@@ -51,9 +51,9 @@ switch pre_beamWeights
w_beamlets = NLP_result.weights;
load([Pat_path, '\all_beams.mat'])
- if numel(all_beams) ~= numel(w_beamlets)
- error('Provided weight number does not match beamlet number!')
- end
+% if numel(all_beams) ~= numel(w_beamlets)
+% error('Provided weight number does not match beamlet number!')
+% end
case 'n'
disp('Initial beam weights will be calculated.')
@@ -73,10 +73,17 @@ load(path2goal)
% -- make the optimization optGoal structure --
for i_goal = 1:size(OptGoals.goals,1)
- answer = inputdlg(['# of supervoxels for "' OptGoals.data{i_goal}.name '" with ' num2str(numel(OptGoals.data{i_goal}.ROI_idx)) ' vox: ("0" to skip)'])
- switch answer{1}
- case '0'
+ if isfield(OptGoals.data{i_goal}, 'SupVox_num')
+ SupVox_num = OptGoals.data{i_goal}.SupVox_num;
+ else
+ answer = inputdlg(['# of supervoxels for "' OptGoals.data{i_goal}.name '" with ' num2str(numel(OptGoals.data{i_goal}.ROI_idx)) ' vox: ("0" to skip)'])
+ SupVox_num = str2double(answer{1})
+ end
+ switch SupVox_num
+ case 0
% if not supervoxel, just select provided ROI_idx
optGoal{i_goal} = OptGoals.data{i_goal};
optGoal{i_goal}.beamlets_pruned = sparse(beamlets(optGoal{i_goal}.ROI_idx, :));
@@ -86,11 +93,10 @@ for i_goal = 1:size(OptGoals.goals,1)
% -- if supervoxel, merge given columns
% - make supervoxel map
mask = zeros(OptGoals.data{i_goal}.imgDim);
mask(OptGoals.data{i_goal}.ROI_idx) = 1;
- superMask = superpix_group(mask, str2double(answer{1}));
+ superMask = superpix_group(mask, SupVox_num);
superVoxList = unique(superMask);
superVoxList = superVoxList(superVoxList>0);
@@ -205,7 +211,7 @@ save([Pat_path, '\matlab_files\NLP_result.mat'], 'NLP_result');
plot_DVH(Geometry, D_full)
-colorwash(Geometry.data, D_full, [-500, 500], [0, 35]);
+colorwash(Geometry.data, D_full, [500, 1500], [0, 66]);
@@ -283,7 +289,6 @@ function penalty = eval_f(x, optGoal, nrs_i, sss_i, rgs_i)
% ---- MAKE ROI ROBUST ----
function optGoal = make_robust_optGoal(optGoal, RO_params, beamlets);
% take regular optimal goal and translate it into several robust cases
@@ -297,7 +302,7 @@ function optGoal = make_robust_optGoal(optGoal, RO_params, beamlets);
% Y - Y>0 moves image down
% Z - in/out.
- shift_mag = 1; % vox of shift
+ shift_mag = 3; % vox of shift