TITLE= Energy deposition kernel for 005 keV photons ########################## :start I/O control: IRESTART= first # first (0) First run for this data set # restart (1) Restart a previous run # analyze (3) Just read in the raw data and do the statistical analysis # parallel (5) Combine results from previous parallel runs STORE DATA ARRAYS= yes # yes: (0) Store data arrays for re-use # no : (1) don't store them PRINT OUT EDK FILE= yes # produce energy deposition file # in old kernels' format ? # yes: (0) EDK stored in old format files # no : (1) don't produce EDK files in old format :stop I/O control: ########################## ########################## :start Monte Carlo inputs: NUMBER OF HISTORIES= 999999999 # INITIAL RANDOM NO. SEEDS= 1, 5858 IFULL= ENERGY DEPOSITION KERNEL # cavity calculation (0) calculate dose in cavity regions # energy deposition kernels (1) # dose calculation (2) # dose and edk (3) DOPPLER BROADENING= On # On or Off # On: Default EGSnrc implementation # Off: Neglects Doppler broadening :stop Monte Carlo inputs: ######################### ########################## :start geometrical inputs: NUMBER OF CONES= 48 # number of cones (individual or by group) # If omitted or ZERO, pure spherical geometry # assumed. ANGLES= 3.75 # ANGLES defining the geometry (reals) # No needed in pure spherical geometries. # # For group input there must be as many entries # as for the NUMBER OF CONES, i.e. : # NCON1,NCON2,...,NCONn # DANG1,DANG2,...,DANGn # # For individual input, ncones must be equal # to the number of entries, i.e.: # ncones # DANG1, DANG2,...,DANGncones # NUMBER OF SPHERES = 24 # number of spheres (individual or by group) # For individual inputs as below, number of spheres can be omitted RADII= 0.01,0.03,0.05,0.08,0.11,0.15,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.6,0.8,1.1, 1.5,2.0,3.0,4.0,6.0,8.0,10.0,15.0,20.0,30.0,45.0,60.0 # RADII= 60. # Below is radii used by Mackie and Rogers which was scaled above to include lower radii # RADII= 0.05,0.1,0.15,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6,0.8,1.0, # radii of spheres defining the geometry (reals) # 1.5,2.0,3.0,4.0,5.0,6.0,8.0,10.0,15.0,20.0, # # 30.0,40.0,50.0,60.0 # For group input there must be as many entries # as for the NUMBER OF SPHERES, i.e. : # NSPH1,NSPH2,...,NSPHn # DRAD1,DRAD2,...,DRADn MEDIA= WaterLiq; #Media in the problem: #These must match exactly, including case, one #of the media names in the pegs4 data set being #used in the problem. #The maximum length of name is 24 characters #They are automatically left justified on input. MEDNUM= 1 # define what medium goes where # use region numbers to define this # (region numbers start at 2 and increase # number from smallest angle to largest angle # of the conical intervals and innermost radius to # outermost radius) #Next we specify which media are in #which geometric regions #note that by default all regions contain #medium 1 and which medium to input as 1 should #be selected with this in mind. START REGION= 2 #This puts water everywhere STOP REGION= 1153 :stop geometrical inputs: ######################### ########################## :start source inputs: INCIDENT PARTICLE= photon # electron,photon,positron INCIDENT ENERGY= monoenergetic # monoenergetic, spectrum; INCIDENT KINETIC ENERGY(MEV)= 0.005 # only use for "monoenergetic" #If INCIDENT ENERGY= spectrum: # SPEC FILENAME= full name of file containing energy spectrum # SPEC IOUTSP= include # none,include; # none: no spectrum data in .egslst file # include: output spectrum data to .egslst file SOURCE NUMBER= 0 # 0,1,2 # 0: point source AT origin, emission along Z-axis # 1: point source AT origin, isotropically radiating in 4Pi # 2: point source NEAR origin, emission along Z-axis # ZIN= 0.000001 # only for source number 2 # source offset on Z-axis # Option used to emulate old way of calculating EDK :stop source inputs: ######################### ########################## :start MC transport parameter: Global ECUT= 0.512 # Electron cutoff for transport Global PCUT= 0.0010 # Photon cutoff for transport Global SMAX= 0.0 # Maximum step size in cm (not needed # unless old PRESTA algorithm used) ESTEPE= 0.25 # Max fractional continuous energy loss # per step. Use 0.25 unless using # PRESTA-I XImax= 0.5 # Max first elastic scattering moment # per step. Using default. Skin depth for BCA= 3 # Distance from a boundary (in elastic # MFP) at which the algorithm will go # into single scattering mode (using # default here) Boundary crossing algorithm= EXACT # exact,PRESTA-I; # exact: cross boundaries in single scattering # mode (distance at which to go into # single scattering mode determined by # "Skin depth for BCA" # PRESTA-I: cross boundaries with lateral # correlations off and force multiple # scattering mode Electron-step algorithm= PRESTA-II # PRESTA-II,PRESTA-I; # Determines the algorithm used to take # into account lateral and longitudinal # correlations in a condensed history # step Spin effects= on # Off (default),On; # Turns off/on spin effects for electron # elastic scattering. Spin On is # ABSOLUTELY necessary for good # backscattering calculations. Will # make a difference even in `well # conditioned' situations (e.g. depth # dose curves). Brems angular sampling= KM # Simple,KM (default); # Simple: leading term of Koch-Motz # dist'n used to determine angle # of bremsstrahlung photons # KM: Koch-Motz distribution used to # determine angle Triplet production= Off # On or Off (default). # Turns on/off simulation of triplet production. # On: Borsellino's first Born approximation is # used to sample triplet events based on the # triplet cross-section data. Brems cross sections= nrc # BH (default),NIST; # BH: Bethe-Heitler cross-sections used # NIST: NIST cross-sections used Bound Compton scattering= On # Off (default),On, simple or norej; # Off: Klein-Nishina used for Compton # scattering # On: Impulse approximation used for # Compton scattering # simple: impulse approximation incoherent # scattering function used (i.e., no # Doppler broadenning). # norej: the actual total bound Compton cross # section is used and there are no # rejections at run time. Radiative Compton corrections= On # On or Off (default). # On: include radiative corrections for Compton # scattering. Electron Impact Ionization= On # Off (default), On, ik, casnati, kolbenstvedt, # gryzinski, penelope. # On or ik: use Kawrakow's theory to derive # EII cross-sections. # casnati: use the cross-sections of Casnati from # $HEN_HOUSE/data/eii_casnati.data. # Similarly for kolbenstvedt, gryzinski and # penelope. Case-sensitive except for Off, On or # ik options. Pair angular sampling= Simple # Off, Simple (default),KM); # Simple: use leading term of K-M # dist'n # KM: use complete Koch and Motz dist'n # Off: angle of pairs is m/E--like old EGS4 Photoelectron angular sampling= On # Off (default),On; # Off: Photoelectrons get direction of # photon that creates them # On: Sauter's formula is used Pair cross sections= NRC # BH (default) or NRC. # BH: use Bethe-Heitler pair production # cross-sections. # NRC: use NRC pair production cross-sections # (in file $HEN_HOUSE/data/pair_nrc1.data). Photon cross sections= xcom # si (Storm-Israel--the default), # epdl (Evaluated Photon Data Library), # xcom (NIST Photon Cross Sections Database) # pegs4 (PEGS4 file photon data) # User can supply their own cross-section # data as well. # Hence this entry is case-sensitive. Photon cross-sections output= Off # Off (default) or On. #On: file $EGS_HOME/user_code/inputfile.xsections # is created with the photon cross-section # data used. Compton cross sections= compton_sigma.data # Bound Compton cross-section data. # User-supplied bound Compton # cross-sections in the file # comp_xsections_compton.data in # directory $HEN_HOUSE/data/, where # comp_xsections is the name supplied # for this input. Uses compton_sigma.data # by default. Rayleigh scattering= On # Off (default),On, custom; # Off: no coherent scattering # On: simulates coherent scattering # custom: user must provide media names # for wich form factor (FF) files # will be provided. For the rest # of the media, default atomic FF # used. # # IF 'custom' Rayleigh option then: # #ff media names = A list of media names (must match media found in # PEGS4 data file) for which the user is going to # provide custom Rayleigh form factor data. #ff file names = A list of names of files containing the Rayleigh # form factor data for the media specified by # the ff media names = input above. Full directory # paths must be given for all files, and for each medium # specified, iray_ff_media(i), there must be a # corresponding file name, iray_ff_file(i). For # example files, see the directory # $HEN_HOUSE/data/molecular_form_factors. Atomic relaxations= On # Off (default),On; # On: use correct cross section # for p.e. events and shell vacancies # for Compton & p.e. events are relaxed # via emission of fluorescent X-Rays, # Auger and Koster-Cronig electrons # electrons # Atomic relaxations, Rayleigh scattering, Photoelectron angular sampling and # Bound compton scattering can be turned on/off on a region by region basis. # Instead of simply "On" or "Off" for these cases put: # Atomic relaxations= On (or Off) in Regions # Relaxations start region= 1, 40 #turns relaxations on in regions 1-10 and # Relaxations stop region= 10, 99 #40-99 # # Rayleigh scattering= On (or Off) in Regions # Rayleigh start region= 1, 40 # Rayleigh stop region= 10, 99 # # Photoelectron angular sampling= On (or Off) in Regions # PE sampling start region= 1, 40 # PE sampling stop region= 10, 99 # # Bound Compton scattering= On (or Off) in Regions # Bound Compton start region= 1, 40 # Bound Compton stop region= 10, 99 #ECUT, PCUT and SMAX can also be set on a region-by-region basis. # #Set XXXX= f_value1, f_value2, ... #Set XXXX start region= i_value1, i_value2, ... #Set XXXX stop region= j_value1, j_value2, ... # #where XXXX is ECUT, PCUT or SMAX , #f_value1, f_value2,... are the desired values for XXXX #and i_value_i and j_value_i are the start and #stop regions. Set PCUT= 0 Set PCUT start region= 1 Set PCUT stop region= 1 Set ECUT= 0 Set ECUT start region= 1 Set ECUT stop region= 1 Set SMAX= 0 Set SMAX start region= 1 Set SMAX stop region= 1 :stop MC transport parameter: ######################### ########################## :start variance reduction: ELECTRON RANGE REJECTION= on #Off,On; #On: if charged particle energy is below ESAVEIN # and it cannot get out of current region # with energy > ECUT, the particle is # terminated ESAVEIN= 0.005 #Energy below which range rejection is #considered EXPONENTIAL TRANSFORM C= 0.0000 # parameter for pathlength biasing # <0 for path length shortening # (useful for surface problems) # >0 for path length increase # (useful for shielding problems) # if 0.0, no biasing done PHOTON FORCING= On #Off (default),On; #On: force photons to interact in geometry START FORCING= 1 #Start forcing at this interaction number STOP FORCING AFTER= 1 #Number of photon interactions after which #to stop forcing photon interactions :stop variance reduction: ######################### ######################### :start plot control: PLOTTING= histogram #Off: do not create plot files #histogram: create histogram plots #point: create xy plots PLOT RADIAL REGION IX= 1,12,24 #Indices of spheres for which to plot depth- #dose data (0 for no depth-dose plots) PLOT CONICAL REGION IC= 1,24,48 #Indices of cones for which to plot dose vs #radius data (0 for no dose vs radius plots) :stop plot control: ########################