@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+#Rewritten Program to use xarray instead of pandas for thresholding
+import xarray as xr
+import torch
+import numpy as np
+import os
+import glob
+import tomli as toml
+from tqdm import tqdm
+import utils.metrics as met
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
+#The datastructures for this file are as follows
+# models_dict: Dictionary - {model_id: model}
+# predictions: DataArray - (data_id, model_id, prediction_value) - Prediction value has coords ['negative_prediction', 'positive_prediction', 'negative_actual', 'positive_actual']
+# ensemble_statistics: DataArray - (data_id, statistic) - Statistic has coords ['mean', 'stdev', 'entropy', 'confidence', 'correct', 'predicted', 'actual']
+# thresholded_predictions: DataArray - (quantile, statistic, metric) - Metric has coords ['accuracy, 'f1'] - only use 'stdev', 'entropy', 'confidence' for statistic
+#Additionally, we also have the thresholds and statistics for the individual models
+# indv_statistics: DataArray - (data_id, model_id, statistic) - Statistic has coords ['mean', 'entropy', 'confidence', 'correct', 'predicted', 'actual'] - No stdev as it cannot be calculated for a single model
+# indv_thresholds: DataArray - (model_id, quantile, statistic, metric) - Metric has coords ['accuracy', 'f1'] - only use 'entropy', 'confidence' for statistic
+#Additionally, we have some for the sensitivity analysis for number of models
+# sensitivity_statistics: DataArray - (data_id, model_count, statistic) - Statistic has coords ['accuracy', 'f1', 'ECE', 'MCE']
+# Loads configuration dictionary
+def load_config():
+ if os.getenv('ADL_CONFIG_PATH') is None:
+ with open('config.toml', 'rb') as f:
+ config = toml.load(f)
+ else:
+ with open(os.getenv('ADL_CONFIG_PATH'), 'rb') as f:
+ config = toml.load(f)
+ return config
+#Loads models into a dictionary
+def load_models_v2(folder, device):
+ glob_path = os.path.join(folder, '*.pt')
+ model_files = glob.glob(glob_path)
+ model_dict = {}
+ for model_file in model_files:
+ model = torch.load(model_file, map_location=device)
+ model_id = os.path.basename(model_file).split('_')[0]
+ model_dict[model_id] = model
+ if len(model_dict) == 0:
+ raise FileNotFoundError('No models found in the specified directory: ' + folder)
+ return model_dict
+# Ensures that both mri and xls tensors in the data are unsqueezed and are on the correct device
+def preprocess_data(data, device):
+ mri, xls = data
+ mri = mri.unsqueeze(0).to(device)
+ xls = xls.unsqueeze(0).to(device)
+ return (mri, xls)
+# Loads datasets and returns concatenated test and validation datasets
+def load_datasets(ensemble_path):
+ return torch.load(f'{ensemble_path}/test_dataset.pt') + torch.load(
+ f'{ensemble_path}/val_dataset.pt'
+ )
+# Gets the predictions for a set of models on a dataset
+def get_ensemble_predictions(models, dataset, device):
+ zeros = np.zeros((len(dataset), len(models), 4))
+ predictions = xr.DataArray(
+ zeros,
+ dims=('data_id', 'model_id', 'prediction_value'),
+ coords={
+ 'data_id': range(len(dataset)),
+ 'model_id': models.keys(),
+ 'prediction_value': ['negative_prediction', 'positive_prediction', 'negative_actual', 'positive_actual']
+ }
+ )
+ for data_id, (data, target) in tqdm(enumerate(dataset)):
+ mri, xls = preprocess_data(data, device)
+ actual = list(target.cpu().numpy())
+ for model_id, model in models.items():
+ with torch.no_grad():
+ output = model(mri, xls)
+ prediction = list(output.cpu().numpy())
+ predictions.loc[{ 'data_id': data_id, 'model_id': model_id }] = prediction + actual
+ return predictions
+# Compute the ensemble statistics given an array of predictions
+def compute_ensemble_statistics(predictions):
+ zeros = np.zeros((len(predictions.data_id), 7))
+ ensemble_statistics = xr.DataArray(
+ zeros,
+ dims=('data_id', 'statistic'),
+ coords={
+ 'data_id': predictions.data_id,
+ 'statistic': ['mean', 'stdev', 'entropy', 'confidence', 'correct', 'predicted', 'actual']
+ }
+ )
+ for data_id in predictions.data_id:
+ data = predictions.loc[{ 'data_id': data_id }]
+ mean = np.mean(data, axis=0)
+ stdev = np.std(data, axis=0)
+ entropy = -np.sum(mean * np.log2(mean + 1e-12))
+ confidence = np.max(mean)
+ actual = data.iloc[:, 3].values
+ predicted = np.argmax(mean)
+ correct = actual == predicted
+ ensemble_statistics.loc[{ 'data_id': data_id }] = [mean, stdev, entropy, confidence, correct, predicted, actual]
+ return ensemble_statistics
+# Compute the thresholded predictions given an array of predictions
+def compute_thresholded_predictions(ensemble_statistics: xr.DataArray):
+ quantiles = np.linspace(0.05, 0.95, 19)
+ metrics = ['accuracy', 'f1']
+ statistics = ['stdev', 'entropy', 'confidence']
+ zeros = np.zeros((len(quantiles), len(statistics), len(metrics)))
+ thresholded_predictions = xr.DataArray(
+ zeros,
+ dims=('quantile', 'statistic', 'metric'),
+ coords={
+ 'quantile': quantiles,
+ 'statistic': statistics,
+ 'metric': metrics
+ }
+ )
+ for statistic in statistics:
+ #First, we must compute the quantiles for the statistic
+ quantile_values = np.quantiles(ensemble_statistics.loc[{ 'statistic': statistic }].values, quantiles, axis=0)
+ #Then, we must compute the metrics for each quantile
+ for i, quantile in enumerate(quantiles):
+ if low_to_high(statistic):
+ filtered_data = ensemble_statistics.where(ensemble_statistics.loc[{ 'statistic': statistic }] > quantile_values[i], drop=True)
+ else:
+ filtered_data = ensemble_statistics.where(ensemble_statistics.loc[{ 'statistic': statistic }] < quantile_values[i], drop=True)
+ for metric in metrics:
+ thresholded_predictions.loc[{ 'quantile': quantile, 'statistic': statistic, 'metric': metric }] = compute_metric(filtered_data, metric)
+ return thresholded_predictions
+# Truth function to determine if metric should be thresholded low to high or high to low
+# Low confidence is bad, high entropy is bad, high stdev is bad
+# So we threshold confidence low to high, entropy and stdev high to low
+# So any values BELOW the cutoff are removed for confidence, and any values ABOVE the cutoff are removed for entropy and stdev
+def low_to_high(stat):
+ return stat in ['confidence']
+# Compute a given metric on a DataArray of statstics
+def compute_metric(arr, metric):
+ if metric == 'accuracy':
+ return np.mean(arr.loc[{ 'statistic': 'correct' }])
+ elif metric == 'f1':
+ return met.F1(arr.loc[{'statistic': 'predicted'}], arr.loc[{'statistic': 'actual'}])
+ else:
+ raise ValueError('Invalid metric: ' + metric)
+def main():
+ config = load_config()
+ ENSEMBLE_PATH = f"{config['paths']['model_output']}{config['ensemble']['name']}"
+ if not os.path.exists(V4_PATH):
+ os.makedirs(V4_PATH)
+ # Load Datasets
+ dataset = load_datasets(ENSEMBLE_PATH)
+ # Get Predictions, either by running the models or loading them from a file
+ if config['ensemble']['run_models']:
+ # Load Models
+ device = torch.device(config['training']['device'])
+ models = load_models_v2(f'{ENSEMBLE_PATH}/models/', device)
+ # Get Predictions
+ predictions = get_ensemble_predictions(models, dataset, device)
+ # Save Prediction
+ predictions.to_netcdf(f'{V4_PATH}/predictions.nc')
+ else:
+ predictions = xr.open_dataarray(f'{V4_PATH}/predictions.nc')
+ # Compute Ensemble Statistics
+ ensemble_statistics = compute_ensemble_statistics(predictions)
+ ensemble_statistics.to_netcdf(f'{V4_PATH}/ensemble_statistics.nc')
+ # Compute Thresholded Predictions
+ thresholded_predictions = compute_thresholded_predictions(ensemble_statistics)
+ thresholded_predictions.to_netcdf(f'{V4_PATH}/thresholded_predictions.nc')