@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ function drawForm(par){
let tableId="entryTable";
- populateSelectTableEntry(par,"User");
+ populateSelectTableEntry(par,"User");//populateTableRow , populateSelect
@@ -256,8 +256,8 @@ function populateTableRow(data,par,rowId){
let config=generateQConfig(field.lookup.queryName);
- //config.success=function(lookupData){populateSelect(lookupData,data,par,rowId)};
- config.success=function(data){selectRowsSuccess(par.config,data)};
+ config.success=function(lookupData){populateSelect(lookupData,data,par,rowId)};
+ //config.success=function(data){selectRowsSuccess(par.config,data)};
@@ -266,6 +266,97 @@ function populateTableRow(data,par,rowId){
+function populateSelect(data,selectedData, par, rowId){
+ //data is the set of lookup entries, selectedData is a subset of entries valued at lookup.keyColumn
+ let debug=true;
+ if (debug)
+ print(par.config,"populateSelect Data: "+data.queryName+" selectedData:"+selectedData.queryName);
+ let row=par.vars[rowId];
+ let selectId=row.selectId;
+ let varName=row.masterSelectVarName;
+ if ("filter" in row){
+ varName=row.filter.filterVarName;
+ }
+ let field=getField(par.config,selectedData,varName);
+ let displayColumn=field.lookup.displayColumn;
+ let keyColumn=field.lookup.keyColumn;
+ if (debug){
+ print(par.config,"Query: "+data.queryName);
+ print(par.config,"ElementId: "+selectId);
+ print(par.config,"keyColumn: "+keyColumn);
+ print(par.config,"displayColumn: "+displayColumn);
+ }
+ let el = document.getElementById(selectId);
+ if (debug)
+ print(par.config,"Element: "+el);
+ for(i = el.options.length; i >= 0; i--) {
+ el.remove(i);
+ }
+ if ("addSelect" in row){
+ let opt = par.config.document.createElement("option");
+ opt.text = "<Select>";
+ opt.value = -1;
+ el.options[0] = opt;
+ }
+ if ("addNewFlag" in row){
+ let opt = par.config.document.createElement("option");
+ opt.text = "Add New"
+ opt.value = row.addNewFlag;
+ el.options[el.options.length] = opt;
+ }
+ for (var i = 0; i < data.rows.length; i++) {
+ let key=data.rows[i][keyColumn];
+ let skip=true;
+ if (row.selectAll){
+ skip=false;
+ }
+ else{
+ if (debug)
+ print(par.config,"Selecting from: "+selectedData.rows.length);
+ for (let j=0; j< selectedData.rows.length; j++){
+ let entry=selectedData.rows[j];
+ if (debug)
+ print(par.config,"Comparing: "+entry[varName]+"/"+key);
+ if (key!=entry[varName]) continue;
+ skip=false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (skip) continue;
+ let opt = par.config.document.createElement("option");
+ opt.text = data.rows[i][displayColumn];
+ opt.value = data.rows[i][keyColumn];
+ if (debug)
+ print(par.config,"Adding: "+opt.value+" : "+opt.text);
+ el.options[el.options.length] = opt;
+ if ("selectedKey" in row){
+ if (debug)
+ print(par.config,"Comparing: " + opt.value + "/" + row["selectedKey"]);
+ if (opt.value==row["selectedKey"]){
+ el.selectedIndex=el.options.length-1;
+ if (debug)
+ print(par.config,"Equal; "+el.selectedIndex);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (debug)
+ print(par.config,"Running callback");
+ row.callback(par,rowId);
//populateSelect, populateSelectNotLookup
function generateListAndPopulateDaughterSelect(par,rowId){;}