@@ -1,714 +0,0 @@
-function print(config,msg){
- config.document.getElementById(config.debugId).value+="\n"+msg;
-function drawForm(par){
- populateSourceTable(par); //populateSourceTableData
- let tableId="entryTable";
- generateTable(par,"formDiv",tableId);
- generateRow(par,tableId,"User");//generateTableRow
- populateSelectTableEntry(par,"User");//populateTableRow , populateSelect
- generateRow(par, tableId,"Site");
- generateRow(par, tableId, "FormStatus");
- generateRow(par, tableId,"Crf");
- populateSelectTableEntry(par,"Site");
- populateSelectTableEntry(par,"FormStatus");
- let formTableId="selectFormTable";
- generateTable(par,"selectFormDiv",formTableId);
- generateRow(par,formTableId,"Form");
- generateButtonRow(formTableId,"Add new CRF","Add", par, addNewEntry);
- populateSelectTableEntry(par,"Form");
- generateTable(par,"startDiv","startTable");
- generateButtonRow("startTable","Start filling the selected form","Start", par, startForm);
-function generateQConfig(listName){
- let qConfig=new Object();
- //qConfig.containerPath="TECANT/Data";
- qConfig.schemaName="lists";
- qConfig.queryName=listName;
- return qConfig;
- }
-function sourceVar(crfEntryName,elementId,sourceName){
- let f=new Object();
- f.masterSelectVarName=crfEntryName;
- f.selectId=elementId;
- f.inputType="innerHTML";
- f.sourceSelectVarName=sourceName;
- return f;
-function getField(config, data, varName){
- let debug=false;
- if (debug) print(config, "getField");
- let fields=data.metaData.fields;
- for (f in fields){
- if (debug) print(config,"Checking "+f+": name "+fields[f].name+"/"+varName);
- if (fields[f].name!=varName) continue;
- return fields[f];
- }
- return null;
-function selectEntry(data,config, row){
- let entry=data.rows[0];
- let varName=row.masterSelectVarName;
- let el=config.document.getElementById(row.selectId);
- for (let i=0;i< el.options.length;i++){
- print(config,"selectEntry: "+el.options[i].value+"/"+entry[varName]);
- if (el.options[i].value!=entry[varName]) continue;
- el.selectedIndex=i;
- return;
- }
-function generateHead(config, headDivName,divName,title){
- print(config,"generateHead");
- let tb=config.document.createElement('table');
- tb.className='t2';
- let row=tb.insertRow();
- let cell=config.document.createElement('th');
- row.appendChild(cell);
- cell.setAttribute("colspan","4");
- cell.style.fontSize="20px";
- cell.style.textAlign="center";
- let cellData=config.document.createTextNode(title);
- cell.appendChild(cellData);
- cell=row.insertCell();
- cell.style.fontSize="20px";
- let input=config.document.createElement("input");
- input.type="button";
- input.value="Show";
- input.id="toggle"+divName+"VisbilityButton";
- input.onclick=function(){toggleVisibility(config,divName,input.id)};
- cell.appendChild(input);
- config.document.getElementById(headDivName).appendChild(tb);
- print(config,"generateHead: Done");
-function toggleVisibility(config,divName,buttonName){
- let x = config.document.getElementById(divName);
- if (x.style.display === "none") {
- x.style.display = "block";
- config.document.getElementById(buttonName).value="Hide";
- } else {
- x.style.display = "none";
- config.document.getElementById(buttonName).value="Show";
- }
-function selectRowsSuccess(config,data){
- print(config,"Select rows on "+data.queryName+" got "+data.rows.length+" rows.");
-function selectRowsFailure(config,errorObj){
- print(config,"selectRowsFail: "+errorObj.exception)
-function populateSourceTable(par){
- let debug=true;
- if (debug){
- print(par.config,"populateSourceTable: Starting");
- }
- let config=generateQConfig(par.source.queryName);
- config.schemaName=par.source.schemaName;
- if (!("source" in par)) return;
- if (debug){
- print(par.config,"populateSourceTable ["+par.source.queryName+"]");
- }
- config.success=function(data){populateSourceTableData(data,par)};
- //config.success=function(data){selectRowsSuccess(par.config,data)};
- config.failure=function(errorObj){selectRowsFailure(par.config,errorObj)};
- LABKEY.Query.selectRows(config);
-function populateSourceTableData(data,par){
- let debug=true;
- if (debug){
- print(par.config, "populateSourceTableData: nrow: "+data.rows.length);
- }
- let entry=data.rows[0];
- for (let i=0;i < par.source.vars.length;i++){
- let srcVarName=par.source.vars[i];
- if (debug){
- print(par.config, "populateSourceTable ["+srcVarName+"]");
- }
- let row=par.vars[srcVarName];
- let el=par.config.document.getElementById(row.selectId);
- if (debug){
- print(par.config, "Element: "+el);
- }
- el.innerHTML=entry[row.sourceSelectVarName];
- }
-function generateTable(par,divName,elementId){
- let debug=true;
- if (debug)
- print(par.config,"generateTable");
- let tb=par.config.document.createElement('table');
- tb.className="t2";
- tb.id=elementId;
- par.config.document.getElementById(divName).appendChild(tb);
- if (debug)
- print(par.config,"generateTable: Done");
-function generateRow(par, tableId, rowId){
- let debug=true;
- if (debug)
- print(par.config,"generateRow: Start");
- let config=generateQConfig(par.masterQuery);
- config.success=function(data){generateTableRow(data, par, tableId, rowId)};
- LABKEY.Query.selectRows(config);
- if (debug)
- print(par.config,"generateRow: End");
- return;
-function generateTableRow(data, par, tableId, rowId){
- let debug=true;
- if (debug)
- print(par.config,"generateTableRow: start");
- let tb=par.config.document.getElementById(tableId);
- let row=par.vars[rowId];
- if (debug)
- print(par.config,"getField for "+row.masterSelectVarName);
- let field=getField(par.config,data,row.masterSelectVarName);
- let trow=tb.insertRow();
- let cell=par.config.document.createElement('th');
- trow.appendChild(cell);
- let text = par.config.document.createTextNode(field.shortCaption);
- cell.appendChild(text);
- cell=trow.insertCell();
- let input = par.config.document.createElement("select");
- input.id = row.selectId;
- input.onchange=function(){row.callback(par,rowId)};
- cell.appendChild(input);
- if (debug)
- print(par.config,"generateTableRow: end");
-function populateSelectTableEntry(par,rowId){
- let debug=true;
- let row=par.vars[rowId];
- if (debug)
- print(par.config,"populateSelectTableEntry:"+par.masterQuery+"/"+row.masterSelectVarName);
- let config=generateQConfig(par.masterQuery);
- if ("filter" in row){
- //populateSelect on authorizationQuery with authSelectVarName
- let filter=row.filter;
- if (debug){
- print(par.config,"Filter:"+filter.queryName);
- print(par.config,"FilterVar "+filter.filterVarName);
- }
- config.queryName=filter.queryName;
- config.filterArray=[];
- for (f in filter.filters){
- if (debug) print(par.config,"Adding filter: "+f+" val "+filter.filters[f]);
- config.filterArray.push(LABKEY.Filter.create(f,filter.filters[f]));
- }
- }
- else{
- config.queryName=par.masterQuery;
- }
- config.success=function(data){populateTableRow(data,par,rowId)};
- LABKEY.Query.selectRows(config);
- if (debug)
- print(par.config,"generateSelect: End");
- return;
-function populateTableRow(data,par,rowId){
- //data is output of selectRows on either
- // * masterQuery looking at masterSelectVarName or
- // * authQuery looking at authSelectVarName
- //in both cases, query[varName] is a lookup variable, so do populateSelect with lookupData,queryData and par
- let debug=true;
- let row=par.vars[rowId];
- let varName=row.masterSelectVarName;
- if ("filter" in row){
- if (row.filter.queryName==data.queryName){
- varName=row.filter.filterVarName;
- }
- }
- if (debug)
- print(par.config,"generateSelectVar: "+data.queryName+"/"+varName+" size "+data.rows.length);
- let field=getField(par.config,data,varName);
- if (!field) {
- print(par.config,"Field "+varName+" not found");
- return;
- }
- if (debug)
- print(par.config,"Using field "+field.name);
- if (!("lookup" in field)){
- let entry=data.rows[0];
- print(par.config,"Field "+varName+" not a lookup");
- //populateSelectNotLookup(data,par,rowId, entry);
- return;
- }
- let config=generateQConfig(field.lookup.queryName);
- config.schemaName=field.lookup.schemaName;
- config.success=function(lookupData){populateSelect(lookupData,data,par,rowId)};
- //config.success=function(data){selectRowsSuccess(par.config,data)};
- config.failure=function(errorObj){selectRowsFailure(par.config,errorObj)};
- LABKEY.Query.selectRows(config);
- if (debug)
- print(par.config,"generateSelectVar: End");
-function populateSelect(data,selectedData, par, rowId){
- //data is the set of lookup entries, selectedData is a subset of entries valued at lookup.keyColumn
- let debug=true;
- if (debug){
- let msg="populateSelect Data: "+data.queryName;
- msg+=" selectedData:"+selectedData.queryName;
- print(par.config,msg);
- }
- let row=par.vars[rowId];
- let selectId=row.selectId;
- let varName=row.masterSelectVarName;
- if ("filter" in row){
- varName=row.filter.filterVarName;
- }
- let field=getField(par.config,selectedData,varName);
- let displayColumn=field.lookup.displayColumn;
- let keyColumn=field.lookup.keyColumn;
- if (debug){
- print(par.config,"Query: "+data.queryName);
- print(par.config,"ElementId: "+selectId);
- print(par.config,"keyColumn: "+keyColumn);
- print(par.config,"displayColumn: "+displayColumn);
- }
- let el = par.config.document.getElementById(selectId);
- if (debug)
- print(par.config,"Element: "+el);
- for(i = el.options.length; i >= 0; i--) {
- el.remove(i);
- }
- if ("addSelect" in row){
- let opt = par.config.document.createElement("option");
- opt.text = "<Select>";
- opt.value = -1;
- el.options[0] = opt;
- }
- if ("addNewFlag" in row){
- let opt = par.config.document.createElement("option");
- opt.text = "Add New"
- opt.value = row.addNewFlag;
- el.options[el.options.length] = opt;
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < data.rows.length; i++) {
- let key=data.rows[i][keyColumn];
- let skip=true;
- if (row.selectAll){
- skip=false;
- }
- else{
- if (debug)
- print(par.config,"Selecting from: "+selectedData.rows.length);
- for (let j=0; j< selectedData.rows.length; j++){
- let entry=selectedData.rows[j];
- if (debug)
- print(par.config,"Comparing: "+entry[varName]+"/"+key);
- if (key!=entry[varName]) continue;
- skip=false;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (skip) continue;
- let opt = par.config.document.createElement("option");
- opt.text = data.rows[i][displayColumn];
- opt.value = data.rows[i][keyColumn];
- if (debug)
- print(par.config,"Adding: "+opt.value+" : "+opt.text);
- el.options[el.options.length] = opt;
- if ("selectedKey" in row){
- if (debug)
- print(par.config,"Comparing: " + opt.value + "/" + row["selectedKey"]);
- if (opt.value==row["selectedKey"]){
- el.selectedIndex=el.options.length-1;
- if (debug)
- print(par.config,"Equal; "+el.selectedIndex);
- }
- }
- }
- if (debug)
- print(par.config,"Running callback");
- row.callback(par,rowId);
-function generateListAndPopulateDaughterSelect(par,rowId){
- let debug=true;
- if (debug){
- print(par.config,"generateListAndPopulateDaughter");
- }
- generateList(par,rowId);
- let row=par.vars[rowId];
- if ("daughterSelect" in row){
- populateDaughterSelect(par,rowId,row["daughterSelect"],null);
- }
-function populateDaughterSelect(par,rowId,daughterRowId,entry){//populateSelectNotLookup
- let debug=true;
- if (debug)
- print(par.config,"populateDaughterSelect: "+rowId+" "+daughterRowId);
- let row=par.vars[rowId];
- if (debug)
- print(par.config,"row["+rowId+"]:"+row);
- let daughterRow=par.vars[daughterRowId];
- if (debug)
- print(par.config,"daughterRow["+daughterRowId+"]:"+daughterRow);
- let el=par.config.document.getElementById(row.selectId);
- if (debug)
- print(par.config,"\n Element:"+el);
- let varValue=el.options[el.selectedIndex].value;
- if (debug)
- print(par.config,"\nAdding filter ["+row.masterSelectVarName+"]:"+varValue);
- let config=generateQConfig(par.masterQuery)
- config.filterArray=[];
- for (let i=0;i < par.filters.length;i++){
- let filterRowId=par.filters[i];
- let filterRow=par.vars[filterRowId];
- let filterValue=par.config.document.getElementById(filterRow.selectId).value;
- config.filterArray.push(LABKEY.Filter.create(filterRow.masterSelectVarName,filterValue));
- }
- config.success=function(data){populateSelectNotLookup(data,par,daughterRowId,entry)};
- LABKEY.Query.selectRows(config);
-function populateSelectNotLookup(data,par,rowId, entry){
- //selectId
- //masterSelectVarName
- let debug=true;
- if (debug)
- print(par.config,"populateSelectNonLookup on "+data.queryName);
- let row=par.vars[rowId];
- let varName=row.masterSelectVarName;
- if (debug) print(par.config,"var "+varName+" rows "+data.rows.length);
- if (debug) print(par.config,"Getting element "+row.selectId);
- let el=par.config.document.getElementById(row.selectId);
- if (!el) {
- print(par.config,"Element not found");
- return;
- }
- if (debug) print(par.config,"Element "+el);
- if (debug) print(par.config,"Clearing entries");
- //remove previous options
- for(i = el.options.length; i >= 0; i--) {
- el.remove(i);
- }
- if (debug)
- print(par.config,"Adding entries");
- if ("addSelect" in row){
- if (debug)
- print(par.config,"adding <Select>");
- let opt = par.config.document.createElement("option");
- opt.text = "<Select>";
- opt.value = -2;
- el.options[0] = opt;
- }
- if ("addNewFlag" in row){
- if (debug) print(par.config,"adding Add new");
- let opt = par.config.document.createElement("option");
- opt.text = "Add New";
- opt.value = row.addNewFlag;
- el.options[el.options.length] = opt;
- }
- for (let i=0;i< data.rows.length;i++){
- let valEntry=data.rows[i];
- if (debug)
- print(par.config,"adding "+valEntry[varName]);
- let opt = par.config.document.createElement("option");
- opt.text = valEntry[varName];
- opt.value = valEntry[varName];
- if (entry){
- if (opt.value==entry[varName])
- el.selectedIndex=el.options.length-1;
- }
- el.options[el.options.length] = opt;
- }
- if (entry)
- row.callback(par,rowId);
-function generateList(par,rowId){
- let row=par.vars[rowId];
- let debug=true;
- if (debug)
- print(par.config,"generateList: "+par.masterQuery);
- //ignore authorization, just select on select variable
- let el=par.config.document.getElementById(row.selectId);
- let varValue=el.options[el.selectedIndex].value;
- if (debug)
- print(par.config,"Using value "+varValue+" from "+row.selectId);
- let iValue=parseInt(varValue);
- let div=par.config.document.getElementById(par.addDiv);
- div.style.display="none";
- //add new crf entry
- if ("addNewFlag" in row){
- if (debug)
- print(par.config,"Comparing " + iValue + "/" + row.addNewFlag);
- if (iValue==row.addNewFlag) {
- addNew(par);
- return;
- }
- }
- //do filtering
- let filterArray=[];
- for (let i=0;i < par.filters.length;i++){
- let filterRowId=par.filters[i];
- let filterRow=par.vars[filterRowId];
- let filterValue=par.config.document.getElementById(filterRow.selectId).value;
- filterArray.push(LABKEY.Filter.create(filterRow.masterSelectVarName,filterValue));
- }
- //show all for system entries (Select, Add New)
- if (debug)
- print(par.config,"Using iValue "+iValue);
- if (iValue<0) {
- if (debug)
- print(par.config,"Ignoring ["+row.masterSelectVarName+ "]: "+varValue);
- }
- else{
- if (debug)
- print(par.config,"Filtering ["+row.masterSelectVarName+"]: "+varValue);
- if (rowId==="Crf"){
- filterArray.push(LABKEY.Filter.create(row.masterSelectVarName,varValue));
- if (debug)
- print(par.config,"Filtering ["+row.masterSelectVarName+"]: "+varValue);
- }
- }
- var config=generateQConfig(par.masterQuery);
- config.renderTo=par.dataDiv;
- config.buttonBarPosition='top';
- config.filters=filterArray;
- config.viewName="sparseView";
- config.success=function(data){updateSuccess(data,par)};
- config.failure=function(json){updateFailure(json,par)};
- LABKEY.QueryWebPart(config);
-function updateSuccess(data,par){
- print(par.config,"Update success");
-function updateFailure(json,par){
- print(par.config,"Update failed");
-function addNew(par){
- print(par.config,"Show Add new");
- let div=par.config.document.getElementById(par.addDiv);
- div.style.display="block";
-function generateButtonRow(tableId,caption,label,par,callback){
- let tb=par.config.document.getElementById(tableId);
- let trow=tb.insertRow();
- let cell=par.config.document.createElement('th');
- trow.appendChild(cell);
- let text = par.config.document.createTextNode(caption);
- cell.appendChild(text);
- cell=trow.insertCell();
- let input = par.config.document.createElement("input");
- input.type="button";
- input.value=label;
- input.onclick=function(){callback(par)};
- cell.appendChild(input);
-//callback candidate
-function addNewEntry(par){
- print(par.config,"Add new, npar ");
- let entry=new Object();
- for (vv in par.vars){
- let f=par.vars[vv];
- print(par.config,"New: Adding "+f.masterSelectVarName);
- setValue(par.config,entry,f);
- }
- for (f in entry){
- print(par.config,"entry ["+f+"]="+entry[f]);
- }
- entry.entryId=Date.now();
- entry.Date=new Date();
- entry.formStatus=1;//In Progress
- let config=generateQConfig(par.masterQuery);
- config.rows=[entry];
- config.success=function(data){
- populateDaughterSelect(par,"Site","Crf",data.rows[0]);
- selectEntry(par.config,data,par.vars["Crf"]);
- generateList(par,"Crf");};
- LABKEY.Query.insertRows(config);
-function setValue(config,entry,f){
- let el=config.document.getElementById(f.selectId);
- print(config,"setValue: Element: "+el);
- if (f.inputType=="select"){
- entry[f.masterSelectVarName]=el.value;
- }
- if (f.inputType=="innerHTML"){
- entry[f.masterSelectVarName]=el.innerHTML;
- }
-//another callback for generateButtonRow
-function startForm(par){
- let debug=true;
- if (debug)
- print(par.config,"startForm");
- let crfVar=par.vars["Crf"];
- let el=par.config.document.getElementById(crfVar.selectId);
- let config=generateQConfig(par.masterQuery);
- config.filterArray=[LABKEY.Filter.create(crfVar.masterSelectVarName,el.value)]
- config.success=function(data){findURL(data,par)};
- LABKEY.Query.selectRows(config);
- // The set of URL par.
-function findURL(data,par){
- let debug=true;
- if (debug)
- print(par.config,"findURL");
- let entry=data.rows[0];
- let fields=data.metaData.fields;
- let formVar=par.vars["Form"];
- let formVarName=formVar.masterSelectVarName;
- let lookup;
- for (f in fields){
- if (fields[f].name!=formVarName) continue;
- lookup=fields[f].lookup;
- break;
- }
- let config=generateQConfig(lookup.queryName);
- config.schemaName=lookup.schemaName;
- config.filterArray=[LABKEY.Filter.create(lookup.keyColumn,entry[formVarName])];
- config.success=function(data){finalRedirect(data,entry,par)};
- LABKEY.Query.selectRows(config);
-function finalRedirect(data,entry,par){
- let debug=true;
- if (debug)
- print(par.config,"final redirect");
- let formEntry=data.rows[0];
- let formVar=par.vars["Form"];
- let formUrl=formEntry[formVar.urlName];
- var params = {
- "name": formUrl, // The destination wiki page. The name of this parameter is not arbitrary.
- "userid": entry[par.vars["User"].masterSelectVarName],
- "entryId": entry[par.vars["Crf"].masterSelectVarName],
- "formSetupQuery":formEntry["setupQuery"],
- "registrationQueryId":formEntry["masterQuery"]
- };
- let containerPath= LABKEY.ActionURL.getContainer();
- //"TECANT";//part of data?
- // This changes the page after building the URL.
- //Note that the wiki page destination name is set in params.
- var wikiURL = LABKEY.ActionURL.buildURL("crf", formUrl , containerPath, params);
- print(par.config,"Redirecting to "+wikiURL);
- window.location = wikiURL;