import itertools import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.tri as tri import as cm from matplotlib import gridspec from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages from math import sqrt, pi, ceil from scipy.stats import ks_2samp from scipy.special import erf from Tools.Decomp import TruncatedSeries _show = False # Integrate a function over bins as specified by edges. Npt points per bin. def _integrate(func, edges, Npt=100): N = len(edges) - 1 t = np.zeros((N,)) x = [ np.linspace(edges[n], edges[n+1], Npt + 1) for n in range (N) ] x = np.asarray(x) s = x.shape z = func( x.flatten() ).reshape(s) for n in range(N): t[n] = np.trapz( z[n], dx = 1. / Npt) return t # Gaussian CDF def _cdf(z): return (1./2) * ( 1 - erf(z/sqrt(2)) ) # Interleave list items def _flip(items, ncol): return list(itertools.chain(*[items[i::ncol] for i in range(ncol)])) ######### # A plot decorator providing some common code for the remaining plots. def gsPlot(*fargs, **fkw): def outer(func): def wrap(*args, **kwargs): fname = kwargs.pop("fname", None) pdf = kwargs.pop("pdf", None) print fname fig = plt.figure() gs = gridspec.GridSpec(*fargs, **fkw) # Run the function r = func(fig, gs, *args, **kwargs) # Do some layout cleanup and save. gs.tight_layout(plt.gcf(), rect=[0, 0, 1, 0.97]) gs.update(wspace=0.00, hspace=0.1) if pdf is not None: plt.savefig(pdf, format='pdf') if fname is not None: plt.savefig(fname) if _show: plt.gcf().clear() return r return wrap return outer ######## CUTFLOW ####### @gsPlot(1, 1) def cutflow(fig, gs, cutflow): ax = [ plt.subplot(g) for g in gs ] cut, yld = zip(*cutflow) cuty = np.arange(len(cut))[::-1] bar = ax[0].barh(cuty, yld, align='center', alpha=0.5) fig.suptitle ('Cutflow') ax[0].set_yticks(cuty) ax[0].set_yticklabels(cut) ax[0].set_xlabel('Yield (Events)') # Annotate for h, b in zip(yld, bar): bx = h + 0.01*max(yld) by = b.get_y() + b.get_height()/2. ax[0].text(bx, by, "%.1f" % h, ha='left', va='center') ax[0].margins(x=0.175) ax[0].ticklabel_format(style='sci', axis='x', scilimits=(0,0)) ######## HYPERPARMETER SCAN ####### @gsPlot(1, 2, width_ratios=[19, 1]) def scan(fig, gs, L, A, LLH, LBest, Ld, Ad, fin, maxZ=200, points=False): ax = [ plt.subplot(g) for g in gs ] # interpolate between data points for contouring triI = tri.Triangulation(L.flatten(), A.flatten()) ref = tri.UniformTriRefiner(triI) dLLH = np.minimum(LLH - LBest, 1.5*maxZ) triO = ref.refine_field(dLLH.flatten(), subdiv=3) cmap = cm.get_cmap(name='terrain', lut=None) levels = np.linspace(0, maxZ, 51) colors = [ '0.00', '0.25', '0.25', '0.25', '0.25'] lws = [ 0.40, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25] Csf = ax[0].tricontourf(*triO, levels=levels, cmap=cmap) Cs = ax[0].tricontour (*triO, levels=levels, colors=colors, linewidths=lws) if points: sca = ax[0].scatter(L, A, marker='.', s= 1.0, color='k', label="Scan Point") sca2 = ax[0].scatter(Ld, Ad, marker='o', s=20.0, color='r', label="Initial", zorder=10) sca3 = ax[0].scatter(*fin, marker='x', s=35.0, color='r', label="Final", zorder=10) fig.colorbar(Csf, ticks=levels[::5], cax=ax[1]) fig.suptitle("Hyperparameter Scan") ax[0].legend(loc='upper left') ax[0].set_xlabel(r'Scale ($\lambda$)') ax[0].set_ylabel(r'Exponent ($\alpha$)') ax[1].set_ylabel(r'$\Delta$ Log-Likelihood') ######## PLOT ####### @gsPlot(3, 1, height_ratios=[3, 1, 1] ) def fit(fig, gs, D, **kwargs): ax = [ plt.subplot(g) for g in gs ] # Parameters Bins = kwargs.get("Bins") Title = kwargs.get("Title", "Unnamed") XLabel = kwargs.get("XLabel", "Mass") YLabel = kwargs.get("YLabel", "Events / Bin") LogX = kwargs.get("LogX", True) LogY = kwargs.get("LogY", True) Style = kwargs.get("Style", "bar") ResYLim = kwargs.get("ResYLim", (-2.5, 2.5)) YLim = kwargs.get("YLim", None) # Get some bin-derived quantities ctr = (Bins[1:] + Bins[:-1])/2 wd = np.diff(Bins) rn = (Bins[0], Bins[-1]) h, _ = np.histogram(D.x, bins=Bins, range=rn, weights=D.w) h *= D.Nint / wd t = np.linspace(rn[0], rn[1], 50*len(Bins)) err = np.sqrt(h*wd, dtype=np.double)/wd # Make fit comparison tb = D.Nint * _integrate(D.TestB, Bins) ts=0 if len(D.GetActive()) > 0: ts = D.Nint * _integrate(D.TestS, Bins) res = (h*wd - ts*wd)/np.sqrt(ts*wd) else: res = (h*wd - tb*wd)/np.sqrt(tb*wd) # Histogram and fit if Style == "bar": ax[0].bar(ctr, h, width=wd, log=LogX, label='Data', edgecolor="none", lw=0) elif Style == "errorbar": ax[0].errorbar(ctr, h, xerr=wd/2, yerr=err, label='Data', color='k', fmt='o') else: print "Style key must be 'bar' or 'errorbar'." ax[0].plot(t, D.Nint*D.TestB(t), ls='--', color='red', label='Background', zorder=10) if len(D.GetActive()) > 0: ax[0].plot(t, D.Nint*D.TestS(t), ls='-', color='red', label='Signal+Bkg', zorder=10) ax[0].legend() ax[0].yaxis.grid(ls=':') ax[0].set_ylabel(YLabel) if LogY: ax[0].set_yscale('log') if YLim is not None: ax[0].set_ylim(*YLim) # The background-subtracted data if Style == "bar": ax[1].bar (ctr, h-tb, width=wd, edgecolor="none", lw=0) elif Style == "errorbar": ax[1].errorbar (ctr, h-tb, xerr=wd/2, yerr=err, color='k', fmt='o') else: print "Style key must be 'bar' or 'errorbar'." ax[1].plot(t, np.zeros_like(t), ls='--', color='red') if len(D.GetActive()) > 0: ax[1].plot(t, D.Nint*(D.TestS(t) - D.TestB(t)), ls='-', color='red', zorder=10) ax[1].ticklabel_format(style='sci', axis='y', scilimits=(-2,2)) ax[1].set_ylabel(r'Data - Bkg') # The residual plot. ax[2].bar(ctr, res, width=wd, edgecolor="none", lw=0) ax[2].plot(t, 0*t, color='black', lw=1.0) ax[2].set_ylim(*ResYLim) ax[2].set_ylabel(r'Residual ($\sigma$)') # Shared formatting fig.suptitle(Title) for a in ax: a.xaxis.grid(ls=':') a.yaxis.set_label_coords(-0.065, 0.5) a.set_xlim(*rn) if LogX: a.set_xscale('log') for a in ax[:-1]: a.tick_params(labelbottom='off') ax[-1].set_xlabel(XLabel) return h, res ######## PULL ######## @gsPlot(1, 1) def pull(fig, gs, data, res): ax = [ plt.subplot(g) for g in gs ] kres = np.compress(data > 20, np.nan_to_num(res)) hist, edges = np.histogram(kres, bins=np.linspace(-5, 5, 21)) centers = (edges[1:] + edges[:-1])/2 nrm = np.random.normal(size=20*len(kres)) ks_p = ks_2samp(nrm, kres)[1] if len(kres) > 0 else 1.0 fig.suptitle("Pull Distribution (Bins with $>20$ Events)") ax[0].set_xlabel(r'Deviation ($\sigma$)') ax[0].set_ylabel("Number of Bins") ax[0].bar (centers, hist, width=np.diff(edges), label='Bin Residuals \n $p=%.2g$ (KS)' % ks_p) ax[0].errorbar(centers, hist, yerr=np.sqrt(hist), color='k', fmt='o') ax[0].set_xlim(-5, 5) t = np.linspace(-5, 5, 201) n = np.exp( -0.5*t**2 ) / sqrt(2*pi) ax[0].plot(t, 0.5*n*hist.sum(), lw=1.5, color='b', label=r'Standard Normal') ax[0].legend() ######## SIGNALS AND ESTIMATORS ######## @gsPlot(1, 1) def estimators(fig, gs, D, **kwargs): ax = [ plt.subplot(g) for g in gs ] # Parameters Signals = kwargs.get("Signals", []) Draw = set(kwargs.get("Draw", ["Estimators"])) Range = kwargs.get("Range") Title = kwargs.get("Title", "Unnamed") XLabel = kwargs.get("XLabel", "Mass") YLabel = kwargs.get("YLabel", "Arbitrary Units") LogX = kwargs.get("LogX", True) t = np.linspace(Range[0], Range[1], 1001) ax[0].plot(t, 0*t, lw=0.75, color='k') for sigName in Signals: eName = sigName.replace('%', '\%') M = np.zeros_like(D[sigName].Sig) if "Signal" in Draw: M[:] = D[sigName].Sig E = TruncatedSeries(D.Factory, M) ax[0].plot(t, E(t), lw=1.0, label=eName + " (Signal)") if "Residual" in Draw: M[:D.N] = 0 M[D.N:] = D[sigName].Res E = TruncatedSeries(D.Factory, M) ax[0].plot(t, E(t), lw=1.0, label=eName + " (Residual)") if "Estimator" in Draw: M[:D.N] = 0 M[D.N:] = D[sigName].Est E = TruncatedSeries(D.Factory, M) ax[0].plot(t, E(t), lw=1.0, label=eName + " (MinVar Estimator)") fig.suptitle(Title) ax[0].set_xlabel(XLabel) ax[0].set_ylabel(YLabel) ax[0].set_xlim(*Range) ax[0].legend() ######## MOMENT LINE/BAR PLOT ######## @gsPlot(1, 1) def moments(fig, gs, D, **kwargs): def _bplot(a, x, y, label, style, Num, n): if style == "line": a.plot(x, y**2, label=label) elif style == "bar": (Num*x + n, y**2, label=label, lw=0) ax = [ plt.subplot(g) for g in gs ] # Parameters Signals = kwargs.get("Signals", []) Draw = set(kwargs.get("Draw", ["Estimators"])) Range = kwargs.get("Range") Style = kwargs.get("Style", "line") Title = kwargs.get("Title", "Unnamed") XLabel = kwargs.get("XLabel", "Moment #") YLabel = kwargs.get("YLabel", r"$\left|\mathrm{Moment}\right|^2$") LogX = kwargs.get("LogX", True) LogY = kwargs.get("LogY", True) ctr = np.arange(*Range) Num = 2 + len(Draw) * len(Signals) _bplot( ax[0], ctr, D.Mom[ctr], "Data", Style, Num, 0) n = 1 for sigName in Signals: eName = sigName.replace('%', '\%') M = np.zeros_like(D[sigName].Sig) if "Signal" in Draw: M[:] = D[sigName].Sig _bplot(ax[0], ctr, M[ctr], eName + " (Signal)", Style, Num, n) n += 1 if "Residual" in Draw: M[:D.N] = 0 M[D.N:] = D[sigName].Res _bplot(ax[0], ctr, M[ctr], eName + " (Residual)", Style, Num, n) n += 1 if "Estimator" in Draw: M[:D.N] = 0 M[D.N:] = D[sigName].Est _bplot(ax[0], ctr, M[ctr], eName + " (MinVar Estimator)", Style, Num, n) n += 1 fig.suptitle(Title) ax[0].set_xlabel(XLabel) ax[0].set_ylabel(YLabel) ax[0].set_xlim(*Range) if LogY: ax[0].set_yscale('log') if Style == "bar": tnum = (int(Range[1]) / 8) * np.arange(9) ax[0].set_xticks ( [(x*Num + Num/2) for x in tnum ]) ax[0].set_xticklabels( [str(x) for x in tnum ]) elif Style == "line": tnum = (int(Range[1]) / 8) * np.arange(9) ax[0].set_xticks ( [x for x in tnum ]) ax[0].set_xticklabels( [str(x) for x in tnum ]) ax[0].legend() ######## MASS SCAN ######## @gsPlot(3, 1, height_ratios=[6, 2, 2]) def mass_scan(fig, gs, scan, **kwargs): ax = [ plt.subplot(g) for g in gs ] Units = kwargs.get("Units", "Events") Title = kwargs.get("Title", "Scan") XLabel = kwargs.get("XLabel", "Mass") LogX = kwargs.get("LogX", True) CMap = kwargs.get("CMap", "copper") Scans = kwargs.get("Scans", scan.keys()) Bands = kwargs.get("Bands", len(Scans) == 1) XRange = kwargs.get("XRange", ( min([x.Mass.min() for x in scan.values()]), max([x.Mass.max() for x in scan.values()]) )) sig = { n: x.Sig for n, x in scan.items() } keep = { n: (x.Mass > XRange[0])*(x.Mass < XRange[1]) for n, x in scan.items() } sigmax = max([x[keep[name]].max() for name, x in sig.items()]) zero = np.asarray((0,0)) cmap = [ plt.get_cmap(CMap)(i) for i in np.linspace(0, 1, len(Scans)) ] # Limits for c, name in zip(cmap, Scans): e = scan[name].ExpLim n = name.replace("%", "\%") if Bands: ax[0].fill_between(scan[name].Mass, e[:,0], e[:,4], color='y' ) ax[0].fill_between(scan[name].Mass, e[:,1], e[:,3], color='g' ) ax[0].plot(scan[name].Mass, e[:,2], label=n, color=c, ls='--') ax[0].plot(scan[name].Mass, scan[name].ObsLim, label=n + " ", color=c, ls='-') extr = plt.Rectangle((0, 0), 1, 1, fc="w", fill=False, edgecolor='none', linewidth=0) h, l = ax[0].get_legend_handles_labels() ax[0].legend(_flip([ extr, extr] + h, 2), _flip(["Exp", "Obs"] + l, 2), loc='best', ncol=2) ax[0].set_ylabel(r'CL$_{95}$ (%s)' % Units) ax[0].set_yscale('log') # Deviation (sigmas) ax[1].fill_between(XRange, zero-2, zero+2, color='y' ) ax[1].fill_between(XRange, zero-1, zero+1, color='g' ) ax[1].plot (XRange, zero, color='k', ls=':' ) for c, name in zip(cmap, Scans): ax[1].plot(scan[name].Mass, scan[name].Sig, label=name, color=c) ax[1].set_ylabel(r'Dev. ($\sigma$)') ax[1].set_ylim(-3, 3) # p-value for n in np.arange( 1, ceil(sigmax) + 1 ): t = 1.001*XRange[1] - 0.001*XRange[0] ax[2].plot(XRange, zero + _cdf(n), ls=':', lw=0.5,color='k') ax[2].text(t, _cdf(n), '$%d\sigma$' % n, va='center') for c, name in zip(cmap, Scans): M = scan[name].Mass [keep[name]] P = scan[name].PValue[keep[name]] ax[2].plot(M, P, label=name, color=c) ax[2].set_ylabel(r'p-value') ax[2].set_yscale('log') # Shared formatting fig.suptitle(Title) for a in ax: a.set_xlim( *XRange ) if LogX: a.set_xscale('log') for a in ax[:-1]: a.tick_params(labelbottom='off') ax[-1].set_xlabel(XLabel) ######## COEFFICIENT TABLES ######## @gsPlot(2, 3, width_ratios=[2, 1, 1]) def summary_table(fig, gs, D): ax = [ plt.subplot(gs[0,0]), plt.subplot(gs[1,0]), plt.subplot(gs[ :,2]) ] labels = D.GetActive() yields = [ "%.1f" % D[n].Yield for n in labels ] uncs = [ "%.1f" % D[n].Unc for n in labels ] # Signals yields if len(labels) > 0: colL = [ "Yield", "Uncertainty" ] txt = zip(yields, uncs) ax[0].axis('tight') ax[0].axis('off') ax[0].set_title("Extracted Signal") ax[0].table(cellText=txt, rowLabels=labels, colLabels=colL, loc='center') # Correlations if len(labels) > 0: txt = [ [ "%.3f" % D.Corr[n,m] if n<= m else "" for n in range(len(labels)) ] for m in range(len(labels)) ] ax[1].axis('tight') ax[1].axis('off') ax[1].set_title("Signal Correlations") ax[1].table(cellText=txt, rowLabels=labels, colLabels=labels, loc='center') # Moments colL = [ "Value" ] rowL = [ r'$\lambda$', r'$\alpha$' ] rowL += [ r'$c_{%d}$' % n for n in range(D.TestB.Nmax) ] txt = [ ["%.2f" % D.Factory[x]] for x in ("Lambda", "Alpha") ] txt += [ ["%.2g" % D.TestB.MomAct[n]] for n in range(D.TestB.Nmax) ] ax[2].axis('tight') ax[2].axis('off') ax[2].set_title("Background Moments") tab = ax[2].table(cellText=txt, rowLabels=rowL, colLabels=colL, loc='center')