This package is a self-contained implementation of functional decomposition, an unbinned, parametric solution for fitting mass spectra, conducting searches and producing limits. FD decomposes a dataset into a complete set of orthogonal functions (the orthonormal exponentials), whose coefficients can be extracted from the data by direct computation. It uses a penalized likelihood to determine the appropriate number of terms to retain from the infinite series. ------------------------- RUNNING THE EXAMPLE CASES ------------------------- There are three examples provided, with increasing levels of complexity. These are: bkg_only Decompose a single smooth spectrum using the orthonormal exponentials. sig_bkg Decompose a smooth spectrum with two known resonances. Use the orthonormal exponentials as a background model and two Gaussians to model the two known peaks. sig_bkg_scan Decompose a smooth spectrum with two known resonances, and perform a search for a new resonances. Use the orthonormal exponentials for the background, two Gaussians to model the two known peaks, and scan a third peak through several masses and widths. The first two examples should run in only a few minutes. The third example tests some ~600 different signal hypotheses, and can take rather longer. On my Dell XPS13 9350, using a fairly large sample of 5e7 events, this example takes about 1.5 hours to run from scratch. There are four main contributions to the run time: 1.) Decomposing data: 415s. Linear in the number of input events 2.) Determining hyperparameters: 281s. Linear in the size of the initial search grid. 2.) Decomposing signal models: 3380s. Linear in the number of signal models and the number of events used to simulate each signal. 3.) Calculating limits and p-values: ~1200s. Linear in the number of signal models. Check the config files for each example (located in /base.conf). The comments describe the various parameters and their function. You probably want to adjust 'Nthread' to match your number of CPU cores before running the examples. The remaining parameters should require no adjustment (but feel free to play around). Each of the examples can be run as follows: 1. Enter the FD directory and set up the code: cd . bin/ This will also check if the required Python packages are available, and warn you if they are not. 2. Enter the example directory and import / generate the test data: cd Examples/ --setname Test --varname Myy --wgtname weight --size 12000000 ../InputSignalData/* '' produces a random sample of background-like data. Change the size parameter if you want more/fewer events. '' imports several datasets from the CSV files in 'InputSignalData'. These contain Gaussian signal shapes that can be injected into the background-like sample to simulate resonances. 3. Run the scan In a real application, you would use '' to read in your data (either as .csv or .root). Note that for the 'bg_only' example, '' is unnecessary and can be skipped. That's it! The output will be located in 'Output/*'. Each plot is saved as an individual pdf file, and additionally all plots are saved together as a multipage pdf in 'Output/all.pdf'. One last thing to note: all decompositions and likelihood calculations are cached on disk in '/Cache/*'. Any repeated computations will hit the disk cache, which vastly speeds things up when making small changes (e.g. plot tweaks or including additional signal models). The cache files are named using all relevant parameters along with a checksum of the dataset. This ensures that if you change parameters or cuts, the cache will not accidentally use values computed using a different configuration. If you'd like to force FD to completely re-run from scratch, just delete the Cache directory. It will be automatically re-created and re-populated the next time '' is run.