches_folder '/' beamspec_batch_base_name '$(Process).txt'];
-%     beamlet_batch_filename = ['./' output_folder '/' beamlet_batches_folder '/' beamlet_batch_base_name '$(Process).bin'];
-%     fid = fopen([condor_folder '/' condor_submit_file],'w');
-%     fprintf(fid,'###############################################################\n');
-%     fprintf(fid,'# Condor submission script for convolution/superposition code\n');
-%     fprintf(fid,'###############################################################\n\n');
-%     fprintf(fid,'copy_to_spool = false\n');
-%     fprintf(fid,['Executable   = ' code_folder '/' condor_exectuable_name '\n']);
-%     fprintf(fid,['arguments    = ' input_folder '/' kernel_filenames_condor ' ' input_folder '/' geometry_filenames_condor ' ' beamspec_batch_filename ' ' beamlet_batch_filename '\n']);
-%     fprintf(fid,['Output       = ./' output_folder '/' batch_output_folder '/batchout$(Process).txt\n']);
-%     fprintf(fid,['Log          = ./' output_folder '/' batch_output_folder '/log.txt\n']);
-%     fprintf(fid,['Queue  ' num2str(Nrot)]);
-%     fclose(fid);
-% % write the condor submit file
-%      beamspec_batch_filename = ['./' input_folder '/' beamspec_batches_folder '/' beamspec_batch_base_name '$(Process).txt'];
-%      beamlet_batch_filename = ['./' output_folder '/' beamlet_batches_folder '/' beamlet_batch_base_name '$(Process).bin'];
-     fid = fopen([condor_folder '/' condor_submit_file],'w');
-     fprintf(fid,'###############################################################\n');
-     fprintf(fid,'# Condor submission script for convolution/superposition code\n');
-     fprintf(fid,'###############################################################\n\n');
-     fprintf(fid,'copy_to_spool = false\n');
-     fprintf(fid,['Executable   = ' condor_exectuable_name '\n']);
-     fprintf(fid,['Arguments    = ' kernel_filenames_CHTC ' ' geometry_filenames_CHTC ' ' beamspec_batch_base_name '$(Process).txt ' 'batch_dose$(Process).bin\n']);
-     fprintf(fid,['Transfer_input_files = ' kernel_folder ',' geometry_folder ',' beamspec_batches_folder '/' beamspec_batch_base_name '$(Process).txt' ',' kernel_filenames_CHTC ',' geometry_filenames_CHTC '\n']);
-     fprintf(fid,['Request_memory = 1000' '\n']);
-     fprintf(fid,['Request_disk = 500000' '\n']);
-     fprintf(fid,['Output       = $(Cluster).out' '\n']);
-     fprintf(fid,['Log          = $(Cluster).log' '\n']);
-     fprintf(fid,['Error          = $(Cluster).err' '\n']);
-     fprintf(fid,['Queue  ' num2str(num_batches) '\n']);
-%      fclose(fid);
-% write the batches to files
-for n=1:numel(batches)
-    batch = batches{n};  % current batch
-    if Condor_flag == 1
-        save_beamspec_batch(batch,[condor_folder '/' input_folder '/' beamspec_batches_folder],[beamspec_batch_base_name num2str(n-1) '.txt']);
-    end
-% for k = 1:numel(batches)
-%         system([fullfile(patient_dir,sprintf('run%d.cmd',k-1)) ' &']);
-%     end 
-% Ask for User option to run the dose calculation locally on the computer 
-% or just to get necessary files for CHTC server
-% 'y' means run locally, 'n' means not to run locally on the computer
-strBeamlet = '';
-    if strcmpi('y',strBeamlet)
-        break;
-    elseif strcmpi('n',strBeamlet)
-        break;
-    end
-    strBeamlet = input('Run beamlet batches dose calculation locally? y/n \n','s');
-disp(['Calculating ' num2str(size(all_beams, 2)) ' beamlets in ' num2str(size(batches, 1))...
-    ' batches. '])
-    for k = 1:numel(batches)
-        system([fullfile(patient_dir,sprintf('run%d.cmd',k-1)) ' &']);
-    end 

+ 543 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,543 @@
+% This version was modified by Peter Ferjancic to accept .nrrd file format
+% for target. It was also rollbacked on some parameters back to the
+% clinical system settings.
+% This file has been modified by Surendra Prajapati especially to run
+% WiscPlan for KV beams. Works for running locally as well as in Server.
+% RTF 11/4/05
+% Sets up the run files needed for running a Condor convolution
+% superposition dose calculation with photon beams.
+% Versions of the convolution code that run in both Windows XP, Condor, and
+% directly through Matlab can all be created here.  The only real
+% differences between the files are in the access conventions, which just%
+% This has to do with switching forward slashes with backslashes.
+% Surendra edits: num_batches, SAD, pitch, xpmin/max, ypmin/max, Mxp, Nphi 
+% Also edit: 
+% Kernel should always be named Kernels.mat 
+function num_batches = helicalDosecalcSetup7_fullRO(patient_dir, OptGoals, beamlet_dir)
+% -- INPUT:
+% patient_dir: specify where kernel and [geometry] files are located
+iso = [0 0 0]; % Point about which gantry rotations begin
+SAD = 85;  % source-axis distance for the x-ray source ##
+pitch = 0.86; % fraction of beam with couch translates per rotation
+%% --- make the figure prompt for number of angles and beamlets
+str = inputdlg({'Enter number of calc cores', 'Enter number of angles (51 default)', ...
+    'Enter number of beamlets (64 default)'}, 'input', [1,35], {'1', '51', '64'});
+num_batches = str2double(str{1}); % number of cores you want to run the beam calculation 
+% -- (3 for a 4-core comp to prevent lockdown)
+N_angles = str2double(str{2}); % 51 for full resolution
+Mxp = str2double(str{3}); % Mxp = 64;  number of MLC leaves;
+Nyp = 1;  % always 1 for Tomo due to binary mlc
+% define the overall beam field size for each beam angle
+% beam is 40 cm wide in transverse direction and 1-5 cm (usually 2) in y
+% direction.
+% isocenter is 85 cm from source, ends of jaws are 23 cm from source
+xpmin = -20.0;      % -field width / 2
+xpmax = 20.0;       % +field width / 2
+% ypmin = -0.3125;  % total jaw width is 0.625 cm
+% ypmax = 0.3125;
+% ypmin = -0.5;       % total jaw width is 1 cm
+% ypmax = 0.5;
+ypmin = -1.25;    % total jaw width is 2.5 cm
+ypmax = 1.25;
+% y-prime points in the z-direction in the CT coordinate system
+% ============================================= End of user-supplied inputs
+% executable_path = 'C:\010-work\003_localGit\WiscPlan_v2\WiscPlanPhotonkV125\WiscPlanEXE\RyanCsphoton.x86.exe';
+executable_path = mfilename('fullpath');
+executable_path = [executable_path(1:end-37), 'WiscPlanEXE\RyanCsphoton.x86.exe']
+kernel_file = 'Kernels.mat';
+geometry_file = fullfile(patient_dir, 'matlab_files\Geometry.mat');
+ROI_names = cellfun(@(c), Geometry.ROIS, 'UniformOutput', false);
+[target_idx, okay] = listdlg('ListString', ROI_names, ...
+    'SelectionMode', 'single', 'Name', 'Target Selection', ...
+    'PromptString', 'Please select the target ROI for beamlet calc. ');
+if okay ~= 1
+    msgbox('Plan creation aborted');
+    return;
+targetMask = zeros(size(;
+targetMask(Geometry.ROIS{target_idx}.ind) = 1;
+% Grozomah - targetMask needs to get a 'double' matrix with the location of
+% the target
+targetMaskZ = sum(sum(targetMask,1),2);
+zBow = (find(targetMaskZ>0, 1, 'first')-1)*Geometry.voxel_size(3) + Geometry.start(3) + ypmin;
+zStern = (find(targetMaskZ>0, 1, 'last')+1)*Geometry.voxel_size(3) + Geometry.start(3) + ypmax;
+[subi, subj, subk] = ind2sub(size(, Geometry.ROIS{target_idx}.ind);
+iso = [Geometry.start(1)+Geometry.voxel_size(1)*mean(subi) ...
+    Geometry.start(2)+Geometry.voxel_size(2)*mean(subj) 0];
+% flags used to select which calculations will be set up
+Condor_flag = 1;
+ptvInd = target_idx;  % PTV index in Geometry.ROIS
+fieldWidth = ypmax - ypmin;
+% total number of rotations required for treatment
+Nrot = ceil(abs(zBow - zStern)/(pitch*fieldWidth));
+% Nphi = Nrot*51;  % number of angles used in the calculation
+Nphi = Nrot * N_angles;  % Grozomah
+% define the limits of the angles that will be used for the calculation
+% ##phimin = 0;  % starting angle in radians
+% ##phimax = 2*pi*Nphi;
+phi = [0:Nphi-1]/Nphi *2*pi*Nrot;
+condor_folder = patient_dir;
+winxp_folder = 'winxp';
+% create names for condor input and output folders
+input_folder = '.';
+output_folder = '.';
+% name of the convolution/superposition executable, which will be in the
+% 'code' folder of each respective run type folder
+condor_exectuable_name = 'convolutionCondor';  % relative path on the cluster where code will be
+winxp_executable_name = 'convolution.exe';
+matlab_executable_name = 'convolution_mex';  % name of the Matlab version of the dose calculation code
+% set the beam parameters, assuming a helical beam trajectory
+% folders that will be inside the 'input' folder
+beamspec_folder = 'beamspecfiles';    % directory where beam files will be stored
+beamspec_batches_folder = 'beamspecbatches';
+beamspec_batch_base_name = 'beamspecbatch';  % base name for a beamlet batch file
+kernel_folder = 'kernelfiles';  % folder where kernel information will be saved
+kernel_filenames_condor = 'kernelFilenamesCondor.txt';
+kernel_filenames_winxp = 'kernelFilenamesWinXP.txt';
+% output folders
+beamlet_batch_base_name = 'beamletbatch';  % base name for a dose batch file
+geometry_header_filename = 'geometryHeader.txt';
+geometry_density_filename = 'density.bin';  % save the density, not the Hounsfield units!
+% end of user-defined parameters
+% check the validity of the user-defined variables
+if xpmin >= xpmax
+    error('xpmin must be less than xpmax.');
+if ypmin >= ypmax
+    error('ypmin must be less than ypmax.');b
+% if phimin > phimax
+%     error('phimin must be less than or equal to phimax.');
+% end
+if Mxp <= 0 || Nyp <= 0 || Nphi <= 0
+    error('Mxp, Nyp, and Nphi must be greater than zero.');
+if SAD < 50
+    error('It is recommended that the SAD be greater than 50 cm.');
+% the xy plane is perpendicular to the isocenter axis of the linac gantry
+% size of each beam aperture, making them vectors so extension to
+% non-uniform aperture sizes becomes obvious
+del_xp = (xpmax - xpmin)/Mxp;
+del_yp = (ypmax - ypmin)/Nyp;
+% Calculate the xp and yp offsets, which lie at the centers of the
+% apertures.
+xp = [xpmin:del_xp:xpmax-del_xp] + del_xp/2;
+yp = [ypmin:del_yp:ypmax-del_yp] + del_yp/2;
+[M,N,Q] = size(Geometry.rhomw);
+START = single(Geometry.start - iso);
+INC = single(Geometry.voxel_size);
+% Grozomah ## 
+% START(1) = START(1)/10;
+% START(2) = START(2)/10;
+% INC(1) = INC(1)/10;
+% INC(2) = INC(2)/10;
+% END= START+[32,32,40].*INC
+% define the tumor mask
+tumorMask = zeros(size(Geometry.rhomw),'single');
+tumorMask(Geometry.ROIS{ptvInd}.ind) = 1;
+BW = bwdist(tumorMask);
+tumorMaskExp = tumorMask;
+tumorMaskExp(BW <= 4) = 1;
+P = zeros(Mxp,Nphi);
+fprintf('Checking beam''s eye view ...\n');
+for p=1:Nphi
+    % ir and jr form the beam's eye view (BEV)
+    ir = [-sin(phi(p)); cos(phi(p)); 0];
+    jr = [0 0 1]';
+    % kr denotes the beam direction
+    kr = [cos(phi(p)); sin(phi(p)); 0];
+    for m=1:Mxp
+        point1 = single(-kr*SAD + [0 0 zBow + pitch*fieldWidth*phi(p)/(2*pi)]');  % source point
+        point2 = single(point1 + (SAD*kr + ir*xp(m))*10);
+        [indVisited,deffVisited] = singleRaytraceClean(tumorMaskExp,START,INC,point1,point2);
+        if ~isempty(indVisited)
+            P(m,p) = max(deffVisited);
+        end
+    end
+fprintf('Finished checking BEV\n');
+% load data required for the dose calculator
+Geometry.rhomw(Geometry.rhomw < 0) = 0;
+Geometry.rhomw(Geometry.rhomw < 0.0013) = 0.0013;  % fill blank voxels with air
+% convert Geometry and kernels to single
+f = fieldnames(Kernels);
+for k=1:length(f)
+    if isnumeric(getfield(Kernels,f{k}))
+        Kernels = setfield(Kernels,f{k},single(getfield(Kernels,f{k})));    
+    end
+f = fieldnames(Geometry);
+for k=1:length(f)
+    if isnumeric(getfield(Geometry,f{k}))
+        Geometry = setfield(Geometry,f{k},single(getfield(Geometry,f{k})));    
+    end
+% account for isocenter
+Geometry.start_nominal = single(Geometry.start - iso);
+%% account for beamlet shift
+for scenario_i = 1  % :numel(OptGoals.sss_scene_list)
+    disp(OptGoals.sss_scene_list{scenario_i});
+    % change Condor folder names as appropriate
+    condor_folder_scenario = [beamlet_dir '\scenario' num2str(scenario_i)];
+    mkdir(condor_folder_scenario)
+    patient_dir_scenario = condor_folder_scenario
+    % do the isocenter shift
+    shift = OptGoals.sss_scene_list{scenario_i}; % Y X Z
+    iso = [iso(1)+Geometry.voxel_size(1)*shift(1) ...
+        iso(2)+Geometry.voxel_size(2)*shift(2) ...
+        iso(3)+Geometry.voxel_size(3)*shift(3)];
+    Geometry.start = Geometry.start_nominal- iso;
+    % find the total number of beams
+    Nbeam = Nphi*Mxp*Nyp;
+    batch_num = 0;  % start the count for the number of total batches
+    % fill up a cell array of beam structures, grouped by batch
+    clear batches;
+    batch_num = 0;
+    batches = cell(1,Nrot);  % start the batches cell array (cell array of beam batches)
+    rotNum = 0;
+    % calculate beams for all source directions and apertures
+    for k=1:Nphi  % loop through all gantry angles
+        % calculate the source location for a helical trajectory
+        beam.SAD = single(SAD);
+        % the kp vector is the beam direction, ip and jp span the beam's eye view
+        beam.ip = single([-sin(phi(k)) cos(phi(k)) 0]);
+ = single([0 0 1]);
+ = single([cos(phi(k)) sin(phi(k)) 0]);
+        beam.y_vec = single(*SAD + [0 0 zBow + pitch*fieldWidth*phi(k)/(2*pi)]);
+        rotNumOld = rotNum;
+        rotNum = floor(k/51) + 1;  % current rotation number
+        if rotNum - rotNumOld > 0
+            beam_num = 0; % if the rotation number has changed, start the beam count over
+        end
+        for m=1:Mxp  % loop through all apertures in the xp-direction
+            % calculate the beam if the tomotherapy fluence value is non-zero
+            if P(m,k) > 0
+                num = m + (k-1)*Mxp - 1;         % beamlet number (overall)
+                beam_num = beam_num + 1;
+                % set the beam aperture parameters
+                beam.del_xp = single(del_xp);
+                beam.del_yp = single(del_yp);
+                beam.xp = single(xp(m));
+                beam.yp = single(0);
+                beam.num = single(num);  % record the beam number to avoid any later ambiguity
+                batches{rotNum}{beam_num} = beam;
+            end
+        end
+    end
+    % merge/split batches
+    all_beams = horzcat(batches{:});
+    num_beams_per_batch = ceil(numel(all_beams)/num_batches);
+    batches = cell(num_batches,1);
+    for k = 1:(num_batches)
+        beams_idx = 1+num_beams_per_batch*(k-1):num_beams_per_batch*k;
+        beams_idx (beams_idx>numel(all_beams)) = [];
+        batches{k} = all_beams(beams_idx);
+    end
+    % batches{num_batches} = all_beams(1+num_beams_per_batch*(k):end);
+    % Everything else in this file is related to saving the batches in a
+    % useable form.
+    if Condor_flag == 1
+        % delete the old submission file
+        err = rmdir(fullfile(condor_folder_scenario,beamspec_batches_folder),'s');
+        err = rmdir(fullfile(condor_folder_scenario,kernel_folder),'s');
+        % create folders where batch information will be sent
+        mkdir([condor_folder_scenario '/' input_folder '/' beamspec_batches_folder]);
+        % save the kernels
+        save_kernels(Kernels,[condor_folder_scenario '/' input_folder '/' kernel_folder]);
+        fprintf(['Successfully saved Condor kernels to ' input_folder '/' kernel_folder '\n']);
+        % create kernel filenames files
+        kernel_filenames_CHTC = 'kernelFilenamesCHTC.txt';
+        kernel_filenames_condor = 'kernelFilenamesCondor.txt';
+        fid = fopen([condor_folder_scenario '/' input_folder '/' kernel_filenames_condor],'w');
+        fid2 = fopen([condor_folder_scenario '/' input_folder '/' kernel_filenames_CHTC],'w');
+        fprintf(fid,'kernel_header\n');
+        % fprintf(fid,['./' input_folder '/' kernel_folder '/kernel_header.txt\n']);
+        fprintf(fid,'%s\n',fullfile(patient_dir_scenario,input_folder,kernel_folder,'kernel_header.txt'));
+        fprintf(fid2,'kernel_header\n');
+        fprintf(fid2, '%s/%s\n', kernel_folder,'kernel_header.txt');
+        fprintf(fid,'kernel_radii\n');
+        % fprintf(fid,['./' input_folder '/' kernel_folder '/radii.bin\n']);
+        fprintf(fid,'%s\n',fullfile(patient_dir_scenario,input_folder,kernel_folder,'radii.bin'));
+        fprintf(fid2,'kernel_radii\n');
+        fprintf(fid2, '%s/%s\n', kernel_folder,'radii.bin');
+        fprintf(fid,'kernel_angles\n');
+        % fprintf(fid,['./' input_folder '/' kernel_folder '/angles.bin\n']);
+        fprintf(fid,'%s\n',fullfile(patient_dir_scenario,input_folder,kernel_folder,'angles.bin'));
+        fprintf(fid2,'kernel_angles\n');
+        fprintf(fid2, '%s/%s\n', kernel_folder,'angles.bin');
+        fprintf(fid,'kernel_energies\n');
+        % fprintf(fid,['./' input_folder '/' kernel_folder '/energies.bin\n']);
+        fprintf(fid,'%s\n',fullfile(patient_dir_scenario,input_folder,kernel_folder,'energies.bin'));
+        fprintf(fid2,'kernel_energies\n');
+        fprintf(fid2, '%s/%s\n', kernel_folder,'energies.bin');
+        fprintf(fid,'kernel_primary\n');
+        % fprintf(fid,['./' input_folder '/' kernel_folder '/primary.bin\n']);
+        fprintf(fid,'%s\n',fullfile(patient_dir_scenario,input_folder,kernel_folder,'primary.bin'));
+        fprintf(fid2,'kernel_primary\n');
+        fprintf(fid2, '%s/%s\n', kernel_folder,'primary.bin');  
+        fprintf(fid,'kernel_first_scatter\n');
+        % fprintf(fid,['./' input_folder '/' kernel_folder '/first_scatter.bin\n']);
+        fprintf(fid,'%s\n',fullfile(patient_dir_scenario,input_folder,kernel_folder,'first_scatter.bin'));
+        fprintf(fid2,'kernel_first_scatter\n');
+        fprintf(fid2, '%s/%s\n', kernel_folder,'first_scatter.bin');
+        fprintf(fid,'kernel_second_scatter\n');
+        % fprintf(fid,['./' input_folder '/' kernel_folder '/second_scatter.bin\n']);
+        fprintf(fid,'%s\n',fullfile(patient_dir_scenario,input_folder,kernel_folder,'second_scatter.bin'));
+        fprintf(fid2,'kernel_second_scatter\n');
+        fprintf(fid2, '%s/%s\n', kernel_folder,'second_scatter.bin');
+        fprintf(fid,'kernel_multiple_scatter\n');
+        % fprintf(fid,['./' input_folder '/' kernel_folder '/multiple_scatter.bin\n']);
+        fprintf(fid,'%s\n',fullfile(patient_dir_scenario,input_folder,kernel_folder,'multiple_scatter.bin'));
+        fprintf(fid2,'kernel_multiple_scatter\n');
+        fprintf(fid2, '%s/%s\n', kernel_folder,'multiple_scatter.bin');
+        fprintf(fid,'kernel_brem_annih\n');
+        % fprintf(fid,['./' input_folder '/' kernel_folder '/brem_annih.bin\n']);
+        fprintf(fid,'%s\n',fullfile(patient_dir_scenario,input_folder,kernel_folder,'brem_annih.bin'));
+        fprintf(fid2,'kernel_brem_annih\n');
+        fprintf(fid2, '%s/%s\n', kernel_folder,'brem_annih.bin');
+        fprintf(fid,'kernel_total\n');
+        % fprintf(fid,['./' input_folder '/' kernel_folder '/total.bin\n']);
+        fprintf(fid,'%s\n',fullfile(patient_dir_scenario,input_folder,kernel_folder,'total.bin'));
+        fprintf(fid2,'kernel_total\n');
+        fprintf(fid2, '%s/%s\n', kernel_folder,'total.bin');
+        fprintf(fid,'kernel_fluence\n');
+        % fprintf(fid,['./' input_folder '/' kernel_folder '/fluence.bin\n']);
+        fprintf(fid,'%s\n',fullfile(patient_dir_scenario,input_folder,kernel_folder,'fluence.bin'));
+        fprintf(fid2,'kernel_fluence\n');
+        fprintf(fid2, '%s/%s\n', kernel_folder,'fluence.bin');
+        fprintf(fid,'kernel_mu\n');
+        % fprintf(fid,['./' input_folder '/' kernel_folder '/mu.bin\n']);
+        fprintf(fid,'%s\n',fullfile(patient_dir_scenario,input_folder,kernel_folder,'mu.bin'));
+        fprintf(fid2,'kernel_mu\n');
+        fprintf(fid2, '%s/%s\n', kernel_folder,'mu.bin');
+        fprintf(fid,'kernel_mu_en\n');
+        % fprintf(fid,['./' input_folder '/' kernel_folder '/mu_en.bin\n']);
+        fprintf(fid,'%s\n',fullfile(patient_dir_scenario,input_folder,kernel_folder,'mu_en.bin'));
+        fprintf(fid2,'kernel_mu_en\n');
+        fprintf(fid2, '%s/%s\n', kernel_folder,'mu_en.bin');
+        fclose(fid);
+    end
+    % name for the condor submit file that will be used
+    condor_submit_file = 'convolutionSubmit.txt';
+    geometry_filenames_condor = 'geometryFilenamesCondor.txt';
+    geometry_filenames_CHTC = 'geometryFilenamesCHTC.txt';
+    % check the geometry file to ensure that it's not in Hounsfield units
+    if length(find(Geometry.rhomw > 20)) || length(find(Geometry.rhomw < 0))
+        error('Double check the Geometry structure, it may still be in Hounsfield units!');
+    end
+    geometry_folder = 'geometryfiles';
+    batch_output_folder = 'batchoutput';  % folder to which stdout will be printed
+    beamlet_batches_folder = 'beamletbatches';  % folder where resulting beamlet batches will be stored
+    if Condor_flag == 1
+        mkdir([condor_folder_scenario '/' output_folder '/' beamlet_batches_folder]);
+        mkdir([condor_folder_scenario '/' output_folder '/' batch_output_folder]);
+        save_geometry(Geometry,[condor_folder_scenario '/' input_folder '/' geometry_folder],geometry_header_filename,geometry_density_filename);
+        fprintf(['Successfully saved Condor geometry to ' input_folder '/' geometry_folder '\n']);
+        % create geometry filenames files
+        fid = fopen([condor_folder_scenario '/' input_folder '/' geometry_filenames_condor],'w');
+        fid2 = fopen([condor_folder_scenario '/' input_folder '/' geometry_filenames_CHTC],'w');
+        fprintf(fid,'geometry_header\n');
+        % fprintf(fid,['./' input_folder '/' geometry_folder '/' geometry_header_filename '\n']);
+        fprintf(fid,'%s\n',fullfile(patient_dir_scenario,input_folder,geometry_folder,geometry_header_filename));
+        fprintf(fid2,'geometry_header\n');
+        fprintf(fid2, '%s/%s\n', geometry_folder,'geometryHeader.txt');
+        fprintf(fid,'geometry_density\n');
+        % fprintf(fid,['./' input_folder '/' geometry_folder '/' geometry_density_filename '\n']);
+        fprintf(fid,'%s\n',fullfile(patient_dir_scenario,input_folder,geometry_folder,geometry_density_filename));
+        fprintf(fid2,'geometry_density\n');
+        fprintf(fid2, '%s/%s\n', geometry_folder,'density.bin');
+        fclose(fid);
+        % write command file
+        % TODO consistent naming throughout script
+        for k = 1:numel(batches)
+            fid = fopen(fullfile(condor_folder_scenario,sprintf('run%d.cmd',k-1)), 'w');
+            fprintf(fid, '"%s" "%s" "%s" "%s" "%s"', executable_path,...
+                fullfile(patient_dir_scenario, kernel_filenames_condor),...
+                fullfile(patient_dir_scenario, geometry_filenames_condor),...
+                fullfile(patient_dir_scenario, 'beamspecbatches', sprintf('beamspecbatch%d.txt',k-1)),...
+                fullfile(patient_dir_scenario, sprintf('batch_dose%d_S%d.bin',k-1, scenario_i)));
+            fclose(fid);
+        end
+        % write the condor submit file
+    %     beamspec_batch_filename = ['./' input_folder '/' beamspec_batches_folder '/' beamspec_batch_base_name '$(Process).txt'];
+    %     beamlet_batch_filename = ['./' output_folder '/' beamlet_batches_folder '/' beamlet_batch_base_name '$(Process).bin'];
+    %     fid = fopen([condor_folder '/' condor_submit_file],'w');
+    %     fprintf(fid,'###############################################################\n');
+    %     fprintf(fid,'# Condor submission script for convolution/superposition code\n');
+    %     fprintf(fid,'###############################################################\n\n');
+    %     fprintf(fid,'copy_to_spool = false\n');
+    %     fprintf(fid,['Executable   = ' code_folder '/' condor_exectuable_name '\n']);
+    %     fprintf(fid,['arguments    = ' input_folder '/' kernel_filenames_condor ' ' input_folder '/' geometry_filenames_condor ' ' beamspec_batch_filename ' ' beamlet_batch_filename '\n']);
+    %     fprintf(fid,['Output       = ./' output_folder '/' batch_output_folder '/batchout$(Process).txt\n']);
+    %     fprintf(fid,['Log          = ./' output_folder '/' batch_output_folder '/log.txt\n']);
+    %     fprintf(fid,['Queue  ' num2str(Nrot)]);
+    %     fclose(fid);
+    % % write the condor submit file
+    %      beamspec_batch_filename = ['./' input_folder '/' beamspec_batches_folder '/' beamspec_batch_base_name '$(Process).txt'];
+    %      beamlet_batch_filename = ['./' output_folder '/' beamlet_batches_folder '/' beamlet_batch_base_name '$(Process).bin'];
+         fid = fopen([condor_folder_scenario '/' condor_submit_file],'w');
+         fprintf(fid,'###############################################################\n');
+         fprintf(fid,'# Condor submission script for convolution/superposition code\n');
+         fprintf(fid,'###############################################################\n\n');
+         fprintf(fid,'copy_to_spool = false\n');
+         fprintf(fid,['Executable   = ' condor_exectuable_name '\n']);
+         fprintf(fid,['Arguments    = ' kernel_filenames_CHTC ' ' geometry_filenames_CHTC ' ' beamspec_batch_base_name '$(Process).txt ' 'batch_dose$(Process).bin\n']);
+         fprintf(fid,['Transfer_input_files = ' kernel_folder ',' geometry_folder ',' beamspec_batches_folder '/' beamspec_batch_base_name '$(Process).txt' ',' kernel_filenames_CHTC ',' geometry_filenames_CHTC '\n']);
+         fprintf(fid,['Request_memory = 1000' '\n']);
+         fprintf(fid,['Request_disk = 500000' '\n']);
+         fprintf(fid,['Output       = $(Cluster).out' '\n']);
+         fprintf(fid,['Log          = $(Cluster).log' '\n']);
+         fprintf(fid,['Error          = $(Cluster).err' '\n']);
+         fprintf(fid,['Queue  ' num2str(num_batches) '\n']);
+    %      fclose(fid);
+    end
+    % write the batches to files
+    for n=1:numel(batches)
+        batch = batches{n};  % current batch
+        if Condor_flag == 1
+            save_beamspec_batch(batch,[condor_folder_scenario '/' input_folder '/' beamspec_batches_folder],[beamspec_batch_base_name num2str(n-1) '.txt']);
+        end
+    end
+    all_beams{1}.Mxp = Mxp;
+    all_beams{1}.N_angles = N_angles;
+    all_beams{1}.num_batches = num_batches;
+    save([condor_folder_scenario '\all_beams.mat'], 'all_beams');
+    % for k = 1:numel(batches)
+    %         system([fullfile(patient_dir,sprintf('run%d.cmd',k-1)) ' &']);
+    %     end 
+    % Ask for User option to run the dose calculation locally on the computer 
+    % or just to get necessary files for CHTC server
+    % 'y' means run locally, 'n' means not to run locally on the computer
+    strBeamlet = '';
+    while(1)
+        if strcmpi('y',strBeamlet)
+            break;
+        elseif strcmpi('n',strBeamlet)
+            break;
+        end
+%         strBeamlet = input('Run beamlet batches dose calculation locally? y/n \n','s');
+        strBeamlet = 'y'; %bypass question
+    end
+    t = datetime('now');
+    disp(['Calculating ' num2str(size(all_beams, 2)) ' beamlets in ' num2str(size(batches, 1))...
+        ' batches. Start: ' datestr(t)])
+    if(strcmpi('y',strBeamlet)) 
+        for k = 1:numel(batches)
+            system([fullfile(patient_dir_scenario,sprintf('run%d.cmd',k-1)) ' &']);
+        end 
+    end
+end % end of scenario loop

+ 19 - 4

@@ -78,6 +78,8 @@ classdef XTPS < handle
             obj.handles.hToolsMenu   = uimenu(obj.handles.hMainFigure, 'Label', 'Tools');            
             obj.handles.hPlotDVHMenu = uimenu(obj.handles.hToolsMenu,  'Label', 'Plot DVH');
             obj.handles.hResampleGeometry = uimenu(obj.handles.hToolsMenu,  'Label', 'Resample Geometry');
+            obj.handles.hFullRO_beamCalc = uimenu(obj.handles.hToolsMenu,  'Label', 'Full RO beam calc');
+            obj.handles.hFullRO_Opt = uimenu(obj.handles.hToolsMenu,  'Label', 'Full RO optimization');
             % Associate callbacks
@@ -110,6 +112,8 @@ classdef XTPS < handle
             set(obj.handles.hExportPinnacleMenu, 'Callback',        @obj.ExportPinnacleMenu_Callback);
             set(obj.handles.hPlotDVHMenu, 'Callback',               @obj.PlotDVHMenu_Callback);
             set(obj.handles.hResampleGeometry, 'Callback',          @obj.ResampleGeometry_Callback);
+            set(obj.handles.hFullRO_beamCalc, 'Callback',           @obj.FullRO_beamCalc_Callback);
+            set(obj.handles.hFullRO_Opt, 'Callback',                @obj.FullRO_Opt_Callback);
             set(obj.handles.hDoseModeDropdown, 'Callback',          @obj.DoseModeDropdown_Callback);
             set(obj.handles.hWWSlider, 'Callback',                  @obj.WWSlider_Callback);
             set(obj.handles.hWWEdit, 'Callback',                    @obj.WWEdit_Callback);
@@ -676,15 +680,26 @@ classdef XTPS < handle
         function ResampleGeometry_Callback(obj, src, evt)
-            %% --- make the figure prompt for number of angles and beamlets
-            % call the resample function
+            % call the function to create a resampled geometry and save it
+            % in a separate folder
             disp('Resampled geometry created!')
+        function FullRO_beamCalc_Callback(obj, src, evt)
+            % call the function to start beamlet calculations for all
+            % scenarios
+            disp('Full RO beamcalc called!')
+            fullRO_beamCalc(obj.handles.hSVPS.Geometry)
+        end
+        function FullRO_Opt_Callback(obj, src, evt)
+            % call function to do full RO optimization based on multiple
+            % beamlets
+            disp('Full RO optimization called')
+        end
         function DoseModeDropdown_Callback(obj, src, evt)
             str = get(obj.handles.hDoseModeDropdown, 'String');
             obj.handles.hSVPS.dosedisp.mode = str{get(obj.handles.hDoseModeDropdown, 'Value')};