@@ -1,740 +0,0 @@
-import qt
-import urllib3
-import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
-import re
-import slicer
-import shutil
-import distutils
-import os
-import json
-import chardet
-import io
-#mimics labkeyInterface
-class slicerNetwork(slicer.ScriptedLoadableModule.ScriptedLoadableModule):
- def __init__(self, parent):
- slicer.ScriptedLoadableModule.ScriptedLoadableModule.__init__(self,parent)
- self.parent.title="slicerNetwork"
- pass
-class DummyResponse:
- pass
-class labkeyURIHandler(slicer.vtkURIHandler):
- def __init__(self):
- slicer.vtkURIHandler.__init__(self)
- self.className="labkeyURIHandler"
- slicer.mrmlScene.AddURIHandler(self)
- fhome=os.path.expanduser('~')
- self.localCacheDirectory=os.path.join(fhome,"labkeyCache")
- self.configDir=os.path.join(fhome,".labkey")
- #try initializing network from default config file, if found
- self.initFromConfig()
- def CanHandleURI(self,uri):
- print("labkeyURIHandler::CanHandleURI({0})".format(uri))
- if uri.find('labkey://')==0:
- return 1
- return 0
- def GetClassName(self):
- return self.className
- def GetHostName(self):
- self.hostname=self.connectionConfig['host']
- print("Host name:{}".format(self.hostname))
- return self.hostname
- def SetHostName(self,host):
- try:
- self.connectionConfig['host']=host
- except AttributeError:
- self.connectionConfig={}
- self.connectionConfig['host']=host
- self.hostname=host
- def SetLocalCahceDirectory(self,dir):
- self.localCacheDirectory=dir
- def GetLocalCacheDirectory(self):
- return self.localCacheDirectory
- def GetLabkeyUrl(self):
- return self.GetHostName()+"/labkey"
- def GetLabkeyWebdavUrl(self):
- return self.GetLabkeyUrl()+"/_webdav"
- #configuration part
- def configureSSL(self,cert=None,key=None,pwd=None,cacert=None):
- print("configure SSL: {}".format(cert))
- if not cert==None:
- self.http = urllib3.PoolManager(\
- cert_file=cert,\
- cert_reqs='CERT_REQUIRED',\
- key_file=key,\
- ca_certs=cacert)
- else:
- self.http = urllib3.PoolManager(\
- cert_reqs='CERT_REQUIRED',\
- ca_certs=cacert)
- def initRemote(self):
- #assume self.connectionConfig is set
- self.http=urllib3.PoolManager()
- try:
- config=self.connectionConfig
- except AttributeError:
- print("ConnectionConfig not initialized")
- return
- if 'SSL' in self.connectionConfig:
- print("Setting up SSL")
- try:
- cert=self.connectionConfig['SSL']['user']
- except KeyError:
- print("No user cert supplied")
- return
- try:
- key=self.connectionConfig['SSL']['key']
- except KeyError:
- print("No user key supplied")
- return
- try:
- ca=self.connectionConfig['SSL']['ca']
- except KeyError:
- print("No CA cert supplied")
- return
- self.configureSSL(cert,key,None,ca)
- def initFromConfig(self):
- print("slicerNetwork: initFromConfig")
- path=os.path.join(self.configDir,"Remote.json")
- try:
- self.parseConfig(path)
- except OSError:
- return
- self.initRemote()
- def parseConfig(self,fname,parent=None):
- print("slicerNetwork: parseConfig")
- try:
- with open(fname) as f:
- self.connectionConfig=json.load(f)
- except OSError as e:
- print("Confgiuration error: OS error({0}): {1}".format(e.errno, e.strerror))
- raise
- except AttributeError:
- print("Troubles parsing json at {}".format(fname))
- if not parent==None:
- parent.userCertButton.setText(self.connectionConfig['SSL']['user'])
- parent.caCertButton.setText(self.connectionConfig['SSL']['ca'])
- parent.privateKeyButton.setText(self.connectionConfig['SSL']['key'])
- parent.pwd=self.connectionConfig['SSL']['keyPwd']
- self.hostname=self.connectionConfig['host']
- self.auth_name=self.connectionConfig['labkey']['user']
- self.auth_pass=self.connectionConfig['labkey']['password']
- if not parent==None:
- parent.serverURL.setText(self.connectionConfig['host'])
- parent.authName.setText(self.connectionConfig['labkey']['user'])
- parent.authPass.setText(self.connectionConfig['labkey']['password'])
- #path convention
- #localPath is a path on local filesystem. It means it has to adhere to OS
- #policy, especially in separators
- #relativePath is just the portion of the path that is equal both locally
- #and remotely. In relativePath, separator is according to http convention,
- #which equals separator in osx and *nix
- #labkeyPath or remotePath is the full URL to the resource,
- #including http-like header and all intermediate portions
- #the following functions convert between different notations
- #was GetLocalPath
- def GetLocalPathFromRelativePath(self,relativePath):
- debug=False
- relativePath=re.sub('labkey://','',relativePath)
- sp=os.sep.encode('unicode_escape').decode('utf-8')
- if debug:
- print("Substituting / with {0} in {1}".format(sp,relativePath))
- relativePath=re.sub('/',sp,relativePath)
- return os.path.join(self.GetLocalCacheDirectory(),relativePath)
- #was GetRemotePath
- def GetLabkeyPathFromRelativePath(self,source):
- return self.GetLabkeyWebdavUrl()+"/"+source
- #was GetLabkeyPathFromLocalPath
- def GetRelativePathFromLocalPath(self,f):
- debug=False
- #report it with URL separator, forward-slash
- if f.find(self.localCacheDirectory)<-1:
- print("Localpath misformation. Exiting")
- return "NULL"
- f0=re.sub('\\\\','\\\\\\\\',self.localCacheDirectory)
- relativePath=re.sub(re.compile(f0),'',f)
- if debug:
- print("[SEP] Relative path {}".format(relativePath))
- #leaves /ContextPath/%40files/subdirectory_list/files
- #remove first separator
- sp=os.path.sep
- f1=re.sub('\\\\','\\\\\\\\',sp)
- if relativePath[0]==sp:
- relativePath=relativePath[1:len(relativePath)]
- if debug:
- print("[SLASH] Relative path {}".format(relativePath))
- return re.sub(f1,'/',relativePath)
- #was GetLabkeyPathFromRemotePath
- def GetRelativePathFromLabkeyPath(self,f):
- #used to query labkey stuff, so URL separator is used
- #in old conventions, labkey://was used to tag a labkeyPath
- f=re.sub('labkey://','',f)
- f=re.sub(self.GetLabkeyWebdavUrl(),'',f)
- if f[0]=='/':
- f=f[1:len(f)]
- return f;
- def getBasicAuth(self):
- user=self.connectionConfig['labkey']['user']
- pwd=self.connectionConfig['labkey']['password']
- #debug
- return user+":"+pwd
- #standard HTTP
- def get(self,url,binary=False):
- debug=True
- if debug:
- print("GET: {0}".format(url))
- print("as {0}".format(self.connectionConfig['labkey']['user']))
- headers=urllib3.util.make_headers(basic_auth=self.getBasicAuth())
- try:
- if not binary:
- return self.http.request('GET',url,headers=headers)
- else:
- return self.http.request('GET',url,headers=headers,preload_content=False)
- #f contains json as a return value
- #f contains json as a return value
- except urllib3.exceptions.HTTPError as e:
- print("HTTP error {}".format(e))
- response=DummyResponse()
- response.status=1000
- response.data=str(e)
- return response
- #a HEAD request
- def head(self,url):
- debug=False
- if debug:
- print("HEAD: {0}".format(url))
- print("as {0}".format(self.auth_name))
- headers=urllib3.util.make_headers(basic_auth=self.getBasicAuth())
- try:
- return self.http.request('HEAD',url,headers=headers)
- except urllib3.exceptions.HTTPError as e:
- print(e)
- response=DummyResponse()
- response.status=1000
- response.data=str(e)
- return response
- def post(self,url,data):
- debug=False
- headers=urllib3.util.make_headers(basic_auth=self.getBasicAuth())
- headers["Content-Type"]="application/json"
- #add csrf;also sets self.cookie
- headers["X-LABKEY-CSRF"]=self.getCSRF()
- headers["Cookie"]=self.cookie
- try:
- return self.http.request('POST',url,headers=headers,body=data)
- #f contains json as a return value
- except urllib3.exceptions.HTTPError as e:
- print(e)
- response=DummyResponse()
- response.status=1000
- response.data=str(e)
- return response
- def put(self,url,data):
- debug=False
- if debug:
- print("PUT: {}".format(url))
- headers=urllib3.util.make_headers(basic_auth=self.getBasicAuth())
- headers["Content-Type"]="application/octet-stream"
- #add csrf
- headers["X-LABKEY-CSRF"]=self.getCSRF()
- headers["Cookie"]=self.cookie
- try:
- return self.http.request('PUT',url,headers=headers,body=data)
- #f contains json as a return value
- except urllib3.exceptions.HTTPError as e:
- print(e)
- response=DummyResponse()
- response.status=1000
- response.data=str(e)
- return response
- def sendRequest(self,url,requestCode):
- debug=False
- headers=urllib3.util.make_headers(basic_auth=self.getBasicAuth())
- #add csrf;also sets self.cookie
- headers["X-LABKEY-CSRF"]=self.getCSRF()
- headers["Cookie"]=self.cookie
- try:
- return self.http.request(requestCode,url,headers=headers)
- #f contains json as a return value
- except urllib3.exceptions.HTTPError as e:
- print(e)
- response=DummyResponse()
- response.status=1000
- response.data=str(e)
- return response
- def mkcol(self,url):
- return self.sendRequest(url,'MKCOL')
- def delete(self,url):
- return self.sendRequest(url,'DELETE')
- def propfind(self,url,PROPFIND):
- headers=urllib3.util.make_headers(basic_auth=self.getBasicAuth())
- headers["Content-Type"]='text/xml; charset="utf-8"'
- headers['content-length']=str(len(PROPFIND))
- headers['Depth']='1'
- #add csrf
- headers["X-LABKEY-CSRF"]=self.getCSRF()
- headers["Cookie"]=self.cookie
- try:
- return self.http.request('PROPFIND',url,headers=headers,body=PROPFIND)
- #f contains json as a return value
- except urllib3.exceptions.HTTPError as e:
- print(e)
- response=DummyResponse()
- response.status=1000
- response.data=str(e)
- return response
- @staticmethod
- def HTTPStatus(response,method=None):
- if response.status==200:
- return True
- if method=='propfind':
- if response.status==207:
- return True
- print("Status: {}".format(response.status))
- print("Data: {}".format(response.data))
- return False
- #a good testing routine; CSRF is required for content modifying requests
- def getCSRF(self):
- url=self.GetLabkeyUrl()+'/login/whoAmI.view'
- try:
- response=self.get(url)
- if not labkeyURIHandler.HTTPStatus(response):
- return None
- encoding=chardet.detect(response.data)['encoding']
- jsonData=json.loads(response.data.decode(encoding))
- except AttributeError:
- print("Response: {}".response.data)
- print("Failed")
- return None
- #local cookie jar
- self.cookie=response.getheader('Set-Cookie')
- print("CSRF: {}".format(jsonData["CSRF"]))
- user=jsonData['email']
- if not user==self.connectionConfig['labkey']['user']:
- print("User mismatch: {}/{}".format(user,self.connectionConfig['labkey']['user']))
- return None
- return jsonData["CSRF"]
- #file manipulation routiens
- #was GetFile
- def DownloadFileToCache(self,relativePath):
- debug=True
- # check for file in cache. If available, use, if not, download
- localPath=self.GetLocalPathFromRelativePath(relativePath)
- if os.path.isfile(localPath):
- if debug:
- print("Returning localFile {}".format(localPath))
- return localPath
- if debug:
- print("labkeyURIHandler::DownloadFileToCache({0}->{1})".format(relativePath,localPath))
- #make all necessary directories LOCALLY
- path=os.path.dirname(localPath)
- if debug:
- print("Target directory: '{}''".format(path))
- if not os.path.isdir(path):
- os.makedirs(path)
- #make sure we are at the begining of the file
- #labkeyPath=self.GetLabkeyPathFromRelativePath(relativePath)
- remoteBuffer=self.readFileToBuffer(relativePath)
- #check file size
- if debug:
- print("Remote size: {}".format(remoteBuffer.seek(0,2)))
- remoteBuffer.seek(0)
- with open(localPath,'wb') as localBuffer:
- shutil.copyfileobj(remoteBuffer,localBuffer)
- print("Local size: {}".format(os.path.getsize(localPath)))
- return localPath
- def fileTypesAvailable(self):
- return ('VolumeFile','SegmentationFile','TransformFile')
- #mimic slicer.util.loadNodeFromFile
- def loadNode(self, relativeName, filetype, properties={},returnNode=False, keepCached=True):
- #this is the only relevant part - file must be downloaded to cache
- #labkeyName is just the relative part (from labkey onwards)
- localPath=self.DownloadFileToCache(relativeName)
- if not returnNode:
- slicer.util.loadNodeFromFile(localPath,filetype,properties,returnNode=False)
- if not keepCached:
- os.remove(localPath)
- return
- ok,node=slicer.util.loadNodeFromFile(localPath,filetype,properties,returnNode=True)
- if ok:
- if not keepCached:
- os.remove(localPath)
- return node
- os.remove(localPath)
- return None
- # #remove retrieved file
- def storeNode(self,node,project,dir=None):
- removeFile=True
- relativePath=project+'/%40files'
- if not dir==None:
- relativePath+='/'+dir
- labkeyPath=self.GetLabkeyPathFromRelativePath(relativePath)
- print ("Remote: {}".format(labkeyPath))
- #checks if exists
- self.mkdir(labkeyPath)
- localPath=self.GetLocalPathFromRelativePath(relativePath)
- localPath.replace('/',os.path.sep)
- nodeName=node.GetName()
- suffix=".nrrd"
- if node.__class__.__name__=="vtkMRMLDoubleArrayNode":
- suffix=".mcsv"
- if node.__class__.__name__=="vtkMRMLTransformNode":
- suffix=".h5"
- fileName=nodeName+suffix
- file=os.path.join(localPath,fileName)
- slicer.util.saveNode(node,file)
- print("Stored to: {}".format(file))
- f=open(file,"rb")
- f.seek(0,2)
- sz=f.tell()
- print("File size in memory: {0}".format(sz))
- f.seek(0)
- localBuffer=f.read()
- print("Local buffer size: {}".format(len(localBuffer)))
- remoteFile=labkeyPath+'/'+fileName
- resp=self.put(remoteFile,localBuffer)
- print(resp.read())
- f.close()
- if removeFile:
- os.remove(file)
- def entryExists(self,url):
- #use head
- response=self.head(url)
- return labkeyURIHandler.HTTPStatus(response)
- def remoteDirExists(self,url):
- #weaker, just checks if there is an entry at url, does not check wheter it is a dir
- return self.entryExists(url)
- #stronger, but more complicated
- return self.isRemoteDir(url)
- def mkdir(self,remoteDir):
- if self.remoteDirExists(remoteDir):
- return False
- response=self.mkcol(remoteDir)
- return labkeyURIHandler.HTTPStatus(response)
- def mkdirs(self,remoteDir):
- relativePath=self.GetRelativePathFromLabkeyPath(remoteDir)
- s=0
- while True:
- s1=relativePath.find('/',s)
- if s1<0:
- break
- path=relativePath[0:s1]
- remotePath=self.GetLabkeyPathFromRelativePath(relativePath)
- dirExists=self.remoteDirExists(remotePath)
- if not dirExists:
- if not self.mkdir(remotePath):
- return False
- s=s1+1
- return self.mkdir(remoteDir)
- def rmdir(self,remoteDir):
- if not self.remoteDirExists(remoteDir):
- return True
- return labkeyURIHandler.HTTPStatus(self.delete(remoteDir))
- #was listDir
- def listRelativeDir(self,relativeDir):
- print("Listing for {0}".format(relativeDir))
- dirUrl=self.GetLabkeyPathFromRelativePath(relativeDir)
- print("Setting url: {}".format(dirUrl))
- status,dirs=self.listRemoteDir(dirUrl)
- dirs=[self.GetRelativePathFromLabkeyPath(d) for d in dirs];
- return dirs
- #was isDir
- def isRemoteDir(self, remotePath):
- #print "isDir: {}".format(remotePath)
- PROPFIND=u"""<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>\n
- <a:propfind xmlns:a="DAV:">\n
- <a:prop>\n
- <a:resourcetype/>\n
- </a:prop>\n
- </a:propfind>"""
- response=self.propfind(remotePath,PROPFIND)
- if not labkeyURIHandler.HTTPStatus(response,method='propfind'):
- print("Bad status")
- return False
- try:
- tree=ET.XML(response.data)
- except ET.ParseError:
- #print(f.data.decode('utf-8'))
- #if directory is not there, a 404 response will be made by HTTP, which is not an xml file
- #we are safe to assume the directory is not there
- return False
- try:
- rps=tree.find('{DAV:}response').find('{DAV:}propstat')
- rps=rps.find('{DAV:}prop')
- rps=rps.find('{DAV:}resourcetype').find('{DAV:}collection')
- if rps != None:
- return True
- else:
- return False
- except:
- return False
- def listRemoteDir(self,dirUrl):
- #input is remoteDir, result are remoteDirs
- PROPFIND=u"""<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>\n
- <propfind xmlns="DAV:">\n
- <prop>\n
- <getetag/>\n
- </prop>\n
- </propfind>"""
- response=self.propfind(dirUrl,PROPFIND)
- if not labkeyURIHandler.HTTPStatus(response,method='propfind'):
- print("Bad status")
- return False,[]
- try:
- tree=ET.XML(response.data)
- except ET.ParseError:
- print("Fail to parse XML")
- return False,[]
- rps=tree.findall('{DAV:}response')
- dirs=[]
- for r in rps:
- hr=r.find('{DAV:}href')
- dirent=hr.text
- #dirent=re.sub('/labkey/_webdav/','',dirent)
- dirent=self.GetHostName()+dirent
- dirs.append(dirent)
- del dirs[0]
- return True,dirs
- def toRelativePath(self,dirs):
- flist1=[]
- for d in dirs:
- if d[-1]=='/':
- d=d[:-1]
- if d.rfind('/')>-1:
- d=d[d.rfind('/')+1:]
- flist1.append(d)
- return flist1
- def readFileToBuffer(self, relativePath):
- dirUrl=self.GetLabkeyPathFromRelativePath(relativePath)
- response=self.get(dirUrl,binary=True)
- if not labkeyURIHandler.HTTPStatus(response):
- return io.BytesIO()
- #this will collect for all data
- remoteBuffer=io.BytesIO(response.data)
- response.release_conn()
- return remoteBuffer
- def uploadFile(self,localPath):
- #get upstream directories sorted out
- relativePath=self.GetRelativePathFromLocalPath(localPath)
- if relativePath=="NULL":
- errorCode="Failed to upload {}. Potential incorrect location"
- errorCode+=". Should be in labkeyCache!"
- print(errorCode.format(relativePath))
- return False
- relativeDir=relativePath[0:labkeyPath.rfind('/')]
- remoteDir=self.GetLabkeyPathFromRemotePath(relativeDir)
- if not self.remoteDirExists(remoteDir):
- if not self.mkdirs(remoteDir):
- errorCode="UploadFile: Could not create directory {}"
- print(errorCode.format(remoteDir))
- return False
- #make an URL request
- with open(localPath, 'rb') as f:
- data=f.read()
- remotePath=self.GetLabkeyPathFromRelativePath(relativePath)
- self.put(remotePath,data)
- #was copyFileToRemote
- def copyLocalFileToRemote(self,localPath, remotePath):
- #get upstream directories sorted out
- remoteDir=os.path.dirname(remotePath)
- if not self.remoteDirExists(remoteDir):
- if not self.mkdirs(remoteDir):
- errorCode="UploadFile: Could not create directory {}"
- print(errorCode.format(remoteDir))
- return False
- #make an URL request
- if (self.isRemoteDir(remotePath)):
- remotePath=remotePath+'/'+os.path.basename(localPath)
- with open(localPath, 'rb') as f:
- data=f.read()
- self.put(remotePath,data)
- #was loadDir
- def DownloadDirToCache(self, relativePath):
- files=self.listRelativeDir(relativePath)
- fdir="NONE"
- for f in files:
- #f is local path
- try:
- localDir=os.path.dirname(self.DownloadFileToCache(f))
- except:
- #fails if there is a subdirectory; go recursively
- print("self.readDir(f) not implemented")
- return localDir
- #database routines
- @staticmethod
- def getJSON(response):
- encoding=chardet.detect(response.data)['encoding']
- return json.loads(response.data.decode(encoding))
- def loadDataset(self,project,dataset):
- url=self.GetLabkeyUrl()+'/'+project
- url+='/query-selectRows.api?schemaName=study&query.queryName='+dataset
- return labkeyURIHandler.getJSON(self.get(url))
- def filterDataset(self,project,dataset,filter):
- debug=False
- url=self.GetLabkeyUrl()+'/'+project
- url+='/query-selectRows.api?schemaName=study&query.queryName='+dataset
- for f in filter:
- url+="&query."+f['variable']+"~"+f['oper']+"="+f['value']
- if debug:
- print("Sending {}".format(url))
- return labkeyURIHandler.getJSON(self.get(url))
- def modifyDataset(self,method,project,dataset,rows):
- #method can be insert or update
- data={}
- data['schemaName']='study'
- data['queryName']=dataset
- data['rows']=rows
- url=self.GetLabkeyUrl()+'/'+project
- url+='/query-'+method+'Rows.api?'
- return self.post(url,json.dumps(data)).data
- def filterList(self,project,dataset,filter):
- schemaName='lists'
- debug=False
- url=self.GetLabkeyUrl()+'/'+project
- url+='/query-selectRows.api?schemaName='+schemaName+'&query.queryName='+dataset
- for f in filter:
- url+="&query."+f['variable']+"~"+f['oper']+"="+f['value']
- if debug:
- print("Sending {}".format(url))
- return labkeyURIHandler.getJSON(self.get(url))
- def modifyList(self,method,project,dataset,rows):
- #method can be insert or update
- data={}
- schemaName='lists'
- data['schemaName']=schemaName
- data['queryName']=dataset
- data['rows']=rows
- url=self.GetLabkeyUrl()+'/'+project
- url+='/query-'+method+'Rows.api?'
- return self.post(url,json.dumps(data)).data