function save_beamspec_batch(batch,batch_folder,batch_file_name) % Saves a beamspec batch to batch_folder/batch_filename. The batch is a % cell array of beam structures. % % Each beam structure has the following fields: % beam = % % num: 1 % y_vec: [86.6025 50.0000 0] % SAD: 100 % ip: [0.5000 -0.8660 0] % jp: [0 0 1] % kp: [-0.8660 -0.5000 0] % xp: 0.5000 % yp: 0 % del_yp: 1 % del_xp: 2 warning off MATLAB:MKDIR:DirectoryExists mkdir(batch_folder); N = prod(size(batch)); % number of beamspecs in the batch fid = fopen([batch_folder '/' batch_file_name],'w'); fprintf(fid,'beamnum:\n %g\n\n',N); % write the total number of beams that are in this batch for k=1:N % save each beam structure beam = batch{k}; % current beam structure fprintf(fid,'num\n'); fprintf(fid,'%g\n',double(beam.num)); fprintf(fid,'SAD xp yp del_xp del_yp\n'); fprintf(fid,'%4.20E %4.20E %4.20E %4.20E %4.20E\n',double(beam.SAD),double(beam.xp),double(beam.yp),double(beam.del_xp),double(beam.del_yp)); fprintf(fid,'y_vec\n'); fprintf(fid,'%4.20E %4.20E %4.20E\n',double(beam.y_vec(1)),double(beam.y_vec(2)),double(beam.y_vec(3))); fprintf(fid,'ip\n'); fprintf(fid,'%4.20E %4.20E %4.20E\n',double(beam.ip(1)),double(beam.ip(2)),double(beam.ip(3))); fprintf(fid,'jp\n'); fprintf(fid,'%4.20E %4.20E %4.20E\n',double(,double(,double(; fprintf(fid,'kp\n'); fprintf(fid,'%4.20E %4.20E %4.20E\n\n',double(,double(,double(; end fclose(fid);