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+### Immunotherapy related adverse effects toolbox
+Manage images and data related to irAE project.
+# Dependencies
+To access LabKey, the [python API][labkeyInterface] was used.
+Anonymization and NIfTI conversion are based on phenomenal [nibabel][] tools.
+Data storage is provided by [Orthanc][] with associated [interface][orthancInterface].
+Anonymization must be run as a `tomcat8` user for access to data files. Check setup
+in the `anonymization.py` and run it with `runPython.sh anonymization.py`.
+[nibabel]: https://nipy.org/nibabel/gettingstarted.html
+[labkeyInterface]: http://iscigt.powertheword.com/andrej.studen/labkeyInterface
+[orthancInterface] http://iscigt.powertheword.com/andrej.studen/orthancInterface