testConfig.cfg.template 3.4 KB

  1. # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
  2. # Default values are set internally, if the corresponding parameter is not found in the configuration file.
  3. # [Optional but highly suggested] The name will be used for naming folders to save the results in.
  4. # Default: "testSession"
  5. sessionName = "currentSession"
  6. # [Required] The main folder that the output will be placed.
  7. folderForOutput = "__workDir__/output"
  8. # [Optional] Path to a saved model, to load parameters from in the beginning of the session. If one is also specified using the command line, the latter will be used.
  9. cnnModelFilePath = "__segmentBase__/saved_models/__model__"
  10. # +++++++++++ Input +++++++++++
  11. # [Required] A list that should contain as many entries as the channels of the input image (eg multi-modal MRI). The entries should be paths to files. Those files should be listing the paths to the corresponding channels for each test-case. (see example files).
  12. #channels = ["./testChannels_CT.cfg"]
  13. channels = ["__workDir__/testChannels_CT.cfg"]
  14. # [Required] The path to a file, which should list names to give to the results for each testing case. (see example file).
  15. namesForPredictionsPerCase = "__workDir__/testNamesOfPredictions.cfg"
  16. # [Optional] The path to a file, which should list paths to the Region-Of-Interest masks for each testing case.
  17. # If ROI masks are provided, inference will only be performed in within it (faster). If not specified, inference will be performed in whole volume.
  18. roiMasks = "__workDir__/testRoiMasks.cfg"
  19. # [Optional] The path to a file which should list paths to the Ground Truth labels of each testing case. If provided, DSC metrics will be reported. Otherwise comment out this entry.
  20. # gtLabels = "./testGtLabels_retmel.cfg"
  21. # [Optional] Batch size. Default: 10
  22. batchsize = 1
  23. # +++++++++++Predictions+++++++++++
  24. # [Optional] Specify whether to save segmentation map. Default: True
  25. saveSegmentation = True
  26. # [Optional] Specify a list with as many entries as the task's classes. True/False to save/not the probability map for the corresponding class. Default: [True,True...for all classes]
  27. saveProbMapsForEachClass = [False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False]
  28. # overlap=1 is lots of overlap (no step, gets stuck), overlap=0 is no overlap
  29. overlap = 0.0
  30. # +++++++++++Feature Maps+++++++++++
  31. # [Optionals] Specify whether to save the feature maps in separate files and/or all together in a 4D image. Default: False for both cases.
  32. #saveIndividualFms = True
  33. #saveAllFmsIn4DimImage = False
  34. # [Optionals] A model may have too many feature maps, and some may not be needed. For this, we allow specifying which FMs to save.
  35. # Specify for each type of pathway (normal/subsampled/FC), a list with as many sublists as the layers of the pathway.
  36. # Each sublist (one for each layer), should have 2 numbers. These are the minimum (inclusive) and maximum (exclusive) indices of the Feature Maps that we wish to save from the layer.
  37. # The preset example saves the Feature Maps from index 0 (first FM) to 150 of the last hidden FC layer, before the classification layer.
  38. # Default: [] for all.
  39. #minMaxIndicesOfFmsToSaveFromEachLayerOfNormalPathway = []
  40. #minMaxIndicesOfFmsToSaveFromEachLayerOfSubsampledPathway = [[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[]]
  41. #minMaxIndicesOfFmsToSaveFromEachLayerOfFullyConnectedPathway = [[],[0,150],[]]
  42. # ==========Generic=============
  43. # [Optional] Pad images to fully convolve. Default: True
  44. padInputImagesBool = True