import numpy as np import nibabel as nib import math import csv import as cm import SimpleITK as sitk import csv from copy import deepcopy import matplotlib.colors as mcolors import nibabel as nib from matplotlib import pyplot as plt class heatmapPlotter(): def __init__(self, seed=None): self.seed = seed #self.shape = test_mri_nonorm[0].shape #ATTEMPT AT VISUALIZE_SALIENCY: #for j in range(len(test_data[0])): # grads = netCNN.make_vis_saliency(test_data,j) # plt.imshow(grads,alpha=0.6) def plot_idv_brain(self, heat_map, brain_img, ref_scale, fig=None, ax=None, contour_areas=[], x_idx=slice(0, 91), y_idx=slice(0, 109), z_idx=slice(0, 91), vmin=90, vmax=99.5, set_nan=True, cmap=None, c=None): if fig is None or ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(12, 12)) img = deepcopy(heat_map) #if set_nan: #img[nmm_mask==0]=np.nan if cmap is None: cmap = mcolors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list(name='alphared',colors=[(1, 0, 0, 0),"darkred", "red", "darkorange", "orange", "yellow"],N=5000) grey_vmin, grey_vmax = np.min(brain_img), np.max(brain_img) if brain_img is not None: brain = deepcopy(brain_img) ax.imshow(np.squeeze(brain[x_idx, y_idx, z_idx],-1), cmap="gray", #was .T before (but I dont need to transpose the indices I dont think) vmin=grey_vmin, vmax=grey_vmax ) #,alpha=.9 vmin, vmax = np.percentile(ref_scale, vmin), np.percentile(ref_scale, vmax) im = ax.imshow(np.squeeze(img[x_idx, y_idx, z_idx],-1), cmap=cmap, #was .T before (but I dont need to transpose the indices I dont think) vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, interpolation="gaussian", alpha=.7) ax.axis('off') #plot_contours(contour_areas, x_idx, y_idx, z_idx, fig=fig, ax=ax, c=c) plt.gca().invert_yaxis() return fig, ax, im ##GRAD-CAM def GuidedGradCAM(self, test_data, test_mri_nonorm, model_filepath, netCNN, test_predsCNN): last_conv_layer_name = "features" #maybe supposed to be fc1? classifier_layer_names = "CNNclass_output" #supposed to have 2 layers?? shape = test_mri_nonorm[0].shape cases = ["AD", "NC", "TP", "TN", "FP", "FN"] case_maps_GGC = {case: np.zeros(shape) for case in cases} mean_maps_GGC = {case: np.zeros(shape) for case in cases} counts = {case: 0 for case in cases} j=53 #CHANGE START POINT FOR NC DATA while j < len(test_data[0]): #CHANGE END POINT FOR NC DATA = len(test_data[0]), for AD data = len(test_data[0])/2 #sitk_mri = sitk.GetImageFromArray(test_mri_nonorm[j], isVector=True) #use the non normalized image array #sitk.WriteImage(sitk_mri,model_filepath+'/figures/mri_'+str(self.seed)+'_'+str(j)+'_'+str(test_data[4][j])+'_'+str(test_data[3][j])+'.nii') #sitk_mri_normed = sitk.GetImageFromArray(test_data[0][j],isVector=True) #check out the normalized image #sitk.WriteImage(sitk_mri_normed,model_filepath+'/figures/mri_normed_'+str(seed)+'_'+str(j)+'_'+test_data[4][j]+'_'+test_data[3][j]+'.nii') CNN_gradcam_map = netCNN.make_gradcam_heatmap2(test_data,j) #CNN_gradcam[j] = CNN_gradcam_map #CNN_sitk_gradcam = sitk.GetImageFromArray(CNN_gradcam_map, isVector=True) #CNN_sitk_gradcam.CopyInformation(sitk_mri) #sitk.WriteImage(CNN_sitk_gradcam,model_filepath+'/figures/CNN_gradcam_'+str(self.seed)+'_'+str(j)+'_'+str(test_data[4][j])+'_'+str(test_data[3][j])+'.nii') #GUIDED BACKPROP CNN_gb_map = netCNN.guided_backprop(test_data,j) #CNN_gb[j] = CNN_gb_map #CNN_sitk_gb = sitk.GetImageFromArray(CNN_gb_map) #sitk.WriteImage(CNN_sitk_gb,model_filepath+'/figures/CNN_gb_'+str(self.seed)+'_'+str(j)+'_'+str(test_data[4][j])+'_'+str(test_data[3][j])+'.nii')# #GUIDED GRAD-CAM CNN_guided_gradcam_map = CNN_gb_map * CNN_gradcam_map #CNN_guided_gradcam[j] = CNN_guided_gradcam_map #CNN_sitk_guided_gradcam = sitk.GetImageFromArray(CNN_guided_gradcam_map) #sitk.WriteImage(CNN_sitk_guided_gradcam,model_filepath+'/figures/CNN_guided_gradcam_'+str(self.seed)+'_'+str(j)+'_'+str(test_data[4][j])+'_'+str(test_data[3][j])+'.nii') """ Just for now for memory purposes #Plot middle slice of each subplot_args = { 'nrows': 1, 'ncols': 5, 'figsize': (12, 4), 'subplot_kw': {'xticks': [], 'yticks': []} } f, ax = plt.subplots(**subplot_args) ax[0].set_title('Original Image', fontsize=11) ax[0].imshow(test_mri_nonorm[j][:,:,45,0],cmap='gray') ax[1].set_title('Guided Backprop overlay', fontsize=11) ax[1].imshow(test_mri_nonorm[j][:,:,45,0],cmap='gray') ax[1].imshow(CNN_gb_map[:,:,45,0],cmap='jet', alpha=0.4) ax[2].set_title('GRAD-CAM', fontsize=11) ax[2].imshow(CNN_gradcam_map[:,:,45,0],cmap='jet') ax[3].set_title('Guided GRAD-CAM', fontsize=11) ax[3].imshow(CNN_guided_gradcam_map[:,:,45,0],cmap='jet') ax[4].set_title('Guided GRAD-CAM overlay', fontsize=11) ax[4].imshow(test_mri_nonorm[j][:,:,45,0],cmap='gray') ax[4].imshow(CNN_guided_gradcam_map[:,:,45,0],cmap='jet', alpha=0.4) plt.savefig(model_filepath+'/figures/CNN_grad_maps_z45_'+str(self.seed)+'_'+str(j)+'_'+str(test_data[4][j])+'_'+str(test_data[3][j])+'.png') fig.clf() plt.close(f) """ #Sort maps by cases true_case = "AD" if test_data[3][j]==0 else "NC" if np.argmax(test_predsCNN[j])==0 and true_case=="AD": case = "TP" elif np.argmax(test_predsCNN[j])==0 and true_case!="AD": case = "FP" elif np.argmax(test_predsCNN[j])==1 and true_case=="NC": case = "TN" elif np.argmax(test_predsCNN[j])==1 and true_case!="NC": case = "FN" """ #for Guided Grad Cam case_maps_GGC[case] += CNN_guided_gradcam_map counts[case] += 1 case_maps_GGC[true_case] += CNN_guided_gradcam_map counts[true_case] += 1 """ #for Grad Cam case_maps_GGC[case] += CNN_gradcam_map counts[case] += 1 case_maps_GGC[true_case] += CNN_gradcam_map counts[true_case] += 1 print('counts: ',counts) j+=1 """ #Plot INDIVIDUAL heatmaps - can't do this anymore because I removed CNN_gradcam, CNN_gb, CNN_guided_gradcam in order to save memory mean_maps_GGC["AD"] = case_maps_GGC["AD"]/counts["AD"] for j in range(len(test_data[0])): subplot_args = { 'nrows': 4, 'ncols': 1, 'figsize': (12, 12), 'sharey':True, 'sharex':True, 'subplot_kw': {'xticks': [], 'yticks': []} } fig, axes = plt.subplots(**subplot_args) vmin, vmax = 50, 99.5 #NOT SURE I WANT THIS (READ PAPER) - might be what is creating the 'mask' effect for ax, idx in zip(axes[:],[30, 40, 50, 60]): ax.text(-25, 22, "Slice " + str(idx), rotation="vertical", fontsize=20) fig, ax, im = self.plot_idv_brain(CNN_guided_gradcam[j], test_mri_nonorm[j], mean_maps_GGC["AD"],x_idx=slice(0, shape[0]),y_idx=slice(0, shape[1]),z_idx=idx, contour_areas=[], vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, fig=fig, ax=ax, set_nan=False, cmap="hot"); ax.text(5, -20, "class: "+str(test_data[3][j])+", prediction: "+str(np.argmax(test_predsCNN[j])), fontsize=20) fig.tight_layout() fig.subplots_adjust(right=0.8, top=0.95, hspace=0.05, wspace=0.05) fig.suptitle("LRP for Patient "+str(test_data[4][j])+", ImageID: "+str(test_data[5][j]), fontsize=22, x=.41) cbar_ax = fig.add_axes([0.6, 0.15, 0.025, 0.7]) cbar = fig.colorbar(im, shrink=0.5, ticks=[vmin, vmax], cax=cbar_ax) vmin_val, vmax_val = np.percentile(mean_maps_GGC["AD"], vmin), np.percentile(mean_maps_GGC["AD"], vmax) cbar.set_ticks([vmin_val, vmax_val])['{0:.1f}%'.format(vmin), '{0:.1f}%'.format(vmax)], fontsize=16) cbar.set_label('Percentile of average AD patient values', rotation=270, fontsize=18) fig.savefig(model_filepath+'/figures/CNN_GGC_'+str(self.seed)+'_'+str(j)+'_'+str(test_data[5][j])+'_'+str(test_data[3][j])+'.png') fig.clf() plt.close(fig) """ return case_maps_GGC, counts #Removed CNN_gradcam, CNN_gb, CNN_guided_gradcam to save memory #LAYERWISE RELEVANCE PROPAGATION # def LRP(self, test_data, test_mri_nonorm, model_filepath, netCNN, test_predsCNN): shape = test_mri_nonorm[0].shape print('length of test_data[3]: ',len(test_data[3])) #Run LRP for each test image cases = ["AD", "NC", "TP", "TN", "FP", "FN"] case_maps_LRP = {case: np.zeros(shape) for case in cases} mean_maps_LRP = {case: np.zeros(shape) for case in cases} counts = {case: 0 for case in cases} j=53 #CHANGE START POINT FOR NC DATA while j < len(test_data[0]): #CHANGE END POINT FOR NC DATA = len(test_data[0]), for AD data = len(test_data[0])/2 #sitk_mri = sitk.GetImageFromArray(test_mri_nonorm[j], isVector=True) #use the non normalized image array #sitk.WriteImage(sitk_mri,model_filepath+'/figures/mri_'+str(seed)+'_'+str(j)+'_'+str(test_data[5][j])+'_'+str(test_data[3][j])+'.nii') LRP_analysis = netCNN.LRP_heatmap(test_data, j) CNN_LRP = LRP_analysis #CNN_sitk_LRP = sitk.GetImageFromArray(CNN_LRP[j], isVector=True) #CNN_sitk_LRP.CopyInformation(sitk_mri) #sitk.WriteImage(CNN_sitk_LRP,model_filepath+'/figures/CNN_LRP_'+str(self.seed)+'_'+str(j)+'_'+str(test_data[5][j])+'_'+str(test_data[3][j])+'.nii') #Sort maps by cases true_case = "AD" if test_data[3][j]==0 else "NC" if np.argmax(test_predsCNN[j])==0 and true_case=="AD": case = "TP" elif np.argmax(test_predsCNN[j])==0 and true_case!="AD": case = "FP" elif np.argmax(test_predsCNN[j])==1 and true_case=="NC": case = "TN" elif np.argmax(test_predsCNN[j])==1 and true_case!="NC": case = "FN" #case_maps_LRP[case] += CNN_LRP[j] case_maps_LRP[case] += CNN_LRP counts[case] += 1 #case_maps_LRP[true_case] += CNN_LRP[j] case_maps_LRP[true_case] += CNN_LRP counts[true_case] += 1 print('counts: ',counts) j+=1 """ #Plot INDIVIDUAL heatmaps - can't do this anymore because I removed CNN_LRP in order to save memory mean_maps_LRP["AD"] = case_maps_LRP["AD"]/counts["AD"] for j in range(len(test_data[0])): subplot_args = { 'nrows': 4, 'ncols': 1, 'figsize': (12, 12), 'sharey':True, 'sharex':True, 'subplot_kw': {'xticks': [], 'yticks': []} } fig, axes = plt.subplots(**subplot_args) vmin, vmax = 50, 99.5 #NOT SURE I WANT THIS (READ PAPER) - might be what is creating the 'mask' effect for ax, idx in zip(axes[:],[30, 40, 50, 60]): ax.text(-25, 22, "Slice " + str(idx), rotation="vertical", fontsize=20) fig, ax, im = self.plot_idv_brain(CNN_LRP[j], test_mri_nonorm[j], mean_maps_LRP["AD"], x_idx=slice(0, shape[0]),y_idx=slice(0, shape[1]),z_idx=idx, contour_areas=[], vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, fig=fig, ax=ax, set_nan=False, cmap="hot"); ax.text(5, -20, "class: "+str(test_data[3][j])+", prediction: "+str(np.argmax(test_predsCNN[j])), fontsize=20) fig.tight_layout() fig.subplots_adjust(right=0.8, top=0.95, hspace=0.05, wspace=0.05) fig.suptitle("LRP for Patient "+str(test_data[4][j])+", ImageID: "+str(test_data[5][j]), fontsize=22, x=.41) cbar_ax = fig.add_axes([0.6, 0.15, 0.025, 0.7]) cbar = fig.colorbar(im, shrink=0.5, ticks=[vmin, vmax], cax=cbar_ax) vmin_val, vmax_val = np.percentile(mean_maps_LRP["AD"], vmin), np.percentile(mean_maps_LRP["AD"], vmax) cbar.set_ticks([vmin_val, vmax_val])['{0:.1f}%'.format(vmin), '{0:.1f}%'.format(vmax)], fontsize=16) cbar.set_label('Percentile of average AD patient values', rotation=270, fontsize=18) fig.savefig(model_filepath+'/figures/CNN_LRP_'+str(self.seed)+'_'+str(j)+'_'+str(test_data[5][j])+'_'+str(test_data[3][j])+'.png') fig.clf() plt.close(fig) """ return case_maps_LRP, counts #Removed CNN_LRP to save memory #Create AVERAGE heatmaps def plot_avg_maps(self, case_maps_LRP, counts, map_type, test_mri_nonorm, model_filepath, mean_map_AD): shape = test_mri_nonorm[0].shape cases = ["AD", "NC", "TP", "TN", "FP", "FN"] mean_maps_LRP = {case: np.zeros(shape) for case in cases} mean_maps_LRP["AD"] = mean_map_AD #Get the PET template proxy_image = nib.load(model_filepath + '/rbet_TEMPLATE_FDGPET_100.Resampled.nii') template = np.asarray(proxy_image.dataobj) PETtemplate = np.asarray(np.expand_dims(template, axis = -1)) print('PET template shape: ', PETtemplate.shape) #Calculate the mean maps CNN_sitk_mean_maps_LRP = {case: np.zeros(shape) for case in cases} print('counts: ',counts) for case in cases: is_all_0 = np.all((mean_maps_LRP[case]==0)) if is_all_0: mean_maps_LRP[case] = case_maps_LRP[case]/counts[case] sitk_mri = sitk.GetImageFromArray(test_mri_nonorm[0], isVector=True) CNN_sitk_mean_maps_LRP[case] = sitk.GetImageFromArray(mean_maps_LRP[case], isVector=True) CNN_sitk_mean_maps_LRP[case].CopyInformation(sitk_mri) sitk.WriteImage(CNN_sitk_mean_maps_LRP[case],model_filepath+'/figures/CNN_mean_'+str(map_type)+'_'+str(case)+'_'+str(self.seed)+'.nii') #Plot average heatmaps for AD vs NC subplot_args = { 'nrows': 3, 'ncols': 2, 'figsize': (12,12), 'sharey':True, 'sharex':True, 'subplot_kw': {'xticks': [], 'yticks': []},'constrained_layout':True } fig, axes = plt.subplots(**subplot_args) vmin, vmax = 50, 99.5 #NOT SURE I WANT THIS (READ PAPER) - might be what is creating the 'mask' effect #Plot all three views (matching ADRP format): ax = axes[0,0] idx = 36 ax.text(-25, 20, "Slice " + str(idx), rotation="vertical", fontsize=20) fig, ax, im = self.plot_idv_brain(mean_maps_LRP["AD"], PETtemplate, mean_maps_LRP["AD"], x_idx=idx,y_idx=slice(0, shape[1]),z_idx=slice(0, shape[2]), contour_areas=[], vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, fig=fig, ax=ax, set_nan=False, cmap="hot"); ax = axes[1,0] idx = 58 ax.text(-25, 20, "Slice " + str(idx), rotation="vertical", fontsize=20) fig, ax, im = self.plot_idv_brain(mean_maps_LRP["AD"], PETtemplate, mean_maps_LRP["AD"], x_idx=slice(0, shape[0]),y_idx=idx,z_idx=slice(0, shape[2]), contour_areas=[], vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, fig=fig, ax=ax, set_nan=False, cmap="hot"); ax = axes[2,0] idx = 58 ax.text(-25, 20, "Slice " + str(idx), rotation="vertical", fontsize=20) fig, ax, im = self.plot_idv_brain(mean_maps_LRP["AD"], PETtemplate, mean_maps_LRP["AD"], x_idx=slice(0, shape[0]),y_idx=slice(0, shape[1]),z_idx=idx, contour_areas=[], vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, fig=fig, ax=ax, set_nan=False, cmap="hot"); ax.text(45, -20, "AD", fontsize=20) ax = axes[0,1] idx = 36 fig, ax, im = self.plot_idv_brain(mean_maps_LRP["NC"], PETtemplate, mean_maps_LRP["AD"], x_idx=idx,y_idx=slice(0, shape[1]),z_idx=slice(0, shape[2]), contour_areas=[], vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, fig=fig, ax=ax, set_nan=False, cmap="hot"); ax = axes[1,1] idx = 58 fig, ax, im = self.plot_idv_brain(mean_maps_LRP["NC"], PETtemplate, mean_maps_LRP["AD"], x_idx=slice(0, shape[0]),y_idx=idx,z_idx=slice(0, shape[2]), contour_areas=[], vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, fig=fig, ax=ax, set_nan=False, cmap="hot"); ax = axes[2,1] idx = 58 fig, ax, im = self.plot_idv_brain(mean_maps_LRP["NC"], PETtemplate, mean_maps_LRP["AD"], x_idx=slice(0, shape[0]),y_idx=slice(0, shape[1]),z_idx=idx, contour_areas=[], vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, fig=fig, ax=ax, set_nan=False, cmap="hot"); ax.text(45, -20, "NC", fontsize=20) #Plot several slices along z axis: (matching slices from Boehle paper ( # for ax, idx in zip(axes[:, 0], [30, 40, 50, 60]): # ax.text(-25, 20, "Slice " + str(idx), rotation="vertical", fontsize=20) # fig, ax, im = plot_idv_brain(mean_maps_LRP["AD"], PETtemplate, mean_maps_LRP["AD"], z_idx=idx, contour_areas=[], # vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, fig=fig, ax=ax, set_nan=False, cmap="hot"); # ax.text(45, -20, "AD", fontsize=20) # for ax, idx in zip(axes[:, 1], [30, 40, 50, 60]): # fig, ax, im = plot_idv_brain(mean_maps_LRP["NC"], PETtemplate, mean_maps_LRP["AD"], z_idx=idx, contour_areas=[], # vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, fig=fig, ax=ax, set_nan=False, cmap="hot"); # ax.text(45, -20, "NC", fontsize=20) #fig.tight_layout() fig.subplots_adjust(right=0.8, top=0.95, hspace=0.05, wspace=0.05) fig.suptitle("Average "+str(map_type)+" for AD and NC patients", fontsize=22, x=.41) cbar_ax = fig.add_axes([0.95, 0.15, 0.025, 0.7]) cbar = fig.colorbar(im, shrink=0.5, ticks=[vmin, vmax], cax=cbar_ax) vmin_val, vmax_val = np.percentile(mean_maps_LRP["AD"], vmin), np.percentile(mean_maps_LRP["AD"], vmax) cbar.set_ticks([vmin_val, vmax_val])['{0:.1f}%'.format(vmin), '{0:.1f}%'.format(vmax)], fontsize=16) cbar.set_label('Percentile of average AD patient values', rotation=270, fontsize=18) fig.savefig(model_filepath+'/figures/CNN_'+str(map_type)+'_avg_ADvNC_'+str(self.seed)+'.png', bbox_inches='tight') plt.close(fig) """ #Plot average heatmaps for TP, FP, TN, FN fig, axes = plt.subplots(4, 4, figsize=(12, 12), sharey=True, sharex=True) vmin, vmax = 50, 99.5 for ax, idx in zip(axes[:, 0], [30, 40, 50, 60]): ax.text(-25, 20, "Slice " + str(idx), rotation="vertical", fontsize=18) fig, ax, im = plot_idv_brain(mean_maps_LRP["TP"], PETtemplate, mean_maps_LRP["AD"], z_idx=idx, contour_areas=[], vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, fig=fig, ax=ax, set_nan=False, cmap="hot"); ax.text(10, -20, "True positives", fontsize=18) for ax, idx in zip(axes[:, 1], [30, 40, 50, 60]): fig, ax, im = plot_idv_brain(mean_maps_LRP["FP"], PETtemplate, mean_maps_LRP["AD"], z_idx=idx, contour_areas=[], vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, fig=fig, ax=ax, set_nan=False, cmap="hot"); ax.text(10, -20, "False positives", fontsize=18) for ax, idx in zip(axes[:, 2], [30, 40, 50, 60]): fig, ax, im = plot_idv_brain(mean_maps_LRP["TN"], PETtemplate, mean_maps_LRP["AD"], z_idx=idx, contour_areas=[], vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, fig=fig, ax=ax, set_nan=False, cmap="hot"); ax.text(10, -20, "True negatives", fontsize=18) for ax, idx in zip(axes[:, 3], [30, 40, 50, 60]): fig, ax, im = plot_idv_brain(mean_maps_LRP["FN"], PETtemplate, mean_maps_LRP["AD"], z_idx=idx, contour_areas=[], vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, fig=fig, ax=ax, set_nan=False, cmap="hot"); ax.text(10, -20, "False negatives", fontsize=18) """ #Plot average heatmaps for TP, FP, TN, FN fig, axes = plt.subplots(3, 4, figsize=(12, 12), sharey=True, sharex=True, constrained_layout=True) vmin, vmax = 50, 99.5 ax = axes[0,0] idx = 36 fig, ax, im = self.plot_idv_brain(mean_maps_LRP["TP"], PETtemplate, mean_maps_LRP["AD"], x_idx=idx,y_idx=slice(0, shape[1]),z_idx=slice(0, shape[2]), contour_areas=[], vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, fig=fig, ax=ax, set_nan=False, cmap="hot"); ax = axes[1,0] idx = 58 fig, ax, im = self.plot_idv_brain(mean_maps_LRP["TP"], PETtemplate, mean_maps_LRP["AD"], x_idx=slice(0, shape[0]),y_idx=idx,z_idx=slice(0, shape[2]), contour_areas=[], vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, fig=fig, ax=ax, set_nan=False, cmap="hot"); ax = axes[2,0] idx = 58 fig, ax, im = self.plot_idv_brain(mean_maps_LRP["TP"], PETtemplate, mean_maps_LRP["AD"], x_idx=slice(0, shape[0]),y_idx=slice(0, shape[1]),z_idx=idx, contour_areas=[], vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, fig=fig, ax=ax, set_nan=False, cmap="hot"); ax.text(10, -20, "True positives", fontsize=18) ax = axes[0,1] idx = 36 fig, ax, im = self.plot_idv_brain(mean_maps_LRP["FP"], PETtemplate, mean_maps_LRP["AD"], x_idx=idx,y_idx=slice(0, shape[1]),z_idx=slice(0, shape[2]), contour_areas=[], vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, fig=fig, ax=ax, set_nan=False, cmap="hot"); ax = axes[1,1] idx = 58 fig, ax, im = self.plot_idv_brain(mean_maps_LRP["FP"], PETtemplate, mean_maps_LRP["AD"], x_idx=slice(0, shape[0]),y_idx=idx,z_idx=slice(0, shape[2]), contour_areas=[], vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, fig=fig, ax=ax, set_nan=False, cmap="hot"); ax = axes[2,1] idx = 58 fig, ax, im = self.plot_idv_brain(mean_maps_LRP["FP"], PETtemplate, mean_maps_LRP["AD"], x_idx=slice(0, shape[0]),y_idx=slice(0, shape[1]),z_idx=idx, contour_areas=[], vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, fig=fig, ax=ax, set_nan=False, cmap="hot"); ax.text(10, -20, "False positives", fontsize=18) ax = axes[0,2] idx = 36 fig, ax, im = self.plot_idv_brain(mean_maps_LRP["TN"], PETtemplate, mean_maps_LRP["AD"], x_idx=idx,y_idx=slice(0, shape[1]),z_idx=slice(0, shape[2]), contour_areas=[], vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, fig=fig, ax=ax, set_nan=False, cmap="hot"); ax = axes[1,2] idx = 58 fig, ax, im = self.plot_idv_brain(mean_maps_LRP["TN"], PETtemplate, mean_maps_LRP["AD"], x_idx=slice(0, shape[0]),y_idx=idx,z_idx=slice(0, shape[2]), contour_areas=[], vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, fig=fig, ax=ax, set_nan=False, cmap="hot"); ax = axes[2,2] idx = 58 fig, ax, im = self.plot_idv_brain(mean_maps_LRP["TN"], PETtemplate, mean_maps_LRP["AD"], x_idx=slice(0, shape[0]),y_idx=slice(0, shape[1]),z_idx=idx, contour_areas=[], vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, fig=fig, ax=ax, set_nan=False, cmap="hot"); ax.text(10, -20, "True negatives", fontsize=18) ax = axes[0,3] idx = 36 fig, ax, im = self.plot_idv_brain(mean_maps_LRP["FN"], PETtemplate, mean_maps_LRP["AD"], x_idx=idx,y_idx=slice(0, shape[1]),z_idx=slice(0, shape[2]), contour_areas=[], vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, fig=fig, ax=ax, set_nan=False, cmap="hot"); ax = axes[1,3] idx = 58 fig, ax, im = self.plot_idv_brain(mean_maps_LRP["FN"], PETtemplate, mean_maps_LRP["AD"], x_idx=slice(0, shape[0]),y_idx=idx,z_idx=slice(0, shape[2]), contour_areas=[], vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, fig=fig, ax=ax, set_nan=False, cmap="hot"); ax = axes[2,3] idx = 58 fig, ax, im = self.plot_idv_brain(mean_maps_LRP["FN"], PETtemplate, mean_maps_LRP["AD"], x_idx=slice(0, shape[0]),y_idx=slice(0, shape[1]),z_idx=idx, contour_areas=[], vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, fig=fig, ax=ax, set_nan=False, cmap="hot"); ax.text(10, -20, "False negatives", fontsize=18) fig.suptitle("Average "+str(map_type)+" for varying cases", fontsize=24, x=.42) # fig.tight_layout() fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.95, right=0.8, hspace=0.05, wspace=0.05) cbar_ax = fig.add_axes([0.85, 0.15, 0.02, 0.7]) cbar = fig.colorbar(im, shrink=0.5, ticks=[vmin, vmax], cax=cbar_ax) vmin_val, vmax_val = np.percentile(mean_maps_LRP["AD"], vmin), np.percentile(mean_maps_LRP["AD"], vmax) cbar.set_ticks([vmin_val, vmax_val])['{0:.1f}%'.format(vmin), '{0:.1f}%'.format(vmax)], fontsize=16) cbar.set_label('Percentile of average AD patient values', rotation=270, fontsize=20) fig.savefig(model_filepath+'/figures/CNN_'+str(map_type)+'_avg_TPvFPvTNvFN_'+str(self.seed)+'.png', bbox_inches='tight') plt.close(fig) return mean_maps_LRP