function Geometry = dicomrt2geometry(dicomrt_dir) %DICOMRT2GEOMETRY Import DicomRT dataset to Ryan's "Geometry" struct % Usage: % [ Geometry ] = dicomrt2geometry ( [input_dir] ) % Input: % input_dir = directory contains DicomRT data % [] = prompt to select input_dir % Output: % Geometry = Ryan's Geometry struct used with RDX TPS % % This function imports DicomRT data set and create RDX TPS compatible Geometry % struct. % % TODO: Switch from filename based Dicom identification to StudyID based. % % See also readPinnGeometry.m % % Author: Xiaohu Mo % edits: Peter Ferjancic 2019/01 Geometry = []; if nargin < 1 % dicomrt_dir = uifile('getdir', 'Select the directory contains the DICOM-RT images'); % !!! Grozomah load('WiscPlan_preferences.mat') if isfield(WiscPlan_preferences, 'inDataPath') if isstring(WiscPlan_preferences.inDataPath) else WiscPlan_preferences.inDataPath = 'C://'; end else WiscPlan_preferences.inDataPath = 'C://'; end dicomrt_dir = uigetdir(WiscPlan_preferences.inDataPath, 'Select the directory contains the DICOM-RT images'); WiscPlan_preferences.inDataPath = dicomrt_dir; thisDir = mfilename('fullpath'); idcs = strfind(thisDir,'\'); prefsdir = thisDir(1:idcs(end-1)-1); save([prefsdir '\WiscPlan_preferences.mat'], 'WiscPlan_preferences') end if exist(dicomrt_dir, 'dir') ~= 7 msgbox('Cannot find input directory'); return; end %% -----===== Start Importing =====----- % set dicom dictionary before any dicominfo or dicomread dicomdict('factory'); % change path due to the limitation of DicomRT toolbox % will cd back later previousPath = pwd; cd(dicomrt_dir); % get the list of filenames dirlist = dir(dicomrt_dir); filenames = cell(0); % remove directories for i = 1:numel(dirlist) [tilde, tilde, ext] = fileparts(dirlist(i).name); % if ~dirlist(i).isdir && strcmpi(ext, '.dcm') if ~dirlist(i).isdir && ~strcmpi(ext, '.txt') % <--- Grozomah: Fix this back to default! filenames{end+1} = dirlist(i).name; end end % get all dicominfo to a cell array the same size as filelist for i = 1:numel(filenames) dcminfo{i} = dicominfo(filenames{i}); end % TODO integrity check % UID should match % should be only one RTSTRUCT file present %% -----===== Import Dicom CT data set =====----- % Create DicomRT ct list file fid = fopen('ctlist.txt', 'w'); for i = 1:numel(dcminfo) if strcmpi(dcminfo{i}.Modality, 'CT') fprintf(fid, '%s\n', filenames{i}); end end fclose(fid); [cellCt, ct_xmesh, ct_ymesh, ct_zmesh] = dicomrt_loadct('ctlist.txt'); %% -----===== Set Downsampling flag =====----- button = questdlg('Do you want to downsample the CT dataset?', 'Downsampling', 'Yes', 'No', 'Yes'); if strcmpi(button, 'yes') downsample_flag = true; else downsample_flag = false; end %% -----===== Import DicomRT structure =====----- % File DicomRT structure file for i = 1:numel(dcminfo) if strcmpi(dcminfo{i}.Modality, 'RTSTRUCT') rsfilename = fullfile(dicomrt_dir, filenames{i}); end end % prompt if can not find RTSTRUCT file in this directory if isempty(rsfilename) [temp_FileName temp_PathName] = uifile('get', '*.dcm', 'Please select the DicomRT-Struct file'); rsfilename = fullfile(temp_PathName, temp_FileName); end % Import the struct cellVoi = dicomrt_loadvoi(rsfilename); % Downsampling if downsample_flag == true if numel(ct_xmesh) < 128 downsample_factor = 0.5; dx = ct_xmesh(2)-ct_xmesh(1); dy = ct_ymesh(2)-ct_ymesh(1); ct_xmesh = linspace(ct_xmesh(1)+dx/2, ct_xmesh(end)-dx/2, numel(ct_xmesh)*downsample_factor); ct_ymesh = linspace(ct_ymesh(1)+dy/2, ct_ymesh(end)-dy/2, numel(ct_ymesh)*downsample_factor); else downsample_factor = 0.125; downsample_factor = 1/8; dx = ct_xmesh(2)-ct_xmesh(1); dy = ct_ymesh(2)-ct_ymesh(1); ct_xmesh = linspace(ct_xmesh(1)+dx/2, ct_xmesh(end)-dx/2, numel(ct_xmesh)*downsample_factor); ct_ymesh = linspace(ct_ymesh(1)+dy/2, ct_ymesh(end)-dy/2, numel(ct_ymesh)*downsample_factor); end end ROIS = dicomrt_rasterizeVoi(cellVoi, cellCt, ct_xmesh, ct_ymesh, ct_zmesh); %% -----===== Done Importing =====----- % change the path back cd(previousPath); %% -----===== Create Geometry struct =====----- Geometry.ROIS = ROIS; = cellCt{2}; % !!! Grozomah - added abs() to prevent errors in later functions Geometry.voxel_size = abs([ct_xmesh(2)-ct_xmesh(1) ... ct_ymesh(2)-ct_ymesh(1) ... ct_zmesh(2)-ct_zmesh(1)]); Geometry.start = [ct_xmesh(1) ct_ymesh(1) ct_zmesh(1)]; if downsample_flag == true = resamplegrid(, [downsample_factor downsample_factor 1]); % = resamplegrid(, 0.5); % note that ct_xmesh, ct_ymesh, ct_zmesh is already downsampled Geometry.start(1:2) = Geometry.start(1:2) + Geometry.voxel_size(1:2) / 2; end Geometry.rhomw = CT2dens(, 'pinn'); Geometry.rhomw(Geometry.rhomw < 0.0012) = 0.0012; [Geometry.Smw Geometry.Fmw2] = dens2mstp(Geometry.rhomw);