@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+#load required libraries
+import sys
+import os
+import SimpleITK
+import json
+#you should get nixSuite via git clone https://git0.fmf.uni-lj.si/studen/nixSuite.git
+#if you don't put it to $HOME/software/src/, you should update the path
+import nixWrapper
+import labkeyInterface
+import labkeyDatabaseBrowser
+import labkeyFileBrowser
+def connectDB(server):
+ #check connectivity. This checks the configuration in $HOME/.labkey/network.json,
+ #where paths to certificates are stored
+ net=labkeyInterface.labkeyInterface()
+ fconfig=os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'),'.labkey','{}.json'.format(server))
+ net.init(fconfig)
+ #this reports the certificate used
+ try:
+ print('Using: {}'.format(net.connectionConfig['SSL']['user']))
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ #This gets a deafult CSRF code; It should report user name plus a long string of random hex numbers
+ net.getCSRF()
+ db=labkeyDatabaseBrowser.labkeyDB(net)
+ fb=labkeyFileBrowser.labkeyFileBrowser(net)
+ return db,fb
+def getUsers(db,project):
+ ds=db.selectRows(project,'core','Users',[])
+ users={x['UserId']:x['DisplayName'] for x in ds['rows']}
+ for u in users:
+ print('{} {}'.format(u,users[u]))
+ return users
+def getImage(setup, row, field, extraPath=None):
+ fb=setup['fb']
+ pathList=[setup['imageDir'],row['patientCode'],row['visitCode']]
+ if extraPath!=None:
+ pathList.append(extraPath)
+ pathList.append(row[field])
+ remotePath='/'.join(pathList)
+ urlPath=fb.formatPathURL(setup['project'],remotePath)
+ localPath=os.path.join(setup['localDir'],row[field])
+ if os.path.isfile(localPath):
+ print('{} done'.format(localPath))
+ else:
+ if not fb.entryExists(urlPath):
+ print('No file {}'.format(urlPath))
+ return "NONE"
+ fb.readFileToFile(urlPath,localPath)
+ return localPath
+def getSegmentations(setup,row):
+ idField=setup['idField']
+ visitField=setup['visitField']
+ qFilter=[{'variable':x,'value':row[x],'oper':'eq'} for x in [idField,visitField]]
+ dsSeg=setup['db'].selectRows(setup['project'],'study','Segmentations',qFilter)
+ if len(dsSeg['rows'])<1:
+ print('Failed to find segmentation for {}/{}'.format(row[idField],row[visitField]))
+ return {0:"NONE"}
+ return {r['User']:getImage(setup,r,'latestFile',extraPath='Segmentations') for r in dsSeg['rows']}
+def loadSetup(path):
+ with open(path,'r') as f:
+ setup=json.load(f)
+ fC=[x for x in setup.keys() if x.find('Dir')>-1]
+ for q in fC:
+ setup[q]=setup[q].replace('_home_',os.path.expanduser('~'))
+ return setup
+def getSegments(image):
+ keys=image.GetMetaDataKeys()
+ i=0
+ ids={}
+ while True:
+ id='Segment{}_ID'.format(i)
+ value='Segment{}_LabelValue'.format(i)
+ try:
+ ids[image.GetMetaData(id)]=int(image.GetMetaData(value))
+ except RuntimeError:
+ break
+ i+=1
+ return ids
+def getStats(image):
+ print(image.GetSize())
+ print(image.GetOrigin())
+ print(image.GetSpacing())
+ print(image.GetNumberOfComponentsPerPixel())
+def getSegmentStats(pet,seg,label):
+ o=getComponents(seg,label)
+ cc=o['image']
+ shape_stats = SimpleITK.LabelShapeStatisticsImageFilter()
+ #shape_stats.ComputeOrientedBoundingBoxOn()
+ shape_stats.Execute(cc)
+ intensity_stats = SimpleITK.LabelIntensityStatisticsImageFilter()
+ intensity_stats.Execute(cc,pet)
+ #output
+ out=[(shape_stats.GetPhysicalSize(i),
+ intensity_stats.GetMean(i),
+ intensity_stats.GetStandardDeviation(i),
+ intensity_stats.GetSkewness(i)) for i in shape_stats.GetLabels()]
+ print(out)
+def getComponents(seg,label):
+ cc=SimpleITK.Threshold(seg,lower=label,upper=label)
+ ccFilter=SimpleITK.ConnectedComponentImageFilter()
+ cc1=ccFilter.Execute(cc)
+ return {'image':cc1, 'count':ccFilter.GetObjectCount()}
+def drop_array(v):
+ return float(v)
+ #if type(v) is numpy.ndarray:
+ # return v[0]
+ #return v
+def getSUVmax(vals):
+ return drop_array(vals['original_firstorder_Maximum'])
+def getSUVmean(vals):
+ return drop_array(vals['original_firstorder_Mean'])
+def getMTV(vals):
+ try:
+ return drop_array(vals['original_shape_MeshVolume'])
+ except KeyError:
+ return drop_array(vals['original_shape_VoxelVolume'])
+def getTLG(vals):
+ V=vals['original_shape_VoxelVolume']
+ return V*getSUVmean(vals)
+def getCOM(vals):
+ return vals['diagnostics_Mask-original_CenterOfMassIndex']
+def getValue(vals,valueName):
+ if valueName=='SUVmean':
+ return getSUVmean(vals)
+ if valueName=='SUVmax':
+ return getSUVmax(vals)
+ if valueName=='MTV':
+ return getMTV(vals)
+ if valueName=='TLG':
+ return getTLG(vals)
+ if valueName=='COM':
+ return getCOM(vals)
+ return 0
+def getRadiomicsStats(setup,pet,seg,label):
+ o=getComponents(seg,label)
+ cc=o['image']
+ n=o['count']
+ output={}
+ for i in range(n):
+ output[i]=getRadiomicsComponentStats(setup,pet,seg,label)
+ return output
+def getRadiomicsComponentStats(setup,pet,cc,label):
+ vals=setup['featureExtractor'].execute(pet,cc,label=label)
+ output={x:getValue(vals,x) for x in setup['values']}
+ #for v in vals:
+ # print('{}: {}'.format(v,vals[v]))
+ for c in output:
+ print('{}: {}'.format(c,output[c]))
+ return output
+def findMatchingComponent(o,a,b,label):
+ statFilter=SimpleITK.StatisticsImageFilter()
+ overlap_measures_filter = SimpleITK.LabelOverlapMeasuresImageFilter()
+ print('{}: [{}]:{} [{}]:{}'.format(label,a,o[a]['count'],b,o[b]['count']))
+ comps={v:{x+1:o[v]['image']==x+1 for x in range(o[v]['count'])} for v in [a,b]}
+ stat={}
+ for comp in comps:
+ stat[comp]={}
+ for x in comps[comp]:
+ cc=comps[comp][x]
+ statFilter.Execute(cc)
+ stat[comp][x]={'sum':statFilter.GetSum()}
+ for c in comps[a]:
+ cc=comps[a][c]
+ print('{}:{}'.format(c,stat[a][c]['sum']))
+ for d in comps[b]:
+ cc1=comps[b][d]
+ overlap_measures_filter.Execute(cc, cc1)
+ print('\t {}:{} {}'.format(d,stat[b][d]['sum'],overlap_measures_filter.GetDiceCoefficient()))
+def evaluateByLesions(pet,seg,ids):
+ for id in ids:
+ print('{}: {}'.format(id,ids[id]))
+ o={x:getComponents(seg[x],ids[id]) for x in seg}
+ a=segKeys[0]
+ for x in segKeys[1:]:
+ findMatchingComponent(o,a,x,ids[id])
+def updateDatasetRows(db,project,dataset,rows,filterVars=['ParticipantId','SequenceNum']):
+ for r in rows:
+ r['SequenceNum']+=0.01*r['segment']
+ qFilter=[{'variable':x,'value':''.format(r[x]),'oper':'eq'} for x in filterVars]
+ ds=db.selectRows(project,'study',dataset,qFilter)
+ if len(ds['rows'])>0:
+ row=ds['rows'][0]
+ row.update({x:r[x] for x in r if x not in filterVars})
+ db.modifyRows('update',project,'study',dataset,[row])
+ else:
+ db.modifyRows('insert',project,'study',dataset,[r])