@@ -18,7 +18,76 @@ def getEdges(a):
return e
-def calculateDistribution(fy,muTarget,mu,cv,dydp):
+def deltaDistribution(xTarget):
+ yTarget=numpy.zeros(len(xTarget))
+#fill bin at 0
+ n=numpy.argmin(numpy.abs(xTarget))
+ yTarget[n]=1
+ return yTarget
+def scale(xTarget,xOrig,yOrig,scale,sign=1):
+ f = scipy.interpolate.CubicSpline(xOrig, yOrig)
+ x0=numpy.min(xOrig)
+ x1=numpy.max(xOrig)
+ yTarget=[f(sign*scale*x) if sign*x>x0 and sign*scale*x<x1 else 0 for x in xTarget]
+ s=numpy.sum(yTarget)
+ if s==0:
+ yTarget=deltaDistribution(xTarget)
+ else:
+ yTarget/=s
+ return yTarget
+def cDistScaled(gx,qa,cv,sign=+1,nbins=100,umax=5):
+ sigmaS=numpy.sqrt(numpy.log(1+cv*cv))
+ muS=numpy.log(qa/numpy.sqrt(1+cv*cv))
+ q=1/numpy.sum(qa)
+ muS1=muS+numpy.log(q)
+#temporary space to convolve
+ qx=numpy.linspace(0,umax,nbins)
+ qy=convolveLN.convolveLN(qx,sigmaS,muS1)
+ gy=scale(gx,qx,qy,q,sign)
+ return gy
+def shift(xTarget,xOrig,yOrig,shift):
+ f = scipy.interpolate.CubicSpline(xOrig, yOrig)
+ x0=numpy.min(xOrig)
+ x1=numpy.max(xOrig)
+ yTarget=[f(x-shift) if x-shift>x0 and x-shift<x1 else 0 for x in xTarget]
+ s=numpy.sum(yTarget)
+ if s==0:
+ #fill bin at 0
+ n=numpy.argmin(numpy.abs(xTarget))
+ yTarget[n]=1
+ else:
+ yTarget/=s
+ return yTarget
+def calculateDistribution(xTarget,muTarget,mu,cv,dydp,nbins=100,umax=5):
+ #calculate distribution of random variable y with a functional dependence
+ #on random parameters p, each with a log-normal
+ #distribution with a mean mu(p) and coefficients of variation cv(p)
+ #and dydp giving partial derivatives of y on p
+ #muTarget is the target mean of distribution
+ #xTarget is the set of values x where distribution is evaluated at
+ #Parameters mu, cv and dydp are given as vectors/lists
+ qa=mu*dydp
+ y0=numpy.max(numpy.abs(qa))
+ fx=numpy.linspace(-5*y0,5*y0,201)
+ sign=qa>=0
+ fy1=cDistScaled(fx,qa[sign],cv[sign],nbins=nbins,umax=umax)
+ fy2=cDistScaled(fx,-qa[~sign],cv[~sign],sign=-1,nbins=nbins,umax=umax)
+ fy=scipy.signal.convolve(fy1,fy2,'same')
+ a=numpy.average(fx,weights=fy)
+ return shift(xTarget,fx,fy,muTarget-a)
+def calculateDistribution1(fy,muTarget,mu,cv,dydp):
#calculate distribution of random variable y with a functional dependence
#on random parameters p, each with a log-normal
#distribution with a mean mu(p) and coefficients of variation cv(p)
@@ -27,7 +96,8 @@ def calculateDistribution(fy,muTarget,mu,cv,dydp):
#fy is the set of values y where distribution is evaluated at
#Parameters mu, cv and dydp are given as vectors/lists
+ print(f'muTarget={muTarget}')
+ print('mu={}'.format(mu))
#parameters qa should be around 1