123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119 |
- function [globalPar, cPars] = ...
- fitCentersIVF(path, patientID, realizationId, cax, cm, centers)
- %path is the core directory
- %cax are the mid intervals in images
- %cm are the interval durations (1,n)
- %data are the images
- %nclass is number of typical responses sought
- npar=1;
- nglob=2;
- nclass=size(centers,1);
- cm2=ones(nclass,1)*cm';
- %w=sqrt(cm2.*centers)./sum(cm2.*centers,2);
- w=ones(nclass,1)*sqrt(cm)';
- %make sure that the function that is most similar to input function has
- %a high weight on maximum value, which comes as the second reading
- %abandonded, because decay time gets shortened and fitting of the slow
- %rise is given up in favor of meeting the high point through k1 value
- %[~,im]=max(centers(:,2));
- %w(im,2)=w(im,2)+0.1*(sqrt(max(cm))-w(im,2));
- %for individual fits
- valueGeneratorSettings1.type='loggaus';
- valueGeneratorSettings1.parameters=[-3,1];
- valueGeneratorSettings1.u=[0,Inf];
- ivar=2;
- valueGeneratorSettings1(ivar).type='flat';
- valueGeneratorSettings1(ivar).parameters=[0,1];
- valueGeneratorSettings1(ivar).u=[0,1];
- ivar=ivar+1;
- valueGeneratorSettings1(ivar).type='loggaus';
- valueGeneratorSettings1(ivar).parameters=[-7,2];
- valueGeneratorSettings1(ivar).u=[0,Inf];
- ivar=ivar+1;
- valueGeneratorSettings1(ivar).type='gaus';
- valueGeneratorSettings1(ivar).parameters=[10,5];
- valueGeneratorSettings1(ivar).u=[0,Inf];
- options = optimoptions(@lsqnonlin);
- options.Display='off';
- %[options.OptimalityTolerance,options.FunctionTolerance,options.StepTolerance];
- %holds best estimate
- n1=20;
- nFitIndividual=4;
- qfit=zeros(1,nFitIndividual*nclass);
- %use input functions estimate from center fits
- p=[readFitParameters(path,patientID,10); ...
- readFitParameters(path,patientID,20); ...
- readFitParameters(path,patientID,30)];
- fp=median(p);%4 values, const, fall & rise time, delay
- fprintf('Global fit: (%f,%f,%f %f)\n',fp(1),fp(2),fp(3),fp(4));
- chiSum=0;
- %now fit every curve individually with the known input function
- for j=1:nclass
- cay=centers(j,:)';
- w=sqrt(cm);
- fun1=@(par)evaluateSingleDiff(cax,cay,w,fp,par);
- qpar=zeros(1,4);
- qmin=1e30;
- for k=1:n1
- [par0,ul1,ub1]=generateInitialValues(valueGeneratorSettings1);
- [par1,resnorm,residual,exitflag,output,lambda,jacobian] = ...
- lsqnonlin(fun1,par0,ul1,ub1,options);
- fchi2=sqrt(residual'*residual);
- if fchi2<qmin
- qmin=fchi2;
- qpar=par1;
- end
- end
- qfit((j-1)*nFitIndividual+1:j*nFitIndividual)=qpar;
- fprintf('Center: %d (%f %f %f %f)/(%f %f %f %f)\n',j,...
- par0(1),par0(2),par0(3),par0(4),...
- par1(1),par1(2),par1(3),par1(4));
- %residual
- chiSum=chiSum+qmin;
- end
- %writematrix(ci,fullfile(path,sprintf('CI%d.txt',i)),'Delimiter','tab');
- %output
- chi2=chiSum;
- fprintf('Done %f\n',chi2);
- %this is the result that will be used by k1 calculator
- code=sprintf('%s_%d_%d_IVF',patientID,nclass,realizationId);
- ofile=fullfile(path,patientID,sprintf('%s_fitParFinal.txt',code));
- try
- writematrix([chi2 fp qfit],ofile,'Delimiter','tab');
- catch ME
- dlmwrite(ofile,[chi2 fp qfit],'\t');
- end
- %ofile=fullfile(path,sprintf('CIFinal_%d_%d.txt',nclass,realizationId));
- %writematrix(fci,ofile,'Delimiter','tab');
- globalPar=[fp(1:3) 0 0 0];
- cPars=reshape(qfit,[],nclass)';
- %reset k1 for those where BVF is nearly one
- %cPars(cPars(:,2)>0.4,1)=0;
- %reset k1 for those where k2 is abnormally large
- %cPars(cPars(:,3)>1,1)=0;
- %opath=fullfile(path,patientID);
- %plotFunctions(opath,code,globalPar,cPars,cax,centers);
- end