123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608 |
- /*
- %% Author: Rodrigo de Barros Vimieiro
- % Date: March, 2019
- % rodrigo.vimieiro@gmail.com
- % =========================================================================
- %{
- % -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- % backprojectionDDb_mex(proj,param)
- % -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- % This function reconstruct the 3D volume from projections, based on
- % the Distance-Driven principle. It works by calculating the overlap
- % in X and Y axis of the volume and the detector boundaries.
- % The geometry is for DBT with half cone-beam. All parameters are set
- % in "ParameterSettings" code.
- %
- % INPUT:
- %
- % - proj = 2D projections for each angle
- % - param = Parameter of all geometry
- %
- %
- % - data3d = reconstructed volume.
- %
- % Reference:
- % - Branchless Distance Driven Projection and Backprojection,
- % Samit Basu and Bruno De Man (2006)
- % - GPU Acceleration of Branchless Distance Driven Projection and
- % Backprojection, Liu et al (2016)
- % - GPU-Based Branchless Distance-Driven Projection and Backprojection,
- % Liu et al (2017)
- % - A GPU Implementation of Distance-Driven Computed Tomography,
- % Ryan D. Wagner (2017)
- % ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- % Copyright (C) <2019> <Rodrigo de Barros Vimieiro>
- %
- % This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- % (at your option) any later version.
- %
- % This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- % GNU General Public License for more details.
- %
- % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- % along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- %}
- % =========================================================================
- %% 3-D Back-projection Branchless Distance Driven Code (CPU-Multithread)
- */
- #include "backprojectionDDb_mex.h"
- /****************************************************************************
- * function: mexFunction() - Matlab interface function. *
- * INPUTS: *
- * nlhs - Number of expected output mxArrays, specified as an integer. *
- * plhs[] - Array of pointers to the expected mxArray output arguments. *
- * nrhs - Number of input mxArrays, specified as an integer. *
- * prhs[] - Array of pointers to the mxArray input arguments. *
- ****************************************************************************/
- void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[],
- int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[]) {
- /* Check for proper number of arguments */
- if (nrhs != 2) {
- mexErrMsgIdAndTxt("MATLAB:mexcpp:nargin",
- "backprojection_mex requires two input arguments.");
- }
- if (nlhs != 1) {
- mexErrMsgIdAndTxt("MATLAB:mexcpp:nargout",
- "backprojection_mex requires one output argument.");
- }
- /* Check if the input is of proper type */
- if (!mxIsDouble(prhs[0])) {
- mexErrMsgIdAndTxt("MATLAB:mexcpp:typeargin",
- "First argument has to be double.");
- }
- if (!mxIsStruct(prhs[1])) {
- mexErrMsgIdAndTxt("MATLAB:mexcpp:typeargin",
- "Second argument has to be a struct.");
- }
- double* const pProj = (double*)(mxGetPr(prhs[0])); // This variable has to come as single/double
- double* const pTubeAngleD = mxGetPr(mxGetField(prhs[1], 0, "tubeDeg"));
- double* const pDetAngleD = mxGetPr(mxGetField(prhs[1], 0, "detectorDeg"));
- const int unsigned nProj = (const int)mxGetScalar(mxGetField(prhs[1], 0, "nProj"));
- const int unsigned nPixX = (const int)mxGetScalar(mxGetField(prhs[1], 0, "nx"));
- const int unsigned nPixY = (const int)mxGetScalar(mxGetField(prhs[1], 0, "ny"));
- const int unsigned nSlices = (const int)mxGetScalar(mxGetField(prhs[1], 0, "nz"));
- const int unsigned nDetX = (const int)mxGetScalar(mxGetField(prhs[1], 0, "nu"));
- const int unsigned nDetY = (const int)mxGetScalar(mxGetField(prhs[1], 0, "nv"));
- const double dx = (const double)mxGetScalar(mxGetField(prhs[1], 0, "dx"));
- const double dy = (const double)mxGetScalar(mxGetField(prhs[1], 0, "dy"));
- const double dz = (const double)mxGetScalar(mxGetField(prhs[1], 0, "dz"));
- const double du = (const double)mxGetScalar(mxGetField(prhs[1], 0, "du"));
- const double dv = (const double)mxGetScalar(mxGetField(prhs[1], 0, "dv"));
- const double DSD = (const double)mxGetScalar(mxGetField(prhs[1], 0, "DSD"));
- const double DDR = (const double)mxGetScalar(mxGetField(prhs[1], 0, "DDR"));
- const double DAG = (const double)mxGetScalar(mxGetField(prhs[1], 0, "DAG"));
- mwSize NRow = mxGetM(prhs[0]);
- mwSize NCol = mxGetN(prhs[0]);
- mwSize NElemVol = mxGetNumberOfElements(prhs[0]);
- /* Check if the input is in proper size */
- if (NRow != nDetY) {
- mexErrMsgIdAndTxt("MATLAB:mexcpp:typeargin",
- "First argument needs to have the same number of rows as in the configuration file.");
- }
- if (NCol / nProj != nDetX) {
- mexErrMsgIdAndTxt("MATLAB:mexcpp:typeargin",
- "First argument needs to have the same number of columns as in the configuration file.");
- }
- // Cast single vectors to double
- double* const pTubeAngle = (double*)mxMalloc(nProj * sizeof(double));
- double* const pDetAngle = (double*)mxMalloc(nProj * sizeof(double));
- for (unsigned int n = 0; n < nProj; n++) {
- pTubeAngle[n] = (double)pTubeAngleD[n];
- pDetAngle[n] = (double)pDetAngleD[n];
- }
- //mexPrintf("Nx:%d Ny:%d Nz:%d \nNu:%d Nv:%d \nDx:%.2f Dy:%.2f Dz:%.2f \nDu:%.2f Dv:%.2f \nDSD:%.2f DDR:%.2f \n", nPixX, nPixY, nSlices, nDetX, nDetY, dx, dy, dz, du, dv, DSD, DDR);
- // Output memory allocation
- mwSize dims[3] = { nPixY,nPixX,nSlices };
- plhs[0] = mxCreateNumericArray(3, dims, mxDOUBLE_CLASS, mxREAL);
- double* const pVolume = (double*)mxGetData(plhs[0]);
- backprojectionDDb(pVolume, pProj, pTubeAngle, pDetAngle, nProj, nPixX, nPixY, nSlices, nDetX, nDetY, dx, dy, dz, du, dv, DSD, DDR, DAG);
- mxFree(pTubeAngle);
- mxFree(pDetAngle);
- }
- // CPU Branchless Distance-driven back-projection
- void backprojectionDDb(double* const pVolume,
- double* const pProj,
- double* const pTubeAngle,
- double* const pDetAngle,
- const int nProj,
- const int nPixX,
- const int nPixY,
- const int nSlices,
- const int nDetX,
- const int nDetY,
- const double dx,
- const double dy,
- const double dz,
- const double du,
- const double dv,
- const double DSD,
- const double DDR,
- const double DAG)
- {
- nThreads = omp_get_max_threads();
- mexPrintf("CPU running with maximum number of threads: %d \n", nThreads);
- clock_t time;
- time = clock();
- // Number of mapped detector and pixels
- const int nDetXMap = nDetX + 1;
- const int nDetYMap = nDetY + 1;
- const int nPixXMap = nPixX + 1;
- const int nPixYMap = nPixY + 1;
- // Allocate memory
- double* const pSliceI = (double*)mxMalloc(nPixXMap*nPixYMap * sizeof(double));
- // Pointer for projections coordinates
- // Allocate memory for projections coordinates
- double* const pDetX = (double*)mxMalloc(nDetXMap * sizeof(double));
- double* const pDetY = (double*)mxMalloc(nDetYMap * sizeof(double));
- double* const pDetZ = (double*)mxMalloc(nDetYMap * sizeof(double));
- double* const pObjX = (double*)mxMalloc(nPixXMap * sizeof(double));
- double* const pObjY = (double*)mxMalloc(nPixYMap * sizeof(double));
- double* const pObjZ = (double*)mxMalloc(nSlices * sizeof(double));
- // Pointer for mapped coordinates
- // Allocate memory for mapped coordinates
- double* const pDetmY = (double*)mxMalloc(nDetYMap * sizeof(double));
- double* const pDetmX = (double*)mxMalloc(nDetYMap * nDetXMap * sizeof(double));
- // Pointer for rotated detector coords
- // Allocate memory for rotated detector coords
- double* const pRdetY = (double*)mxMalloc(nDetYMap * sizeof(double));
- double* const pRdetZ = (double*)mxMalloc(nDetYMap * sizeof(double));
- // Map detector and object boudaries
- mapBoudaries(pDetX, nDetXMap, (double)nDetX, -du, 0.0);
- mapBoudaries(pDetY, nDetYMap, nDetY / 2.0, dv, 0.0);
- mapBoudaries(pDetZ, nDetYMap, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
- mapBoudaries(pObjX, nPixXMap, (double)nPixX, -dx, 0.0);
- mapBoudaries(pObjY, nPixYMap, nPixY / 2.0, dy, 0.0);
- mapBoudaries(pObjZ, nSlices, 0.0, dz, DAG + (dz / 2.0));
- // X - ray tube initial position
- double tubeX = 0;
- double tubeY = 0;
- double tubeZ = DSD;
- // Iso - center position
- double isoY = 0;
- double isoZ = DDR;
- // Allocate memory for temp projection variable
- double* const pProjt = (double*)mxMalloc(nDetYMap *nDetXMap * nProj * sizeof(double));
- double* const pVolumet = (double*)mxMalloc(nPixY *nPixX * nSlices * sizeof(double));
- // Initiate variables value with 0
- for (int nz = 0; nz < nSlices; nz++)
- for (int x = 0; x < nPixX; x++)
- for (int y = 0; y < nPixY; y++)
- pVolumet[(nz*nPixY *nPixX) + (x*nPixY) + y] = 0;
- // Integration of 2D slices over the whole volume
- // (S.1.Integration. - Liu et al(2017))
- /*
- 2 - D image
- -->J
- | -------------
- v | |
- I | |
- | |
- | |
- -------------
- */
- // Initialize first column and row with zeros
- for (int p = 0; p < nProj; p++) {
- for (int y = 0; y < nDetYMap; y++)
- pProjt[(p*nDetYMap *nDetXMap) + y] = 0;
- for (int x = 1; x < nDetXMap; x++)
- pProjt[(p*nDetYMap *nDetXMap) + (x*nDetYMap)] = 0;
- }
- // Integrate on I direction
- for (int p = 0; p < nProj; p++)
- #pragma omp parallel for num_threads(nThreads) schedule(static)
- for (int x = 0; x < nDetX; x++){
- double sum = 0;
- for (int y = 0; y < nDetY; y++){
- sum += pProj[(p*nDetY *nDetX) + (x*nDetY) + y];
- pProjt[(p*nDetYMap *nDetXMap) + ((x+1)*nDetYMap) + y + 1] = sum;
- }
- }
- // Integrate on J direction
- for (int p = 0; p < nProj; p++)
- #pragma omp parallel for num_threads(nThreads) schedule(static)
- for (int y = 1; y < nDetYMap; y++)
- for (int x = 2; x < nDetXMap; x++)
- pProjt[(p*nDetYMap *nDetXMap) + (x*nDetYMap) + y] += pProjt[(p*nDetYMap *nDetXMap) + ((x - 1)*nDetYMap) + y];
- double* pDetmX_tmp = pDetmX + (nDetYMap * (nDetXMap - 2));
- // For each projection
- for (int p = 0; p < nProj; p++) {
- // Get specif tube angle for the projection
- double theta = pTubeAngle[p] * M_PI / 180.0;
- // Get specif detector angle for the projection
- double phi = pDetAngle[p] * M_PI / 180.0;
- //mexPrintf("Tube angle:%f Det angle:%f\n", theta, phi);
- // Tube rotation
- double rtubeY = ((tubeY - isoY)*cos(theta) - (tubeZ - isoZ)*sin(theta)) + isoY;
- double rtubeZ = ((tubeY - isoY)*sin(theta) + (tubeZ - isoZ)*cos(theta)) + isoZ;
- //mexPrintf("R tube Y:%f R tube Z:%f\n", rtubeY, rtubeZ);
- // Detector rotation
- for (int y = 0; y < nDetYMap; y++) {
- pRdetY[y] = ((pDetY[y] - isoY)*cos(phi) - (pDetZ[y] - isoZ)*sin(phi)) + isoY;
- pRdetZ[y] = ((pDetY[y] - isoY)*sin(phi) + (pDetZ[y] - isoZ)*cos(phi)) + isoZ;
- }
- // For each slice
- for (int nz = 0; nz < nSlices; nz++) {
- /*
- Map detector onto XY plane(Inside proj loop in case detector rotates)
- *** Note: Matlab has linear indexing as a column of elements, i.e, the elements are actually stored in memory as queued columns.
- */
- // Map slice onto XY plane
- mapDet2Slice(pDetmX, pDetmY, tubeX, rtubeY, rtubeZ, pDetX, pRdetY, pRdetZ, pObjZ[nz], nDetXMap, nDetYMap);
- /*
- S.2. Interpolation - Liu et al (2017)
- */
- bilinear_interpolation(pSliceI, pProjt, pObjX, pObjY, pDetmX_tmp, pDetmY, nPixXMap, nPixYMap, nDetXMap, nDetYMap, nDetX, nDetY, p);
- /*
- S.3. Differentiation - Eq. 24 - Liu et al (2017)
- */
- differentiation(pVolumet, pSliceI, tubeX, rtubeY, rtubeZ, pObjX, pObjY, pObjZ, nPixX, nPixY, nPixXMap, nPixYMap, du, dv, dx, dy, dz, nz);
- } // Loop end slices
- } // Loop end Projections
- // Copy pProjt to pProj
- for (int nz = 0; nz < nSlices; nz++)
- for (int x = 0; x < nPixX; x++)
- for (int y = 0; y < nPixY; y++)
- pVolume[(nz*nPixX*nPixY) + (x*nPixY) + y] = pVolumet[(nz*nPixX*nPixY) + (x*nPixY) + y] / (double) nProj;
- // Interp
- //for (int x = 0; x < nDetXMap; x++)
- // for (int y = 0; y < nDetYMap; y++) {
- // pProj[(0 * nDetXMap*nDetYMap) + (x*nDetYMap) + y] = projI[(x*nDetYMap) + y];
- // }
- // Volume
- //for (int p = 0; p < nSlices; p++)
- // for (int x = 0; x < nPixXMap; x++)
- // for (int y = 0; y < nPixYMap+1; y++) {
- // pProj[(p * nPixXMap*nPixYMap) + (x*nPixYMap) + y] = pVolumet[(p * nPixXMap*nPixYMap) + (x*nPixYMap) + y];
- // }
- mxFree(pProjt);
- mxFree(pSliceI);
- mxFree(pVolumet);
- mxFree(pDetX);
- mxFree(pDetY);
- mxFree(pDetZ);
- mxFree(pObjX);
- mxFree(pObjY);
- mxFree(pObjZ);
- mxFree(pDetmY);
- mxFree(pDetmX);
- mxFree(pRdetY);
- mxFree(pRdetZ);
- time = clock() - time;
- mexPrintf("Processing time: %f seconds.\n", ((double)time) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
- return;
- }
- // Make boundaries of detector and slices
- void mapBoudaries(double* pBound,
- const int nElem,
- const double valueLeftBound,
- const double sizeElem,
- const double offset){
- for (int k = 0; k < nElem; k++)
- pBound[k] = (k - valueLeftBound) * sizeElem + offset;
- return;
- }
- // Map on XY plane
- void mapDet2Slice(double* const pXmapp,
- double* const pYmapp,
- double tubeX,
- double tubeY,
- double tubeZ,
- double * const pXcoord,
- double * const pYcoord,
- double * const pZcoord,
- double ZSlicecoord,
- const int nXelem,
- const int nYelem){
- #pragma omp parallel num_threads(nThreads)
- {
- int ind;
- #pragma omp for schedule(static)
- for (int x = 0; x < nXelem; x++)
- for (int y = 0; y < nYelem; y++) {
- ind = (x*nYelem) + y;
- pXmapp[ind] = ((pXcoord[x] - tubeX)*(ZSlicecoord - pZcoord[y]) - (pXcoord[x] * tubeZ) + (pXcoord[x] * pZcoord[y])) / (-tubeZ + pZcoord[y]);
- if (x == 0)
- pYmapp[y] = ((pYcoord[y] - tubeY)*(ZSlicecoord - pZcoord[y]) - (pYcoord[y] * tubeZ) + (pYcoord[y] * pZcoord[y])) / (-tubeZ + pZcoord[y]);
- }
- }
- return;
- }
- // Bilinear interpolation
- void bilinear_interpolation(double* pSliceI,
- double* pProj,
- double* pObjX,
- double* pObjY,
- double* pDetmX,
- double* pDetmY,
- const int nPixXMap,
- const int nPixYMap,
- const int nDetXMap,
- const int nDetYMap,
- const int nDetX,
- const int nDetY,
- const unsigned int np){
- /*
- S.2. Interpolation - Liu et al (2017)
- Reference:
- - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bilinear_interpolation
- - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21128731/bilinear-interpolation-in-c-c-and-cuda
- Note: *** We are using the Unit Square equation ***
- alpha = X - X1
- 1-alpha = X2 - X
- beta = Y - Y1
- 1-beta = Y2 - Y
- ----> Xcoord
- | 0___________
- v |_d00_|_d10_|
- Ycoord |_d01_|_d11_|
- Matlab code --
- objX = nDetX - (objX ./ detmX(1, end - 1));
- objY = (objY ./ detmX(1, end - 1)) - (detmY(1) / detmX(1, end - 1));
- */
- #pragma omp parallel for num_threads(nThreads) schedule(static)
- for (int x = 0; x < nPixXMap; x++)
- for (int y = 0; y < nPixYMap; y++) {
- // Adjust the mapped coordinates to cross the range of (0-nDetX).*duMap
- // Divide by pixelSize to get a unitary pixel size
- const double xNormData = nDetX - pObjX[x] / pDetmX[0];
- const signed int xData = (signed int) floor(xNormData);
- const double alpha = xNormData - xData;
- // Adjust the mapped coordinates to cross the range of (0-nDetY).*dyMap
- // Divide by pixelSize to get a unitary pixel size
- const double yNormData = (pObjY[y] / pDetmX[0]) - (pDetmY[0] / pDetmX[0]);
- const signed int yData = (signed int) floor(yNormData);
- const double beta = yNormData - yData;
- double d00, d01, d10, d11;
- if (((xNormData) >= 0) && ((xNormData) <= nDetX) && ((yNormData) >= 0) && ((yNormData) <= nDetY)) d00 = pProj[(np*nDetYMap*nDetXMap) + (xData*nDetYMap + yData)]; else d00 = 0.0;
- if (((xData + 1) > 0) && ((xData + 1) <= nDetX) && ((yNormData) >= 0) && ((yNormData) <= nDetY)) d10 = pProj[(np*nDetYMap*nDetXMap) + ((xData + 1)*nDetYMap + yData)]; else d10 = 0.0;
- if (((xNormData) >= 0) && ((xNormData) <= nDetX) && ((yData + 1) > 0) && ((yData + 1) <= nDetY)) d01 = pProj[(np*nDetYMap*nDetXMap) + (xData*nDetYMap + yData + 1)]; else d01 = 0.0;
- if (((xData + 1) > 0) && ((xData + 1) <= nDetX) && ((yData + 1) > 0) && ((yData + 1) <= nDetY)) d11 = pProj[(np*nDetYMap*nDetXMap) + ((xData + 1)*nDetYMap + yData + 1)]; else d11 = 0.0;
- double result_temp1 = alpha * d10 + (-d00 * alpha + d00);
- double result_temp2 = alpha * d11 + (-d01 * alpha + d01);
- pSliceI[x * nPixYMap + y] = beta * result_temp2 + (-result_temp1 * beta + result_temp1);
- }
- return;
- }
- // Differentiation
- void differentiation(double* pVolume,
- double* pSliceI,
- double tubeX,
- double rtubeY,
- double rtubeZ,
- double* const pObjX,
- double* const pObjY,
- double* const pObjZ,
- const int nPixX,
- const int nPixY,
- const int nPixXMap,
- const int nPixYMap,
- const double du,
- const double dv,
- const double dx,
- const double dy,
- const double dz,
- const unsigned int nz){
- /*
- S.3. Differentiation - Eq. 24 - Liu et al (2017)
- Slice integral projection
- ___________
- |_A_|_B_|___|
- |_C_|_D_|___|
- |___|___|___|
- (y,x)
- ________________
- |_A_|__B__|_____|
- |_C_|(0,0)|(0,1)|
- |___|(1,0)|(1,1)|
- Coordinates on intergal slice:
- A = x * nPixYMap + y
- B = ((x+1) * nPixYMap) + y
- C = x * nPixYMap + y + 1
- D = ((x+1) * nPixYMap) + y + 1
- */
- #pragma omp parallel num_threads(nThreads)
- {
- unsigned int coordA;
- unsigned int coordB;
- unsigned int coordC;
- unsigned int coordD;
- double detMapSizeX;
- double detMapSizeY;
- double gamma;
- double alpha;
- double dA, dB, dC, dD;
- #pragma omp for schedule(static)
- for (int x = 0; x < nPixX; x++)
- for (int y = 0; y < nPixY; y++) {
- coordA = x * nPixYMap + y;
- coordB = ((x + 1) * nPixYMap) + y;
- coordC = coordA + 1;
- coordD = coordB + 1;
- // x - ray angle in X coord
- gamma = atan((pObjX[x] + (dx / 2) - tubeX) / (rtubeZ - pObjZ[nz]));
- // x - ray angle in Y coord
- alpha = atan((pObjY[y] + (dy / 2) - rtubeY) / (rtubeZ - pObjZ[nz]));
- dA = pSliceI[coordA];
- dB = pSliceI[coordB];
- dC = pSliceI[coordC];
- dD = pSliceI[coordD];
- // Treat border of interpolated integral detector
- if (dC == 0 && dD == 0) {
- dC = dA;
- dD = dB;
- }
- // S.3.Differentiation - Eq. 24 - Liu et al(2017)
- pVolume[(nPixX*nPixY*nz) + (x * nPixY) + y] += ((dD - dC - dB + dA)*(du*dv*dz / (cos(alpha)*cos(gamma)*dx*dy)));
- }
- }
- return;
- }