import numpy as np import numexpr as ne import Tools.CacheMgr as Cache from Tools.PrintMgr import * from Tools.Base import ParametricObject from scipy.optimize import minimize from scipy.linalg import solve from numpy.linalg import slogdet, multi_dot from scipy.linalg import cho_factor, cho_solve from math import pi, e, sqrt from scipy.special import erfinv, gammaln, gammainc, gammaincc from scipy.stats import norm import time ### ## Conduct a signal scan on a DataSet and store the results. ### class SignalScan(ParametricObject): # p-values for [-2, -1, 0, 1, 2] sigma levels _siglevels = [0.022750, 0.158655, 0.5, 0.841345, 0.977250] # Get the background and signal variance contributions @Cache.Element("{self.Factory.CacheDir}", "var", "{self.Factory}", "{self.DataSet}", "{self.SigName}.npy") def _varCache(self, DataMom, SigMoms, P, Rs): n = self.DataSet.N P1 = P[-1] Mb = DataMom.copy() Mb[n:] = Rs[:-1].dot( SigMoms[:-1, n:] ) Ms = SigMoms[-1] Mp = np.zeros_like(Mb) Mp[n:] = P1 Mx = self.Factory.MxTensor(Mb, Ms, Mp) return Mx[n:,n:] ).T # return the first three central moments assuming a signal contribution 't'. def _cmom(self, t): mu1 = t mu2 = self.B2 + mu1*self.S2 - mu1**2 mu3 = self.B3 + mu1*self.S3 - 3*mu1*mu2 - mu1**3 mu3 = np.maximum(mu2, mu3) return mu1, mu2, mu3 # return the CPD parameters def _CPDpar(self, mu1, mu2, mu3, N): dN = N - mu1 * self.DataSet.Nint a = (mu2**3 / mu3**2) * self.DataSet.Nint b = mu2 / mu3 k = a + b*dN + 0.5 return a, k def CPDpdf(self, mu1, mu2, mu3, N): a, k = self._CPDpar(mu1, mu2, mu3, N) return np.exp( (k-1)*np.log(a) - a - gammaln(k) ) def CPDcdf(self, mu1, mu2, mu3, N): a, k = self._CPDpar(mu1, mu2, mu3, N) return np.nan_to_num(gammaincc(k, a)) def CPDcdf1m(self, mu1, mu2, mu3, N): a, k = self._CPDpar(mu1, mu2, mu3, N) return np.nan_to_num(gammainc(k, a)) # Return the upper limit for x (x in events) def UL(self, x): mu1, mu2, mu3 = self._cmom(self.t) if self.Lumi > 0: mu2 += self.LumiUnc * self.t**2 pdf = self.CPDpdf(mu1, mu2, mu3, x) c = pdf.cumsum() idx = np.searchsorted(c/c[-1], self.Confidence) ul = self.t[idx] * self.DataSet.Nint return ul / self.Lumi if self.Lumi > 0 else ul # Return the moments equivalent to (-2, -1, 0, +1, +2)-sigma levels def _levels(self, Mu2, Mu3, npt=int(1e5), levels=(-2, -1, 0, 1, 2)): var = Mu2 * self.DataSet.Nint r = 4*sqrt(var) t = np.linspace( -r, r, npt + 1) cdf = self.CPDcdf(0, Mu2, Mu3, t) idx = np.searchsorted(cdf, norm.cdf(levels) ) - 1 return t[idx] # Implementation of iterator. def next(self): self.idx += 1 if self.idx >= len(self.Names): raise StopIteration Data = self.DataSet DataMom = getattr(Data, Data.attr) self.SigName = self.Names[self.idx] SigMoms, P = Data.NormSignalEstimators(self.SigName) # Raw signals, estimators Rs =[Data.N:]) # Estimated signal moments # Get the background and signal variance contributions. P1 = P[-1] PB, PS, P2 = self._varCache(DataMom, SigMoms, P, Rs) # Second central moments for b-part, s-part and b-only self.B2 = PB ) self.S2 = PS ) Mu2 = multi_dot((P1, self.MxC[Data.N:,Data.N:], P1)) # Third central moments for b-part, s-part and b-only self.B3 = PB ) self.S3 = PS ) Mu3 = multi_dot((P1, self.MxC[Data.N:,Data.N:], P2)) Mu3 = max(Mu2, Mu3) # Store the output values and calculate limits i = self.idx self.var = Mu2 * Data.Nint pts = self._levels(Mu2, Mu3) self.Mass [i] = Data[self.SigName].Mass self.Yield [i] = Rs[-1] * Data.Nint self.Unc [i] = sqrt(self.var) self.ObsLim[i] = self.UL( self.Yield[i] ) self.ExpLim[i] = [ self.UL( v ) for v in pts ] self.PValue[i] = self.CPDcdf1m(0, Mu2, Mu3, self.Yield[i]) self.Sig [i] = norm.isf(self.PValue[i]) return self.SigName, self.Yield[i], self.Unc[i], self.ObsLim[i], self.ExpLim[i] # Initialize covariances for shared signals. Transposes copies # are stored in memory, because this optimizes memory access # and greatly speeds up the sums in _setShortCov. def __iter__(self): sl = self.DataSet.GetActive() SigMoms = sum( self.DataSet[s].Moment * self.DataSet[s].Sig for s in sl ) Data = self.DataSet n = self.DataSet.N DataMom = getattr(Data, Data.attr) Mom = DataMom.copy() if len(self.DataSet.GetActive()) > 0: Mom[n:] = SigMoms[n:] self.MxC = self.Factory.CovMatrix(Mom) return self def __init__(self, Factory, DataSet, *arg, **kwargs): ParametricObject.__init__(self) self.Factory = Factory self.DataSet = DataSet self.Lumi = float(kwargs.get("Lumi", 0.0)) self.LumiUnc = float(kwargs.get("LumiUnc", 0.0)) self.Nmax = float(kwargs.get("Nmax", 1e5)) self.Npt = float(kwargs.get("Npt", 1e6)) self.Confidence = float(kwargs.get("ConfidenceLevel", 0.95)) self.Names = arg self.Mass = np.zeros( (len(arg), ) ) self.Yield = np.zeros( (len(arg), ) ) self.Unc = np.zeros( (len(arg), ) ) self.ExpLim = np.zeros( (len(arg), 5 ) ) self.ObsLim = np.zeros( (len(arg), ) ) self.PValue = np.zeros( (len(arg), ) ) self.Sig = np.zeros( (len(arg), ) ) # Initial idx and test points self.idx = -1 self.t = np.linspace(0, self.Nmax, self.Npt) / self.DataSet.Nint ### ## Optimize hyperparameters on a specified DataSet. ### class Optimizer(ParametricObject): # Transform the dataset to the specified hyperparameters def UpdateXfrm(self, reduced=True, **kwargs): self.update( kwargs ) self.PriorGen.update(self.ParamVal) self.Prior.FromIter(self.PriorGen) Act = self.DataSet.GetActive() if reduced else self.DataSet.Signals inm = [ self.DataSet[name].Mom for name in Act ] outm = self.Xfrm(self.DataSet.Mom, *inm, **self.ParamVal) Mom, sigs = outm[0], outm[1:] for name, m in zip(Act, sigs): self.DataSet[name].MomX[len(m):] = 0 self.DataSet[name].MomX[:len(m)] = m self.DataSet.MomX[:] = Mom self.DataSet.Full.Set (Mom=Mom) # Scan for the optimal number of moments. @Cache.Element("{self.Factory.CacheDir}", "LLH", "{self.Factory}", "{self}", "{self.DataSet}.json") def ScanN(self, reduced=True, **kwargs): L = np.full((self.Factory["Ncheck"],), np.inf) D = self.DataSet a = kwargs.get("attr", "MomX") h = D.Full.Mom[1] * sqrt(2) self.UpdateXfrm(reduced=reduced) for j in range(2, self.Factory["Ncheck"]): try: D.SetN(j, attr=a) dof = (j**2 + j) / 2 Raw = D.TestS.LogP(D.Full) Pen = float(j) * np.log(D.Nint/(dof*h*e)) / 2 pdot() except (np.linalg.linalg.LinAlgError, ValueError): pdot(pchar="x") continue L[j] = Raw + Pen j = np.nanargmin(L) return j, L[j] # Optimize the hyperparameters @pstage("Optimizing Hyperparameters") def FitW(self, initial_simplex=None): ini = [ self.Factory[p] for p in self.Factory._fitparam ] res = minimize(self.ObjFunc, ini, method='Nelder-Mead', options={'xatol': 1e-2, 'initial_simplex' : initial_simplex}) par = dict(zip(self.Factory._fitparam, res.x)) # Now set to the best parameters self.update( par ) self.UpdateXfrm() N, L = self.ScanN() return N, L, par # Scan through a grid of hyperparameters @pstage("Scanning Hyperparameters") def ScanW(self, Ax, Lx, Ad, Ld): D = self.DataSet LLH = [] P = [] for ax, lx, ad, ld in zip(Ax.ravel(), Lx.ravel(), Ad.ravel(), Ld.ravel()): if ad != self.Factory["Alpha"] or ld != self.Factory["Lambda"] or not hasattr(D, "Full"): self.Factory.update( {'Alpha': ad, 'Lambda': ld} ) D.Decompose(xonly=True) LLH.append( self.ObjFunc((ax, lx)) ) P.append ( { 'Alpha' : ax, 'Lambda' : lx } ) LLH = np.asarray(LLH) return LLH.reshape(Ax.shape), P[ np.nanargmin(LLH) ] def ObjFunc(self, arg): prst() pstr(str_nl % "Nint" + "%.2f" % self.DataSet.Nint) pstr(str_nl % "Neff" + "%.2f" % self.DataSet.Neff) pstr(str_nl % "Signals" + " ".join(self.DataSet.GetActive())) pstr(str(self)) pini("MOMENT SCAN") self.update( dict( zip(self.Factory._fitparam, arg) ) ) self.Xfrm.update(self.Factory.ParamVal) j, L = self.ScanN() pstr(str_nl % "Nmom" + "%2d" % j) pstr(str_nl % "LLH" + "%.2f" % L) pstr(str_nl % "Nfev" + "%d / %d" % (self.Nfev, self.Nfex)) self.Nfev += 1 return L def __init__(self, Factory, DataSet, **kwargs): self.DataSet = DataSet self.Factory = Factory self.Nfev = 0 self.Nfex = 0 # Copy parameters from the Factory object. self._param = Factory._fitparam self._fitparam = Factory._fitparam ParametricObject.__init__(self, **Factory.ParamVal) self.Prior = TruncatedSeries(self.Factory, np.zeros((Factory["Nbasis"],)), DataSet.Neff/DataSet.Nint, Nmax=2 ) self.PriorGen = Factory.Pri() self.Xfrm = self.Factory.Xfrm() ### ## An object to hold data to decompose along with signal objects. ### class DataSet(ParametricObject): def AddParametricSignal(self, name, func, **kwargs): if name in self: return self[name] = ParametricSignal(self.Factory, name, func, **kwargs) self.Signals.append(name) def DelSignal(self, name): try: list.remove(name) except ValueError: pass try: del self[name] except ValueError: pass def GetActive(self, *args): return [ n for n in self.Signals if self[n].Active or self[n].name in args ] # Decompose the dataset and active signals def Decompose(self, reduced=True, xonly=False, cksize=2**20): pini("Data Moments") N = self.Factory["Nxfrm"] Nb = self.Factory["Nxfrm"] if xonly else self.Factory["Nbasis"] self.Mom = np.zeros((self.Factory["Nbasis"],)) self.MomX = np.zeros((self.Factory["Nxfrm"],)) self.Mom[:Nb] = self.Factory.CachedDecompose(self.x, self.w, str(self.uid), cksize=cksize, Nbasis=Nb) self.Full = TruncatedSeries(self.Factory, self.Mom, self.Neff, Nmax=N ) self.TestS = TruncatedSeries(self.Factory, self.Mom, self.Neff, Nmax=N ) self.TestB = TruncatedSeries(self.Factory, self.Mom, self.Neff, Nmax=N ) pend() Act = self.GetActive() if reduced else self.Signals for name in Act: pini("%s Moments" % name) self[name].Decompose(cksize=cksize, Nbasis=Nb) pend() # Solve for the raw signal estimators. Use Cholesky decomposition, # as it is much faster than the alternative solvers. @pstage("Preparing Signal Estimators") def PrepSignalEstimators(self, reduced=True, verbose=False): D = getattr(self, self.attr).copy() n, N = self.N, D.size Act = self.GetActive() if reduced else self.Signals D[n:] = 0 LCov = self.Factory.CovMatrix(D)[n:N,n:N] reg = np.diag(LCov).mean() / sqrt(self.Nint) Ch = cho_factor( LCov + reg*np.eye(N-n)) if verbose: pini("Solving") for name in Act: sig = self[name] sig.Sig = getattr(sig, self.attr) # set the moments to use. sig.Res = sig.Sig[n:] # sig res sig.Est = cho_solve(Ch, sig.Res.T) if verbose: pdot() if verbose: pend() # Solve for the normalized signal estimators def NormSignalEstimators(self, *extrasignals): sl = self.GetActive(*extrasignals) Sig = np.array([ self[s].Sig for s in sl ]) # raw signals Res = np.array([ self[s].Res for s in sl ]) # sig residuals Est = np.array([ self[s].Est for s in sl ]) # sig raw estimators P = solve (, Est) # normalized estimators return Sig, P # Extract the active signals def ExtractSignals(self, Data, *extrasignals): N = self.N Sig, P = self.NormSignalEstimators(self, *extrasignals) R =[self.N:]) self.FullSig = self.P = P for i, name in enumerate( self.GetActive(*extrasignals) ): self[name].Moment = R[i] self[name].Yield = R[i] * self.Nint # Return covariance matrix (in events) def Covariance(self): sigs = self.GetActive() N = self.N if len(sigs) == 0: self.Cov = [[]] self.Unc = [] self.Corr = [[]] else: Mf = self.Factory.CovMatrix( getattr(self, self.attr) ) self.Cov = self.Nint * multi_dot (( self.P, Mf[N:,N:], self.P.T )) self.Unc = np.sqrt(np.diag(self.Cov)) self.Corr = self.Cov / np.outer(self.Unc, self.Unc) for n, name in enumerate(sigs): self[name].Unc = self.Unc[n] # Set the number of moments def SetN(self, N, attr="MomX"): self.N = N Mom = getattr(self, attr) isSig = np.arange(Mom.size) >= N dMom = Mom * (~isSig) self.attr = attr if len(self.GetActive()) > 0: self.PrepSignalEstimators(verbose=False) self.ExtractSignals(Mom) else: self.FullSig = np.zeros_like(dMom) self.TestB.Set(Mom=dMom - self.FullSig * (~isSig), Nmax=N) self.TestS.Set(Mom=dMom + self.FullSig * ( isSig) ) def __init__(self, x, Factory, **kwargs): w = kwargs.get('w', np.ones(x.shape[-1])) sel = (w != 0) * (x > Factory["x0"] ) self.w = np.compress(sel, w, axis=-1) self.x = np.compress(sel, x, axis=-1) # Record some vital stats self.uid = # Use the weighted sum as a datset identifier. self.Nint = self.w.sum() self.Neff = self.Nint**2 /, self.w) self.w /= self.Nint self.Factory = Factory self.Signals = [] ParametricObject.__init__(self, **Factory.ParamVal) # Format as a list of floats joined by '_'. The # str(float()) construction ensures that numpy # singletons are p.copy()rinted consistently def __format__(self, fmt): id_str = [ str(self.uid) ] + self.GetActive() return "_".join( id_str ) ### ## A parametric signal model. ### class ParametricSignal(object): def Decompose(self, cksize=2**20, Nbasis=0, **kwargs): Mom = self.CachedDecompose(cksize, Nbasis=Nbasis, **kwargs) self.Mom[:len(Mom)] = Mom self.Mom[len(Mom):] = 0 self.MomX[:] = 0 # Decompose the signal sample data. @Cache.Element("{self.Factory.CacheDir}", "Decompositions", "{self.Factory}", "{}.npy") def CachedDecompose(self, cksize=2**20, **kwargs): Nb = kwargs.pop("Nbasis", 0) Mom = np.zeros((self.Factory["Nbasis"],)) sumW = 0.0 sumW2 = 0.0 Neff = 0 cksize = min(cksize, self.Npt) Fn = self.Factory.Fn(np.zeros((cksize,)), w=np.zeros((cksize,)), Nbasis=Nb if Nb > 0 else self.Factory["Nbasis"]) while Neff < self.Npt: Fn['x'] = np.random.normal(, scale=self.sigma, size=cksize) Fn['w'] = self.func(Fn['x']) / self._gauss(Fn['x']) k = np.nonzero(Fn['x'] <= self.Factory["x0"]) Fn['w'][k] = 0 Fn['x'][k] = 2*self.Factory["x0"] sumW += Fn['w'].sum() sumW2 +=['w'], Fn['w']) Neff = int(round( (sumW*sumW)/sumW2 )) for D in Fn: Mom[D.N] += D.Moment() pdot() return Mom / sumW # Gaussian PDF def _gauss(self, x): u, s =, self.sigma return np.exp( -0.5*( (x-u)/s )**2 ) / sqrt(2*pi*s*s) # Set a signal model and generate def __init__(self, Factory, name, func, mu, sigma, **kwargs): self.Factory = Factory = name self.func = func = mu self.sigma = sigma self.Mass = float(kwargs.get("Mass", self.Npt = int( kwargs.get("NumPoints", 2**22)) self.Active = bool( kwargs.get("Active", False)) self.Moment = 0 self.Yield = 0 self.Mom = np.zeros((self.Factory["Nbasis"],)) self.MomX = np.zeros((self.Factory["Nxfrm"],)) ### ## A truncated orthonormal series ### class TruncatedSeries(object): # Evaluate series def __call__(self, x, trunc=False): Mom = self.MomAct if trunc else self.MomU Val = np.zeros_like(x) w = np.ones_like(x) for D in self.Factory.Fn(x, w): if D.N >= self.Nmin: Val += D.Values() * Mom[D.N] return Val # Get the common index range between self and other def _ci(self, othr): return ( max(self.Nmin, othr.Nmin), min(self.Nmax, othr.Nmax)) # Get the entropy of this TruncatedSeries. def Entropy(self): j = kwargs.get('j', self.Nmin) k = kwargs.get('k', self.Nmax) k = min(k, self.Ncov/2) Cov = self.Cov[j:k,j:k] return slogdet(2*pi*e*Cov)[1] / 2 # Dkl(othr||self) --> prior.KL(posterior). If specified, scale the # statistical precision of 'self' by Scale def KL(self, othr): j, k = self._ci(othr) k = min(k, self.Ncov/2, othr.Ncov/2) delta = self.MomAct[j:k] - othr.MomAct[j:k] ChSelf = cho_factor(self.Cov[j:k,j:k]) h = cho_solve(ChSelf, delta) r = cho_solve(ChSelf, othr.Cov[j:k,j:k]) return (np.trace(r) + - slogdet(r)[1] - k + j) / 2 #Log-likelihood of othr with respect to self. def Chi2(self, othr): j, k = self._ci(othr) k = min(k, self.Ncov/2) delta = self.MomAct[j:k] - othr.MomAct[j:k] Ch = cho_factor(self.Cov[j:k,j:k]) h = cho_solve(Ch, delta) return / 2 # Negative log-likelihood of othr with respect to self. def LogP(self, othr): j, k = self._ci(othr) k = min(k, self.Ncov/2) delta = self.MomAct[j:k] - othr.MomAct[j:k] Ch = cho_factor(self.Cov[j:k,j:k]) h = cho_solve(Ch, delta) l = 2*np.log(np.diag(Ch[0])).sum() return ( (k-j)*np.log(2*pi) + l + / 2 # Set the number of active moments. def Set(self, **kwargs): self.Nmin = kwargs.get('Nmin', self.Nmin) self.Nmax = kwargs.get('Nmax', self.Nmax) self.Mom = kwargs.get('Mom', self.Mom).copy() Ncov = self.Mom.size # Truncate or pad with zeros as necessary. Keep a copy of the original. self.MomU = self.Mom.copy() self.Mom.resize( (self.Factory["Nbasis"],), ) R = np.arange(self.Mom.size, self.MomAct = self.Mom * (self.Nmin <= R) * (R < self.Nmax) # Build covariance matrix N = self.Cov.shape[0] self.Mx = self.Factory.MomMx( self.Mom, self.Nmin, self.Nmax, out=self.Mx) self.Cov = (self.Mx - np.outer(self.MomAct[:N], self.MomAct[:N])) / self.StatPre self.Ncov = Ncov # Set the moments from an iterator def FromIter(self, iter): Mom = np.asarray( [ D.Moment() for D in iter ] ) self.Set(Mom=Mom) # Initialize by taking the decomposition of the dataset `basis'. # Store all moments. The `active' moments are [self.Nmin, self.Nmax) def __init__(self, Factory, Moments, StatPre=1, **kwargs): self.Factory = Factory self.StatPre = StatPre self.Nmin = kwargs.get("Nmin", 1) self.Nmax = kwargs.get("Nmax", Factory["Nbasis"]) Nbasis = Factory["Nbasis"] Nxfrm = Factory["Nxfrm"] self.Mx = np.zeros( (Nxfrm, Nxfrm) ) self.Cov = np.zeros( (Nxfrm, Nxfrm) ) # Covariance (weighted) self.MomAct = np.zeros( (Nbasis,) ) # Weighted, truncated moments self.MomU = Moments.copy() self.Mom = Moments.copy() self.Set()