@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+import analysis
+import sys
+import os
+import getData
+import json
+import config
+def main(configFile):
+ with open(configFile,'r') as f:
+ xsetup=json.load(f)
+ db,fb=getData.connectDB(xsetup['network'])
+ try:
+ qfilter=xsetup['patientFilter']
+ except KeyError:
+ qfilter=[]
+ rows=getData.getPatients(db,xsetup,qfilter)
+ for r in rows:
+ getData.downloadCenters(fb,r,xsetup)
+ mode=['global','IVF']
+ tempDir=config.getTempDir(xsetup)
+ for r in rows:
+ code=config.getCode(r,xsetup)
+ for m in mode:
+ #check if we need to run analysis
+ files=config.printFitParFinalRowNames(r,xsetup,m)
+ fullFiles=[os.path.join(tempDir,code,f) for f in files]
+ filesPresent=[os.path.isfile(f) for f in fullFiles]
+ if not all(filesPresent):
+ analysis.doAnalysisRow(r,xsetup,m)
+ getData.uploadFitParFinal(fb,r,xsetup,m)
+if __name__=="__main__":
+ main(sys.argv[1])