function [varargout] = uifile(mode, varargin) %UIFILE Standard get/put dir/file dialog box which remembers last used folder % UIFILE is a wrapper for Matlab's UI{GET/PUT}{DIR/FILE} functions with the % ability to remember the last folder opened. Only successful file % selections update the folder remembered. % % This version saves the last path infomation in system wide temporary folder. % % Usage: % [...] = uifile('get', ...); % [...] = uifile('put', ...); % [...] = uifile('getdir', ...); % The rest of input and output arguments are the same as MATLAB built-ins. % % This work is a combination of Chris Cannell's uigetfile2 functions. % % See also UIGETFILE2, UIGETDIR, UIGETFILE, UIPUTFILE. % % Written by: Xiaohu Mo % % Argument checking if nargin < 1 warning('Usage: uifile(''getfile'', ...)'); return; end % Name of mat file to save last used directory information lastDirMat = fullfile(tempdir, '_matlabLastUsedDir.mat'); % Try load the saved path and set the dir to use % default useDir is current path useDir = pwd; if exist(lastDirMat, 'file') % lastDirMat mat file exists, load it load('-mat', lastDirMat) % check if lastDir variable exists and contains a valid path if exist('lastDir', 'var') && exist(lastDir, 'dir') % set default dialog open directory useDir = lastDir; end end % Save the pwd, cd to useDir, open dialog and change back savedPwd = pwd; cd(useDir); % Call uiget/putfile with arguments passed in switch lower(mode) case 'get' [varargout{1} varargout{2} varargout{3}] = uigetfile(varargin{1:end}); case 'put' [varargout{1} varargout{2} varargout{3}] = uiputfile(varargin{1:end}); case 'getdir' [varargout{1}] = uigetdir('', varargin{1:end}); end cd(savedPwd); % If the user did not cancel the file dialog then update lastDirMat if ~isequal(varargout{1}, 0) try % save last folder used to lastDirMat mat file switch lower(mode) case 'get' lastDir = varargout{2}; case 'put' lastDir = varargout{2}; case 'getdir' lastDir = varargout{1}; end save(lastDirMat, 'lastDir'); catch % error saving lastDirMat mat file % display warning, the folder will not be remembered disp(['Warning: Could not save file ''', lastDirMat, '''']); end end