123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226 |
- function [Geometry] = load2geometry
- load('WiscPlan_preferences.mat')
- if ~isfield(WiscPlan_preferences,'inDataPath')
- Geometry.data_dir = uigetdir('C:', 'Select the directory with patient data');
- elseif WiscPlan_preferences.inDataPath ~= 0
- Geometry.data_dir = uigetdir(WiscPlan_preferences.inDataPath, 'Select the directory with patient data');
- else
- Geometry.data_dir = uigetdir('C:', 'Select the directory with patient data');
- end
- WiscPlan_preferences.inDataPath = Geometry.data_dir;
- thisDir = mfilename('fullpath');
- idcs = strfind(thisDir,'\');
- prefsdir = thisDir(1:idcs(end)-1);
- save([prefsdir '\WiscPlan_preferences.mat'], 'WiscPlan_preferences')
- [IMG_in, IMG_path, filterIdx] = uigetfile([{'*.nrrd'; '*.am'}], 'Select CT image', Geometry.data_dir);
- total_num_steps = 4;
- hWaitbar = waitbar(0);
- switch filterIdx
- case 0
- warning('No file selected, aborting!')
- return
- case 1
- [Geometry.data, meta]=nrrdread([IMG_path, IMG_in]);
- Geometry.data = Geometry.data + 1000;
- disp('NRRD file loaded!')
- Geometry.rhomw = CT2dens(Geometry.data, 'pinn');
- Geometry.rhomw(Geometry.rhomw < 0.0012) = 0.0012;
- [Geometry.Smw Geometry.Fmw2] = dens2mstp(Geometry.rhomw);
- disp(['current voxel size: ' num2str(meta.spacedirections(1)) ' ' ...
- num2str(meta.spacedirections(2)) ' ' num2str(meta.spacedirections(3)) ' cm.'])
- x = input('Is this correct? (y/n)', 's')
- switch x
- case 'n'
- rescale_f = input('specify resampling factor')
- case 'y'
- rescale_f = 1;
- end
- Geometry.voxel_size = meta.spacedirections * rescale_f;
- Geometry.start=meta.spaceorigin;
- case 2
- imgIn=am2mat([IMG_path, IMG_in]);
- Geometry.data = permute(imgIn.data, [2,1,3]);
- Geometry.data = Geometry.data + 1000;
- disp('NRRD file loaded!')
- Geometry.rhomw = CT2dens(Geometry.data, 'pinn');
- Geometry.rhomw(Geometry.rhomw < 0.0012) = 0.0012;
- [Geometry.Smw Geometry.Fmw2] = dens2mstp(Geometry.rhomw);
- Geometry.voxel_size = imgIn.voxel_size;
- Geometry.start=imgIn.start;
- case 3
- error('please do not select *all* in file selection')
- otherwise
- end
- [TRGT_in, TRGT_path, filterIdx2] = uigetfile([{'*.nrrd'; '*.am'}], 'Select file with Target', Geometry.data_dir);
- switch filterIdx2
- case 0
- warning('No file selected!')
- case 1
- [TRGT_img, meta]=nrrdread([TRGT_path, TRGT_in]);
- disp('NRRD file loaded!')
- Geometry.ROIS{1}.ind = find(TRGT_img>0);
- Geometry.ROIS{1}.name= 'Target';
- case 2
- TRGT_in=am2mat([TRGT_path, TRGT_in]);
- disp('AM file loaded!')
- TRGT_img = permute(TRGT_in.data, [2,1,3]);
- Geometry.ROIS{1}.ind = find(TRGT_img>0);
- Geometry.ROIS{1}.name= 'Target';
- case 3
- error('please do not select *all* in file selection')
- otherwise
- end
- patient_dir = uifile('getdir', 'Save the patient data to directory');
- Geometry.patient_dir = patient_dir;
- mkdir(Geometry.patient_dir);
- mkdir(fullfile(Geometry.patient_dir, 'beamlet_batch_files'));
- mkdir(fullfile(Geometry.patient_dir, 'geometry_files'));
- mkdir(fullfile(Geometry.patient_dir, 'matlab_files'));
- mkdir(fullfile(Geometry.patient_dir, 'opt_input'));
- mkdir(fullfile(Geometry.patient_dir, 'opt_output'));
- waitbar(1/total_num_steps, hWaitbar, 'Step 2: Assign target and BTV margin');
- ROI_names = cellfun(@(c)c.name, Geometry.ROIS, 'UniformOutput', false);
- [target_idx okay] = listdlg('ListString', ROI_names, ...
- 'SelectionMode', 'single', 'Name', 'Target Selection', ...
- 'PromptString', 'Please select the target ROI. ');
- if okay ~= 1
- msgbox('Plan creation aborted');
- delete(hWaitbar);
- return;
- end
- [BTV_margin_answer] = inputdlg({sprintf('Please enter the BTV margin (cm):\n(default 0.6 cm or 1 sigma, enter 0 to skip)')}, ...
- 'BTV margin specification', 1, {'0.6'});
- if isempty(BTV_margin_answer)
- BTV_margin = 0.6;
- else
- BTV_margin = str2double(BTV_margin_answer{1});
- end
- PTVmask = false(size(Geometry.rhomw));
- PTVmask(Geometry.ROIS{target_idx}.ind) = 1;
- if BTV_margin > 0
- if exist('BTV_margin', 'var') && BTV_margin >= min(Geometry.voxel_size)
- bwD = bwdistsc(PTVmask, Geometry.voxel_size);
- Geometry.BTV = bwD <= BTV_margin;
- elseif BTV_margin < min(Geometry.voxel_size)
- warning('BTV margin too small!')
- Geometry.BTV = zeros(size(Geometry.data));
- end
- end
- Geometry.ROIS{end+1} = Geometry.ROIS{end};
- Geometry.ROIS{end}.name = 'BTV';
- Geometry.ROIS{end}.num_curves = 0;
- Geometry.ROIS{end}.curves = {};
- Geometry.ROIS{end}.ind = find(Geometry.BTV);
- Geometry.ROIS{end}.visible = false;
- [ring_margin_answer] = inputdlg({sprintf('Please enter the ring margin (cm):')}, ...
- 'Ring margin specification', 1, {'1'});
- if isempty(ring_margin_answer)
- ring_margin = 1;
- else
- ring_margin = str2double(ring_margin_answer{1});
- end
- bwD = bwdistsc(PTVmask, Geometry.voxel_size);
- Geometry.Ring = bwD <= ring_margin;
- Geometry.Ring = xor(Geometry.Ring, PTVmask);
- Geometry.ROIS{end+1} = Geometry.ROIS{end};
- Geometry.ROIS{end}.name = 'Ring';
- Geometry.ROIS{end}.num_curves = 0;
- Geometry.ROIS{end}.curves = {};
- Geometry.ROIS{end}.ind = find(Geometry.Ring);
- Geometry.ROIS{end}.visible = false;
- waitbar(2.33/total_num_steps, hWaitbar, 'Step 3: Save matlab geometry files');
- save(fullfile(Geometry.patient_dir, 'matlab_files', 'Geometry.mat'), 'Geometry');
- waitbar(2.66/total_num_steps, hWaitbar, 'Step 3: Save raw geometry files');
- fid = fopen(fullfile(Geometry.patient_dir, 'geometry_files', 'rhomw.bin'), 'w');
- fwrite(fid, Geometry.rhomw, 'single');
- fclose(fid);
- fid = fopen(fullfile(Geometry.patient_dir, 'geometry_files', 'Smw.bin'), 'w');
- fwrite(fid, Geometry.Smw, 'single');
- fclose(fid);
- fid = fopen(fullfile(Geometry.patient_dir, 'geometry_files', 'Fmw2.bin'), 'w');
- fwrite(fid, Geometry.Fmw2, 'single');
- fclose(fid);
- delete(hWaitbar);
- waitfor(msgbox(['Plan geometry created successfully in ' '"' Geometry.patient_dir '"']));
- end