@@ -0,0 +1,382 @@
+import ivp
+import os
+import cModel
+import sys
+import json
+import numpy
+import time
+import scipy.interpolate
+import shutil
+ 'method':'LSODA',\
+ 'atol':1e-4,\
+ 'rtol':1e-4,\
+ 't0':0,\
+ 'tmax':1,\
+ 'mode':'IVPSimultaneous',\
+ 'nt':201,
+ 'tUnit':'day',\
+ 'network':'labkey-klimt.json',\
+ 'startFromRef':'None',\
+ 'project':'Analysis/Run',\
+ 'schema':'lists',\
+ 'query':'runs',\
+ 'view':'WithStrings'}
+def get(setup,par):
+ try:
+ return setup[par]
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ return defaultValues[par]
+def parseSetup(setupFile):
+ with open(setupFile,'r') as f:
+ setup=json.load(f)
+ out={}
+ for p in defaultValues:
+ out[p]=get(setup,p)
+ #q=[x if not x in out for x in setup]
+ q=[x for x in setup if not x in out]
+ for x in q:
+ out[x]=setup[x]
+ return out
+def getScale(setup):
+ tUnit=setup['tUnit']
+ return convertUnit(tUnit)
+def convertUnit(tUnit):
+ if tUnit=='min':
+ return 1
+ if tUnit=='hour':
+ return 60
+ if tUnit=='day':
+ return 24*60
+ if tUnit=='month':
+ return 24*60*30
+ if tUnit=='year':
+ return 24*60*365
+ return 1
+def getStrides(setup):
+ tmax=float(setup['tmax'])*convertUnit(setup['tUnit'])
+ t0=setup['t0']
+ print('t0 {} tmax {}'.format(t0,tmax))
+ try:
+ stride=setup['stride']
+ except KeyError:
+ return [{'label':'','length':tmax-t0}]
+ #cover tmax with steps of length stride['length']
+ strides=[]
+ strideLength=stride['length']*convertUnit(stride['tUnit'])
+ i=0
+ while t0<tmax:
+ strides.append({'length':strideLength,'label':'_step{:03d}'.format(i)})
+ t0+=strideLength
+ i+=1
+ return strides
+def getFiles(setup, getAll=False):
+ strides=getStrides(setup)
+ readable=['t','sol','se','qt','sOut']
+ #get last stride
+ steps=[strides[-1]]
+ if getAll:
+ steps=strides
+ inFiles=[]
+ for s in steps:
+ l=s['label']
+ inFiles.append({x:'{}{}.txt'.format(x,l) for x in readable})
+ return inFiles
+def main(parFiles,jobDir,startDir='NONE'):
+ model=cModel.model()
+ setupFile=parFiles[0]
+ modelFile=parFiles[1]
+ parameterFile=parFiles[2]
+ model.parse(modelFile,parameterFile)
+ setup=parseSetup(setupFile)
+ scale=getScale(setup)
+ #figure tmax from data
+ #this is a guess
+ tmax=float(setup['tmax'])*scale
+ print('Using {}'.format(jobDir))
+ if startDir!='NONE':
+ print('Using solution from {}'.format(startDir))
+ #t0,y0,s0,lut,lutSE=getStartPointFromDir(startDir)
+ startPoint=getStartPointFromDir(startDir)
+ print('t0={}'.format(startPoint['t0']))
+ else:
+ try:
+ print('Using solution from {}'.format(setup['startFromRef']))
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ startPoint=getStartPoint(setup)
+ print('t0={}'.format(startPoint['t0']))
+ #we should reorder S1 to match model.lutSE
+ #S1 is nxm, so we should reorder columns
+ t0=startPoint['t0']
+ y0=startPoint['y0']
+ s0=startPoint['s0']
+ sIn=numpy.zeros(s0.shape)
+ if s0.size>0:
+ for x in model.lutSE:
+ #this could be modified for different ordering of lut as well
+ sIn[:,model.lutSE[x]]=s0[:,startPoint['lutSE'][x]]
+ #copy t0 to setup to help get the strides right
+ setup['t0']=t0
+ strides=getStrides(setup)
+#number of strides is a guess
+ lastFiles=None
+ for step in strides:
+ #check if stored
+ readable=['t','sol','se','qt','sOut']
+ l=step['label']
+ files=[os.path.join(jobDir,'{}{}.txt'.format(x,l)) for x in readable]
+ filesPresent=all( [os.path.isfile(x) for x in files])
+ if not filesPresent:
+ break
+ print('Completed step {}: {}'.format(l,filesPresent))
+ lastFiles={x:'{}{}.txt'.format(x,l) for x in readable}
+ print('Completed run, lastFiles={}'.format(lastFiles))
+ data=loadSolutionFromFiles(setup,jobDir,[lastFiles])
+ endPoint=startPointObject(data)
+ tmax=endPoint['t0']
+ print('tmax({})={} {}'.format(tmax,tmax/scale,setup['tUnit']))
+ setup['tmax']=tmax/scale
+ #update setup with new content (particularly t0)
+ setupOut=os.path.join(jobDir,'setup.json')
+ with open(setupOut,'w+') as f:
+ f.write(json.dumps(setup))
+ #this is 3D, so new routines
+ print('Written {}'.format(setupOut))
+ #write model and parameter file
+ origFiles=[modelFile,parameterFile]
+ outFiles=["model.json","parameters.json"]
+ for x in zip(origFiles,outFiles):
+ xOut=os.path.join(jobDir,x[1])
+ shutil.copyfile(x[0],xOut)
+ print('Written {}'.format(xOut))
+def interpolate(setup,model,t,s1,t0,tmax):
+ #interpolate on s1
+ #s1 has shape ft x n x m
+ #where ft is LSODE driven number of points
+ sOut=numpy.zeros((setup['nt'],model.n,model.m))
+ qt=numpy.linspace(t0,tmax,setup['nt'])
+ for i in range(model.n):
+ for j in range(model.m):
+ y=s1[:,i,j]
+ f = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(t, y, kind='cubic')
+ sOut[:,i,j]=f(qt)
+ return qt,sOut
+def invertLUT(lut):
+ fcode=[None]*len(lut)
+ for x in lut:
+ fcode[lut[x]]=x
+ return fcode
+def write3D(fName,a,lut,lutSE):
+ with open(fName,'w') as f:
+ f.write('#Shape {}\n'.format(a.shape))
+ f.write('#Lut {}\n'.format(invertLUT(lut)))
+ f.write('#Lut (SE) {}\n'.format(invertLUT(lutSE)))
+ i=0
+ for data_slice in a:
+ f.write('#\t Slice {}\n'.format(i))
+ numpy.savetxt(f,data_slice)
+ i+=1
+def parseLUT(line,isSE=False):
+ SE=''
+ if isSE:
+ SE='(SE)'
+ header='#Lut {}'.format(SE)
+ names=line.replace(header,'').\
+ replace('[','').\
+ replace(']','').\
+ replace(' ','').\
+ replace('\n','').\
+ replace("'",'').\
+ split(',')
+ lut={names[i]:i for i in range(len(names))}
+ return lut
+def parseShape(line):
+ shape=line.replace('#Shape ','').\
+ replace('\n','').\
+ replace('(','').\
+ replace(')','').\
+ split(',')
+ return [int(x) for x in shape]
+def read3D(fName):
+ new_data=numpy.loadtxt(fName)
+ #read and parse first three lines to get shape,lut and lutSE
+ nLines=3
+ with open(fName,'r') as f:
+ lines=[f.readline() for i in range(nLines)]
+ shape=parseShape(lines[0])
+ lut=parseLUT(lines[1])
+ lutSE=parseLUT(lines[2],isSE=True)
+ return new_data.reshape(shape),lut,lutSE
+def loadSolutionFromRef(setup, loadAll=False):
+ if setup['startFromRef']=='None':
+ return {'t':0,'sol':numpy.array([]),'sOut':numpy.array([]),'x':numpy.array([]),'y':numpy.array([])}
+ ref=setup['startFromRef']
+ return loadSolutionFromRunRef(setup,ref,loadAll)
+def connect(setup):
+ nixSuite=os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'),'software','src','nixSuite')
+ sys.path.append(os.path.join(nixSuite,'wrapper'))
+ import nixWrapper
+ nixWrapper.loadLibrary('labkeyInterface')
+ import labkeyInterface
+ import labkeyFileBrowser
+ import labkeyDatabaseBrowser
+ net=labkeyInterface.labkeyInterface()
+ fconfig=os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'),'.labkey',setup['network'])
+ net.init(fconfig)
+ #debug
+ net.getCSRF()
+ db=labkeyDatabaseBrowser.labkeyDB(net)
+ fb=labkeyFileBrowser.labkeyFileBrowser(net)
+ return db,fb
+def getRunRef(setup,key):
+ #get solution from key rather than runRef (easier to copy, understand)
+ db,fb=connect(setup)
+ keyFilter={'variable':'Key','value':'{}'.format(key),'oper':'eq'}
+ ds=db.selectRows(setup['project'],setup['schema'],setup['query'],[keyFilter],setup['view'])
+ try:
+ if len(ds['rows'])==0:
+ return 'NONE'
+ except KeyError:
+ print(ds)
+ return 'NONE'
+ print('Found {} rows for {}'.format(len(ds['rows']),key))
+ return ds['rows'][0]['runRef']
+def loadSolutionFromRunRef(setup,ref,loadAll=False):
+ db,fb=connect(setup)
+ remoteDir=fb.formatPathURL(setup['project'],'/'.join(['jobs',ref]))
+ try:
+ localDir=setup['localDir']
+ except KeyError:
+ localDir=os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'),'temp','jobDir')
+ if not os.path.isdir(localDir):
+ os.mkdir(localDir)
+ #download setup
+ fs=['setup.json','model.json','parameters.json']
+ for f in fs:
+ localPath=os.path.join(localDir,f)
+ remotePath='/'.join([remoteDir,f])
+ fb.readFileToFile(remotePath,localPath)
+ setupFile=os.path.join(localDir,fs[0])
+ setupOld=parseSetup(setupFile)
+ inFiles=getFiles(setupOld,loadAll)
+ #inFiles.extend(parFiles)
+ i=0
+ n=len(inFiles)
+ for fSet in inFiles:
+ for x in fSet:
+ f=fSet[x]
+ localPath=os.path.join(localDir,f)
+ remotePath='/'.join([remoteDir,f])
+ fb.readFileToFile(remotePath,localPath)
+ print('Loaded {}/{} {}'.format(i+1,n,localDir))
+ i+=1
+ return loadSolutionFromDir(localDir,loadAll)
+def merge(a1,a2):
+ try:
+ return numpy.concatenate(a1,a2)
+ except ValueError:
+ return a2
+def loadSolutionFromDir(jobDir,loadAll=False):
+ setupFile=os.path.join(jobDir,'setup.json')
+ setup=parseSetup(setupFile)
+ inFiles=getFiles(setup,loadAll)
+ return loadSolutionFromFiles(setup,jobDir,inFiles)
+def loadSolutionFromFiles(setup,jobDir,inFiles):
+ isFirst=True
+ operators={x:numpy.loadtxt for x in inFiles[0]}
+ operators['sOut']=read3D
+ data={}
+ i=0
+ n=len(inFiles)
+ for fSet in inFiles:
+ idata={}
+ print('Parsing [{}/{}]'.format(i+1,n))
+ for f in fSet:
+ path=os.path.join(jobDir,fSet[f])
+ idata=operators[f](os.path.join(jobDir,fSet[f]))
+ if f=='sOut':
+ lut=idata[1]
+ lutSE=idata[2]
+ idata=idata[0]
+ try:
+ data[f]=numpy.concatenate((data[f],idata))
+ except KeyError:
+ data[f]=idata
+ i+=1
+ data['lut']=lut
+ data['lutSE']=lutSE
+ data['setup']=setup
+ data['model']=os.path.join(jobDir,'model.json')
+ data['parameters']=os.path.join(jobDir,'parameters.json')
+ return data
+def getStartPointFromDir(jobDir):
+ data=loadSolutionFromDir(jobDir)
+ return startPointObject(data)
+def startPointObject(data):
+ vrs={'t':'t0','sol':'y0','sOut':'s0'}
+ out={vrs[x]:data[x][-1] for x in vrs}
+ addVrs=['lut','lutSE']
+ for x in addVrs:
+ out[x]=data[x]
+ return out
+def getStartPoint(setup):
+ if setup['startFromRef']=='None':
+ return {'t0':0,'y0':numpy.array([]),'s0':numpy.array([]),'lut':[],'lutSE':[]}
+ data=loadSolutionFromRef(setup)
+ return startPointObject(data)
+if __name__=="__main__":
+ parFiles=sys.argv[1].split(';')
+ jobDir=sys.argv[2]
+ main(parFiles,jobDir)