@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
+import os
+import json
+import re
+import subprocess
+import nibabel
+import shutil
+import sys
+import labkeyInterface
+import labkeyDatabaseBrowser
+import labkeyFileBrowser
+import orthancInterface
+import orthancFileBrowser
+#import loadDicom
+#all images from database
+#use webdav to transfer file (even though it is localhost)
+def getPatientLabel(row):
+ return row['PatientId'].replace('/','_')
+def getVisitLabel(row):
+ return 'VISIT_'+str(int(row['SequenceNum']))
+def getStudyLabel(row):
+ return getPatientLabel(row)+'-'+getVisitLabel(row)
+def runPreprocess_DM(matlab,generalCodes,niftiTools,studyDir):
+ #run after all directories have been assembled
+ script="addpath('"+generalCodes+"');"
+ script+="addpath('"+niftiTools+"');"
+ script+="preprocess_DM('"+studyDir+"',0,0);"
+ script+="test;"
+ script+="quit();"
+ #outText=subprocess.check_output(["/bin/echo",script])
+ try:
+ outText=subprocess.check_output([matlab,"-nojvm","-r",script])
+ except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
+ print("Failed with:\n{}".format(e.output.decode('utf-8')))
+ return False
+ print(outText.decode('utf-8'))
+ return True
+def getDicom(ofb,row,zipDir,rawDir,im,imageSelector):
+ #Load the dicom zip file and unzips it. If zip file is already at the expected path, it skips the loading step
+ #Return True for valid outcome and False for troubles in row formating or unzip failures
+ seriesId=row[im];
+ if seriesId=="0":
+ return False
+ print("{}: {}".format(im,seriesId))
+ fname=os.path.join(zipDir,getStudyLabel(row)+'_'+imageSelector[im]+".zip");
+ #copy data from orthanc
+ if os.path.isfile(fname):
+ print("Data already loaded. Skipping")
+ else:
+ print("Loading data from orthanc")
+ ofb.getZip('series',seriesId,fname)
+ #unzip the zipped dicom series
+ unzipDir=os.path.join(rawDir,imageSelector[im])
+ if os.path.isdir(unzipDir):
+ print("Data already unzipped")
+ return True
+ try:
+ os.mkdir(unzipDir)
+ except FileExistsError:
+ shutil.rmtree(unzipDir)
+ try:
+ outTxt=subprocess.check_output(["unzip","-d",unzipDir,"-xj",fname])
+ except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
+ print("unzip failed for {}".format(fname))
+ return False
+ return True
+def updateRow(project,dataset,row,imageResampledField,gzFileNames):
+ row['patientCode']=getPatientLabel(row)
+ row['visitCode']=getVisitLabel(row)
+ for im in imageResampledField:
+ row[imageResampledField[im]]=gzFileNames[im]
+ db.modifyRows('update',project,'study',dataset,[row])
+for row in ds["rows"]:
+ #interesting files are processedDir/studyName_CT_notCropped_2mmVoxel.nii
+ #asn processedDir/studyName_PET_notCropped_2mmVoxel.nii
+ volumeFileNames={im:\
+ getStudyLabel(row)+'_'+imageSelector[im]+
+ '_notCropped_2mmVoxel.nii'\
+ for im in imageSelector}
+ gzFileNames={im:f+".gz" \
+ for (im,f) in volumeFileNames.items()}
+ #build/check remote directory structure
+ remoteDir=fb.buildPathURL(project,['preprocessedImages',getPatientLabel(row),getVisitLabel(row)])
+ gzRemoteFiles={im:remoteDir+'/'+f\
+ for (im,f) in gzFileNames.items()}
+ remoteFilePresent=[fb.entryExists(f)\
+ for f in gzRemoteFiles.values()]
+ for f in gzRemoteFiles.values():
+ print("[{}]: [{}]".format(f,fb.entryExists(f)))
+ if all(remoteFilePresent):
+ print("Entry for row done.")
+ updateRow(project,dataset,row,imageResampledField,\
+ gzFileNames)
+ continue
+ #setup the directory structure for preprocess_DM
+ studyDir=os.path.join(tempBase,getStudyLabel(row))
+ if not os.path.isdir(studyDir):
+ os.mkdir(studyDir)
+ rawDir=os.path.join(studyDir,'Raw')
+ if not os.path.isdir(rawDir):
+ os.mkdir(rawDir)
+ zipDir=os.path.join(studyDir,'Zip')
+ if not os.path.isdir(zipDir):
+ os.mkdir(zipDir)
+ processedDir=os.path.join(studyDir,'Processed')
+ if not os.path.isdir(processedDir):
+ os.mkdir(processedDir)
+ #specify local file names with path
+ volumeFiles={im:os.path.join(processedDir,f)\
+ for (im.f) in volumeFileNames.items()}
+ gzFiles={im:f+".gz"\
+ for (im,f) in volumeFiles.items()}
+ filesPresent=[os.path.isfile(f) for f in gzFiles.values()]
+ if not all(filesPresent):
+ for im in imageSelector:
+ #checks if raw files are already loaded
+ getDicom(ofb,row,zipDir,rawDir,im,imageSelector)
+ #preprocess and zip
+ ok=runPreprocess_DM(matlab,generalCodes,niftiTools,studyDir)
+ if not ok:
+ shutil.rmtree(studyDir)
+ continue
+ for f in volumeFiles.values():
+ print("Running gzip {}".format(f))
+ outText=subprocess.check_output(["/bin/gzip",f])
+ print(outText.decode('utf-8'))
+ #upload local files to remote
+ for im in gzFiles:
+ #for local,remote in zip(gzFiles,gzRemoteFiles):
+ local=gzFiles[im]
+ remote=gzRemoteFiles[im]
+ print("Uploading {}".format(local))
+ fb.writeFileToFile(local,remote)
+ #update row and let it know where the processed files are
+ updateRow(project,dataset,row,imageResampledField,gzFileNames)
+ #cleanup
+ shutil.rmtree(studyDir)
+ if i==-1:
+ break
+ i=i+1