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added min_step and max_step penalty functions

pferjancic 4 лет назад

+ 511 - 511

@@ -1,511 +1,511 @@
-% paths.patient_dir
-% paths.Goal_dir (previously called DP_dir)
-% paths.patient
-% paths.goalsName
-% colorwash(Geometry.data, D_full, [500, 1500], [0,70])
-% orthoslice(D_full, [0,70])
-function [D_full, w_fin, Geometry, optGoal] = NLP_optimizer_v3(varargin)
-% This function performs the beamlet optimization
-% [D_full, w_fin, Geometry, optGoal] = NLP_beamlet_optimizer;
-% Inputs:
-%       () OR
-%       (Pat_path, path2goal) OR
-%       (Pat_path, path2goal, beamlet_weights)
-%   Pat_path, path2goal = strings to patient folder and optimal goals
-%   beamlet_weights = initial beamlet weights
-% Outputs:
-%       full dose image dose: [D_full, w_fin, Geometry, optGoal]
-% Made by Peter Ferjancic 1. May 2018
-% Last updated: 1. April 2019
-if nargin<2
-    load('WiscPlan_preferences.mat')
-    [Pat_path] = uigetdir([WiscPlan_preferences.patientDataPath ], 'Select Patient folder');
-    [Goal_file,Goal_path,indx] = uigetfile([Pat_path '\matlab_files\*.mat'], 'Select OptGoal file');
-    path2geometry = [Pat_path, '\matlab_files\Geometry.mat'];
-    path2goal = [Goal_path, Goal_file];
-    Pat_path = varargin{1};
-    path2geometry = [Pat_path, '\matlab_files\Geometry.mat'];
-    path2goal = varargin{2};
-    [Goal_path,Goal_file,ext] = fileparts(path2goal);
-dialogue_box = 'no'
-switch dialogue_box
-    case 'yes'
-        str = inputdlg({'N of iterations for initial calc', 'N of iterations for full calc', ...
-            'Use pre-existing NLP_result to initiate? (y/n)'}, 'input', [1,35], {'100000', '500000', 'n'});
-        N_fcallback1 = str2double(str{1}); % 100000  is a good guesstimate
-        N_fcallback2 = str2double(str{2}); % 500000 is a good guesstimate
-        pre_beamWeights = str{3};
-    case 'no'
-        disp('dialogue box skipped')
-        N_fcallback1 = 100000;
-        N_fcallback2 = 500000;
-        pre_beamWeights = 'n';
-switch pre_beamWeights
-    case 'y'
-        [NLP_file,NLP_path,indx] = uigetfile([Pat_path '\matlab_files\*.mat'], 'Select NLP_result file');
-        load([NLP_path, NLP_file])
-        w_beamlets = NLP_result.weights;
-        load([Pat_path, '\all_beams.mat'])
-        if numel(all_beams) ~= numel(w_beamlets)
-            error('Provided weight number does not match beamlet number!')
-        end
-    case 'n'
-        disp('Initial beam weights will be calculated.')
-% - no tocar lo que hay debajo -
-fprintf('starting NLP optimization process... \n')
-[beamlets, numBeamlet] = get_beamlets(Geometry, Pat_path, OptGoals);
-% [beamlets, beamlets_joined, numBeamlet, numBeam, beam_i_list] = get_beam_lets(Geometry, Pat_path);
-% -- make the optimization optGoal structure --
-for i_goal = 1:size(OptGoals.goals,1)
-    if isfield(OptGoals.data{i_goal}, 'SupVox_num')
-        SupVox_num = OptGoals.data{i_goal}.SupVox_num;
-    else
-        answer = inputdlg(['# of supervoxels for "' OptGoals.data{i_goal}.name '" with ' num2str(numel(OptGoals.data{i_goal}.ROI_idx)) ' vox: ("0" to skip)'])
-        SupVox_num = str2double(answer{1})
-    end
-    optGoal{i_goal} = OptGoals.data{i_goal};
-    optGoal{i_goal}.sss_scene_list = OptGoals.sss_scene_list;
-    optGoal{i_goal}.maxModulation = OptGoals.maxModulation;
-    optGoal{i_goal}.BeamSmoothMax = OptGoals.BeamSmoothMax;
-    % modulation
-    switch SupVox_num
-        case 0
-        % if not supervoxel, just select provided ROI_idx
-        optGoal{i_goal}.beamlets_pruned = sparse(beamlets(optGoal{i_goal}.ROI_idx, :));
-        otherwise
-        % -- if supervoxel, merge given columns
-        % - make supervoxel map
-        mask = zeros(OptGoals.data{i_goal}.imgDim);
-        mask(OptGoals.data{i_goal}.ROI_idx) = 1;
-        % group superpixels
-        superMask = superpix_group(mask, SupVox_num, 'no'); 
-        superVoxList = unique(superMask);
-        superVoxList = superVoxList(superVoxList>0);
-        optGoal{i_goal}.ROI_idx_old = optGoal{i_goal}.ROI_idx; % copy old index data
-        optGoal{i_goal}.ROI_idx = zeros(numel(superVoxList), 1);
-        optGoal{i_goal}.opt_weight = optGoal{i_goal}.opt_weight * numel(optGoal{i_goal}.ROI_idx_old)/numel(optGoal{i_goal}.ROI_idx);
-        if isfield(OptGoals.data{i_goal}, 'wgt_map')
-            tabula_wgtmap = zeros(size(superMask));
-            tabula_wgtmap(OptGoals.data{i_goal}.ROI_idx) = OptGoals.data{i_goal}.wgt_map;
-        end
-        h_w1 = waitbar(0, 'merging superboxels');
-        for i_supVox = 1:numel(superVoxList)
-            waitbar(i_supVox/numel(superVoxList), h_w1)
-            supVox_idx = superVoxList(i_supVox);
-            idxList = find(superMask == supVox_idx);
-            optGoal{i_goal}.beamlets_pruned(i_supVox,:) = sparse(mean(beamlets(idxList, :),1));
-            if isfield(OptGoals.data{i_goal}, 'wgt_map')
-                optGoal{i_goal}.vox_wgt(i_supVox) = sum(tabula_wgtmap(idxList));
-            end
-            % -- make new indeces
-            optGoal{i_goal}.ROI_idx(i_supVox) = idxList(1);
-        end
-        close(h_w1)
-    end
-% -- make them robust --
-optGoal = make_robust_optGoal(optGoal, RO_params, beamlets);
-% save([Goal_path, Goal_file '_robust.mat'], 'optGoal')
-% -- get beamlet indeces --
-load([Pat_path, '\all_beams.mat'])
-Nbeamlets = all_beams{1}.Mxp;   % number of beamlets in a beam - usually 64 or 32
-weightTable = zeros(100,Nbeamlets);
-for ind_bmlt = 1:numel(all_beams)
-    bLet_idx.y(ind_bmlt) = floor(all_beams{1, ind_bmlt}.num/Nbeamlets)+1;
-    bLet_idx.x(ind_bmlt) = rem(all_beams{1, ind_bmlt}.num, Nbeamlets)+1;
-    weightTable(bLet_idx.y(ind_bmlt),bLet_idx.x(ind_bmlt)) = 1;
-bLet_idx.idx = find(weightTable>0);
-bLet_idx.Nbeamlets = Nbeamlets;
-fun1 = @(x) get_penalty(x, optGoal_beam, bLet_idx);
-fun2 = @(x) get_penalty(x, optGoal,     bLet_idx);
-% define optimization parameters
-A = [];
-b = [];
-Aeq = [];
-beq = [];
-lb = zeros(1, numBeamlet);
-% lb_beam = zeros(1, numBeam);
-ub = [];
-nonlcon = [];
-% define opt limits, and make it fmincon progress
-options = optimoptions('fmincon');
-options.MaxFunctionEvaluations = N_fcallback1;
-options.Display = 'iter';
-options.PlotFcn = 'optimplotfval';
-% options.UseParallel = true;
-options.UseParallel = false;
-% options.OptimalityTolerance = 1e-9;
-switch pre_beamWeights
-    case 'y'
-        % should have been assigned previously.
-        disp('Provided beamlet weights used for initial comparison')
-    case 'n'
-        % if initial beamlet weights are not provided, get quick estimate
-%         fprintf('\n running initial optimizer:')
-        % initialize beamlet weights, OR
-        w0 = ones(numBeamlet,1);
-%         w0 = mean(optGoal{1}.D_final(optGoal{1}.ROI_idx) ./ (optGoal{1}.beamlets_pruned*w0+0.1)) * w0; % old
-        w0 = mean(optGoal{1}.D_final(:)) ./ mean(optGoal{1}.beamlets_pruned*w0+0.05) * w0;
-        w_beamlets = double(w0);
-        % -- GET BEAM WEIGHTS --
-%         tic
-%         w_beam = fmincon(fun1,w0_beams,A,b,Aeq,beq,lb,ub,nonlcon,options);
-%         fprintf('  done!:')
-%         t=toc;
-%         disp(['Optimization time for beams = ',num2str(t)]);
-%         w_beamlets = ones(numBeamlet,1);
-%         numBeam=numel(unique(beam_i_list));
-%         for beam_i = 1:numBeam % assign weights to beamlets
-%             % beamlets from same beam get same initial weights
-%             w_beamlets(beam_i_list == beam_i) = w_beam(beam_i);
-%         end
-options.MaxFunctionEvaluations = N_fcallback2;
-fprintf('\n running full optimizer:')
-w_fin = fmincon(fun2,w_beamlets,A,b,Aeq,beq,lb,ub,nonlcon,options);
-fprintf('  done!:')
-disp(['Optimization time for beamlets = ',num2str(t)]);
-%% evaluate the results
-D_full = reshape(beamlets * w_fin, size(Geometry.data));
-%% save outputs
-NLP_result.dose = D_full;
-NLP_result.weights = w_fin;
-NLP_result.sss_scene_list = optGoal{1}.sss_scene_list;
-NLP_result.maxModulation = OptGoals.maxModulation;
-NLP_result.BeamSmoothMax = OptGoals.BeamSmoothMax;
-save([Pat_path, '\matlab_files\NLP_result_' Goal_file '.mat'], 'NLP_result');
-plot_DVH(Geometry, D_full)
-colorwash(Geometry.data, D_full, [500, 1500], [0, 90]);
-%% support functions
-function penalty = get_penalty(x, optGoal, bLet_idx)
-    % this function gets called by the optimizer. It checks the penalty for
-    % all the robust implementation and returns the worst result.
-    NumScenarios = optGoal{1}.NbrRandScenarios * optGoal{1}.NbrSystSetUpScenarios * optGoal{1}.NbrRangeScenarios;
-    fobj = zeros(NumScenarios,1);  
-    sc_i = 1;
-    for nrs_i = 1:optGoal{1}.NbrRandScenarios 
-        for sss_i = 1 :optGoal{1}.NbrSystSetUpScenarios % syst. setup scenarios = sss
-            for rgs_i = 1:optGoal{1}.NbrRangeScenarios % range scenario = rs
-                fobj(sc_i)=eval_f(x, optGoal, nrs_i, sss_i, rgs_i, bLet_idx);
-                sc_i = sc_i + 1;
-            end
-        end
-    end
-    % take the worst case penalty of evaluated scenarios
-    penalty=max(fobj);
-    % take the median worst case (stochastic robust)
-%     penalty=median(fobj);
-% ------ supp: penalty for single scenario ------
-function penalty = eval_f(x, optGoal, nrs_i, sss_i, rgs_i, bLet_idx)
-    penalty = 0;
-    % for each condition
-    for goal_i = 1:numel(optGoal)
-        switch optGoal{goal_i}.function
-            % min, max, min_sq, max_sq, LeastSquare, min_perc_Volume, max_perc_Volume
-            case 'min'
-                % penalize if achieved dose is lower than target dose
-                d_penalty = 1.0e0 * sum(max(0, ...
-                    (optGoal{goal_i}.nrs{nrs_i}.sss{sss_i}.rgs{rgs_i}.target) -...
-                    (optGoal{goal_i}.nrs{nrs_i}.sss{sss_i}.rgs{rgs_i}.beamlets_pruned * x)));
-            case 'max'
-                % penalize if achieved dose is higher than target dose
-                d_penalty = 1.0e0 * sum(max(0, ...
-                    (optGoal{goal_i}.nrs{nrs_i}.sss{sss_i}.rgs{rgs_i}.beamlets_pruned * x)-...
-                    (optGoal{goal_i}.nrs{nrs_i}.sss{sss_i}.rgs{rgs_i}.target)));
-            case 'min_sq'
-                % penalize if achieved dose is lower than target dose
-                temp1=min(0, (optGoal{goal_i}.nrs{nrs_i}.sss{sss_i}.rgs{rgs_i}.beamlets_pruned * x)-...
-                    (optGoal{goal_i}.nrs{nrs_i}.sss{sss_i}.rgs{rgs_i}.target));
-                d_penalty = 1.0e0 * sum(temp1.*temp1);
-            case 'max_sq'
-                % penalize if achieved dose is higher than target dose
-                temp1=max(0, (optGoal{goal_i}.nrs{nrs_i}.sss{sss_i}.rgs{rgs_i}.beamlets_pruned * x)-...
-                    (optGoal{goal_i}.nrs{nrs_i}.sss{sss_i}.rgs{rgs_i}.target));
-                d_penalty = 1.0e0 * sum(temp1.*temp1);
-            case 'min_exp'
-                % penalize if achieved dose is lower than target dose
-                temp1=-min(0, (optGoal{goal_i}.nrs{nrs_i}.sss{sss_i}.rgs{rgs_i}.beamlets_pruned * x)-...
-                    (optGoal{goal_i}.nrs{nrs_i}.sss{sss_i}.rgs{rgs_i}.target));
-                d_penalty = 1.0e0 * sum(exp(temp1));
-            case 'max_exp'
-                % penalize if achieved dose is higher than target dose
-                temp1=max(0, (optGoal{goal_i}.nrs{nrs_i}.sss{sss_i}.rgs{rgs_i}.beamlets_pruned * x)-...
-                    (optGoal{goal_i}.nrs{nrs_i}.sss{sss_i}.rgs{rgs_i}.target));
-                d_penalty = 1.0e0 * sum(exp(temp1));
-            case 'LeastSquare'
-                % penalize with sum of squares any deviation from target
-                % dose
-                temp1 = (optGoal{goal_i}.nrs{nrs_i}.sss{sss_i}.rgs{rgs_i}.beamlets_pruned * x) - ...
-                    optGoal{goal_i}.nrs{nrs_i}.sss{sss_i}.rgs{rgs_i}.target;
-                d_penalty = 1.0e0* sum(temp1.^2);
-            case 'min_perc_Volume'
-                % penalize by amount of volume under threshold
-                perc_vox = numel(find((optGoal{goal_i}.nrs{nrs_i}.sss{sss_i}.rgs{rgs_i}.target) -...
-                    (optGoal{goal_i}.nrs{nrs_i}.sss{sss_i}.rgs{rgs_i}.beamlets_pruned * x) > 0)) ...
-                    / numel(optGoal{goal_i}.nrs{nrs_i}.sss{sss_i}.rgs{rgs_i}.target);
-                d_penalty = 3.0e4 * min(perc_vox-0.05, 0)
-            case 'max_perc_Volume'
-                % penalize by amount of volume under threshold
-                perc_vox = numel(find((optGoal{goal_i}.nrs{nrs_i}.sss{sss_i}.rgs{rgs_i}.target) -...
-                    (optGoal{goal_i}.nrs{nrs_i}.sss{sss_i}.rgs{rgs_i}.beamlets_pruned * x) < 0)) ...
-                    / numel(optGoal{goal_i}.nrs{nrs_i}.sss{sss_i}.rgs{rgs_i}.target);
-                d_penalty = 3.0e4 * min(perc_vox-0.05, 0)
-            case 'min_sq_voxwgt'
-                % penalize if achieved dose is lower than target dose
-                temp1=min(0, (optGoal{goal_i}.nrs{nrs_i}.sss{sss_i}.rgs{rgs_i}.beamlets_pruned * x)-...
-                    (optGoal{goal_i}.nrs{nrs_i}.sss{sss_i}.rgs{rgs_i}.target));
-                d_penalty = 1.0e0 * sum(temp1.*temp1.* optGoal{goal_i}.vox_wgt');
-            case 'max_sq_voxwgt'
-                % penalize if achieved dose is lower than target dose
-                temp1=min(0, (optGoal{goal_i}.nrs{nrs_i}.sss{sss_i}.rgs{rgs_i}.beamlets_pruned * x)-...
-                    (optGoal{goal_i}.nrs{nrs_i}.sss{sss_i}.rgs{rgs_i}.target));
-                d_penalty = 1.0e0 * sum(temp1.*temp1.* optGoal{goal_i}.vox_wgt'); 
-        end
-        penalty = penalty + d_penalty * optGoal{goal_i}.opt_weight;
-    end
-    %% add modulation penalty
-    if true
-        if isfield(optGoal{goal_i}, 'maxModulation')
-            max_modulation = optGoal{goal_i}.maxModulation;
-        else
-            error('no Max modulation parameter enterd!')
-            max_modulation = 5;
-        end
-        mod_pen_weight = 1.0e10;
-        % calc the penalty
-        mod_excess = max(0, x-max_modulation*mean(x));
-%         mod_excess = max(0, x-max_modulation*mean(x(x>1)));
-        mod_pen1 = mod_pen_weight*(sum(mod_excess) + numel(mod_excess)* any(mod_excess));
-        penalty = penalty + mod_pen1;
-    end
-    %% add penlty for single off beamlets - version 2
-    if false
-        if isfield(optGoal{goal_i}, 'BeamSmoothMax')
-            BeamSmoothMax = optGoal{goal_i}.BeamSmoothMax;
-        else
-            error('no Max beam smooth parameter enterd!')
-            BeamSmoothMax = 1e6;
-        end
-        mod_pen_weight = BeamSmoothMax; %1.0e6
-        x_down = zeros(size(x));
-        x_down(2:end) = x(1:end-1);
-        x_down2 = zeros(size(x));
-        x_down2(3:end) = x(1:end-2);
-        x_up = zeros(size(x));
-        x_up(1:end-1) = x(2:end);
-        x_up2 = zeros(size(x));
-        x_up2(1:end-2) = x(3:end);
-        mod_pen2 = mod_pen_weight*sum((x_down+x_up-2*x).^2 + 0.5*(x_down2+x_up2-2*x).^2)/(mean(x)^(2)*numel(x));
-        penalty = penalty + mod_pen2;
-    end
-    %% add penlty for single off beamlets - version 3
-    if true
-        if isfield(optGoal{goal_i}, 'BeamSmoothMax')
-            BeamSmoothMax = optGoal{goal_i}.BeamSmoothMax;
-        else
-            error('no Max beam smooth parameter enterd!')
-            BeamSmoothMax = 1e6;
-        end
-        mod_pen_weight = BeamSmoothMax; %1.0e6
-        % make 2D beamletWeight map
-        maxY = max(bLet_idx.y);
-        tabula = zeros(maxY, bLet_idx.Nbeamlets);
-        tabula(bLet_idx.idx) = x;
-        % for each index calculate laplace
-        myWeights = 1/12*[1,3,1; 1,-12,1; 1,3,1];
-        i=2:maxY-1;
-        j=2:bLet_idx.Nbeamlets-1;
-        tabula2(i,j) = ...
-             myWeights(1)*tabula(i-1,j-1) + myWeights(4)*tabula(i-1,j) + myWeights(7)*tabula(i-1,j+1)...
-            +myWeights(2)*tabula(i,j-1)  + myWeights(8)*tabula(i,j+1) ...
-            +myWeights(3)*tabula(i+1,j-1) + myWeights(6)*tabula(i+1,j) + myWeights(9)*tabula(i+1,j+1)...
-            +myWeights(5)*tabula(i,j);
-        tabula2(1,j) = ...
-             myWeights(2)*tabula(1,j-1) + myWeights(8)*tabula(1,j+1)...
-            +myWeights(3)*tabula(2,j-1) + myWeights(6)*tabula(2,j) + myWeights(9)*tabula(2,j+1)...
-            +myWeights(5)*tabula(1,j);
-        tabula2(maxY,j) =...
-             myWeights(1)*tabula(maxY-1,j-1) + myWeights(4)*tabula(maxY-1,j) + myWeights(7)*tabula(maxY-1,j+1)...
-            +myWeights(2)*tabula(maxY,j-1)  + myWeights(8)*tabula(maxY,j+1) ...
-            +myWeights(5)*tabula(maxY,j);
-        % make sum of squares
-        mod_pen2 = mod_pen_weight*sum((tabula2(:)).^2)/(mean(x.^2)*numel(x));
-        penalty = penalty + mod_pen2;
-    end
-% ---- MAKE ROI ROBUST ----
-function optGoal = make_robust_optGoal(optGoal, RO_params, beamlets);
-    % take regular optimal goal and translate it into several robust cases
-    % RO_params - should have the information below
-    % nrs - random scenarios
-    % sss - system setup scenarios
-    % rgs - random range scenarios
-    % X - X>0 moves image right
-    % Y - Y>0 moves image down
-    % Z - in/out.
-    shift_X = 2; % vox of shift
-    shift_Y = 2; % vox of shift
-    shift_Z = 1; % vox of shift
-    nrs_scene_list={[0,0,0]};
-    % ----====#### CHANGE ROBUSTNESS HERE ####====----
-    if isfield(optGoal{1}, 'sss_scene_list')
-        sss_scene_list = optGoal{1}.sss_scene_list;
-    else
-        sss_scene_list={[0,0,0], [-shift_Y,0,0], [shift_Y,0,0], [0,-shift_X,0], [0,shift_X,0], [0,0,-shift_Z], [0,0,shift_Z]};
-        optGoal{1}.sss_scene_list = sss_scene_list;
-    end
-%     sss_scene_list={[0,0,0]};
-    % ----====#### CHANGE ROBUSTNESS HERE ####====----
-%     [targetIn, meta] = nrrdread('C:\010-work\003_localGit\WiscPlan_v2\data\archive\CDP_data\CDP5_DP_target.nrrd');
-%     [targetIn, meta] = nrrdread('C:\010-work\003_localGit\WiscPlan_v2\data\PD_HD_dicomPhantom\Tomo_DP_target.nrrd');
-%     [targetIn, meta] = nrrdread('C:\010-work\003_localGit\WiscPlan_v2\data\archive\CDP_data\CDP5_DP_target.nrrd');
-    rgs_scene_list={[0,0,0]};
-    for i = 1:numel(optGoal)
-        optGoal{i}.NbrRandScenarios     =numel(nrs_scene_list);
-        optGoal{i}.NbrSystSetUpScenarios=numel(sss_scene_list);
-        optGoal{i}.NbrRangeScenarios    =numel(rgs_scene_list);
-    end
-    for goal_i = 1:numel(optGoal)
-        % get target
-        idx=optGoal{goal_i}.ROI_idx;
-        targetImg1=zeros(optGoal{goal_i}.imgDim);
-        targetImg1(idx)=1;
-        % get beamlets
-        for nrs_i = 1:optGoal{goal_i}.NbrRandScenarios          % num. of random scenarios
-            % modify target and beamlets
-            targetImg2=targetImg1;
-            % beamlets stay the same
-            for sss_i = 1 :optGoal{goal_i}.NbrSystSetUpScenarios   % syst. setup scenarios = sss
-                % modify target and beamlets
-                [targetImg3 idxValid]=get_RO_sss(targetImg2, sss_scene_list{sss_i});
-                % beamlets stay the same
-                for rgs_i = 1:optGoal{goal_i}.NbrRangeScenarios   % range scenario = rgs
-                    % modify target and beamlets
-                    targetImg4=targetImg3;
-                    % beamlets stay the same
-                    %% make new target and beamlets
-                    ROI_idx=[];
-                    ROI_idx=find(targetImg4>0);
-                    target = optGoal{goal_i}.D_final(idxValid);
-                    beamlets_pruned = beamlets(ROI_idx, :);
-                    % save to optGoal output
-                    optGoal{goal_i}.nrs{nrs_i}.sss{sss_i}.rgs{rgs_i}.ROI_idx            = ROI_idx;
-                    optGoal{goal_i}.nrs{nrs_i}.sss{sss_i}.rgs{rgs_i}.beamlets_pruned    = beamlets_pruned;
-                    optGoal{goal_i}.nrs{nrs_i}.sss{sss_i}.rgs{rgs_i}.target             = target;
-                end
-            end
-        end
-    end
-%% ------ supp: RO case SSS ------
-function [targetImg3 ia]=get_RO_sss(targetImg2, sss_scene_shift);
-    % translate the target image 
-    targetImg3 = imtranslate(targetImg2,sss_scene_shift);
-    % now we need to figure out if any target voxels fell out during the
-    % shift
-    imgValid = imtranslate(targetImg3,-sss_scene_shift);
-    imgInvalid = (targetImg2-imgValid);
-    idx_1 = find(targetImg2);
-    idx_2 = find(imgInvalid);
-    [idxValid,ia] = setdiff(idx_1,idx_2);
-    [C,ia, ib] = intersect(idx_1,idxValid);
+% paths.patient_dir
+% paths.Goal_dir (previously called DP_dir)
+% paths.patient
+% paths.goalsName
+% colorwash(Geometry.data, D_full, [500, 1500], [0,70])
+% orthoslice(D_full, [0,70])
+function [D_full, w_fin, Geometry, optGoal] = NLP_optimizer_v3(varargin)
+% This function performs the beamlet optimization
+% [D_full, w_fin, Geometry, optGoal] = NLP_beamlet_optimizer;
+% Inputs:
+%       () OR
+%       (Pat_path, path2goal) OR
+%       (Pat_path, path2goal, beamlet_weights)
+%   Pat_path, path2goal = strings to patient folder and optimal goals
+%   beamlet_weights = initial beamlet weights
+% Outputs:
+%       full dose image dose: [D_full, w_fin, Geometry, optGoal]
+% Made by Peter Ferjancic 1. May 2018
+% Last updated: 1. April 2019
+if nargin<2
+    load('WiscPlan_preferences.mat')
+    [Pat_path] = uigetdir([WiscPlan_preferences.patientDataPath ], 'Select Patient folder');
+    [Goal_file,Goal_path,indx] = uigetfile([Pat_path '\matlab_files\*.mat'], 'Select OptGoal file');
+    path2geometry = [Pat_path, '\matlab_files\Geometry.mat'];
+    path2goal = [Goal_path, Goal_file];
+    Pat_path = varargin{1};
+    path2geometry = [Pat_path, '\matlab_files\Geometry.mat'];
+    path2goal = varargin{2};
+    [Goal_path,Goal_file,ext] = fileparts(path2goal);
+dialogue_box = 'no'
+switch dialogue_box
+    case 'yes'
+        str = inputdlg({'N of iterations for initial calc', 'N of iterations for full calc', ...
+            'Use pre-existing NLP_result to initiate? (y/n)'}, 'input', [1,35], {'100000', '500000', 'n'});
+        N_fcallback1 = str2double(str{1}); % 100000  is a good guesstimate
+        N_fcallback2 = str2double(str{2}); % 500000 is a good guesstimate
+        pre_beamWeights = str{3};
+    case 'no'
+        disp('dialogue box skipped')
+        N_fcallback1 = 100000;
+        N_fcallback2 = 500000;
+        pre_beamWeights = 'n';
+switch pre_beamWeights
+    case 'y'
+        [NLP_file,NLP_path,indx] = uigetfile([Pat_path '\matlab_files\*.mat'], 'Select NLP_result file');
+        load([NLP_path, NLP_file])
+        w_beamlets = NLP_result.weights;
+        load([Pat_path, '\all_beams.mat'])
+        if numel(all_beams) ~= numel(w_beamlets)
+            error('Provided weight number does not match beamlet number!')
+        end
+    case 'n'
+        disp('Initial beam weights will be calculated.')
+% - no tocar lo que hay debajo -
+fprintf('starting NLP optimization process... \n')
+[beamlets, numBeamlet] = get_beamlets(Geometry, Pat_path, OptGoals);
+% [beamlets, beamlets_joined, numBeamlet, numBeam, beam_i_list] = get_beam_lets(Geometry, Pat_path);
+% -- make the optimization optGoal structure --
+for i_goal = 1:size(OptGoals.goals,1)
+    if isfield(OptGoals.data{i_goal}, 'SupVox_num')
+        SupVox_num = OptGoals.data{i_goal}.SupVox_num;
+    else
+        answer = inputdlg(['# of supervoxels for "' OptGoals.data{i_goal}.name '" with ' num2str(numel(OptGoals.data{i_goal}.ROI_idx)) ' vox: ("0" to skip)'])
+        SupVox_num = str2double(answer{1})
+    end
+    optGoal{i_goal} = OptGoals.data{i_goal};
+    optGoal{i_goal}.sss_scene_list = OptGoals.sss_scene_list;
+    optGoal{i_goal}.maxModulation = OptGoals.maxModulation;
+    optGoal{i_goal}.BeamSmoothMax = OptGoals.BeamSmoothMax;
+    % modulation
+    switch SupVox_num
+        case 0
+        % if not supervoxel, just select provided ROI_idx
+        optGoal{i_goal}.beamlets_pruned = sparse(beamlets(optGoal{i_goal}.ROI_idx, :));
+        otherwise
+        % -- if supervoxel, merge given columns
+        % - make supervoxel map
+        mask = zeros(OptGoals.data{i_goal}.imgDim);
+        mask(OptGoals.data{i_goal}.ROI_idx) = 1;
+        % group superpixels
+        superMask = superpix_group(mask, SupVox_num, 'no'); 
+        superVoxList = unique(superMask);
+        superVoxList = superVoxList(superVoxList>0);
+        optGoal{i_goal}.ROI_idx_old = optGoal{i_goal}.ROI_idx; % copy old index data
+        optGoal{i_goal}.ROI_idx = zeros(numel(superVoxList), 1);
+        optGoal{i_goal}.opt_weight = optGoal{i_goal}.opt_weight * numel(optGoal{i_goal}.ROI_idx_old)/numel(optGoal{i_goal}.ROI_idx);
+        if isfield(OptGoals.data{i_goal}, 'wgt_map')
+            tabula_wgtmap = zeros(size(superMask));
+            tabula_wgtmap(OptGoals.data{i_goal}.ROI_idx) = OptGoals.data{i_goal}.wgt_map;
+        end
+        h_w1 = waitbar(0, 'merging superboxels');
+        for i_supVox = 1:numel(superVoxList)
+            waitbar(i_supVox/numel(superVoxList), h_w1)
+            supVox_idx = superVoxList(i_supVox);
+            idxList = find(superMask == supVox_idx);
+            optGoal{i_goal}.beamlets_pruned(i_supVox,:) = sparse(mean(beamlets(idxList, :),1));
+            if isfield(OptGoals.data{i_goal}, 'wgt_map')
+                optGoal{i_goal}.vox_wgt(i_supVox) = sum(tabula_wgtmap(idxList));
+            end
+            % -- make new indeces
+            optGoal{i_goal}.ROI_idx(i_supVox) = idxList(1);
+        end
+        close(h_w1)
+    end
+% -- make them robust --
+optGoal = make_robust_optGoal(optGoal, RO_params, beamlets);
+% save([Goal_path, Goal_file '_robust.mat'], 'optGoal')
+% -- get beamlet indeces --
+load([Pat_path, '\all_beams.mat'])
+Nbeamlets = all_beams{1}.Mxp;   % number of beamlets in a beam - usually 64 or 32
+weightTable = zeros(100,Nbeamlets);
+for ind_bmlt = 1:numel(all_beams)
+    bLet_idx.y(ind_bmlt) = floor(all_beams{1, ind_bmlt}.num/Nbeamlets)+1;
+    bLet_idx.x(ind_bmlt) = rem(all_beams{1, ind_bmlt}.num, Nbeamlets)+1;
+    weightTable(bLet_idx.y(ind_bmlt),bLet_idx.x(ind_bmlt)) = 1;
+bLet_idx.idx = find(weightTable>0);
+bLet_idx.Nbeamlets = Nbeamlets;
+fun1 = @(x) get_penalty(x, optGoal_beam, bLet_idx);
+fun2 = @(x) get_penalty(x, optGoal,     bLet_idx);
+% define optimization parameters
+A = [];
+b = [];
+Aeq = [];
+beq = [];
+lb = zeros(1, numBeamlet);
+% lb_beam = zeros(1, numBeam);
+ub = [];
+nonlcon = [];
+% define opt limits, and make it fmincon progress
+options = optimoptions('fmincon');
+options.MaxFunctionEvaluations = N_fcallback1;
+options.Display = 'iter';
+options.PlotFcn = 'optimplotfval';
+% options.UseParallel = true;
+options.UseParallel = false;
+% options.OptimalityTolerance = 1e-9;
+switch pre_beamWeights
+    case 'y'
+        % should have been assigned previously.
+        disp('Provided beamlet weights used for initial comparison')
+    case 'n'
+        % if initial beamlet weights are not provided, get quick estimate
+%         fprintf('\n running initial optimizer:')
+        % initialize beamlet weights, OR
+        w0 = ones(numBeamlet,1);
+%         w0 = mean(optGoal{1}.D_final(optGoal{1}.ROI_idx) ./ (optGoal{1}.beamlets_pruned*w0+0.1)) * w0; % old
+        w0 = mean(optGoal{1}.D_final(:)) ./ mean(optGoal{1}.beamlets_pruned*w0+0.05) * w0;
+        w_beamlets = double(w0);
+        % -- GET BEAM WEIGHTS --
+%         tic
+%         w_beam = fmincon(fun1,w0_beams,A,b,Aeq,beq,lb,ub,nonlcon,options);
+%         fprintf('  done!:')
+%         t=toc;
+%         disp(['Optimization time for beams = ',num2str(t)]);
+%         w_beamlets = ones(numBeamlet,1);
+%         numBeam=numel(unique(beam_i_list));
+%         for beam_i = 1:numBeam % assign weights to beamlets
+%             % beamlets from same beam get same initial weights
+%             w_beamlets(beam_i_list == beam_i) = w_beam(beam_i);
+%         end
+options.MaxFunctionEvaluations = N_fcallback2;
+fprintf('\n running full optimizer:')
+w_fin = fmincon(fun2,w_beamlets,A,b,Aeq,beq,lb,ub,nonlcon,options);
+fprintf('  done!:')
+disp(['Optimization time for beamlets = ',num2str(t)]);
+%% evaluate the results
+D_full = reshape(beamlets * w_fin, size(Geometry.data));
+%% save outputs
+NLP_result.dose = D_full;
+NLP_result.weights = w_fin;
+NLP_result.sss_scene_list = optGoal{1}.sss_scene_list;
+NLP_result.maxModulation = OptGoals.maxModulation;
+NLP_result.BeamSmoothMax = OptGoals.BeamSmoothMax;
+save([Pat_path, '\matlab_files\NLP_result_' Goal_file '.mat'], 'NLP_result');
+plot_DVH(Geometry, D_full)
+colorwash(Geometry.data, D_full, [500, 1500], [0, 90]);
+%% support functions
+function penalty = get_penalty(x, optGoal, bLet_idx)
+    % this function gets called by the optimizer. It checks the penalty for
+    % all the robust implementation and returns the worst result.
+    NumScenarios = optGoal{1}.NbrRandScenarios * optGoal{1}.NbrSystSetUpScenarios * optGoal{1}.NbrRangeScenarios;
+    fobj = zeros(NumScenarios,1);  
+    sc_i = 1;
+    for nrs_i = 1:optGoal{1}.NbrRandScenarios 
+        for sss_i = 1 :optGoal{1}.NbrSystSetUpScenarios % syst. setup scenarios = sss
+            for rgs_i = 1:optGoal{1}.NbrRangeScenarios % range scenario = rs
+                fobj(sc_i)=eval_f(x, optGoal, nrs_i, sss_i, rgs_i, bLet_idx);
+                sc_i = sc_i + 1;
+            end
+        end
+    end
+    % take the worst case penalty of evaluated scenarios
+    penalty=max(fobj);
+    % take the median worst case (stochastic robust)
+%     penalty=median(fobj);
+% ------ supp: penalty for single scenario ------
+function penalty = eval_f(x, optGoal, nrs_i, sss_i, rgs_i, bLet_idx)
+    penalty = 0;
+    % for each condition
+    for goal_i = 1:numel(optGoal)
+        switch optGoal{goal_i}.function
+            % min, max, min_sq, max_sq, LeastSquare, min_perc_Volume, max_perc_Volume
+            case 'min'
+                % penalize if achieved dose is lower than target dose
+                d_penalty = 1.0e0 * sum(max(0, ...
+                    (optGoal{goal_i}.nrs{nrs_i}.sss{sss_i}.rgs{rgs_i}.target) -...
+                    (optGoal{goal_i}.nrs{nrs_i}.sss{sss_i}.rgs{rgs_i}.beamlets_pruned * x)));
+            case 'max'
+                % penalize if achieved dose is higher than target dose
+                d_penalty = 1.0e0 * sum(max(0, ...
+                    (optGoal{goal_i}.nrs{nrs_i}.sss{sss_i}.rgs{rgs_i}.beamlets_pruned * x)-...
+                    (optGoal{goal_i}.nrs{nrs_i}.sss{sss_i}.rgs{rgs_i}.target)));
+            case 'min_sq'
+                % penalize if achieved dose is lower than target dose
+                temp1=min(0, (optGoal{goal_i}.nrs{nrs_i}.sss{sss_i}.rgs{rgs_i}.beamlets_pruned * x)-...
+                    (optGoal{goal_i}.nrs{nrs_i}.sss{sss_i}.rgs{rgs_i}.target));
+                d_penalty = 1.0e0 * sum(temp1.*temp1);
+            case 'max_sq'
+                % penalize if achieved dose is higher than target dose
+                temp1=max(0, (optGoal{goal_i}.nrs{nrs_i}.sss{sss_i}.rgs{rgs_i}.beamlets_pruned * x)-...
+                    (optGoal{goal_i}.nrs{nrs_i}.sss{sss_i}.rgs{rgs_i}.target));
+                d_penalty = 1.0e0 * sum(temp1.*temp1);
+            case 'min_step'
+                % penalize if achieved dose is lower than target dose
+                temp1=-min(0, (optGoal{goal_i}.nrs{nrs_i}.sss{sss_i}.rgs{rgs_i}.beamlets_pruned * x)-...
+                    (optGoal{goal_i}.nrs{nrs_i}.sss{sss_i}.rgs{rgs_i}.target));
+                d_penalty = 1.0e0 * (sum(temp1) + numel(temp1)* any(temp1));
+            case 'max_step'
+                % penalize if achieved dose is higher than target dose
+                temp1=max(0, (optGoal{goal_i}.nrs{nrs_i}.sss{sss_i}.rgs{rgs_i}.beamlets_pruned * x)-...
+                    (optGoal{goal_i}.nrs{nrs_i}.sss{sss_i}.rgs{rgs_i}.target));
+                d_penalty = 1.0e0 * (sum(temp1) + numel(temp1)* any(temp1));
+            case 'LeastSquare'
+                % penalize with sum of squares any deviation from target
+                % dose
+                temp1 = (optGoal{goal_i}.nrs{nrs_i}.sss{sss_i}.rgs{rgs_i}.beamlets_pruned * x) - ...
+                    optGoal{goal_i}.nrs{nrs_i}.sss{sss_i}.rgs{rgs_i}.target;
+                d_penalty = 1.0e0* sum(temp1.^2);
+            case 'min_perc_Volume'
+                % penalize by amount of volume under threshold
+                perc_vox = numel(find((optGoal{goal_i}.nrs{nrs_i}.sss{sss_i}.rgs{rgs_i}.target) -...
+                    (optGoal{goal_i}.nrs{nrs_i}.sss{sss_i}.rgs{rgs_i}.beamlets_pruned * x) > 0)) ...
+                    / numel(optGoal{goal_i}.nrs{nrs_i}.sss{sss_i}.rgs{rgs_i}.target);
+                d_penalty = 3.0e4 * min(perc_vox-0.05, 0)
+            case 'max_perc_Volume'
+                % penalize by amount of volume under threshold
+                perc_vox = numel(find((optGoal{goal_i}.nrs{nrs_i}.sss{sss_i}.rgs{rgs_i}.target) -...
+                    (optGoal{goal_i}.nrs{nrs_i}.sss{sss_i}.rgs{rgs_i}.beamlets_pruned * x) < 0)) ...
+                    / numel(optGoal{goal_i}.nrs{nrs_i}.sss{sss_i}.rgs{rgs_i}.target);
+                d_penalty = 3.0e4 * min(perc_vox-0.05, 0)
+            case 'min_sq_voxwgt'
+                % penalize if achieved dose is lower than target dose
+                temp1=min(0, (optGoal{goal_i}.nrs{nrs_i}.sss{sss_i}.rgs{rgs_i}.beamlets_pruned * x)-...
+                    (optGoal{goal_i}.nrs{nrs_i}.sss{sss_i}.rgs{rgs_i}.target));
+                d_penalty = 1.0e0 * sum(temp1.*temp1.* optGoal{goal_i}.vox_wgt');
+            case 'max_sq_voxwgt'
+                % penalize if achieved dose is lower than target dose
+                temp1=min(0, (optGoal{goal_i}.nrs{nrs_i}.sss{sss_i}.rgs{rgs_i}.beamlets_pruned * x)-...
+                    (optGoal{goal_i}.nrs{nrs_i}.sss{sss_i}.rgs{rgs_i}.target));
+                d_penalty = 1.0e0 * sum(temp1.*temp1.* optGoal{goal_i}.vox_wgt'); 
+        end
+        penalty = penalty + d_penalty * optGoal{goal_i}.opt_weight;
+    end
+    %% add modulation penalty
+    if true
+        if isfield(optGoal{goal_i}, 'maxModulation')
+            max_modulation = optGoal{goal_i}.maxModulation;
+        else
+            error('no Max modulation parameter enterd!')
+            max_modulation = 5;
+        end
+        mod_pen_weight = 1.0e10;
+        % calc the penalty
+        mod_excess = max(0, x-max_modulation*mean(x));
+%         mod_excess = max(0, x-max_modulation*mean(x(x>1)));
+        mod_pen1 = mod_pen_weight*(sum(mod_excess) + numel(mod_excess)* any(mod_excess));
+        penalty = penalty + mod_pen1;
+    end
+    %% add penlty for single off beamlets - version 2
+    if false
+        if isfield(optGoal{goal_i}, 'BeamSmoothMax')
+            BeamSmoothMax = optGoal{goal_i}.BeamSmoothMax;
+        else
+            error('no Max beam smooth parameter enterd!')
+            BeamSmoothMax = 1e6;
+        end
+        mod_pen_weight = BeamSmoothMax; %1.0e6
+        x_down = zeros(size(x));
+        x_down(2:end) = x(1:end-1);
+        x_down2 = zeros(size(x));
+        x_down2(3:end) = x(1:end-2);
+        x_up = zeros(size(x));
+        x_up(1:end-1) = x(2:end);
+        x_up2 = zeros(size(x));
+        x_up2(1:end-2) = x(3:end);
+        mod_pen2 = mod_pen_weight*sum((x_down+x_up-2*x).^2 + 0.5*(x_down2+x_up2-2*x).^2)/(mean(x)^(2)*numel(x));
+        penalty = penalty + mod_pen2;
+    end
+    %% add penlty for single off beamlets - version 3
+    if true
+        if isfield(optGoal{goal_i}, 'BeamSmoothMax')
+            BeamSmoothMax = optGoal{goal_i}.BeamSmoothMax;
+        else
+            error('no Max beam smooth parameter enterd!')
+            BeamSmoothMax = 1e6;
+        end
+        mod_pen_weight = BeamSmoothMax; %1.0e6
+        % make 2D beamletWeight map
+        maxY = max(bLet_idx.y);
+        tabula = zeros(maxY, bLet_idx.Nbeamlets);
+        tabula(bLet_idx.idx) = x;
+        % for each index calculate laplace
+        myWeights = 1/12*[1,3,1; 1,-12,1; 1,3,1];
+        i=2:maxY-1;
+        j=2:bLet_idx.Nbeamlets-1;
+        tabula2(i,j) = ...
+             myWeights(1)*tabula(i-1,j-1) + myWeights(4)*tabula(i-1,j) + myWeights(7)*tabula(i-1,j+1)...
+            +myWeights(2)*tabula(i,j-1)  + myWeights(8)*tabula(i,j+1) ...
+            +myWeights(3)*tabula(i+1,j-1) + myWeights(6)*tabula(i+1,j) + myWeights(9)*tabula(i+1,j+1)...
+            +myWeights(5)*tabula(i,j);
+        tabula2(1,j) = ...
+             myWeights(2)*tabula(1,j-1) + myWeights(8)*tabula(1,j+1)...
+            +myWeights(3)*tabula(2,j-1) + myWeights(6)*tabula(2,j) + myWeights(9)*tabula(2,j+1)...
+            +myWeights(5)*tabula(1,j);
+        tabula2(maxY,j) =...
+             myWeights(1)*tabula(maxY-1,j-1) + myWeights(4)*tabula(maxY-1,j) + myWeights(7)*tabula(maxY-1,j+1)...
+            +myWeights(2)*tabula(maxY,j-1)  + myWeights(8)*tabula(maxY,j+1) ...
+            +myWeights(5)*tabula(maxY,j);
+        % make sum of squares
+        mod_pen2 = mod_pen_weight*sum((tabula2(:)).^2)/(mean(x.^2)*numel(x));
+        penalty = penalty + mod_pen2;
+    end
+% ---- MAKE ROI ROBUST ----
+function optGoal = make_robust_optGoal(optGoal, RO_params, beamlets);
+    % take regular optimal goal and translate it into several robust cases
+    % RO_params - should have the information below
+    % nrs - random scenarios
+    % sss - system setup scenarios
+    % rgs - random range scenarios
+    % X - X>0 moves image right
+    % Y - Y>0 moves image down
+    % Z - in/out.
+    shift_X = 2; % vox of shift
+    shift_Y = 2; % vox of shift
+    shift_Z = 1; % vox of shift
+    nrs_scene_list={[0,0,0]};
+    % ----====#### CHANGE ROBUSTNESS HERE ####====----
+    if isfield(optGoal{1}, 'sss_scene_list')
+        sss_scene_list = optGoal{1}.sss_scene_list;
+    else
+        sss_scene_list={[0,0,0], [-shift_Y,0,0], [shift_Y,0,0], [0,-shift_X,0], [0,shift_X,0], [0,0,-shift_Z], [0,0,shift_Z]};
+        optGoal{1}.sss_scene_list = sss_scene_list;
+    end
+%     sss_scene_list={[0,0,0]};
+    % ----====#### CHANGE ROBUSTNESS HERE ####====----
+%     [targetIn, meta] = nrrdread('C:\010-work\003_localGit\WiscPlan_v2\data\archive\CDP_data\CDP5_DP_target.nrrd');
+%     [targetIn, meta] = nrrdread('C:\010-work\003_localGit\WiscPlan_v2\data\PD_HD_dicomPhantom\Tomo_DP_target.nrrd');
+%     [targetIn, meta] = nrrdread('C:\010-work\003_localGit\WiscPlan_v2\data\archive\CDP_data\CDP5_DP_target.nrrd');
+    rgs_scene_list={[0,0,0]};
+    for i = 1:numel(optGoal)
+        optGoal{i}.NbrRandScenarios     =numel(nrs_scene_list);
+        optGoal{i}.NbrSystSetUpScenarios=numel(sss_scene_list);
+        optGoal{i}.NbrRangeScenarios    =numel(rgs_scene_list);
+    end
+    for goal_i = 1:numel(optGoal)
+        % get target
+        idx=optGoal{goal_i}.ROI_idx;
+        targetImg1=zeros(optGoal{goal_i}.imgDim);
+        targetImg1(idx)=1;
+        % get beamlets
+        for nrs_i = 1:optGoal{goal_i}.NbrRandScenarios          % num. of random scenarios
+            % modify target and beamlets
+            targetImg2=targetImg1;
+            % beamlets stay the same
+            for sss_i = 1 :optGoal{goal_i}.NbrSystSetUpScenarios   % syst. setup scenarios = sss
+                % modify target and beamlets
+                [targetImg3 idxValid]=get_RO_sss(targetImg2, sss_scene_list{sss_i});
+                % beamlets stay the same
+                for rgs_i = 1:optGoal{goal_i}.NbrRangeScenarios   % range scenario = rgs
+                    % modify target and beamlets
+                    targetImg4=targetImg3;
+                    % beamlets stay the same
+                    %% make new target and beamlets
+                    ROI_idx=[];
+                    ROI_idx=find(targetImg4>0);
+                    target = optGoal{goal_i}.D_final(idxValid);
+                    beamlets_pruned = beamlets(ROI_idx, :);
+                    % save to optGoal output
+                    optGoal{goal_i}.nrs{nrs_i}.sss{sss_i}.rgs{rgs_i}.ROI_idx            = ROI_idx;
+                    optGoal{goal_i}.nrs{nrs_i}.sss{sss_i}.rgs{rgs_i}.beamlets_pruned    = beamlets_pruned;
+                    optGoal{goal_i}.nrs{nrs_i}.sss{sss_i}.rgs{rgs_i}.target             = target;
+                end
+            end
+        end
+    end
+%% ------ supp: RO case SSS ------
+function [targetImg3 ia]=get_RO_sss(targetImg2, sss_scene_shift);
+    % translate the target image 
+    targetImg3 = imtranslate(targetImg2,sss_scene_shift);
+    % now we need to figure out if any target voxels fell out during the
+    % shift
+    imgValid = imtranslate(targetImg3,-sss_scene_shift);
+    imgInvalid = (targetImg2-imgValid);
+    idx_1 = find(targetImg2);
+    idx_2 = find(imgInvalid);
+    [idxValid,ia] = setdiff(idx_1,idx_2);
+    [C,ia, ib] = intersect(idx_1,idxValid);

+ 104 - 104

@@ -1,105 +1,105 @@
-function [beamlets, numBeamlet] = get_beamlets(Geometry, patient_dir, OptGoals)
-% this function loads and returns beamlets and joined beams
-ROI_idxList = [];
-for i = 1:numel(OptGoals.data)
-    ROI_idxList = [ROI_idxList; OptGoals.data{i}.ROI_idx];
-ROI_idxList = unique(ROI_idxList);
-%% add idx lists for each goal!
-beamlet_batch_filename = [patient_dir '\' 'batch_dose.bin'];
-% beamlet_cell_array = read_ryan_beamlets(beamlet_batch_filename, 'ryan');
-beamlet_cell_array = read_ryan_beamlets(beamlet_batch_filename, 'peter', ROI_idxList);
-numVox  = numel(Geometry.data);
-numBeamlet = size(beamlet_cell_array,2);
-batchSize = 200;
-beamlets = get_beamlets2(beamlet_cell_array, numVox, batchSize, ROI_idxList);
-% beamlets = beamlet_cell_array;
-% --- join beamlets into beams
-% load([patient_dir '\all_beams.mat'])
-% beamletOrigin=[0 0 0];
-% beam_i=0;
-% beam_i_list=[];
-% for beamlet_i = 1:numel(all_beams)
-%     newBeamletOrigin = all_beams{beamlet_i}.ip;
-%     if any(newBeamletOrigin ~= beamletOrigin)
-%         beam_i = beam_i+1;
-%         beamletOrigin = newBeamletOrigin;
-%     end
-%     beam_i_list=[beam_i_list, beam_i];
-% end
-% wbar2 = waitbar(0, 'merging beamlets into beams');
-% numBeam=numel(unique(beam_i_list));
-% beamlets_joined=sparse(size(beamlets,1), numBeam);
-% for beam_i = 1:numel(unique(beam_i_list))
-%     beam_full = sum(beamlets(:,beam_i_list == beam_i), 2); 
-%     beamlets_joined(:,beam_i) = beam_full;
-%     waitbar(beam_i/numBeam, wbar2)
-% end
-% close(wbar2)
-% ---- GET BEAMLETS ----
-function beamlets = get_beamlets2(beamlet_cell_array, numVox, batchSize, ROI_idxList);
-    wbar1 = waitbar(0, 'Creating beamlet array');
-    numBeam = size(beamlet_cell_array,2);
-    beamlets = sparse(0, 0);
-    for beam_i=1:numBeam
-        % for each beam define how much dose it delivers on each voxel
-%         idx=beamlet_cell_array{1, beam_i}.non_zero_indices;
-%         [ROI_idxIntersect, ia, ~] = intersect (idx, ROI_idxList);
-%         if ~isequal(ROI_idxIntersect,idx)
-%             warning('this')
-%         end
-        ROI_idxIntersect = beamlet_cell_array{1, beam_i}.non_zero_indices;
-        if isempty(ROI_idxIntersect)
-            warning(['Beamlet ' num2str(beam_i) ' is empty!'])
-        end
-        % break the beamlets into multiple batches
-        if rem(beam_i, batchSize)==1;
-            beamlet_batch = sparse(numVox, batchSize);
-            beam_i_temp=1;
-        end
-%         beamlet_batch(idx, beam_i_temp) = 1000*beamlet_cell_array{1, beam_i}.non_zero_values;
-        beamlet_batch(ROI_idxIntersect, beam_i_temp) = beamlet_cell_array{1, beam_i}.non_zero_values;
-        waitbar(beam_i/numBeam, wbar1, ['Adding beamlet array: #', num2str(beam_i)])
-        % add the batch to full set when filled
-        if rem(beam_i, batchSize)==0;
-            beamlets =[beamlets, beamlet_batch];
-        end
-        % crop and add the batch to full set when completed
-        if beam_i==numBeam;
-            beamlet_batch=beamlet_batch(:, 1:beam_i_temp);
-            beamlets =[beamlets, beamlet_batch];
-        end
-        beam_i_temp=beam_i_temp+1;
-    end
-    close(wbar1)
-function show_joint_beamlets(beamlets, IMGsize, Beam_list)
-    % this function overlays and plots multiple beamlets. The goal is to
-    % check whether some beamlets are part of the same beam manually.
-    beam=sum(beamlets(:, Beam_list), 2);
-    beamImg=reshape(full(beam), IMGsize);
-    orthoslice(beamImg)
+function [beamlets, numBeamlet] = get_beamlets(Geometry, patient_dir, OptGoals)
+% this function loads and returns beamlets and joined beams
+ROI_idxList = [];
+for i = 1:numel(OptGoals.data)
+    ROI_idxList = [ROI_idxList; OptGoals.data{i}.ROI_idx];
+ROI_idxList = unique(ROI_idxList);
+%% add idx lists for each goal!
+beamlet_batch_filename = [patient_dir '\' 'batch_dose.bin'];
+% beamlet_cell_array = read_ryan_beamlets(beamlet_batch_filename, 'ryan');
+beamlet_cell_array = read_ryan_beamlets(beamlet_batch_filename, 'peter', ROI_idxList);
+numVox  = numel(Geometry.data);
+numBeamlet = size(beamlet_cell_array,2);
+batchSize = 200;
+beamlets = get_beamlets2(beamlet_cell_array, numVox, batchSize, ROI_idxList);
+% beamlets = beamlet_cell_array;
+% --- join beamlets into beams
+% load([patient_dir '\all_beams.mat'])
+% beamletOrigin=[0 0 0];
+% beam_i=0;
+% beam_i_list=[];
+% for beamlet_i = 1:numel(all_beams)
+%     newBeamletOrigin = all_beams{beamlet_i}.ip;
+%     if any(newBeamletOrigin ~= beamletOrigin)
+%         beam_i = beam_i+1;
+%         beamletOrigin = newBeamletOrigin;
+%     end
+%     beam_i_list=[beam_i_list, beam_i];
+% end
+% wbar2 = waitbar(0, 'merging beamlets into beams');
+% numBeam=numel(unique(beam_i_list));
+% beamlets_joined=sparse(size(beamlets,1), numBeam);
+% for beam_i = 1:numel(unique(beam_i_list))
+%     beam_full = sum(beamlets(:,beam_i_list == beam_i), 2); 
+%     beamlets_joined(:,beam_i) = beam_full;
+%     waitbar(beam_i/numBeam, wbar2)
+% end
+% close(wbar2)
+% ---- GET BEAMLETS ----
+function beamlets = get_beamlets2(beamlet_cell_array, numVox, batchSize, ROI_idxList);
+    wbar1 = waitbar(0, 'Creating beamlet array');
+    numBeam = size(beamlet_cell_array,2);
+    beamlets = sparse(0, 0);
+    for beam_i=1:numBeam
+        % for each beam define how much dose it delivers on each voxel
+%         idx=beamlet_cell_array{1, beam_i}.non_zero_indices;
+%         [ROI_idxIntersect, ia, ~] = intersect (idx, ROI_idxList);
+%         if ~isequal(ROI_idxIntersect,idx)
+%             warning('this')
+%         end
+        ROI_idxIntersect = beamlet_cell_array{1, beam_i}.non_zero_indices;
+        if isempty(ROI_idxIntersect)
+            warning(['Beamlet ' num2str(beam_i) ' is empty!'])
+        end
+        % break the beamlets into multiple batches
+        if rem(beam_i, batchSize)==1;
+            beamlet_batch = sparse(numVox, batchSize);
+            beam_i_temp=1;
+        end
+%         beamlet_batch(idx, beam_i_temp) = 1000*beamlet_cell_array{1, beam_i}.non_zero_values;
+        beamlet_batch(ROI_idxIntersect, beam_i_temp) = beamlet_cell_array{1, beam_i}.non_zero_values;
+        waitbar(beam_i/numBeam, wbar1, ['Adding beamlet array: #', num2str(beam_i)])
+        % add the batch to full set when filled
+        if rem(beam_i, batchSize)==0;
+            beamlets =[beamlets, beamlet_batch];
+        end
+        % crop and add the batch to full set when completed
+        if beam_i==numBeam;
+            beamlet_batch=beamlet_batch(:, 1:beam_i_temp);
+            beamlets =[beamlets, beamlet_batch];
+        end
+        beam_i_temp=beam_i_temp+1;
+    end
+    close(wbar1)
+function show_joint_beamlets(beamlets, IMGsize, Beam_list)
+    % this function overlays and plots multiple beamlets. The goal is to
+    % check whether some beamlets are part of the same beam manually.
+    beam=sum(beamlets(:, Beam_list), 2);
+    beamImg=reshape(full(beam), IMGsize);
+    orthoslice(beamImg)

+ 2 - 2

@@ -75,8 +75,8 @@ handles.uitable1.ColumnFormat{5}{1} = 'min';
 handles.uitable1.ColumnFormat{5}{2} = 'max';
 handles.uitable1.ColumnFormat{5}{3} = 'min_sq';
 handles.uitable1.ColumnFormat{5}{4} = 'max_sq';
-handles.uitable1.ColumnFormat{5}{5} = 'min_exp';
-handles.uitable1.ColumnFormat{5}{6} = 'max_exp';
+handles.uitable1.ColumnFormat{5}{5} = 'min_step';
+handles.uitable1.ColumnFormat{5}{6} = 'max_step';
 handles.uitable1.ColumnFormat{5}{7} = 'LeastSquare';
 handles.uitable1.ColumnFormat{5}{8} = 'min_perc_Volume';
 handles.uitable1.ColumnFormat{5}{9} = 'max_perc_Volume';

+ 2 - 1

@@ -99,7 +99,8 @@ switch lower(mode)
         ROI_idxList = weights;
         wbar1 = waitbar(0, 'Creating beamlet array');
         for k=1:Nbeamlets
-            waitbar(k/Nbeamlets, wbar1, ['Adding beamlet array: #', num2str(k)])
+            waitbar(k/Nbeamlets, wbar1, ['Extracting beamlet array: #', num2str(k)])
             beamlet.num = fread(fid,1,'int');
             beamlet.x_count = fread(fid,1,'int');
             beamlet.y_count = fread(fid,1,'int');