print("--- INITIALIZING LIBRARIES ---") from import train_model, test_model, initalize_dataloaders, plot_confusion_matrix, plot_roc_curve, plot_image_selection import tomli as tl import torch import os from utils.models import CNN_Net print("--- LIBRARIES INITIALIZED ---") #GET CONFIG SETTINGS if os.getenv('ADL_CONFIG_PATH') is None: with open ('config.toml', 'rb') as f: config = tl.load(f) else: with open(os.getenv('ADL_CONFIG_PATH'), 'rb') as f: config = tl.load(f) device = torch.device(config['cuda']['device']) #For each file in the model directory, run model tests and save results plot_path = config['paths']['plot_output'] model_path = config['paths']['model_output'] test_output_path = config['paths']['testing_record_output'] #get all files in model directory model_files = os.listdir(model_path) #for each model in the model path, determine timestamp from file name and load the model, then test the model print("--- TESTING MODELS ---") for model_file in model_files: #get model name from file name model_name = model_file[:model_file.find("_")] #get timestamp from file name timestamp = model_file[(model_file.find("t-") + 2): model_file.find("_", model_file.find("t-"))] #get seed from file name seed = int(model_file[(model_file.find("s-") + 2): model_file.find("_", model_file.find("s-"))]) print(" - Testing Model: " + timestamp + ", Seed: ", seed) print(" * Loading Dataset") _, _, test_loader, test_set = initalize_dataloaders(config['paths']['mri_data'], config['paths']['xls_data'], config['dataset']['validation_split'], seed, cuda_device=torch.device('cpu'), batch_size=config['training']['batch_size']) print(" * Loading Model") model = torch.load(model_path + model_file) model.eval() print(" * Testing Model") predicted, actual, correct, incorrect, max_preds, max_actuals = test_model(model, test_loader, cuda_device=device) print(" * Accuracy: " + str(correct / (correct + incorrect))) plot_confusion_matrix(max_preds, max_actuals, model_name, timestamp, plot_path) plot_roc_curve(predicted, actual, model_name, timestamp, plot_path) plot_image_selection(model, test_set, model_name, timestamp, plot_path, cuda_device=device)