BINDIR="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)" TOPDIR=`dirname ${BINDIR}` checkPyModule() { PACKAGE=$1 VERSION=$(python -c "$2" 2>/dev/null ) if [ $? -ne 0 ] then printf "%12s (%b)\n" "${PACKAGE}" "\e[31mnot found\e[0m" else printf "%12s (%b)\n" "${PACKAGE}" "\e[32mfound ${VERSION}\e[0m" fi } if [ ".$QUIET" == "." ] then printf "\n" printf "\e[30m\e[107mIMPORTANT\e[0m: make sure you __source__ this script\n" printf "rather than execute it:\n" printf "\n" printf "\e[1m yourprompt$ . \$FD_PATH/\e[0m\n" printf "\n" printf "otherwise the paths will not be correctly set. If you'd like to\n" printf "silence this annoying message in the future, source the script\n" printf "like this:" printf "\n" printf "\e[1m yourprompt$ QUIET=1 . \$FD_PATH/\e[0m\n" printf "\n" printf "Python package dependency check:\n" for PACKAGE in numpy scipy numexpr matplotlib do checkPyModule $PACKAGE "import ${PACKAGE}; print ${PACKAGE}.__version__; exit()" done checkPyModule "ROOT" "import ROOT; print ROOT.gROOT.GetVersion(); exit()" printf "\n" printf "ROOT is __optional__, and is required only to import Tree objects from\n" printf " .root files. If ROOT is not installed, you can still import .csv\n" printf " files." printf "\n" fi [[ ":$PATH:" != *${BINDIR}* ]] && export PATH="${BINDIR}:${PATH}" [[ ":$PYTHONPATH:" != *${TOPDIR}* ]] && export PYTHONPATH="${TOPDIR}:${PYTHONPATH}" export FD_DIR=${TOPDIR}