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Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/public/zf' into zf

Andrej 3 месяцев назад
1 измененных файлов с 47 добавлено и 1 удалено
  1. 47 1

+ 47 - 1

@@ -1 +1,47 @@
-# Instructions on use
+# Instructions
+## Install code
+Install with 
+git clone https://git0.fmf.uni-lj.si/studen/PBPK_public.git
+Use [GIT][GITinstaller] for Windows. More instructions on the web page.
+## Dependencies
+On top of python, you'll need numpy and scipy. Install using pip
+pip3 install numpy,scipy
+Use windows terminal (ie. cmd.exe)
+## Use 
+Follow `cDiazepam.json`. Basic instructions:
+- `runSolver.main(setup,model,parameters,jobDir,srcDir)` 
+   This constructs a model from the model file, sets it up with parameters from parameters file, uses the setup to drive calculation which it stores in jobDir. If srcDir is not a string NONE, it takes the solution from srcDir and continues it until tmax in setup is reached.
+- `runSolver.loadSolutionFromDir(jobDir,True)` 
+   Read solution from dir jobDir. Returns a dict with fields 
+   t,sol,se,qt,sOut,lut,lutSE,setup,model,parameters,qt,sOut where:
+    - t is the sequence of time points
+    - sol is the list of solutions for each compartment at each time point
+    - se is the error 
+    - lut is the look up table of named containers / indices pairs where index points to a list in solution, ie `['sol'][lut[containerName],j]` is the concentration of containerName at time point j
+    - lutSE is the lookup table of parameters
+    - setup is the parsed setup file
+    - parameters are the parsed parameters
+    - model is the model parse model
+[GITinstaller]: https://www.git-scm.com/download/win