function [moutput,type,label,PatientPositionCODE]=dicomrt_checkinput(minput,force) % dicomrt_checkinput(minput,force) % % Check the validity of the input variable. % Returns the input variable, type, label and patient orientation. % % minput is the input dataset % force is a parameter which force, if existing and different from 0, the function to check % for PatientPosition. % % See also: dicomrt_loaddose, dicomrt_loadct, dicomrt_loadmcdose % % Copyright (C) 2002 Emiliano Spezi ( % Check number of argument error(nargchk(1,2,nargin)) if nargin==1 force=0; end if iscell(minput) == 1 & size(minput,1) == 3 % OK accepted input try header=minput{1,1}{1}; catch header=minput{1,1}; end modality=header.Modality; if isequal(modality,'CT') % CT data type='ct'; label='CT units [Houns]'; PatientPositionCODE=dicomrt_getPatientPosition(header); moutput=minput; elseif isequal(modality,'RTSTRUCT') % VOI data type='voi'; label='VOI'; PatientPositionCODE=-1; % N/A moutput=minput; elseif isequal(modality,'RTPLAN') % TPS or MC dose RTPLabel=header.RTPlanLabel; if strfind(RTPLabel,'-MCDOSE'); % this is a MC DOSE if iscell(minput{2,1}) == 1 % this is a MC dose and contains segments contribution disp('Input variable is a MC dose containing segments contribution. Adding segment''s dose'); totaldose=dicomrt_addmcdose(minput{2,1}); %add segments' contribution in a 3D minput moutput=minput; moutput{2,1}=totaldose; else moutput=minput; end type='mc'; label='MC dose map [Gy]'; PatientPositionCODE=dicomrt_getPatientPosition(header); elseif strfind(RTPLabel,'-DDIFF'); % this is a dose difference moutput=minput; type='ddiff'; label='Dose difference'; PatientPositionCODE=dicomrt_getPatientPosition(header); elseif strfind(RTPLabel,'-DRATIO'); % this is a dose ratio moutput=minput; type='dratio'; label='Dose ratio'; PatientPositionCODE=dicomrt_getPatientPosition(header); else % this is a TPS DOSE moutput=minput; type='RTPLAN'; label='RTPLAN dose map [Gy]'; PatientPositionCODE=dicomrt_getPatientPosition(header); end end elseif isnumeric(minput)==1 % this is a simple 3D matrix moutput=minput; type='other'; label=[inputname(1),' matrix']; if force==0 warning('dicomrt_checkinput: The input variable is a 3D matrix. Unable to determine Patient Position.'); PatientPosition=input('dicomrt_checkinput: Please specify Patient Position: HFS(default),FFS,HFP,FFP: ','s'); if isempty(PatientPosition)==1 PatientPosition='HFS'; end if strcmpi(PatientPosition, 'HFS') PatientPositionCODE = 1; elseif strcmpi(PatientPosition, 'FFS') PatientPositionCODE = 2; elseif strcmpi(PatientPosition, 'HFP') PatientPositionCODE = 3; elseif strcmpi(PatientPosition, 'FFP') PatientPositionCODE = 4; end end else error('dicomrt_checkinput: Input matrix does not have a supported format. Exit now !'); end