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Adding analysis classes to a module

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+ 343 - 0

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+#analysis functions for cardiacSPECT dynamic data analysis
+#see clusterAnalysis.ipynb for details on usage
+import os
+import getData
+import config
+import subprocess
+import SimpleITK
+import numpy
+import re
+def calculateCenters(db,setup,nclass,nr):
+    #path of scripts is ../scripts
+    #one up
+    baseDir=os.path.dirname(os.getcwd())
+    #scriptPath
+    scriptPath=os.path.join(baseDir,'scripts','')
+    rows=getData.getPatients(db,setup)
+    for r in rows:
+        #download 
+        code=config.getCode(r,setup)
+        for nc in nclass:
+            print('centers: {}/{},{}'.format(code,nc,nr))
+            print([scriptPath,code,str(nc),str(nr)], \
+                             check=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout)
+def doAnalysis(db,setup,nclass,nr,mode):
+    baseDir=os.path.dirname(os.getcwd())#one up
+    #this is if IVF is inferred together with k1 fits
+    #runScript=''
+    #this is if IVF is taken from previous cluster fits
+    #runScript=''
+    if mode=='global':
+        runScript=''
+        analysisType=''
+    if mode=='IVF':
+        runScript=''
+        analysisType='IVF_'
+    try:
+        print('Setting runScript to {}'.format(runScript))
+    except NameError:
+        print('Mode can be one of (global,IVF))')
+        return
+    #either doAnalysis or
+    scriptPath=os.path.join(baseDir,'scripts',runScript)
+    rows=getData.getPatients(db,setup)
+    for r in rows:
+        dataPath=config.getLocalDir(r,setup)
+        code=config.getCode(r,setup)
+        for nc in nclass:
+            for rId in numpy.arange(nr):
+                print('{} [{} {}/{}]'.format(code,nc,rId+1,nr))
+                #this is a duplicate of path generated in fitCenters.m
+                fName=os.path.join(dataPath,'{}_{}_{}_{}fitParFinal.txt'.format(code,nc,rId+1,analysisType))
+                if os.path.isfile(fName):
+                    print('Skipping; {} available.'.format(fName))
+                    continue
+      [scriptPath,code,str(nc),str(rId+1)],\
+                         check=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
+def doPixelAnalysis(db,setup,sigma2,mode='IVF'):
+    baseDir=os.path.dirname(os.getcwd())#one up
+    #in global mode, IVF parameters are inferred together with fits to classes
+    #this is essentially repeat of the above, except that classes are taken as
+    #time-response curves from pixels in the sigma2-defined neighborhood of
+    #target pixels
+    if mode=='global':
+        runScript=''
+        analysisType=''
+    #in IVF mode, the parameters of input function are taken from the cluster fit 
+    #(doAnalysis above, with mode=general). The rest is the same as for global mode
+    if mode=='IVF':
+        runScript=''
+        analysisType='IVF_'
+    #either doPixelAnalysis or
+    scriptPath=os.path.join(baseDir,'scripts',runScript)
+    try:
+        print('Setting runScript to {}'.format(runScript))
+    except NameError:
+        print('Mode can be one of (global,IVF))')
+        return
+    rows=getData.getPatients(db,setup)
+    for r in rows:
+        dataPath=config.getLocalDir(r,setup)
+        code=config.getCode(r,setup)
+        sName=os.path.join(dataPath,'{}_Segmentation.txt'.format(code))
+        sFile=os.path.join(dataPath,sName)
+        x=numpy.loadtxt(sFile)
+        nc=x.shape[0]
+        for s2 in sigma2:
+            sigmaCode='{:.2f}'.format(s2)
+            sigmaCode=re.sub('\.','p',sigmaCode)
+            fName=os.path.join(dataPath,'{}_{}_{}_Pixel{}_fitParFinal.txt'.format(code,nc,sigmaCode,analysisType))
+            if os.path.isfile(fName):
+                print('Skipping; {} available.'.format(fName))
+                continue
+  [scriptPath,code,str(s2)], \
+                             check=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
+def getIWeights(r,setup,nclass,realizationId,ic):
+    locDir=config.getLocalDir(r,setup)
+    code=config.getCode(r,setup)
+    fname='{}_{}_{}_center{}_centerWeigth.nrrd'.\
+            format(code,nclass,realizationId+1,ic+1)
+    uFile=os.path.join(locDir,fname)
+    imU=SimpleITK.ReadImage(uFile)
+    return SimpleITK.GetArrayFromImage(imU)
+def getGaussianWeight(nU,pt,sigma2,na):
+    #gaussian weighted summation of surrounding pixels
+    #find point closest to the target point
+    idx=[int(x) for x in pt]
+    #running offset        
+    fidx=numpy.zeros(3)
+    #half of the neighborhood
+    na2=0.5*(na-1)
+    fs=0
+    fWeight=0
+    for i in numpy.arange(na):
+        fidx[0]=idx[0]+(i-na2)
+        for j in numpy.arange(na):
+            fidx[1]=idx[1]+(j-na2)
+            for k in numpy.arange(na):
+                fidx[2]=idx[2]+(k-na2)
+                fidx=[int(x) for x in fidx]
+                fd=numpy.array(fidx)-numpy.array(pt)
+                dist2=numpy.sum(fd*fd)
+                fw=numpy.exp(-0.5*dist2/sigma2);
+                fs+=fw
+                fWeight+=fw*nU[tuple(fidx)]
+                #print('\t{}/{}: {}/{:.2f} {:.2g} {:.3g} {:.2g}'.format(idx,fidx,numpy.sqrt(dist2),fw,nU[tuple(fidx)],fs,fWeight))
+    fWeight/=fs
+    return fWeight
+#gets weights by class for a particular realization and sigma2 averaging
+def getWeights(db,r,setup,nclass,realizationId,sigma2,na):
+    #for w1, classes are in 0 to nclass-1 space
+    #na is the size of the neighborhood
+    idFilter=config.getIdFilter(r,setup)
+    visitFilter=config.getVisitFilter(r,setup)
+    code=config.getCode(r,setup)
+    rows=getData.getSegmentation(db,setup,[idFilter,visitFilter])
+    pts={r['regionId']:[float(x) for x in [r['x'],r['y'],r['z']]] for r in rows}
+    w={region:numpy.zeros(nclass) for region in pts}
+    na2=0.5*(na-1)
+    for c in numpy.arange(nclass):
+        nU=getIWeights(r,setup,nclass,realizationId,c)
+        for region in w:
+            #print(pts[region])
+            #print('{} {}/{} {}'.format(code,c,nclass,region))
+            #gaussian weighted summation of surrounding pixels
+            w[region][c]=getGaussianWeight(nU,pts[region],sigma2,na)
+    return w
+#gets fitPar for a particular realization in [] range
+def getFitPar(r,setup,nclass,realizationId,mode=''):
+    #fitGoodnes A tau alpha delay [k1 BVF k2 delay]xNcenters
+    allowedModes=['','IVF','Pixel','PixelIVF']
+    if mode not in allowedModes:
+        print('Mode should be one of {}'.format(allowedModes))
+        return []
+    if mode=='PixelIVF':
+        #4th parameter is sigma, not realizationId
+        rCode='{:.2f}'.format(realizationId)
+        rCode=re.sub('\.','p',rCode)
+    else:
+        #add one to match matlab 1..N array indexing
+        rCode='{}'.format(realizationId+1)
+    if len(mode)>0:
+        mode=mode+'_'
+    code=config.getCode(r,setup)
+    fname='{}_{}_{}_{}fitParFinal.txt'.format(code,nclass,rCode,mode)
+    locDir=config.getLocalDir(r,setup)
+    uFile=os.path.join(locDir,fname)
+    return numpy.genfromtxt(uFile,delimiter='\t')
+def getK1(fitPar,iclass):
+    #fitGoodnes A tau alpha delay [k1 BVF k2 delay]xNcenters
+    #0 to nclass-1 space
+    return fitPar[4*iclass+5]
+def calculateK1(w,fitPar):
+    #calculateK1 for region weights
+    #return the k1 that belongs to the 
+    #maximum class in region (M) and 
+    #a weighted average (W)
+    k1={region:{'M':0,'W':0} for region in w}
+    for region in w:
+        cmax=numpy.argmax(w[region])
+        k1[region]['M']=getK1(fitPar,cmax)
+        fs=0
+        for c in numpy.arange(len(w[region])):
+            fs+=w[region][c]*getK1(fitPar,c)
+        k1[region]['W']=fs
+    return k1
+def getPatientValuesByNclass(db,r,setup,nclass,nrealizations,sigma2,na):
+    #summary script
+    #db is for database; needs segmentations
+    #r,setup identify patient
+    #nclass and nrealizations select strategy
+    #sigma2 is for combining output from adjacent pixels
+    #na is neighborhood size where smoothing/combination is done
+    k1={}
+    for rId in numpy.arange(nrealizations):
+        w=getWeights(db,r,setup,nclass,rId,sigma2,na)
+        fitPar=getFitPar(r,setup,nclass,rId,'IVF')
+        qk1=calculateK1(w,fitPar)
+        for region in w:
+            for type in qk1[region]:
+                try:
+                    k1[region][type].append(qk1[region][type])
+                except KeyError:
+                    k1={region:{type:[] for type in qk1[region]} for region in w}
+                    print(type)
+                    k1[region][type].append(qk1[region][type])
+        print('[{}] {}/{}'.format(nclass,rId+1,nrealizations))
+    return k1   
+def getSummaryPatientValuesByNclass(db,r,setup,nclass,nrealizations,sigma2,na):
+    #summary script, same arguments as above
+    #also return deviation over realization
+    k1=getPatientValuesByNclass(db,r,setup,nclass,nrealizations,sigma2,na)
+    avgType=['M','W']
+    summaryK1={type:{region:{
+        'mean':numpy.mean(k1[region][type]), 
+        'std':numpy.std(k1[region][type]), 
+        'median':numpy.median(k1[region][type])} for region in k1}
+               for type in avgType}
+    return summaryK1
+def fullSummary(db,setup,classes,nr,sigma2,na):
+    rows=getData.getPatients(db,setup)
+    return \
+        {config.getCode(r,setup):\
+         {c:getSummaryPatientValuesByNclass(db,r,setup,c,nr,sigma2,na) for c in classes} for r in rows}
+def storeSummary(db,setup,summary,sigma2,na):
+    #dsM=db.selectRows(project,'study','Imaging',[])
+    for rCode in summary:
+        r=config.decode(rCode,setup)
+        idFilter=config.getIdFilter(r,setup)
+        visitFilter=config.getVisitFilter(r,setup)
+        for c in summary[rCode]:
+            cFilter={'variable':'nclass','value':str(c),'oper':'eq'}
+            for t in summary[rCode][c]:
+                tFilter={'variable':'option','value':t,'oper':'eq'}
+                for rId in summary[rCode][c][t]:
+                    rFilter={'variable':'regionId','value':str(rId),'oper':'eq'}
+                    rows=getData.getSummary(db,setup,[idFilter,visitFilter,cFilter,tFilter,rFilter])
+                    if len(rows)>0:
+                        qrow=rows[0]
+                        mode='update'
+                    else:
+                        qrow={qr:r[qr] for qr in r}
+                        qrow['nclass']=c
+                        qrow['option']=t
+                        qrow['regionId']=rId
+                        seqNum=config.getTargetSeqNum(r,setup)
+                        qrow['SequenceNum']=100+seqNum+c+0.001*rId
+                        if t=='M':
+                            qrow['SequenceNum']+=0.0001
+                        mode='insert'
+                    for v in summary[rCode][c][t][rId]:
+                        qrow[v]=summary[rCode][c][t][rId][v]
+                    qrow['sigma2']=sigma2
+                    qrow['na']=na
+                    getData.updateSummary(db,setup,mode,[qrow])
+def summaryPixelIVF(db,setup,sigma2):
+    #for second type of analysis (pixel based regions)
+    rows=getData.getPatients(db,setup)
+    return \
+        {config.getCode(r,setup):\
+         {s2:getPixelIVF(db,r,setup,s2) for s2 in sigma2} for r in rows}
+def storeIVF(db,setup,summary):
+    for rCode in summary:
+        r=config.decode(rCode,setup)
+        idFilter=config.getIdFilter(r,setup)
+        visitFilter=config.getVisitFilter(r,setup)
+        for s2 in summary[rCode]:
+            sigmaFilter={'variable':'sigma2','value':str(s2),'oper':'eq'}
+            nr=len(summary[rCode][s2])
+            for rId in summary[rCode][s2]:
+                rFilter={'variable':'regionId','value':str(rId),'oper':'eq'}
+                typeFilter={'variable':'option','value':'D','oper':'eq'}
+                rows=getData.getSummary(db,setup,[idFilter,visitFilter,sigmaFilter,rFilter,typeFilter])
+                if len(rows)>0:
+                    qrow=rows[0]
+                    mode='update'
+                else:
+                    qrow={qr:r[qr] for qr in r}
+                    qrow['sigma2']=s2
+                    qrow['regionId']=rId
+                    seqNum=config.getTargetSeqNum(r,setup)
+                    qrow['SequenceNum']=140+seqNum+0.01*rId+0.001*s2
+                    mode='insert'
+                qrow['mean']=summary[rCode][s2][rId]
+                qrow['na']=7
+                qrow['nclass']=nr
+                qrow['option']='D'
+                getData.updateSummary(db,setup,mode,[qrow])
+def getPixelIVF(db,r,setup,sigma2):
+    idFilter=config.getIdFilter(r,setup)
+    visitFilter=config.getVisitFilter(r,setup)
+    rows=getData.getSegmentation(db,setup,[idFilter,visitFilter])
+    nclassIVF=len(rows)
+    fitPar=getFitPar(r,setup,nclassIVF,sigma2,'PixelIVF')
+    k1={r['regionId']:getK1(fitPar,r['regionId']) for r in rows}
+    return k1