figNormal.m 3.7 KB

  1. function figNormal(x1, y1, y2, y3, y4, y5, y6, y7, y8, y9, y10, y11, y12)
  2. %CREATEFIGURE(X1,Y1,Y2,Y3,Y4,Y5,Y6,Y7,Y8,Y9,Y10,Y11,Y12)
  3. % X1: vector of x data
  4. % Y1: vector of y data
  5. % Y2: vector of y data
  6. % Y3: vector of y data
  7. % Y4: vector of y data
  8. % Y5: vector of y data
  9. % Y6: vector of y data
  10. % Y7: vector of y data
  11. % Y8: vector of y data
  12. % Y9: vector of y data
  13. % Y10: vector of y data
  14. % Y11: vector of y data
  15. % Y12: vector of y data
  16. % Auto-generated by MATLAB on 02-Jul-2008 09:49:12
  17. %% Create figure
  18. figure1 = figure('Color',[1 1 1],'FileName','C:\Documents and Settings\Steve\My Documents\Research\Human\HeadAndNeck\HN003\optResults\doseRedistribution\oarNormDVH.fig');
  19. %% Create axes
  20. axes1 = axes(...
  21. 'FontName','Times New Roman',...
  22. 'FontSize',36,...
  23. 'XGrid','on',...
  24. 'XMinorTick','on',...
  25. 'XTick',[0 10 20 30 40 50],...
  26. 'YGrid','on',...
  27. 'YMinorTick','on',...
  28. 'YTick',[0 20 40 60 80 100],...
  29. 'Parent',figure1);
  30. axis(axes1,[0 50 0 100]);
  31. xlabel(axes1,'Dose [Gy]');
  32. ylabel(axes1,'Percent Volume');
  33. hold(axes1,'all');
  34. %% Create plot
  35. plot1 = plot(...
  36. x1,y1,...
  37. 'LineWidth',3,...
  38. 'Parent',axes1,...
  39. 'DisplayName','Linear');
  40. %% Create plot
  41. plot2 = plot(...
  42. x1,y2,...
  43. 'LineWidth',3,...
  44. 'Parent',axes1,...
  45. 'DisplayName','Square Root');
  46. %% Create plot
  47. plot3 = plot(...
  48. x1,y3,...
  49. 'LineWidth',3,...
  50. 'Parent',axes1,...
  51. 'DisplayName','Quadratic');
  52. %% Create plot
  53. plot4 = plot(...
  54. x1,y4,...
  55. 'LineWidth',3,...
  56. 'Parent',axes1,...
  57. 'DisplayName','cord linear');
  58. %% Create plot
  59. plot5 = plot(...
  60. x1,y5,...
  61. 'LineStyle','--',...
  62. 'LineWidth',3,...
  63. 'Parent',axes1,...
  64. 'DisplayName','cord square root');
  65. %% Create plot
  66. plot6 = plot(...
  67. x1,y6,...
  68. 'LineWidth',3,...
  69. 'Parent',axes1,...
  70. 'DisplayName','cord quadratic');
  71. %% Create plot
  72. plot7 = plot(...
  73. x1,y7,...
  74. 'LineWidth',3,...
  75. 'Parent',axes1,...
  76. 'DisplayName','larynx linear');
  77. %% Create plot
  78. plot8 = plot(...
  79. x1,y8,...
  80. 'LineWidth',3,...
  81. 'Parent',axes1,...
  82. 'DisplayName','larynx square root');
  83. %% Create plot
  84. plot9 = plot(...
  85. x1,y9,...
  86. 'LineStyle','-.',...
  87. 'LineWidth',3,...
  88. 'Parent',axes1,...
  89. 'DisplayName','larynx quadratic');
  90. %% Create plot
  91. plot10 = plot(...
  92. x1,y10,...
  93. 'LineWidth',3,...
  94. 'Parent',axes1,...
  95. 'DisplayName','normal linear');
  96. %% Create plot
  97. plot11 = plot(...
  98. x1,y11,...
  99. 'LineWidth',3,...
  100. 'Parent',axes1,...
  101. 'DisplayName','normal square root');
  102. %% Create plot
  103. plot12 = plot(...
  104. x1,y12,...
  105. 'LineWidth',3,...
  106. 'Parent',axes1);
  107. %% Create legend
  108. legend1 = legend(...
  109. axes1,{'Linear','Square Root','Quadratic'},...
  110. 'FontName','Times New Roman',...
  111. 'FontSize',36);
  112. %% Create textarrow
  113. annotation1 = annotation(...
  114. figure1,'textarrow',...
  115. [0.3594 0.2117],[0.8347 0.796],...
  116. 'LineWidth',3,...
  117. 'HeadWidth',20,...
  118. 'HeadLength',20,...
  119. 'String',{'CNS Cord'},...
  120. 'FontName','Times New Roman',...
  121. 'FontSize',36,...
  122. 'TextLineWidth',3);
  123. %% Create textarrow
  124. annotation2 = annotation(...
  125. figure1,'textarrow',...
  126. [0.3242 0.1914],[0.6952 0.696],...
  127. 'LineWidth',3,...
  128. 'HeadWidth',20,...
  129. 'HeadLength',20,...
  130. 'String',{'Larynx'},...
  131. 'FontName','Times New Roman',...
  132. 'FontSize',36,...
  133. 'TextLineWidth',3);
  134. %% Create textarrow
  135. annotation3 = annotation(...
  136. figure1,'textarrow',...
  137. [0.2891 0.1813],[0.5333 0.602],...
  138. 'LineWidth',3,...
  139. 'HeadWidth',20,...
  140. 'HeadLength',20,...
  141. 'String',{'Ipsilateral Parotid'},...
  142. 'FontName','Times New Roman',...
  143. 'FontSize',36,...
  144. 'TextLineWidth',3);
  145. %% Create textarrow
  146. annotation4 = annotation(...
  147. figure1,'textarrow',...
  148. [0.3211 0.1547],[0.3612 0.257],...
  149. 'LineWidth',3,...
  150. 'HeadWidth',20,...
  151. 'HeadLength',20,...
  152. 'String',{'Normal Tissue'},...
  153. 'FontName','Times New Roman',...
  154. 'FontSize',36,...
  155. 'TextLineWidth',3);