import torch import torchvision # FOR DATA from utils.preprocess import prepare_datasets, prepare_predict from utils.show_image import show_image from utils.CNN import CNN_Net from import DataLoader from torchvision import datasets from torch import nn from torchvision.transforms import ToTensor # import nonechucks as nc # Used to load data in pytorch even when images are corrupted / unavailable (skips them) # FOR IMAGE VISUALIZATION import nibabel as nib # GENERAL PURPOSE import os import pandas as pd import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import glob import platform print("--- RUNNING ---") print("Pytorch Version: " + torch. __version__) print("Python Version: " + platform.python_version()) # LOADING DATA # data & training properties: val_split = 0.2 # % of val and test, rest will be train seed = 12 # TODO Randomize seed # params = { # "target_rows": 91, # "target_cols": 109, # "depth": 91, # "axis": 1, # "num_clinical": 2, # "CNN_drop_rate": 0.3, # "RNN_drop_rate": 0.1, # # "CNN_w_regularizer": regularizers.l2(2e-2), # # "RNN_w_regularizer": regularizers.l2(1e-6), # "CNN_batch_size": 10, # "RNN_batch_size": 5, # "val_split": 0.2, # "final_layer_size": 5 # } properties = { "batch_size":6, "padding":0, "dilation":1, "groups":1, "bias":True, "padding_mode":"zeros", "drop_rate":0 } # Might have to replace datapaths or separate between training and testing model_filepath = '/data/data_wnx1/rschuurs/Pytorch_CNN-RNN' CNN_filepath = '/data/data_wnx1/rschuurs/Pytorch_CNN-RNN/cnn_net.pth' # cnn_net.pth # mri_datapath = '/data/data_wnx1/rschuurs/Pytorch_CNN-RNN/PET_volumes_customtemplate_float32/' # Small Test mri_datapath = '/data/data_wnx1/_Data/AlzheimersDL/CNN+RNN-2class-1cnn+data/PET_volumes_customtemplate_float32/' # Real data annotations_datapath = './data/data_wnx1/rschuurs/Pytorch_CNN-RNN/LP_ADNIMERGE.csv' # annotations_file = pd.read_csv(annotations_datapath) # DataFrame # show_image(17508) # TODO: Datasets include multiple labels, such as medical info training_data, val_data, test_data = prepare_datasets(mri_datapath, val_split, seed) # Create data loaders train_dataloader = DataLoader(training_data, batch_size=properties['batch_size'], shuffle=True, drop_last=True) test_dataloader = DataLoader(test_data, batch_size=properties['batch_size'], shuffle=True) val_dataloader = DataLoader(val_data, batch_size=properties['batch_size'], shuffle=True) # for X, y in train_dataloader: # print(f"Shape of X [Channels (colors), Y, X, Z]: {X.shape}") # X & Y are from TOP LOOKING DOWN # print(f"Shape of Y (Dataset?): {y.shape} {y.dtype}") # break # Display 4 images and labels. x = 0 while x < 0: train_features, train_labels = next(iter(train_dataloader)) print(f"Feature batch shape: {train_features.size()}") img = train_features[0].squeeze() print(f"Feature batch shape: {img.size()}") image = img[:, :, 40] print(f"Feature batch shape: {image.size()}") label = train_labels[0] print(f"Label: {label}") plt.imshow(image, cmap="gray") plt.savefig(f"./Image{x}_IS:{label}.png") x = x+1 train = False predict = False CNN = CNN_Net(prps=properties, final_layer_size=2) CNN.cuda() # RUN CNN if(train): CNN.train_model(train_dataloader, test_dataloader, CNN_filepath, epochs=20) CNN.evaluate_model(val_dataloader, roc=True) else: CNN.load_state_dict(torch.load(CNN_filepath)) CNN.evaluate_model(val_dataloader, roc=True) # PREDICT MODE TO TEST INDIVIDUAL IMAGES if(predict): on = True print("---- Predict mode ----") print("Integer for image") print("x or X for exit") while(on): inp = input("Next image: ") if(inp == None or inp.lower() == 'x' or not inp.isdigit()): on = False else: dataloader = DataLoader(prepare_predict(mri_datapath, [inp]), batch_size=properties['batch_size'], shuffle=True) prediction = CNN.predict(dataloader) features, labels = next(iter(dataloader), ) img = features[0].squeeze() image = img[:, :, 40] print(f"Expected class: {labels}") print(f"Prediction: {prediction}") plt.imshow(image, cmap="gray") print("--- END ---") # EXTRA # will I need these params? ''' params_dict = { 'CNN_w_regularizer': CNN_w_regularizer, 'RNN_w_regularizer': RNN_w_regularizer, 'CNN_batch_size': CNN_batch_size, 'RNN_batch_size': RNN_batch_size, 'CNN_drop_rate': CNN_drop_rate, 'epochs': 30, 'gpu': "/gpu:0", 'model_filepath': model_filepath, 'image_shape': (target_rows, target_cols, depth, axis), 'num_clinical': num_clinical, 'final_layer_size': final_layer_size, 'optimizer': optimizer, 'RNN_drop_rate': RNN_drop_rate,} params = Parameters(params_dict) # WHAT WAS THIS AGAIN? seeds = [np.random.randint(1, 5000) for _ in range(1)] # READ THIS TO UNDERSTAND TRAIN VS VALIDATION DATA def evaluate_net (seed): n_classes = 2 data_loader = DataLoader((target_rows, target_cols, depth, axis), seed = seed) train_data, val_data, test_data,rnn_HdataT1,rnn_HdataT2,rnn_HdataT3,rnn_AdataT1,rnn_AdataT2,rnn_AdataT3, test_mri_nonorm = data_loader.get_train_val_test(val_split, mri_datapath) print('Length Val Data[0]: ',len(val_data[0])) '''