function [Geometry patient_dir] = RDXTPS_geometry_setup_wizard_ASP() %PLAN_SETUP_WIZARD Wizard to guide through plan creating % Usage: % [ Geometry ] = dicomrt2geometry ( [input_dir] ) % Input: % input_dir = directory contains DicomRT data % [] = prompt to select input_dir % Output: % Geometry = Ryan's Geometry struct used with RDX TPS % % This function imports DicomRT data set and create RDX TPS compatible Geometry % struct. % % TODO: Switch from filename based Dicom identification to StudyID based. % % See also readPinnGeometry.m % % Author: Xiaohu Mo total_num_steps = 4; hWaitbar = waitbar(0); set(hWaitbar, 'Unit', 'normalized'); op = get(hWaitbar, 'OuterPosition'); set(hWaitbar, 'OuterPosition', op + [0 0.2 0 0]); %% -----===== DicomRT Import =====----- waitbar(0/total_num_steps, hWaitbar, 'Step 1: Import DicomRT'); % try Geometry = dicomrt2geometry(); % catch EXCEPTION_DICOMRT2GEOMETRY % msgbox('Failed to import DicomRT'); % delete(hWaitbar); % rethrow(EXCEPTION_DICOMRT2GEOMETRY); % end if isempty(Geometry) msgbox('Failed to import DicomRT'); delete(hWaitbar); return; end %% -----===== BTV and Ring creation =====----- waitbar(1/total_num_steps, hWaitbar, 'Step 2: Assign target and BTV margin'); ROI_names = cellfun(@(c), Geometry.ROIS, 'UniformOutput', false); [target_idx okay] = listdlg('ListString', ROI_names, ... 'SelectionMode', 'single', 'Name', 'Target Selection', ... 'PromptString', 'Please select the target ROI. '); if okay ~= 1 msgbox('Plan creation aborted'); delete(hWaitbar); return; end [BTV_margin_answer] = inputdlg({sprintf('Please enter the BTV margin (cm):\n(default 0.6 cm or 1 sigma, enter 0 to skip)')}, ... 'BTV margin specification', 1, {'0.6'}); if isempty(BTV_margin_answer) BTV_margin = 0.6; else BTV_margin = str2double(BTV_margin_answer{1}); end % target_idx and BTV_margin are set. Expand PTV to BTV PTVmask = false(size(Geometry.rhomw)); % for target_idx = target_indices PTVmask(Geometry.ROIS{target_idx}.ind) = 1; % end if BTV_margin > 0 if exist('BTV_margin', 'var') && BTV_margin >= min(Geometry.voxel_size) bwD = bwdistsc(PTVmask, Geometry.voxel_size); Geometry.BTV = bwD <= BTV_margin; end end % Create btv Geometry.ROIS{end+1} = Geometry.ROIS{end}; Geometry.ROIS{end}.name = 'BTV'; Geometry.ROIS{end}.num_curves = 0; Geometry.ROIS{end}.curves = {}; Geometry.ROIS{end}.ind = find(Geometry.BTV); Geometry.ROIS{end}.visible = false; % Create ring [ring_margin_answer] = inputdlg({sprintf('Please enter the ring margin (cm):')}, ... 'Ring margin specification', 1, {'1'}); if isempty(ring_margin_answer) ring_margin = 1; else ring_margin = str2double(ring_margin_answer{1}); end bwD = bwdistsc(PTVmask, Geometry.voxel_size); Geometry.Ring = bwD <= ring_margin; % default ring radius 3 cm Geometry.Ring = xor(Geometry.Ring, PTVmask); Geometry.ROIS{end+1} = Geometry.ROIS{end}; Geometry.ROIS{end}.name = 'Ring'; Geometry.ROIS{end}.num_curves = 0; Geometry.ROIS{end}.curves = {}; Geometry.ROIS{end}.ind = find(Geometry.Ring); Geometry.ROIS{end}.visible = false; % Create high comformity ring structure for adaptive step size [HCRing_margin_answer] = inputdlg({sprintf('Please enter the HC ring margin (cm):\n(default 1.2 cm or 2 sigma, enter 0 to skip)')}, ... 'HCRing margin specification', 1, {'1.2'}); if isempty(HCRing_margin_answer) HCRing_margin = 1.2; else HCRing_margin = str2double(HCRing_margin_answer{1}); end if HCRing_margin > 0 bwD = bwdistsc(~Geometry.BTV, Geometry.voxel_size); % shrinked BTV from original BTV, such that original_BTV > target_VOI > shrinked_BTV Geometry.SBTV = bwD >= HCRing_margin; Geometry.HCRing = xor(Geometry.BTV, Geometry.SBTV); end %% -----===== Save geometry files =====----- waitbar(2/total_num_steps, hWaitbar, 'Step 3: Save geometry files'); load('WiscPlan_preferences.mat') patient_dir = uigetdir(WiscPlan_preferences.patientDataPath, 'Save the patient data to directory'); WiscPlan_preferences.patientDataPath = patient_dir; thisDir = mfilename('fullpath'); idcs = strfind(thisDir,'\'); prefsdir = thisDir(1:idcs(end-1)-1); save([prefsdir '\WiscPlan_preferences.mat'], 'WiscPlan_preferences'); % patient_dir = uifile('getdir', 'Save the patient data to directory'); % !!! Grozomah % patient_dir = 'C:\010-work\003_localGit\WiscPlan_v2\data\PatientData'; % make directories mkdir(patient_dir); mkdir(fullfile(patient_dir, 'beamlet_batch_files')); mkdir(fullfile(patient_dir, 'geometry_files')); mkdir(fullfile(patient_dir, 'matlab_files')); mkdir(fullfile(patient_dir, 'opt_input')); mkdir(fullfile(patient_dir, 'opt_output')); Geometry.patient_dir = patient_dir; waitbar(2.33/total_num_steps, hWaitbar, 'Step 3: Save matlab geometry files'); % Save matlab geometry file save(fullfile(patient_dir, 'matlab_files', 'Geometry.mat'), 'Geometry'); waitbar(2.66/total_num_steps, hWaitbar, 'Step 3: Save raw geometry files'); % Write binary geometry files fid = fopen(fullfile(patient_dir, 'geometry_files', 'rhomw.bin'), 'w'); fwrite(fid, Geometry.rhomw, 'single'); fclose(fid); fid = fopen(fullfile(patient_dir, 'geometry_files', 'Smw.bin'), 'w'); fwrite(fid, Geometry.Smw, 'single'); fclose(fid); fid = fopen(fullfile(patient_dir, 'geometry_files', 'Fmw2.bin'), 'w'); fwrite(fid, Geometry.Fmw2, 'single'); fclose(fid); % fid = fopen(fullfile(patient_dir, 'geometry_files', 'target_mask.bin'), 'w'); % fwrite(fid, Geometry.BTV, 'single'); % fclose(fid); % fid = fopen(fullfile(patient_dir, 'geometry_files', 'target_mask_SBTV.bin'), 'w'); % fwrite(fid, Geometry.SBTV, 'single'); % fclose(fid); % % fid = fopen(fullfile(patient_dir, 'geometry_files', 'target_mask_HCRing.bin'), 'w'); % fwrite(fid, Geometry.HCRing, 'single'); % fclose(fid); % hWaitbar = waitbar(1/total_num_steps, 'Step 4, Create optimization geometry'); delete(hWaitbar); msgbox(['Plan geometry created successfully in ' '"' patient_dir '"']);