checkDictUse.m 981 B

  1. function flg = checkDictUse
  2. % Since MATLAB 7.3(2006A) and 7.4(2006B) doesnot support dicom dictionary
  3. % this function checks the matlab version and returns the flag to allow the
  4. % use of dictionary.
  5. %
  6. % DK
  7. % copyright (c) 2001-2007, Washington University in St. Louis.
  8. % Permission is granted to use or modify only for non-commercial,
  9. % non-treatment-decision applications, and further only if this header is
  10. % not removed from any file. No warranty is expressed or implied for any
  11. % use whatever: use at your own risk. Users can request use of CERR for
  12. % institutional review board-approved protocols. Commercial users can
  13. % request a license. Contact Joe Deasy for more information
  14. % (, reversed).
  15. % set flag to 1 so as to always use Dictionary
  16. flg = 1;
  17. mathVer = version;
  18. % XMO: Old bug code. Does not work for version 7.10
  19. % if str2num(mathVer(1:3)) > 7.3
  20. v = sscanf(mathVer, '%d.%d.%s');
  21. if v(1) + v(2)/10 > 7.3
  22. flg = 0;
  23. end
  24. return