function fullRO_beamCalc(Geometry) % this function will ask for an OptGoal file, and an exit folder, and will % then create a beamlet set for each of the scenarios specified in the % OptGoals. % It will also append the path to the OptGoal file % choose the OptGoal file [Obj_file,Obj_path,indx] = uigetfile([Geometry.patient_dir '\matlab_files\*.mat'], 'Select OptGoal file' ); if Obj_file == 0 disp('no file selected, aborting') return end path2goal = [Obj_path, Obj_file]; load(path2goal); % choose the folder for new beamlets beamlet_dir = uigetdir([Geometry.patient_dir ], 'Make and select new beamlet folder' ); if beamlet_dir == 0 disp('no file selected, aborting') return end OptGoals.fullRO_beamlet_dir = beamlet_dir; %% start the modified beamlet calc % num_batches = helicalDosecalcSetup7_fullRO(Geometry.patient_dir, OptGoals, beamlet_dir) % num_batches = helicalDosecalcSetup7(Geometry.patient_dir) % num_batches = helicalDosecalcSetup8(Geometry.patient_dir) helicalDosecalcSetup7_fullRO(Geometry.patient_dir, OptGoals, beamlet_dir) % save the appended optGoal file save(path2goal, 'OptGoals'); end