@@ -95,51 +95,60 @@ def doAnalysisRow(r,xsetup,mode):
-def doPixelAnalysis(db,setup,sigma2,mode='IVF'):
+def doPixelAnalysis(db,fb,setup,sigma2,mode='IVF'):
baseDir=os.path.dirname(os.getcwd())#one up
+ rows=getData.getPatients(db,setup)
+ for r in rows:
+ doPixelAnalysisRow(db,fb,r,setup,mode)
+def doPixelAnalysisRow(db,fb,r,setup, mode='IVF'):
+ cmds=config.cmdMatlab()
#in global mode, IVF parameters are inferred together with fits to classes
#this is essentially repeat of the above, except that classes are taken as
#time-response curves from pixels in the sigma2-defined neighborhood of
#target pixels
- if mode=='global':
- runScript='doPixelAnalysis.sh'
- analysisType=''
+ if mode=='global':
+ mScript='analyzePixel'
+ analysisType=''
+ if mode=='IVF':
+ mScript='analzyePixelIVF'
+ analysisType='IVF_'
#in IVF mode, the parameters of input function are taken from the cluster fit
#(doAnalysis above, with mode=general). The rest is the same as for global mode
- if mode=='IVF':
- runScript='doPixelIVFAnalysis.sh'
- analysisType='IVF_'
- #either doPixelAnalysis or doPixelAnalysisIVF.sh
- scriptPath=os.path.join(baseDir,'scripts',runScript)
+ try:
+ print('Setting runScript to {}'.format(mScript))
+ except NameError:
+ print('Mode can be one of (global,IVF))')
+ return
+ #code=config.getCode(r,setup)
+ x=segmentation.loadSegmentation(db,fb,r,setup)
+ nc=x.shape[0]
+ sigma2=setup['sigma2']
+ code=config.getCode(r,setup)
+ for s2 in sigma2:
+ f=config.getPixelFitParFinalName(code,nc,s2,mode)
+ fName=getData.getLocalPath(f)
+ if os.path.isfile(fName):
+ print('Skipping; {} available.'.format(fName))
+ continue
- try:
- print('Setting runScript to {}'.format(runScript))
- except NameError:
- print('Mode can be one of (global,IVF))')
- return
- rows=getData.getPatients(db,setup)
- for r in rows:
- dataPath=config.getLocalDir(r,setup)
- code=config.getCode(r,setup)
- sName=os.path.join(dataPath,'{}_Segmentation.txt'.format(code))
- sFile=os.path.join(dataPath,sName)
- x=numpy.loadtxt(sFile)
- nc=x.shape[0]
- for s2 in sigma2:
- sigmaCode='{:.2f}'.format(s2)
- sigmaCode=re.sub('\.','p',sigmaCode)
- fName=os.path.join(dataPath,'{}_{}_{}_Pixel{}_fitParFinal.txt'.format(code,nc,sigmaCode,analysisType))
- if os.path.isfile(fName):
- print('Skipping; {} available.'.format(fName))
- continue
- subprocess.run([scriptPath,code,str(s2)], \
- check=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
+ runCmds=[x for x in cmds]
+ runCmds.append('-r "path=\'{}\'; patientID=\'{}\'; sigma2=\'{}\'; {}"'.format(tempDir,code,s2,mScript))
+ subprocess.run(runCmds,check=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
def getIWeights(r,setup,nclass,realizationId,ic):