@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+ binWidth: 25
+ label: 1
+ interpolator: 'sitkBSpline' # This is an enumerated value, here None is not allowed
+ resampledPixelSpacing: # This disables resampling, as it is interpreted as None, to enable it, specify spacing in x, y, z as [x, y , z]
+ weightingNorm: # If no value is specified, it is interpreted as None
+ voxelArrayShift: 0
+ resegmentRange: [4] #only take values of 4 or more
+# Image types to use: "Original" for unfiltered image, for possible filters, see documentation.
+ Original: {}
+ # for dictionaries / mappings, None values are not allowed, '{}' is interpreted as an empty dictionary
+# Featureclasses, from which features must be calculated. If a featureclass is not mentioned, no features are calculated
+# for that class. Otherwise, the specified features are calculated, or, if none are specified, all are calculated (excluding redundant/deprecated features).
+ # redundant Compactness 1, Compactness 2 an Spherical Disproportion features are disabled by default, they can be
+ # enabled by specifying individual feature names (as is done for glcm) and including them in the list.
+ shape:
+ - 'VoxelVolume' #total volume
+ - 'MeshVolume' #volume from triangular mesh
+ - 'SurfaceArea' #area of enclosed shape
+ firstorder:
+ # specifying an empty list has the same effect as specifying nothing.
+ - 'Maximum' #SUVmax
+ - 'Mean' #SUVmean
+ glcm: []
+ # Disable SumAverage by specifying all other GLCM features available
+ # - 'Autocorrelation'
+ # - 'JointAverage'
+ # - 'ClusterProminence'
+ glrlm: []
+ # for lists none values are allowed, in this case, all features are enabled
+ glszm: []
+ gldm: []
+ # contains deprecated features, but as no individual features are specified, the deprecated features are not enabled