import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def partonLumi_uubar(x): p0 = 0.00703528 p1 = -0.000174816 p2 = 1.89616e-06 p3 = -1.12038e-08 p4 = 3.7537e-11 p5 = -6.71198e-14 p6 = 4.98316e-17 return p0 + p1 * x + p2 * x * x + p3 * x * x * x + p4 * x * x * x * x + p5 * x * x * x * x * x + p6 * x * x * x * x * x * x def partonLumi_ddbar(x): p0 = 0.0052163 p1 = -0.000130677 p2 = 1.42682e-06 p3 = -8.48218e-09 p4 = 2.85847e-11 p5 = -5.14001e-14 p6 = 3.83665e-17 return p0 + p1 * x + p2 * x * x + p3 * x * x * x + p4 * x * x * x * x + p5 * x * x * x * x * x + p6 * x * x * x * x * x * x def partonLumi_ssbar(x): p0 = 0.00227443 p1 = -5.80923e-05 p2 = 6.40022e-07 p3 = -3.81913e-09 p4 = 1.28814e-11 p5 = -2.3144e-14 p6 = 1.72444e-17 return p0 + p1 * x + p2 * x * x + p3 * x * x * x + p4 * x * x * x * x + p5 * x * x * x * x * x + p6 * x * x * x * x * x * x def BW(s, ZMass, ZWidth): return 1. / ((s - ZMass * ZMass) * (s - ZMass * ZMass) + (ZMass * ZMass * ZWidth * ZWidth)) def atlas_invMass_mumu_core(x): ZMass = 91.200000; ZWidth = 2.490000 alphaEM = 7.297352e-3; Nc = 3; Qd = -1. / 3.; Qu = 2. / 3.; Qs = -1. / 3.; sin2W = 0.23126; GF = 1.1663787e-5 gAmu = -0.5; gAu = 0.5; gAd = -0.5; gAs = -0.5; gVmu = -0.5 + 2 * sin2W; gVu = 0.5 - 4. / 3. * sin2W; gVd = -0.5 + 2. / 3. * sin2W; gVs = -0.5 + 2. / 3. * sin2W s = x * x alphaEM2 = alphaEM * alphaEM kappa = np.sqrt(2) * GF * ZMass * ZMass / (4 * np.pi * alphaEM) BWgam = BWz = BW(s, ZMass, ZWidth) S_Zgam = kappa * s * (s - ZMass * ZMass) * BWgam S_Z = kappa * kappa * s * s * BWz ME_ddbar = 4 * np.pi * alphaEM2 / (3 * Nc * s) * ((Qd * Qd) - 2 * Qd * gVmu * gVd * S_Zgam + (gAmu * gAmu + gVmu * gVmu) * (gAd * gAd + gVd * gVd) * S_Z) ME_uubar = 4 * np.pi * alphaEM2 / (3 * Nc * s) * ((Qu * Qu) - 2 * Qu * gVmu * gVu * S_Zgam + (gAmu * gAmu + gVmu * gVmu) * (gAu * gAu + gVu * gVu) * S_Z) ME_ssbar = 4 * np.pi * alphaEM2 / (3 * Nc * s) * ((Qs * Qs) - 2 * Qs * gVmu * gVs * S_Zgam + (gAmu * gAmu + gVmu * gVmu) * (gAs * gAs + gVs * gVs) * S_Z) return (ME_ddbar * partonLumi_ddbar(x) + ME_uubar * partonLumi_uubar(x) + ME_ssbar * partonLumi_ssbar(x)) * x def atlas_invMass_mumu(add, x): # add - ekstra correction to the function (polynomial, root, ... ? ) return add * atlas_invMass_mumu_core(x) if __name__ == "__main__": # the custom add function - dodaj poljuben polinom ipd kot utez... def poly(x): return 1. plt.figure(figsize=(16, 8)) x = np.linspace(110., 200., 100) plt.plot(x, atlas_invMass_mumu(poly(x), x)) plt.yscale('log')