@@ -30,7 +30,22 @@ Add a tab (Wheel->Page Admin Mode, click on a + tab). Add CRF Portal web part. I
## Setting up a form
Create a spreadsheet as a list. Go to Wheel->Manage Lists and Create List. Setup fields as you would normally do.
-[Here][exampleList] is an example.
+Three additional fields are required:
+- participantCode (String)
+- submissionDate (DateTime)
+- crfRef (String)
+[Here][exampleList] is an example. Open the inputLists list and add the name of the new list as a new entry.
+Open the Forms list. Add new entry. Some fields can only have the default value:
+- formUrl: visit0
+- reviewFormUrl: reviewVisit0
+- viewURL: visit0.view
+Form name can be any string, including spaces. Setup query is still to be created, but it
+should name in Setup to distinguish it from others, say demographicsSetup.
[studyParameters]: img/studyParametersSnapshot.png
[exampleList]: img/exampleListSnapshot.png