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  1. import numpy as np
  2. import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
  3. import os
  4. import json
  5. import cModel
  6. import runSolver
  7. import importlib
  8. importlib.reload(cModel)
  9. importlib.reload(runSolver)
  10. # Load data
  11. def load_data(modelName, jobDir):
  12. Q = runSolver.loadSolutionFromDir(jobDir, True)
  13. return Q
  14. def print_lut_keys(Q):
  15. lut = Q['lut']
  16. # Debug information - removed print statements
  17. # print("Available keys in lut:")
  18. # for key in lut:
  19. # print(f"Key: {key}, Index: {lut[key]}")
  20. def plot_rbc_to_plasma_ratio(Q):
  21. lut = Q['lut']
  22. # Debug information - removed print statements
  23. # print("Available keys in lut:", lut.keys())
  24. # Example keys based on available compartments
  25. red_blood_cells_key = 'arterial'
  26. plasma_key = 'venous'
  27. if red_blood_cells_key not in lut or plasma_key not in lut:
  28. raise KeyError(f"Expected keys '{red_blood_cells_key}' or '{plasma_key}' are missing in 'lut'.")
  29. fy1 = Q['sol'][:, lut[red_blood_cells_key]]
  30. fy = Q['sol'][:, lut[plasma_key]]
  31. qy = fy1[1:] / fy[1:]
  32. t = Q['t']
  33. plt.plot(t[1:], qy)
  34. plt.xlabel('Time')
  35. plt.ylabel('RBC/Plasma Ratio')
  36. plt.title('RBC to Plasma Ratio Over Time')
  38. # Parse model and retrieve parameters
  39. def parse_and_retrieve_parameters(modelFile, parameterFile):
  40. model = cModel.model()
  41. model.parse(modelFile, parameterFile)
  42. # Debug information - removed print statement
  43. # print('w(oI) {}'.format(model.getWeight('oralIngestion')))
  44. return model
  45. def calculate_derivatives_weights(model, sOut, lut, compartment):
  46. """
  47. Calculate derivatives and weights for a specific compartment and print sorted results.
  48. Parameters:
  49. - model: An instance of the model object
  50. - sOut: Simulation output data
  51. - lut: Look-up table (LUT) of compartments
  52. - compartment: The compartment for which to calculate derivatives and weights
  53. """
  54. try:
  55. # Compute derivatives for the specified compartment
  56. d = model.getDerivatives(sOut, lut[compartment])
  57. print(sOut)
  58. print(lut[compartment])
  59. # Retrieve the LUT for parameter indices and weights
  60. lutSE = model.lutSE # Accessing lutSE as an attribute
  61. w = model.getWeights(lutSE)
  62. print(lutSE)
  63. print(w)
  64. print(d)
  65. # Ensure the lengths of arrays match
  66. if len(lutSE) != len(d) or len(lutSE) != len(w):
  67. raise ValueError("Mismatch in lengths of LUT, derivatives, or weights.")
  68. # Calculate weighted derivatives
  69. s = {x: d[lutSE[x]] * w[lutSE[x]] for x in lutSE}
  70. s = dict(sorted(s.items(), key=lambda item: item[1], reverse=True))
  71. # Print the results
  72. print(f"Top 10 derivatives and weights for compartment '{compartment}':")
  73. for p in list(s)[:10]:
  74. j = lutSE[p]
  75. print(f'{p}: Weighted Derivative = {d[j] * w[j]:.2g} (Derivative = {d[j]:.2g}, Weight = {w[j]:.2g})')
  76. except AttributeError as e:
  77. print(f"Error accessing model methods or attributes: {e}")
  78. except ValueError as e:
  79. print(f"Value error: {e}")
  80. def retrieve_and_calculate_total_mass(model, setup):
  81. tscale = runSolver.getScale(setup)
  82. # Attempt to retrieve parameters with attribute checking
  83. blood_to_plasma_pc_scale = getattr(model, 'bloodToPlasmaPCscale', None)
  84. blood_volume = getattr(model, 'bloodVolume', None)
  85. # Print debug information
  86. if blood_to_plasma_pc_scale is not None:
  87. print(f'Blood to Plasma PC Scale: {blood_to_plasma_pc_scale}')
  88. else:
  89. print('Blood to Plasma PC Scale parameter is missing.')
  90. if blood_volume is not None:
  91. print(f'Blood Volume: {blood_volume}')
  92. else:
  93. print('Blood Volume parameter is missing.')
  94. return blood_to_plasma_pc_scale, blood_volume
  95. def main(): #PAZI MODEL in PArameter File morta bit ista!!!
  96. # Define job directory and model files
  97. jobDir = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), 'Documents', 'Sola', 'IJS', 'PBPK_public', 'cDiazepam1_IVP')
  98. modelFile = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), 'Documents', 'Sola', 'IJS', 'PBPK_public', 'models', 'cDiazepam.json')
  99. parameterFile = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), 'Documents', 'Sola', 'IJS', 'PBPK_public', 'models', 'cDiazepam_parameters.json')
  100. # Load data
  101. Q = load_data('cDiazepam1_IVP', jobDir)
  102. # Plot RBC to Plasma Ratio
  103. plot_rbc_to_plasma_ratio(Q)
  104. # Parse model and retrieve parameters
  105. model = parse_and_retrieve_parameters(modelFile, parameterFile)
  106. # Calculate derivatives and weights for 'kidney'
  107. compartment = 'kidney'
  108. calculate_derivatives_weights(model, Q['sOut'], Q['lut'], compartment)
  109. # Retrieve model and calculate total mass
  110. setup = Q['setup']
  111. retrieve_and_calculate_total_mass(model, setup)
  112. if __name__ == "__main__":
  113. main()