123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508 |
- import tensorflow as tf
- from keras.layers import Input, Conv3D, MaxPooling3D, Dropout, BatchNormalization, Reshape, Dense, ELU, concatenate, add, Lambda, MaxPooling2D, GRU, Masking, advanced_activations
- from keras.models import Model, save_model
- from keras.optimizers import Adam
- from keras import backend as K
- from tensorflow import reshape, transpose
- from keras.callbacks import LearningRateScheduler
- from keras.metrics import binary_crossentropy
- from keras import activations
- import numpy as np
- import math
- from keras import activations
- from keras.utils import CustomObjectScope
- from skimage.transform import resize
- from tensorflow.python.framework import ops
- import innvestigate
- import innvestigate.utils
- import os
- import sys
- sys.path.append('//data/data_wnx3/data_wnx1/_Data/AlzheimersDL/CNN+RNN-2class-1cnn+data/utils')
- from sepconv3D import SeparableConv3D
- from augmentation import CustomIterator
- model_filepath = '//data/data_wnx3/data_wnx1/_Data/AlzheimersDL/CNN+RNN-2class-1cnn+data'
- ####for 2 class model + RNN###
- class Parameters():
- def __init__ (self, param_dict):
- self.CNN_w_regularizer = param_dict['CNN_w_regularizer']
- self.RNN_w_regularizer = param_dict['RNN_w_regularizer']
- self.CNN_batch_size = param_dict['CNN_batch_size']
- self.RNN_batch_size = param_dict['RNN_batch_size']
- self.CNN_drop_rate = param_dict['CNN_drop_rate']
- self.RNN_drop_rate = param_dict['RNN_drop_rate']
- self.epochs = param_dict['epochs']
- self.gpu = param_dict['gpu']
- self.model_filepath = param_dict['model_filepath'] + '/net.h5'
- self.num_clinical = param_dict['num_clinical']
- self.image_shape = param_dict['image_shape']
- self.final_layer_size = param_dict['final_layer_size']
- self.optimizer = param_dict['optimizer']
- class CNN_Net ():
- def __init__ (self, params):
- self.params = params
- self.xls = Input (shape = (self.params.num_clinical,),name='input_xls')
- self.mri = Input (shape = (self.params.image_shape),name='input_mri')
- self.jac = Input (shape = (self.params.image_shape),name='input_jac')
- xalex3D = XAlex3D(w_regularizer = self.params.CNN_w_regularizer, drop_rate = self.params.CNN_drop_rate, final_layer_size=self.params.final_layer_size)
- with tf.device(self.params.gpu):
- self.fc_CNN = xalex3D (self.mri, self.jac, self.xls)
- self.CNNoutput_class = Dense(units = 2, activation = 'softmax', name = 'CNNclass_output') (self.fc_CNN) #use either 1, sigmoid, binarycrossent OR 2, softmax, sparsecategoricalcrossent
- def train (self, data):
- train_data, val_data = data
- train_samples = train_data[0].shape[0]
- val_samples = len(val_data[0])
- data_flow_train = CustomIterator (train_data, batch_size = self.params.CNN_batch_size,
- shuffle = True)
- data_flow_val = CustomIterator (val_data, batch_size = self.params.CNN_batch_size,
- shuffle = True)
- self.model = Model(inputs = [self.mri,self.jac,self.xls], outputs = [self.CNNoutput_class])
- lrate = LearningRateScheduler(step_decay_CNN)
- callback = [lrate]
- #optimizer = Adam(lr=1e-5)
- self.optimizer = self.params.optimizer
- self.model.compile(optimizer = self.optimizer, loss = 'sparse_categorical_crossentropy', metrics =['acc'])
- self.model.summary()
- history = self.model.fit_generator (data_flow_train,
- steps_per_epoch = train_samples/self.params.CNN_batch_size,
- epochs = self.params.epochs,
- callbacks = callback,
- shuffle = True, #might be being ignored if the input data is a generator??
- validation_data = data_flow_val,
- validation_steps = val_samples/self.params.CNN_batch_size)
- #Save the model
- save_model(self.model,'SavedCNNModel')
- self.model.save_weights('SavedCNNWeights')
- #get features from last layer
- featuresModel = Model(inputs = self.model.input, outputs = self.model.layers[-2].output)
- featuresModel.compile(optimizer = self.params.optimizer, loss = 'sparse_categorical_crossentropy', metrics =['acc'])
- return history.history, featuresModel
- def predict (self, data_test):
- test_mri, test_jac, test_xls, test_labels, test_ptid, test_imageID, test_confid, test_csf = data_test
- # with open('//data/data_wnx3/data_wnx1/_Data/AlzheimersDL/CNN+RNN-2class/figchecks/test_data.txt', 'w') as testdata:
- # testdata.write('{}\n'.format(test_data))
- # testdata.write('{}\n{}\n{}\n{}\n{}\n'.format(len(test_data),len(test_data[0]),len(test_data[1]),len(test_data[2]),len(test_data[3])))
- preds = self.model.predict ([test_mri, test_jac, test_xls])
- return preds
- def evaluate (self, data_test):
- test_mri, test_jac, test_xls, test_labels, test_ptid, test_imageID, test_confid, test_csf = data_test
- metrics = self.model.evaluate (x = [test_mri, test_jac, test_xls], y = test_labels, batch_size = self.params.CNN_batch_size)
- return metrics
- def load_the_weights (self, SavedWeights):
- self.model = Model(inputs = [self.mri,self.jac,self.xls], outputs = [self.CNNoutput_class])
- self.model.compile(optimizer = self.params.optimizer, loss = 'sparse_categorical_crossentropy', metrics =['acc'])
- loaded = self.model.load_weights(SavedWeights)
- return loaded
- def LRP_heatmap(self, img_data, img_number): #https://github.com/albermax/innvestigate
- test_mri, test_jac, test_xls, test_labels, test_ptid, test_imageID, test_confid, test_csf = img_data
- #clear some memory: (these are just pointers anyway?)
- test_labels=0
- test_ptid=0
- test_imageID=0
- test_confid=0
- test_csf=0
- print('kill check models130')
- #create the model without the final softmax layer
- nosoftmax_model = innvestigate.utils.model_wo_softmax(self.model)
- print('kill check models135')
- #create the analyzer
- analyzer = innvestigate.create_analyzer("lrp.z",nosoftmax_model,disable_model_checks=True)
- print('kill check models138')
- ##analyzer = innvestigate.analyzer.LRPZ(nosoftmax_model,disable_model_checks=True)
- #analyze
- analysis = analyzer.analyze([[test_mri[img_number]],[test_jac[img_number]],[test_xls[img_number]]])
- print('shape of initial LRP heatmap: ', analysis.shape)
- analysis /= np.max(np.abs(analysis))
- analysis = np.squeeze(analysis,0)
- print('shape of squeezed LRP heatmap: ', analysis.shape)
- #analysis = np.moveaxis(analysis,0,3)
- #analysis = resize(analysis,(test_mri[img_number].shape)) #maybe this is actually turning the 1 into 91 instead of moving it to the end. maybe try a channels last adjustment or something??
- #analysis = analysis[:,:,:,0,:]
- print('shape of resized LRP heatmap: ', analysis.shape)
- return analysis
- def make_gradcam_heatmap2(self,img_data,img_number): #https://towardsdatascience.com/demystifying-convolutional-neural-networks-using-gradcam-554a85dd4e48 and https://keras.io/examples/vision/grad_cam/
- test_mri, test_jac, test_xls, test_labels, test_ptid, test_imageID, test_confid, test_csf = img_data
- last_conv = self.model.layers[-15] #.get_layer('name')
- grads = K.gradients(self.model.output[:,1],last_conv.output)[0] #[:,x] corresponds to the class I want I think? So AD = 0
- #print('grads: ', grads)
- print('shape of grads: ', grads.shape)
- pooled_grads = K.mean(grads,axis=(0,1,2,3))
- print('shape of pooled_grads: ', pooled_grads.shape)
- iterate = K.function([self.model.input[0],self.model.input[1],self.model.input[2]],[pooled_grads,last_conv.output[0]])
- print('shape of test_mri[j]: ', test_mri[img_number].shape)
- pooled_grads_value,conv_layer_output = iterate([[test_mri[img_number]],[test_jac[img_number]],[test_xls[img_number]]])
- for i in range(48): #range = size of conv layer units? aka number of filters/channels
- conv_layer_output[:,:,:,i] *= pooled_grads_value[i] #conv_layer_output[:,:,i] #multiplies feature maps with pooled grads
- heatmap = np.mean(conv_layer_output,axis=-1) #takes the mean over all the filters/channels to get just one map
- #for x in range(heatmap.shape[0]): #this chunk applies a relu to keep only the features that have a positive influence on the output map
- # for y in range(heatmap.shape[1]):
- # heatmap[x,y] = np.max(heatmap[x,y],0)
- print('shape of initial heatmap: ', heatmap.shape)
- heatmap = np.maximum(heatmap,0) #keeps only the positive values (only keep the features that have a positive influence on the output map)
- heatmap /= np.max(heatmap) #normalizes the heatmap to 0-1 #do I actually want to normalize the same way I normed my images? (x-mean)/std. or min-max?
- heatmap = resize(heatmap,(test_mri[img_number].shape))
- print('shape of resized heatmap: ', heatmap.shape)
- return heatmap
- def guided_backprop(self, img_data, img_number):
- """Guided Backpropagation method for visualizing input saliency."""
- #define new model which changes gradient fn for all relu activations acording to Guided Backpropagation
- if "GuidedBackProp" not in ops._gradient_registry._registry:
- @ops.RegisterGradient("GuidedBackProp")
- def _GuidedBackProp(op, grad):
- dtype = op.inputs[0].dtype
- return grad * tf.cast(grad > 0., dtype) * \
- tf.cast(op.inputs[0] > 0., dtype)
- g = tf.get_default_graph()
- with g.gradient_override_map({'Relu': 'GuidedBackProp'}):
- new_model = self.model
- test_mri, test_jac, test_xls, test_labels, test_ptid, test_imageID, test_confid, test_csf = img_data
- layer_output = new_model.layers[-15].output
- grads = K.gradients(layer_output, [new_model.input[0],new_model.input[1],new_model.input[2]])[0]
- backprop_fn = K.function([new_model.input[0],new_model.input[1],new_model.input[2], K.learning_phase()], [grads])
- grads_val = backprop_fn([[test_mri[img_number]],[test_jac[img_number]],[test_xls[img_number]], 0])[0]
- print('shape of initial gb: ', grads_val.shape)
- #grads_val = resize(grads_val,(test_mri[img_number].shape))
- grads_val = grads_val[0]
- print('shape of resized gb: ', grads_val.shape)
- return grads_val
- class RNN_Net ():
- def __init__ (self, params):
- self.params = params
- self.fc_CNNt1 = Input (shape = (self.params.final_layer_size,)) #Value corresponds to size of final layer in CNN
- self.fc_CNNt2 = Input (shape = (self.params.final_layer_size,))
- self.fc_CNNt3 = Input (shape = (self.params.final_layer_size,))
- #self.fc_CNN = Input (shape = (3,self.params.final_layer_size,)) #for rnn_bgrus_multiTP
- rnn = rnn_bgrus(drop_rate=self.params.RNN_drop_rate, final_layer_size = self.params.final_layer_size, kernel_regularizer=self.params.RNN_w_regularizer)
- with tf.device(self.params.gpu):
- self.fc_RNN = Lambda(rnn, name='rnn')([self.fc_CNNt1,self.fc_CNNt2,self.fc_CNNt3]) #original call without prior masking
- #self.fc_RNN = Lambda(rnn, name='rnn')(self.fc_CNN) #for multi-TP gru
- print('Shape of self.fc_RNN: ', self.fc_RNN.shape)
- self.RNNoutput_class= Dense(units = 2, activation = 'softmax', name = 'RNNclass_output') (self.fc_RNN) #switch to sigmoid from softmax? (for 2 class? for non-sparse categorical?) #back to softmax for multi-class
- def train (self, data):
- train_data, train_labels, val_data, val_labels = data
- #data is now loaded in keeping all scans from same patient aligned across timepoints.
- #That way train_labels can be just one array which applies to all timepoints (necessary because I only ask for 1 output when I define the model!)
- print('train data shape: ', train_data[0].shape)
- print('train labels shape: ', train_labels.shape)
- # self.fc_CNNt1,self.fc_CNNt2,self.fc_CNNt3, train_dataT1,train_dataT2,train_dataT3 = train_data
- train_samples = train_data[0].shape[0]
- # val_samples = len(val_data[0])
- self.model = Model(inputs = [self.fc_CNNt1,self.fc_CNNt2,self.fc_CNNt3], outputs = [self.RNNoutput_class])
- #self.model = Model(inputs = [self.fc_CNN], outputs = [self.RNNoutput_class]) #for multi-TP gru
- lrate = LearningRateScheduler(step_decay_RNN)
- callback = [lrate]
- #optimizer = Adam(lr=1e-5)
- self.optimizer = self.params.optimizer
- self.model.compile(optimizer = self.optimizer, loss = 'sparse_categorical_crossentropy', metrics =['acc'])
- self.model.summary()
- history = self.model.fit(x = train_data,
- y = train_labels,
- batch_size = self.params.RNN_batch_size, #can change this now ...previously seemed to have to be 1...? Otherwise got a mismatch in my last layer being [1,2] instead of [None,2]
- epochs = self.params.epochs,
- callbacks = callback,
- shuffle = True,
- verbose = 1,
- #steps_per_epoch = int(train_samples/self.params.batch_size))#,
- validation_data = (val_data,val_labels))
- #Save the model
- save_model(self.model,'SavedRNNModel')
- self.model.save_weights('SavedRNNWeights')
- return history.history
- def predict (self, data_test):
- test_data, test_labels = data_test
- # with open('//data/data_wnx3/data_wnx1/_Data/AlzheimersDL/CNN+RNN-2class/figchecks/test_data.txt', 'w') as testdata:
- # print(test_mri)
- print('shape of test_predsT1 inside predict: ' , test_data[0].shape)
- # print('test_predsT1 inside predict: ' , test_data[0])
- preds = self.model.predict (test_data, batch_size=self.params.RNN_batch_size)
- return preds
- def evaluate (self, data_test):
- # test_mri, test_jac, test_xls, test_labels = data_test
- test_data, test_labels = data_test
- metrics = self.model.evaluate (x = test_data, y = test_labels, batch_size = self.params.RNN_batch_size) #self.params.batch_size?
- return metrics
- def load_the_weights (self, SavedWeights):
- self.model = Model(inputs = [self.fc_CNNt1,self.fc_CNNt2,self.fc_CNNt3], outputs = [self.RNNoutput_class])
- self.model.compile(optimizer = self.params.optimizer, loss = 'sparse_categorical_crossentropy', metrics =['acc'])
- loaded = self.model.load_weights(SavedWeights)
- return loaded
- def XAlex3D(w_regularizer = None, drop_rate = 0., final_layer_size = 50) :
- #3D Multi-modal deep learning neural network (refer to fig. 4 for chain graph of architecture)
- ###Create the CNN architecture
- def f(mri_volume, mri_volume_jacobian, clinical_inputs):
- #First conv layers
- conv1_left = _conv_bn_relu_pool_drop(192, 11, 13, 11, strides = (4, 4, 4), w_regularizer = w_regularizer,drop_rate = drop_rate, pool=True) (mri_volume)
- #conv1_right = _conv_bn_relu_pool_drop(48, 15, 18, 15, strides = (4, 4, 4), w_regularizer = w_regularizer,drop_rate = drop_rate, pool=True) (mri_volume_jacobian)
- #Second layer
- conv2_left =_conv_bn_relu_pool_drop(384, 5, 6, 5, w_regularizer = w_regularizer, drop_rate = drop_rate, pool=True) (conv1_left)
- #conv2_right =_conv_bn_relu_pool_drop(96, 5, 6, 5, w_regularizer = w_regularizer, drop_rate = drop_rate, pool=True) (conv1_right)
- #conv2_concat = concatenate([conv2_left, conv2_right], axis = -1)
- #Third layer
- #conv3_left =_conv_bn_relu_pool_drop(96, 3, 4, 3, w_regularizer = w_regularizer, drop_rate = drop_rate, pool=True) (conv2_left)
- #conv3_right =_conv_bn_relu_pool_drop(96, 3, 4, 3, w_regularizer = w_regularizer, drop_rate = drop_rate, pool=True) (conv2_right)
- #conv3_concat = concatenate([conv2_left, conv2_right], axis = -1)
- #Introduce Middle Flow (separable convolutions with a residual connection)
- print('residual shape '+str(conv2_left.shape))
- conv_mid_1 = mid_flow (conv2_left, drop_rate, w_regularizer, filters = 384) #changed input to conv2_left from conv2_concat
- # conv_mid_2 = mid_flow (conv_mid_1, drop_rate, w_regularizer, filters = 192)
- #Split channels for grouped-style convolution
- conv_mid_1_1 = Lambda (lambda x:x[:,:,:,:,:192]) (conv_mid_1 )
- conv_mid_1_2 = Lambda (lambda x:x[:,:,:,:,192:]) (conv_mid_1 )
- conv5_left = _conv_bn_relu_pool_drop (96, 3, 4, 3, w_regularizer = w_regularizer, drop_rate = drop_rate, pool=True) (conv_mid_1_1)
- conv5_right = _conv_bn_relu_pool_drop (96, 3, 4, 3, w_regularizer = w_regularizer, drop_rate = drop_rate, pool=True) (conv_mid_1_2)
- conv6_left = _conv_bn_relu_pool_drop (48, 3, 4, 3, w_regularizer = w_regularizer,drop_rate = drop_rate, pool=True) (conv5_left)
- conv6_right = _conv_bn_relu_pool_drop (48, 3, 4, 3, w_regularizer = w_regularizer,drop_rate = drop_rate, pool=True) (conv5_right)
- #conv7_left = _conv_bn_relu_pool_drop (16, 3, 4, 3, w_regularizer = w_regularizer,drop_rate = drop_rate, pool=True) (conv6_left)
- #conv7_right = _conv_bn_relu_pool_drop (16, 3, 4, 3, w_regularizer = w_regularizer,drop_rate = drop_rate, pool=True) (conv6_right)
- conv6_concat = concatenate([conv6_left, conv6_right], axis = -1)
- #convExtra = Conv3D(48, (20,30,20),
- # strides = (1,1,1), kernel_initializer="he_normal",
- # padding="same", kernel_regularizer = w_regularizer)(conv6_concat)
- #Flatten 3D conv network representations
- flat_conv_6 = Reshape((np.prod(K.int_shape(conv6_concat)[1:]),))(conv6_concat)
- #2-layer Dense network for clinical features
- vol_fc1 = _fc_bn_relu_drop(64, w_regularizer = w_regularizer,
- drop_rate = drop_rate)(clinical_inputs)
- flat_volume = _fc_bn_relu_drop(20, w_regularizer = w_regularizer,
- drop_rate = drop_rate)(vol_fc1)
- #Combine image and clinical features embeddings
- fc1 = _fc_bn_relu_drop (20, w_regularizer, drop_rate = drop_rate, name='final_conv') (flat_conv_6)
- #fc2 = _fc_bn_relu_drop (40, w_regularizer, drop_rate = drop_rate) (fc1)
- flat = concatenate([fc1, flat_volume])
- #Final 4D embedding
- fc2 = Dense(units = final_layer_size, activation = 'linear', kernel_regularizer=w_regularizer, name='features') (flat) #was linear activation
- #fc2 = _fc_bn_relu_drop (final_layer_size, w_regularizer, drop_rate = drop_rate) (flat) #this was the orginal final layer
- return fc2
- return f
- ###Define pieces of CNN
- def _fc_bn_relu_drop (units, w_regularizer = None, drop_rate = 0., name = None):
- #Defines Fully connected block (see fig. 3 in paper)
- def f(input):
- fc = Dense(units = units, activation = 'linear', kernel_regularizer=w_regularizer, name = name) (input) #was linear activation
- fc = BatchNormalization()(fc)
- fc = ELU()(fc)
- fc = Dropout (drop_rate) (fc)
- return fc
- return f
- def _conv_bn_relu_pool_drop(filters, height, width, depth, strides=(1, 1, 1), padding = 'same', w_regularizer = None,
- drop_rate = None, name = None, pool = False):
- #Defines convolutional block (see fig. 3 in paper)
- def f(input):
- conv = Conv3D(filters, (height, width, depth),
- strides = strides, kernel_initializer="he_normal",
- padding=padding, kernel_regularizer = w_regularizer, name = name)(input)
- norm = BatchNormalization()(conv)
- elu = ELU()(norm)
- if pool == True:
- elu = MaxPooling3D(pool_size=3, strides=2, padding = 'same') (elu)
- return Dropout(drop_rate) (elu)
- return f
- def _sepconv_bn_relu_pool_drop (filters, height, width, depth, strides = (1, 1, 1), padding = 'same', depth_multiplier = 1, w_regularizer = None,
- drop_rate = None, name = None, pool = False):
- #Defines separable convolutional block (see fig. 3 in paper)
- def f (input):
- sep_conv = SeparableConv3D(filters, (height, width, depth),
- strides = strides, depth_multiplier = depth_multiplier,kernel_initializer="he_normal",
- padding=padding, kernel_regularizer = w_regularizer, name = name)(input)
- sep_conv = BatchNormalization()(sep_conv)
- elu = ELU()(sep_conv)
- if pool == True:
- elu = MaxPooling2D(pool_size=3, strides=2, padding = 'same') (elu)
- return Dropout(drop_rate) (elu)
- return f
- def mid_flow (x, drop_rate, w_regularizer, filters):
- #3 consecutive separable blocks with a residual connection (refer to fig. 4)
- residual = x
- x = _sepconv_bn_relu_pool_drop (filters, 3, 3, 3, padding='same', depth_multiplier = 1, drop_rate=drop_rate, w_regularizer = w_regularizer)(x)
- x = _sepconv_bn_relu_pool_drop (filters, 3, 3, 3, padding='same', depth_multiplier = 1, drop_rate=drop_rate, w_regularizer = w_regularizer)(x)
- x = _sepconv_bn_relu_pool_drop (filters, 3, 3, 3, padding='same', depth_multiplier = 1, drop_rate=drop_rate, w_regularizer = w_regularizer)(x)
- # print('x shape '+str(x.shape))
- x = add([x, residual])
- x = ELU()(x)
- return x
- def step_decay_CNN (epoch):
- #Decaying learning rate function
- initial_lrate = 4e-4
- drop = 0.3
- epochs_drop = 10.0
- lrate = initial_lrate * math.pow(drop,((1+epoch)/epochs_drop))
- return lrate
- def step_decay_RNN (epoch):
- #Decaying learning rate function
- initial_lrate = 2e-3
- drop = 0.3
- epochs_drop = 10.0
- lrate = initial_lrate * math.pow(drop,((1+epoch)/epochs_drop))
- return lrate
- ###Create the RNN
- def rnn_bgrus (drop_rate,final_layer_size, kernel_regularizer=None, mask=None):
- def f(inputs):
- fc2T1 = inputs[0]
- print ('fc2T1_ogShape: ', fc2T1.shape)
- print ('fc2T1_ogShape[0]: ', fc2T1.shape[0])
- fc2T2 = inputs[1]
- fc2T3 = inputs[2]
- batch = K.shape(fc2T1)[0] #just the number of samples in T1 (which is same as T2 and T3)
- unitsA = 100
- unitsB = 100
- unitsC = 100
- #reshape
- fc2T1 = tf.reshape(fc2T1,(batch,1,final_layer_size)) #GRU needs input shape: [batch(aka num_samples), timesteps, feature] should first 1 be params.batch_size?
- fc2T2 = tf.reshape(fc2T2,(batch,1,final_layer_size))
- fc2T3 = tf.reshape(fc2T3,(batch,1,final_layer_size))
- #Add masking layer to handle missing data
- fc2T1_mask = Masking(mask_value=-1, input_shape=(1,final_layer_size))(fc2T1) #needs input shape of (samples, timesteps, features)
- fc2T2_mask = Masking(mask_value=-1, input_shape=(1,final_layer_size))(fc2T2) #should give output shape of (samples,timesteps)
- fc2T3_mask = Masking(mask_value=-1, input_shape=(1,final_layer_size))(fc2T3)
- print('fc2T1_masked: ', fc2T1_mask)
- # first BGRU (a)
- a_forwardT1 = GRU(unitsA,activation='tanh',dropout=drop_rate,kernel_regularizer=kernel_regularizer)(fc2T1_mask) #output shape = (batch_size, timesteps, units)
- a_backwardT1 = GRU(unitsA, activation='tanh', go_backwards=True,dropout=drop_rate,kernel_regularizer=kernel_regularizer)(fc2T1_mask)
- a_forwardT2 = GRU(unitsA,activation='tanh',dropout=drop_rate,kernel_regularizer=kernel_regularizer)(fc2T2_mask)
- a_backwardT2 = GRU(unitsA, activation='tanh', go_backwards=True,dropout=drop_rate,kernel_regularizer=kernel_regularizer)(fc2T2_mask)
- a_forwardT3 = GRU(unitsA,activation='tanh',dropout=drop_rate,kernel_regularizer=kernel_regularizer)(fc2T3_mask)
- a_backwardT3 = GRU(unitsA, activation='tanh', go_backwards=True,dropout=drop_rate,kernel_regularizer=kernel_regularizer)(fc2T3_mask)
- a_gruT1 = concatenate([a_forwardT1, a_backwardT1], axis=-1)
- a_gruT2 = concatenate([a_forwardT2, a_backwardT2], axis=-1)
- a_gruT3 = concatenate([a_forwardT3, a_backwardT3], axis=-1)
- #reshape
- a_gruT1 = tf.reshape(a_gruT1,(batch,1,unitsA*2)) #had 1,200,1...why??
- a_gruT2 = tf.reshape(a_gruT2,(batch,1,unitsA*2))
- a_gruT3 = tf.reshape(a_gruT3,(batch,1,unitsA*2))
- # second BGRU (b)
- b_forwardT1 = GRU(unitsB,activation='tanh',dropout=drop_rate,kernel_regularizer=kernel_regularizer)(a_gruT1) #does this propagate the mask??? Does it need to anymore??
- b_backwardT1 = GRU(unitsB, activation='tanh', go_backwards=True,dropout=drop_rate,kernel_regularizer=kernel_regularizer)(a_gruT1)
- b_forwardT2 = GRU(unitsB,activation='tanh',dropout=drop_rate,kernel_regularizer=kernel_regularizer)(a_gruT2)
- b_backwardT2 = GRU(unitsB, activation='tanh', go_backwards=True,dropout=drop_rate,kernel_regularizer=kernel_regularizer)(a_gruT2)
- b_forwardT3 = GRU(unitsB,activation='tanh',dropout=drop_rate,kernel_regularizer=kernel_regularizer)(a_gruT3)
- b_backwardT3 = GRU(unitsB, activation='tanh', go_backwards=True,dropout=drop_rate,kernel_regularizer=kernel_regularizer)(a_gruT3)
- b_gruT1 = concatenate([b_forwardT1, b_backwardT1], axis=-1)
- b_gruT2 = concatenate([b_forwardT2, b_backwardT2], axis=-1)
- b_gruT3 = concatenate([b_forwardT3, b_backwardT3], axis=-1)
- #reshape
- b_gruT1 = tf.reshape(b_gruT1,(batch,1,unitsB*2))
- b_gruT2 = tf.reshape(b_gruT2,(batch,1,unitsB*2))
- b_gruT3 = tf.reshape(b_gruT3,(batch,1,unitsB*2))
- ##ADD a dropout layer or two; or add dropout to GRU (see documentation)
- # third BGRU (c)
- c_forwardT1 = GRU(unitsC,activation='tanh',dropout=drop_rate,kernel_regularizer=kernel_regularizer)(b_gruT1)
- c_backwardT1 = GRU(unitsC, activation='tanh', go_backwards=True,dropout=drop_rate,kernel_regularizer=kernel_regularizer)(b_gruT1)
- c_forwardT2 = GRU(unitsC,activation='tanh',dropout=drop_rate,kernel_regularizer=kernel_regularizer)(b_gruT2)
- c_backwardT2 = GRU(unitsC, activation='tanh', go_backwards=True,dropout=drop_rate,kernel_regularizer=kernel_regularizer)(b_gruT2)
- c_forwardT3 = GRU(unitsC,activation='tanh',dropout=drop_rate,kernel_regularizer=kernel_regularizer)(b_gruT3)
- c_backwardT3 = GRU(unitsC, activation='tanh', go_backwards=True,dropout=drop_rate,kernel_regularizer=kernel_regularizer)(b_gruT3)
- c_gruT1 = concatenate([c_forwardT1, c_backwardT1], axis=-1)
- c_gruT2 = concatenate([c_forwardT2, c_backwardT2], axis=-1)
- c_gruT3 = concatenate([c_forwardT3, c_backwardT3], axis=-1)
- #reshape
- #c_gruT1 = tf.reshape(c_gruT1,(batch,1,unitsC*2))
- #c_gruT2 = tf.reshape(c_gruT2,(batch,1,unitsC*2))
- #c_gruT3 = tf.reshape(c_gruT3,(batch,1,unitsC*2))
- # fourth BGRU (d)
- #d_forwardT1 = GRU(unitsC,activation='tanh')(c_gruT1)
- #d_backwardT1 = GRU(unitsC, activation='tanh', go_backwards=True)(c_gruT1)
- #d_forwardT2 = GRU(unitsC,activation='tanh')(c_gruT2)
- #d_backwardT2 = GRU(unitsC, activation='tanh', go_backwards=True)(c_gruT2)
- #d_forwardT3 = GRU(unitsC,activation='tanh')(c_gruT3)
- #d_backwardT3 = GRU(unitsC, activation='tanh', go_backwards=True)(c_gruT3)
- #d_gruT1 = concatenate([d_forwardT1, d_backwardT1], axis=-1)
- #d_gruT2 = concatenate([d_forwardT2, d_backwardT2], axis=-1)
- #d_gruT3 = concatenate([d_forwardT3, d_backwardT3], axis=-1)
- #concatenate final BGRU output
- bgru_total = concatenate([c_gruT1, c_gruT2, c_gruT3], axis=-1)
- #Fully connected layer
- rnn_fc1 = Dense(units = 20, activation = 'linear', name = 'RNNfcFinal') (bgru_total)
- rnn_fc1 = Dropout(drop_rate) (rnn_fc1)
- return rnn_fc1
- return f