function RDXTPS_optimSetup(Nbeamlets, patient_dir, Geometry) % Sets up a dose prescription and creates the optimizer input files for % proton plans. if isempty(patient_dir) patient_dir = uifile('getdir', 'Select the patient directory'); end if isempty(Geometry) load(fullfile(patient_dir, 'matlab_files', 'Geometry.mat')); end %% Setup dialog box prompt = {... sprintf('Maximum number of iterations:'), ... sprintf('Save result every ? interations:'), ... sprintf('Modulation factor:\n(typically 5 for SS, 2 for DET)') ... }; defAns = {'2000', '200', '5'}; %% Prompt input dialog answer = inputdlg(prompt, 'Optimization parameters', 1, defAns); Niterations = str2double(answer{1}); Nperbatch = str2double(answer{2}); modFactor = str2double(answer{3}); %% optSettings = []; % set up the optimization: % All folder specified relative to optimizer executable optSettings.optInfo.saveOptInfo = 'yes'; optSettings.optInfo.Niterations = Niterations; % total number of iterations optSettings.optInfo.Nperbatch = Nperbatch; % number of iterations per batch optSettings.optInfo.optFolder = patient_dir; optSettings.optInfo.inputFile = 'optInput.txt'; % goes in the optimizer folder optSettings.optInfo.inputFolder = 'opt_input'; optSettings.optInfo.outputFolder = 'opt_output'; optSettings.optInfo.modFactor = modFactor; % Flag telling the optimizer whether to calculate an initial guess itself % or to read in the initial guess file optSettings.initialGuessInfo.calcInitialGuessFlag = 1; % DCW - the initial guess only works with beamlets stored in the matlab % format as is done with the old matlab dose calculator. thus for this % application, initial guess will always be set to 'no'. % initial guess calculation sometimes time consuming, turn off with flag: calculateInitialGuess = 'no'; optSettings.prescInfo.savePresc = 'yes'; optSettings.beamletInfo.saveBeamletHeader = 'yes'; optSettings.beamletInfo.beamletFolder = 'beamlet_batch_files'; optSettings.beamletInfo.Nbeamlets = Nbeamlets; optSettings.beamletInfo.Nbeamletbatches = 1; %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- % DCW 10-13-07 % XMO 11-06-09 ROI_names = cellfun(@(c), Geometry.ROIS, 'UniformOutput', false); [target_idx okay] = listdlg('ListString', ROI_names, ... 'SelectionMode', 'single', 'Name', 'Target Selection', ... 'PromptString', 'Please select the target ROI. '); % if okay ~= 1 % msgbox('Optimization setup aborted'); % return; % end % parameters set to 1 if ROI is target, 0 otherwise prescTable = cell(length(Geometry.ROIS),13); for roi_ind = 1:length(Geometry.ROIS) prescTable{roi_ind,1} = Geometry.ROIS{roi_ind}.name; prescTable{roi_ind,2} = Geometry.ROIS{roi_ind}.name; % set all parameters to zero for iloop = 3:13 prescTable{roi_ind,iloop} = 0; end % set default values for target if roi_ind == target_idx prescTable{roi_ind, 3} = 100; % alpha prescTable{roi_ind, 4} = 1; % max dose penalty prescTable{roi_ind, 5} = 60; % max dose prescTable{roi_ind, 6} = 1; % min dose penalty prescTable{roi_ind, 7} = 60; % min dose prescTable{roi_ind,12} = 60; % DVH under dose (prescription dose) prescTable{roi_ind,13} = 98; % DVH under dose V (prescription volume) end end %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- % % load downsampled geometry file % load(geometryFile); % size of CT grid [M,N,Q] = size(Geometry.rhomw); % Create the prescription structure presc = []; % erase the old prescription structure, if it exists presc.siz = [M N Q]; % dimensions of the prescription and tissue masks ROIFlags = zeros(1,size(prescTable,1)); % flags to ensure all ROIs are found % assign the parameters to the prescription structure for j=1:size(prescTable,1) % pull out the prescription indices for each tissue tissName = prescTable{j,2}; % current tissue name % find the current tissue in the Geometry.ROIS cells for k=1:length(Geometry.ROIS) if strcmp(tissName,strrep(Geometry.ROIS{k}.name,'%','')) ind = Geometry.ROIS{k}.ind; % extract ROI indices break; end end presc.tissue(j).name = prescTable{j,1}; presc.tissue(j).ind = ind; presc.tissue(j).alpha = prescTable{j,3}; presc.tissue(j).betaPlus = prescTable{j,4}; presc.tissue(j).dPlus = single(zeros(size(ind)) + prescTable{j,5}); presc.tissue(j).betaMinus = prescTable{j,6}; presc.tissue(j).dMinus = single(zeros(size(ind)) + prescTable{j,7}); presc.tissue(j).betaVPlus = prescTable{j,8}; presc.tissue(j).dVPlus = prescTable{j,9}; presc.tissue(j).vPlus = prescTable{j,10}; presc.tissue(j).betaVMinus = prescTable{j,11}; presc.tissue(j).dVMinus = prescTable{j,12}; presc.tissue(j).vMinus = prescTable{j,13}; presc.tissue(j).dPlus = single(zeros(size(ind)) + prescTable{j,5}); presc.tissue(j).dMinus = single(zeros(size(ind)) + prescTable{j,7}); ROIFlags(j) = 1; end % ensure that all of the ROIS were found if sum(ROIFlags) ~= length(ROIFlags) error('Missed one or more ROIS.\n'); else fprintf('All ROIs located successfully for downsampled prescription\n'); end optSettings.prescInfo.presc = presc; optSettings.beamletInfo.beamletDim = [M N Q]; RDX_linlsqOptimization(optSettings);