123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323 |
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- import os, sys, signal, argparse, ConfigParser
- import numpy as np
- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- import Plots.Plots as Plots
- from Tools.Decomp import DataSet, Optimizer, SignalScan
- from Tools.OrthExp import ExpDecompFactory
- from Tools.ConfigIter import ConfigIter
- from Tools.PrintMgr import *
- from Plots.Plots import *
- from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages
- # Load a specified variable from base dir
- def loadVar(varName, DSList, Dec):
- Path = [ os.path.join(ArgC.base, "Data", n, varName + ".npy") for n in DSList ]
- Ar = [ np.load(p, mmap_mode = 'r')[::int(d)] for p, d in zip(Path, Dec) ]
- return np.concatenate(Ar)
- # Test a condition on on cached variables
- def testVar(cond, DSList, Dec):
- Keep = []
- for n, d in zip(DSList, Dec):
- Path = os.path.join ( ArgC.base, "Data", n )
- Names = [ os.path.splitext(k)[0] for k in os.listdir ( Path ) ]
- Full = { k : os.path.join(Path, k + ".npy") for k in Names }
- Vars = { k : np.load(Full[k], mmap_mode = 'r')[::int(d)] for k in Names }
- Keep.append(eval(cond, Vars))
- return np.concatenate(Keep)
- # Evaluate a signal function string.
- def _fmtSignalFunc(x, **kwargs):
- try:
- return eval(x.format(**kwargs))
- except AttributeError:
- return x
- def _addSignalFunc(D, func, name, M, **kw):
- Active = kw.get("Active", (M is None))
- arg = { k : _fmtSignalFunc(v, Mass=M, **kw) for k, v in c.items() }
- ffunc = _fmtSignalFunc(func, **arg)
- D.AddParametricSignal(name, ffunc, Active=Active, **arg)
- ########################################
- ########################################
- # Stop stack trace on ctrl-c
- def nice_quit(signal, frame):
- sys.exit(0)
- signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, nice_quit)
- # Lower default NP print precision.
- np.set_printoptions(precision=4)
- ######
- # Parse command line parameters and config files
- ######
- ArgP = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='=== Functional Decomposition Fitter ===')
- ArgP.add_argument('--base', type=str, default=".", help="FD base directory.")
- ArgP.add_argument('--show', action="store_true", help="Display plots interactively.")
- ArgC = ArgP.parse_args()
- Config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
- Config.optionxform = str
- Config.read( os.path.join(ArgC.base, "base.conf") )
- PlotStyle = Config.get("General", "PlotStyle")
- try: plt.style.use( PlotStyle )
- except IOError: plt.style.use( os.path.join(ArgC.base, PlotStyle) )
- # Reduce numpy default print precision to make logs a bit neater.
- np.set_printoptions(precision=2)
- ######
- # Initialize the factory and signal models.
- ######
- # Get hyperparameter scan range
- ranges = { p : r.rstrip("j") for p, r in Config.items("HyperParameterScan") }
- rcomp = [ ranges[p].split(':')for p in ExpDecompFactory._fitparam ]
- rlist_xfrm = [] # The hyperparameter scan range for transformations
- rlist_dcmp = [] # The scan range for direct decompositions
- for param, r in zip(ExpDecompFactory._fitparam, rcomp) :
- start = min( float(r[0]), float(r[1]))
- stop = max( float(r[0]), float(r[1]))
- step_x = float(r[2])
- step_d = float(r[3]) if len(r) > 3 else 1
- dcmp = np.linspace (start, stop, step_d)
- xidx = np.linspace ( 0, step_d-1, step_x)
- xfrm_r = np.linspace (start, stop, step_x)
- if param == 'Alpha':
- dcmp_idx = np.round(xidx-0.5, 0).astype(int)
- elif param == 'Lambda':
- dcmp_idx = np.round(xidx+0.5, 0).astype(int)
- dcmp_idx = np.clip(dcmp_idx, 0, dcmp.size-1)
- dcmp_r = dcmp[ dcmp_idx ]
- rlist_xfrm.append( xfrm_r )
- rlist_dcmp.append( dcmp_r )
- Ax, Lx = np.meshgrid(*rlist_xfrm)
- Ad, Ld = np.meshgrid(*rlist_dcmp)
- # Create Factory configuration
- fConf = { k: eval(v) for k, v in Config.items('ExpDecompFactory') }
- for p, r in zip(ExpDecompFactory._fitparam, rlist_dcmp):
- fConf[p] = r[0]
- fConf['CacheDir'] = os.path.join(ArgC.base, "Cache")
- # Read input variables.
- SetList = Config.items("InputFiles")
- General = { p: r for p, r in Config.items("General") }
- varName = General.get("Variable")
- wgtName = General.get("Weight")
- Scale = General.get("Scale")
- Lumi = General.get("Lumi", 0.0)
- LumiUnc = General.get("LumiUnc", 0.0)
- XSecUnits = General.get("XSecUnits") if Lumi > 0 else "Events"
- NumOpt = General.get("NumOptSteps", 1)
- print
- print
- print "Input files:", " ".join( [n for n, d in SetList] )
- x = loadVar(varName, *zip(*SetList))
- w = loadVar(wgtName, *zip(*SetList)) * float(Scale)
- cutflow = [ ("Initial", w.sum()) ]
- for name, cond in Config.items("Cuts"):
- w *= testVar(cond, *zip(*SetList))
- cutflow.append((name, w.sum()))
- # Create objects
- Factory = ExpDecompFactory( **fConf )
- Tr = Factory.Xfrm()
- D = DataSet(x, Factory, w=w)
- FOpt = Optimizer(Factory, D)
- Names = {}
- Scans = {}
- # Initialize signal peaks
- for c, name in ConfigIter(Config, "ParametricSignal", "ParametricSignalDefault"):
- func = "lambda x:" + c.pop("func")
- Scan = c.pop("Scan", None)
- if Scan is None:
- _addSignalFunc(D, func, name, None, **c)
- else:
- Names[name] = [ name + "%.3f" % M for M in Scan ]
- for M, fname in zip( Scan, Names[name] ):
- _addSignalFunc(D, func, fname, M, **c)
- print
- ######
- # Decompose
- ######
- LLH, PBest = FOpt.ScanW(Ax, Lx, Ad, Ld)
- dA = Ax[0,1] - Ax[0,0]
- dL = Lx[1,0] - Lx[0,0]
- for _ in range(1):
- Ab = PBest['Alpha']
- Lb = PBest['Lambda']
- ini = np.asarray( [ (Ab-dA, Lb-dL), (Ab-dA, Lb+dL), (Ab+dA, Lb) ] )
- Factory.update( PBest )
- D.Decompose(xonly=True)
- NBest, LBest, PBest = FOpt.FitW( initial_simplex = ini)
- ### Re-decompose with the full expansion and extract signals.
- Factory.update( PBest)
- D.Decompose(reduced=False)
- FOpt.UpdateXfrm(**PBest)
- ### attr="Mom": use the full expansion from here on out
- D.SetN(N=NBest, attr="Mom")
- D.Covariance()
- if len(D.Signals) > 0:
- D.PrepSignalEstimators(reduced=False, verbose=True)
- ### Calculate yields, uncertainties and CLs
- fmt = {
- "wht": "\x1b[37m %8.1f \x1b[0m",
- "grn": "\x1b[32m %8.1f \x1b[0m",
- "yel": "\x1b[33m %8.1f \x1b[0m",
- "red": "\x1b[31m %8.1f \x1b[0m",
- }
- lfmt = [ "red", "yel", "grn", "wht", "grn", "yel", "red" ]
- print
- print
- print "=====> YIELD AND LIMITS <====="
- print
- print "%-16s: %8s +- %8s (%5s) [ %9s ] [ %9s %9s %9s %9s %9s ]" % (
- "Signal", "Yield", "Unc", "Sig.", "Obs. CL95",
- "-2sigma", "-1sigma", "Exp. CL95", "+1sigma", "+2sigma")
- for scan_name, sig_names in Names.items():
- Scans[scan_name] = SignalScan(Factory, D, *sig_names, Lumi=Lumi, LumiUnc=LumiUnc)
- t1 = time.time()
- for name, yld, unc, obs, exp in Scans[scan_name]:
- t2 = time.time()
- sig = yld / unc
- isig = 3 + np.clip(int(sig) + (1 if sig > 0 else -1), -3, 3)
- print "%-16s: %8.1f +- % 8.1f (% 4.2f)" % (name, yld, unc, sig),
- print "[", fmt[lfmt[ isig ]] % obs, "] [",
- for l, e in zip(lfmt[1:-1], exp):
- print fmt[l] % e,
- print "] (%4.2fs)" % (t2-t1)
- t1 = time.time()
- ######
- # Output fit results
- ######
- Nxfrm = Factory["Nxfrm"]
- print
- print
- print "=====> CUTFLOW <====="
- for c in cutflow:
- print "% 12s: %.2f" % c
- print
- print
- print "=====> SIGNAL RESULTS <====="
- for name in D.GetActive():
- s = D[name]
- print "% 12s: %.2f +- %.2f" % (name, s.Yield, s.Unc)
- print
- print
- print "=====> COVARIANCE < ====="
- print D.Cov
- print
- print
- print "=====> CORRELATION < ====="
- print D.Corr
- print
- print
- print "=====> RAW MOMENTS <====="
- for n in range(33):
- print "% 3d: %+.3e " % (n, D.Mom[n]),
- if n % 4 == 3: print
- print
- print
- print "=====> BACKGROUND COEFFICIENTS <====="
- for n in range(D.N):
- print "% 3d: %+.3e " % (n, D.TestB.Mom[n]),
- if n % 4 == 3: print
- print
- print
- ######
- # Plotting
- ######
- print
- print
- print "=====> PLOTTING < ====="
- def op(*x):
- return os.path.join(ArgC.base, "Output", *x)
- try:
- os.mkdir(op())
- except OSError:
- pass
- pdf = PdfPages(op('all.pdf'))
- ini = fConf["Lambda"], fConf["Alpha"]
- fin = Factory["Lambda"], Factory["Alpha"]
- Plots.cutflow (cutflow, pdf=pdf, fname=op('cutflow.pdf'))
- if LLH.size > 3:
- Plots.scan (Lx, Ax, LLH, LBest, Ld, Ad, fin, pdf=pdf, fname=op('hyperparameter_scan_400.pdf'))
- Plots.scan (Lx, Ax, LLH, LBest, Ld, Ad, fin, pdf=pdf, fname=op('hyperparameter_scan_25.pdf'), maxZ=25)
- Plots.summary_table(D, pdf=pdf, fname=op('signal_summary.pdf'))
- for p, file in ConfigIter(Config, "Plot", "PlotDefault"):
- Pull = p.pop("DrawPull", True)
- try:
- Type = p.pop("Type")
- except KeyError:
- print "ERROR: Must specify 'Type' key in config for %s. Valid types are:" % file
- print " Fit (requires keys: 'Bins')"
- print " Scan (requires keys: 'Scans')"
- continue
- if Type == "Fit":
- h, res = Plots.fit (D, pdf=pdf, fname=op(file), **p)
- if Pull:
- Plots.pull (h, res, pdf=pdf, fname=op("pull-" + file) )
- elif Type == "Scan":
- Plots.mass_scan (Scans, pdf=pdf, fname=op(file), Units=XSecUnits, **p)
- elif Type == "Estimators":
- Plots.estimators (D, pdf=pdf, fname=op(file), **p)
- elif Type == "Moments":
- Plots.moments (D, pdf=pdf, fname=op(file), **p)
- pdf.close()