## Resolution modeling The helper function is loaded by: ```shell root[].L getResolution.C ``` ### Individual resolution calculation According to literature, the resolution contribution from spatial resolution of the crystals is calculated from sum of sines, which is coded in `getResolution(ctheta0,N)` where ctheta0 is the smalles cosine theta still captured by the system geometry (assumming coverage from 1), and N is number of splits in cos theta used in numeric integration. ```shell root[] double detRes=2.;//resolution in mm root[] double sigmaRSquared=detRes*detRes/getResolution(ctheta0,40); ``` In the same manner, resolution contribution for timing is calculated: ```shell root[] double tRes=50.;//resolution in ps root[] double xtRes=3e11*tRes*1e-12;//resolution in mm root[] double sigmaTSquared=xtRes*xtRes/getResolutionT(ctheta0,40); ``` To generate individual graphs, do ```shell TGraph gr(20); for (int i=0;i