@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+function generateTable(listName,divName,unique){
+ //add temp variables
+ LABKEY.Query.selectRows({schemaName: 'lists',queryName: listName, requiredVersion:"8.3",
+ parameters:{"divName":divName}, success:function(data){populateTable(data,divName,unique)} });
+function populateTable(data,divName,unique){
+ //generate and populate table with the first suitable entry
+ document.getElementById('formStatus').value+="\n Query: "+data.queryName;
+ document.getElementById('formStatus').value+="\n divName: "+divName;
+ //document.getElementById('formStatus').value+="\n Div: "+resp.params["query.param.divName"];
+ var obj=data.metaData.fields;
+ for (f in obj){
+ document.getElementById('formStatus').value+="\n Data["+f+"]: "+obj[f];
+ for (g in obj[f]){
+ document.getElementById('formStatus').value+="\n Data.metaData.fields["+f+"]["+g+"]: "+obj[f][g];
+ }
+ if ("lookup" in obj[f]){
+ for (h in obj[f]["lookup"]){
+ document.getElementById('formStatus').value+="\n Lookup["+h+"]: "+obj[f]["lookup"][h];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ var crfRef=document.getElementById("crfRefId").innerHTML;
+ var entry=new Object();
+ for (i=0;i<data.rows.length;i++){
+ var entry=data.rows[i];
+ if (entry.crfRef!=crfRef) {
+ document.getElementById('formStatus').value+="\n Crfref mismatch: "+crfRef+"/"+entry[crfRef];
+ continue;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ var tb=document.createElement('table');
+ tb.className="t2";
+ document.getElementById(divName).appendChild(tb);
+ var fields=data.metaData.fields;
+ for (f in fields){
+ if (fields[f].hidden) continue;
+ var vName=fields[f].name;
+ if (vName=="crfRef") continue;
+ var vType=fields[f].type;
+ let row=tb.insertRow();
+ let cell=row.insertCell();
+ let text = document.createTextNode(fields[f].shortCaption);
+ cell.appendChild(text);
+ cell=row.insertCell();
+ var cellClass="input";
+ var cellType="text";
+ if ("lookup" in fields[f]){
+ cellClass="select";
+ }
+ if (vType=="string"){
+ ;
+ }
+ if (vType=="date"){
+ cellType="date";
+ }
+ var input = document.createElement(cellClass);
+ input.type = cellType;
+ input.id = vName;
+ if (vType=="string" ){
+ if (vName in entry) { input.value=entry[vName];}
+ }
+ if (vType=="date"){
+ if (vName in entry) {input.valueAsDate=new Date(entry[vName]);}
+ }
+ if ("lookup" in fields[f]){
+ var lookup=fields[f]["lookup"];
+ var config=new Object();
+ document.getElementById('formStatus').value+="\n Query: "+lookup.queryName;
+ config.schemaName=lookup.schemaName;
+ config.queryName=lookup.queryName;
+ var parameters={"elementId":input.id,"keyColumn":lookup.keyColumn,"displayColumn":lookup.displayColumn};
+ if (vName in entry) parameters.selectedKey=entry[vName];
+ config.success=function(data){populateSelect(data,parameters)};
+ LABKEY.Query.selectRows(config);
+ }
+ cell.appendChild(input);
+ }
+ var row=tb.insertRow();
+ let cell=row.insertCell();
+ cell.setAttribute("colspan","2");
+ var input=document.createElement("input");
+ input.type="button";
+ input.value="Add";
+ input.onclick=function(){saveData(data.queryName,unique)};
+ cell.appendChild(input);
+function populateSelect(data,parameters){
+ document.getElementById('formStatus').value+="\n Data: "+data;
+ var elementId=parameters.elementId;
+ var keyColumn=parameters.keyColumn;
+ var displayColumn=parameters.displayColumn;
+ document.getElementById('formStatus').value+="\n ElementId: "+elementId;
+ document.getElementById('formStatus').value+="\n keyColumn: "+keyColumn;
+ document.getElementById('formStatus').value+="\n displayColumn: "+displayColumn;
+ if ("selectedKey" in parameters){
+ document.getElementById('formStatus').value+="\n SelectedKey: "+parameters["selectedKey"];
+ }
+ var el = document.getElementById(elementId);
+ document.getElementById('formStatus').value+="\n Element: "+el;
+ for(i = el.options.length; i >= 0; i--) {
+ el.remove(i);
+ }
+ var opt = document.createElement("option");
+ opt.text = "<Select>";
+ opt.value = -1;
+ el.options[0] = opt;
+ for (var i = 0; i < data.rows.length; i++) {
+ var opt = document.createElement("option");
+ opt.text = data.rows[i][displayColumn];
+ opt.value = data.rows[i][keyColumn];
+ document.getElementById('formStatus').value+="\n Adding: "+opt.value+" : "+opt.text;
+ el.options[el.options.length] = opt;
+ if ("selectedKey" in parameters){
+ document.getElementById('formStatus').value+="\n Comparing: " + opt.value + "/" +
+ parameters["selectedKey"];
+ if (opt.value==parameters["selectedKey"]){
+ el.selectedIndex=el.options.length-1;
+ document.getElementById('formStatus').value+="\n Equal; "+el.selectedIndex;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+function failureSelect(errorInfo,resp,opt){
+ document.getElementById('formStatus').value+="\n Error: ";
+function saveData(queryName,unique){
+ document.getElementById('formStatus').value+="\n saveData: ";
+ var config=new Object();
+ config.schemaName='lists';//could be made more generic
+ config.queryName=queryName;
+ var crfRef=document.getElementById("crfRefId").innerHTML;
+ config.filterArray=[ LABKEY.Filter.create('crfRef',crfRef)];
+ config.success=function(data){saveDataToList(data,unique)};
+ LABKEY.Query.selectRows(config);
+function saveDataToList(data,unique){
+ document.getElementById('formStatus').value+="\n saveDataToList: ";
+ var update=false;
+ if (unique && data.rows.length>0){
+ var entry=data.rows[0]
+ update=true;
+ }
+ else{
+ var entry=new Object();
+ entry.crfRef=document.getElementById("crfRefId").innerHTML;
+ }
+ var config=new Object();
+ config.schemaName=data.schemaName;//could be made more generic
+ config.queryName=data.queryName;
+ //entry.crfRef=document.getElementById("crfRefId").innerHTML;
+ var fields=data.metaData.fields;
+ for (f in fields){
+ if (fields[f].hidden) continue;
+ var vName=fields[f].name;
+ if (vName=="crfRef") continue;
+ var el=document.getElementById(vName);
+ if (!el) continue;
+ var vType=fields[f].type;
+ if ("lookup" in fields[f]){
+ entry[vName]=el.options[el.selectedIndex].value;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (vType=="date"){
+ var date=el.valueAsDate;
+ if (date==="null") continue;
+ date.setUTCHours(12);
+ entry[vName]=date.toString();
+ }
+ if (vType=="string"){
+ entry[vName]=el.value;
+ }
+ }
+ config.rows=[entry];
+ if (update)
+ LABKEY.Query.updateRows(config);
+ else
+ LABKEY.Query.insertRows(config);