@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
### Setup
+CRFs are always part of a study. So, create study as you would normally do.
In Study setup, select Edit additional properties. New fields should be:
- EudraCTNumber,
- StudySponsor,
@@ -9,9 +11,11 @@ all as strings. It should look like this
![Alt text][studyParameters]
The initial set of setup lists is part of the distribution. Copy
[archive][listArchive] locally
-and import list archive to Labkey in the study
+and import list archive to Labkey in the study. You will get list of lists by
+clicking on setup wheel at the top of the screen and selecting Manage lists.
[studyParameters]: img/studyParametersSnapshot.png
[listArchive]: setup/initialLists.zip